• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
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All my things are horse things!

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  • 38 weeks

    For the first time in a decade, you can buy a copy of Twilight's List again! And it's got a softcover option too! And and since it's Lulu, if you aren't in North America, the shipping won't kill you! I'm celebrating!

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  • 47 weeks
    Small Writing Thing

    I participated in another group writing project. You can find it Over here.

    I was feeling very cross at the government when I gave Rainbow a metal pipe. I actually love her here though.


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  • 57 weeks
    New (again) Developments

    It's been a while. But I wanted to let people who were asking (and everyone else) know a neat thing!

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  • 77 weeks
    A thing to read


    I commissioned a short fic from Monochromatic. You can read it over on Hollow Shades.

    It’s rarity and rainbow and twilight being pals.

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My Commute is long and boring · 2:06pm Jul 3rd, 2018

Had a fun 15 minute thought/story on drive to work today.

Rainbow is bored because summer vacation and bugs Sunset to let her go to "magical pony land". After an eternity of listening to Rainbow whine about, Sunset decides that if Twilight can handle NMM, Discord, Pinkie, and Tirek, she can probably deal with a bored teenage Rainbow Dash. So she and Dash head off, and Rainbow turns out to be really fucking coordinated in any body. She notably does not face plant on exiting the portal and only has a few seconds of WHY CANT I STAND UPRIGHT? Her biggest existential crisis is over how to translate the "no hands" rules from soccer to horse-soccer (which she invents and names.)

Pony Dash is doing Wonderbolt stuff, so isn't around for the this. Because it's already too confusing. Twi gets to introduce Rainbow to the horse girls. Who are all "um, Twi we know who Rainbow Dash is." Then they find out she's a non-magical non-pony who plays soccer (and invents horse-soccer) and guitar and are suitably impressed by these facts.

Pinkie has a party because of course she does. Twilight cancels school. Forever. Not because Sunset and Dash showed up, but just because it was a fucking stupid idea in the first place. At the party Scoots and her posse roll up ins and Scoots spazzes out at Rainbow (who is still Dash-dumb and hasn't quite got the matching color-schemes = pony doppelganger of person she knows.) Dash tries to play as if she's a pony. Because Sunset and Twi kinda worried about the whole >human thing and Scoots comes on a bit strong.

When Dash learns who Scoots is, she's all wow. My sister is kinda creepy here. And everypony is like "ummmmmm". And Dash is all "yeah, mom and lofty" something something implying her mom in eg world is lofty or holiday. Not Windy. Which leads to Dash finding out she's the adopted one! Human world is strange and backwards.

Scoots is suspicious because she knows Dash--she's stalked her for YEARS--and that isn't her Rainbow Dash. She tells Sweetie Bee and Apples, and Apples tells Zecora because this is obviously a changeling or something and fuck Thorax--he's useless. Zecora concurs that is must be something strange, only she does it, get this, *in rhyme*. Mixes up a brew or potion of whatever alchemical thing rhymes with the previous sentence, hits the party, and ends up deploying said alchemical device in Sunset and Rainbow's faces.

This makes Rainbow turn from cool pony Rainbow back into lame human Rainbow. Sunset is all OMFG visual shield of unicorn magic to prevent freakouts. Dash is a bit put out by being surrounded by a magical dust cloud and complains a bit about the party stopping.

(Twi had to leave because that's too simple if she just prevents the misunderstanding. She's got princessing to do and that includes inspecting the wonderbolt's today. It's on the schedule. IT HAS A CHECKBOX!!!!!)

Dash is having none of this "stopping the party 'cause she has two legs now" bullshit. But Sunset's all, "we have to leave!"

Before Sunset takes her back to portal and home, she begs to finish her cider. Sunset's all, yeah, okay that's fair. Dash drinks it, yells SUNSETTHINKFAST and tosses it through the magic-powered dust cloud at Sunset's head, hitting her face and breaking the spell. Rainbow books it into Ponyville to hide from Sunset.

Now, nopony else is really actually worried about Dash. She talks? She isn't growling or glowing funny colors or trying to make it night eternal? Cool! NEW FRIEND! because ponies, right? Dash eventually runs into this horse who is all "I KNOW YOU!" A bit of reminiscing about the rift and how it took a bit for other ponies to believe her and please come have some lunch or whatever because I wanna prove I ain't crazy. Dash hangs out with like, i dunno, 5 bg ponies for a bit and shows off guitar skillz. Sunset finds her and the chase begins anew! Dash brought her geode! GFL, Sunset. But really, Ponyville is small and getting *lost* in equestria sounds stupid and uncool. So she's trying to solid snake around, but, well, we saw that short too didn't we?

Pinkie finds her first though. And is all GO HIDE IN MY BEDROOM!!!! Innuendo abounds. Oblivious innuendo. The best kind. Dash definitely wants a pony ride. Because that sounds cool. Shameless flirting because I'm me.

Potion thing wears off and Dash is back to hooves. Also, Pinkie wants to practice asking pony dash out plz. Because I'm trash. There's more here but it's too self indulgent and probably indicative of something wrong in my mindbrain.

Anyway, there's actual story at some point too. Rainbow and the others get taken back to princess twi. Only it's not really her. It's an impostor! SHOCK! An impostor who doesn't know that there is another world. Dash is the pony dash as far as she knows.

This kinda confuses Rainbow until she catches on. But none of the other ponies seem to see it. Well, Sunset, because this Twi doesn't seem to know her at all. So Rainbow dashes up to her face is and is all super Rainbow aggressive. Twi is playing the Y U being a jerk? Card and acting like she's being attacked.

Dash presses forward. Growls "Jump up!" And Twi does. The other four ponies are all "wow. humans suck but maybe this is something Twi knows?" Dash is all "make a sound!!!!! maybe yells here !!!" and Fluttershy is all EEEEP (many quiet yells here.) By the time she gets to "stomp your hooves" Sunset has it figured out and switches from anger at asshole dash to ohshit, somethingishorriblywrong!!!! "Turn around" gets a "why are you doing this?" "Because I'm distracting you from Sunset." Red magic. Captured wooden stick replacement Twilight. OH NOES! WHAR R U REAL PRPLSMRT?

Time to rescue the real twinkles. They all gear up for epic search across Equestria to find who/what/when/when/how/and why someone kidnapped Twi. They decide that Wonderbolts can wait and head off to get pony Dash. Except Twilight wasn't kidnapped. She and Rainbow have been "inspecting the Wonderbolt's readiness" for the last few hours. Together. Without anypony else.

As another online source has said, there's no way to nonchalantly remove your head from between another girl's legs, but luckily, I'm super trash so Pinkie breaks the awkwardness by asking them both on dates. Yes. Social norms mean nothing in the face of Pinkie "Collateral Damage" Pie.

This confuses Rainbow (the soccer and horse-soccer playing one.) She's all "OMFG DO I WANNA BONE TWI AND PINKIE?!?!?!?!" Sunset cuts that shit short. Date Pinkie if you want. And Dash is all: what about Twilight? Sunset "Fight me."

Thus the best ships are safe and the story can end and then I go do a bunch of monotonous modeling and sim and numb my brain to the point where effort is too hard.

Fuck me that's more creativity than I've done in the last 6 months. Now to go and be useless again.

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Comments ( 9 )
Site Blogger

I'd read it.

Twilight cancels school. Forever. Not because Sunset and Dash showed up, but just because it was a fucking stupid idea in the first place.

To be fair, that could go into just about any story.

In any case, this actually does sound like a good read. I'm a huge sucker for more characters going through the mirror, and it's a good use of Clonelight.

Author Interviewer

She tells Sweetie Bee and Apples, and Apples tells Zecora because this is obviously a changeling or something and fuck Thorax--he's useless. Zecora concurs that is must be something strange, only she does it, get this, *in rhyme*.

I don't understand why you say you can't write, because this is fucking gold.

You need to write this whole thing in exactly this kind of tone, too.

I very much wish I had the... whatever it is I lost during S3/4 I need to write more. I have at least two more mirror fics including the table sending Dash to deal with human Dash and Pinkie causing friendship issues at horsegirlhigh *and* letting her deal with the unresolved shit from Mare Do Well. I think there was a bit about her yelling at human Dash about how self centered and annoying she's being. Because introspective Rainbow is too at odds with my vision of her :P

As for school, yes. Anything that's not 100% serious that mentions the school should mention it being shitcanned. Or it burns down. Or Cheerilee pulls a Sunset and take it over to turn it into a competent educational facility.

As for clonelight. Fuck. I want to rewrite that whole episode. Make it about how Chrysalis, by dent of being their creators, owns them. Make it about how they are all twisted versions of the real ponies, but at their core, still have the same drive. AJ is laser focused on helping her friends and family. To the point where lying is the least of what she'd do for them. Dash is arrogant to a fault, but she's so much so that it extends to anyone shes friends with because they are obviously the best too. Etc etc. These are examples, but it's basically a bunch of horrid co-dependent
relationships instead of healthy one.

Instead of "oops the tree melted you guys" it ends with a Macheavelian Sparkles manipulating her clonefriends into following her instead of Chrysalis and she gets a big "haha, I win. Fuck you" speech as they all leave Chrysalis to face the mane 6 + starlight&spike. Because a weird distorted Twilight beating Chrysalis at her own games appeals to me on some really low level.

I would too :V

Now, I'm off to do the parenting thing instead of word-making.

Hey! Someone should make a word for the process of put words on a medium in order to convey thoughts and ideas.

So a written version of DWK? Only instead of episodes, it's fanfics?

I would be all over this. Only difference I have is that I am weird and like Sunset with Human Pinkie.

I am not opposed to that ship. I even had an idea based on most likely to be forgotten. If you wanna just talk about how adorable it can be, I'd be totally up for that.


After seeing that "blooper reel" from the Everfree movie it really should be more popular. I have read a few good stories with it but there could be some more for sure.

Yeah. That reel was fun.

Anyway, mine ties in with headcanon i have that ponies are more physically affectionate than humans. Touches, nudges, hugs, they're all just par for the course for ponies. Sunset was too wrapped up in her own mental issues when she first came to HGH, so she didn't make note of it. After 3 years, she's acclimated mostly. Until the memory stone wiped that all out.

To be clear, she's not suffering from being reminded about coming to the human world or angsting about being evil, she's having some traumatic reactions/aftershocks to being a pony suddenly in a human's body again. More head canon, but kinda supported I feel: Sunset's "highschool" memories include the lead up to her becoming the villain. So she went from happy-ish unicorn under Celestia to in a weird place in a weird body surrounded by aliens. And the memory of those feelings have her really needing some hugs.

The girls all head out for pizza/icecream after MLtbF ends, and Sunset is still trying to deal with this reaction by the time everyone else calls it a night. Pinkie picks up on the fact Sunset needs someone to stay with her, and ends up going to her house. After Sunset tries to send her home, but has a freak out, Pinkie calls her family and says she won't be home tonight. And they have a sleep over.

Sunset is forced to explain a bit about the physicality thing, because she desperately doesn't want to sleep alone tonight. Pinkie is okay with it, but mild discomfort because this gesture means something very different to humans. But she's Pinkie, so it's cool. And it's cool in the morning, and it's cool if Sunset needs some comfort throughout the coming days as well.

Sunset is totally aware of how it makes Pinkie a bit uncomfortable, and tries to minimize it, but that makes it harder on her. Pinkie figures it out and demands that Sunset not hurt herself.

That's my setup, but I have no events to hang these emotions around. I dislike stories where the emotions like that play center stage, as it were, and would much rather reveal them against a backdrop. Even if it's a backdrop that just serves to give them shape.

This has been a sticking point in a number of stories. I am terrible at coming up with ideas to let my emotional plotline unfold against. Or at least, I think I am, which is all that actually matters. Regardless, I very much enjoy the thought of Sunset realizing that she is happiest when she's close to Pinkie, even if the genesis of those feelings was not rooted in romantic attraction. And Pinkie being a teenage girl awash in hormones figuring out that she really likes Sunset and really likes cuddling with her and that when Sunset says she's okay, Pinkie is all D: D: D: because it means no more cuddles and no reason to hang out all night and talk about things the enjoy until 2:00 am and this is the worst news ever even if it means Sunset is not gonna be randomly sad now.


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