• Member Since 8th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Jul 14th, 2021

Emperial Star

A Caribbean brony, i love drawing and creating my own MLP characters. I also like writing my own fimfictions as well are reading other's. I've also began writing my own stories as well.

More Blog Posts6

  • 309 weeks

    Hello everyone.

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    40 comments · 1,366 views
  • 314 weeks
    Updating soon

    Hey everypony. How are you? I just need your quick feedback about the story on a whole as well as the recent updates made. I'm also taking questions concerning the story as I feel some of you are confused and have questions.

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  • 324 weeks
    I'm sorry for the wait.

    To the fans of this story, I'm sorry that updating is taking so long. I've been ill for some time now and have just now began to make a turn for survival. I'm not lazy as some of you readers might think as I do infact love this story and writing it gives me passion. I'm not a hundred percent better but I'm getting well and as such I've began where I left off. Hopefully the 12k- chapter titling

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  • 346 weeks
    Updating soon

    Hello beloved fans. Just letting you all know that a new chapter is underway and should be posted verrrrrry soon, so please stay tuned and remember to like and comment. Till then, happy reading❤❤❤. #Fall_Of_Canterlot_Part_1

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  • 349 weeks
    Rising Above All

    New chapter update in a few...

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Cancelled. · 3:49pm Jul 8th, 2018

Hello everyone.

To those of you who loved and read my story...thank you but this may be it. Throughout the few months of writing and modifying Rising Above All, I've gotten mixed reviews which were mostly good. However over the last few weeks I've realised that persons have began bullying and saying negative things about me and my work through PM...horrible things that have left me to come to one conclusion. I'm deleting the story and the rest of the chapters that were yet to be updated.
I hate conflict and if it makes the other writers feel better then fine I'll disregard my story.
I'm sorry to those who enjoyed my work but I cant do this anymore. For now it'll be on Hiatus until I find the heart to delete it.

Report Emperial Star · 1,366 views · Story: Rising Above All · #Cancellation
Comments ( 40 )

Forget whatever everyone says you write what you like everyone else are A-holes.

It doesn't matter what everyone else says they are just jealous. Do what your passionate about.

i enjoyed the story. loved it even.

side note- i have saved what chapters have been uploaded to a folder on my laptop. so i can reread it even after you delete it.

i would love to see the yet-to-be -uploaded chapters. =/ im sorry people have been cyber bullying you

Please don't cancel and delete it I really love the story!

Bullying happens to everyone. The important thing is that you should not let them get the better of you. Chances are that they are doing it because you are better writer than them. No matter how good a story is there are always going to be people who will attack it if it gains popularity. You're a great writer, don't let anyone else say otherwise.

Please don't stop. You are letting all these haters win if you do. Just tell that if they think the story is bad then they shouldn't read it anymore and move on with their lives, but don't give up on your story just because of the few waste-of-space with feces in their mouth. Instead, write on, show them that your story is better than their ENTIRE lives.

We, your fans and supporters are all behind you, all the way and we will be here when you need help and comfort.

Please, keep writing.

Youre story is one of my personal favorites, dont hear to the haters but rather to the people who support you, becouse they will stay with you

Who the bullies, who hurt your feelings...
Cause I’m gonna find them... AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM!!!!!

beside we’re here for ya man.

Noooooo!!!!!!!!! I love this story to!!!! T_T

Please don't end the story, the people who bully you are just jealous. If you listen to what they say then they will continue to bully you.

Let me join! There is a metal bar outside my house and i will bash a bitch's skull in with it! No one forces a great betrayal story and lives!

Just look at the like\dislike ratio , that is all you need to know .

I would prefer you not do this. This is a good story. Sure, it may not be perfect, but no story is perfect. It has some issues that an editor could help you with, but it's still a fairly solid story, and I'd hate to see you delete it because of a few hecklers. An unfinished story is a tragedy.

Additionally, if they are PMing you and griefing you over it, depending on how exactly they are doing that, they may be harassing you, in which case I would advise you to report them for this action, as if they are attacking you personally, rather than the story, they may be violating rules.

They Literally are PMing me about deleting the story and about me being an awful writer. I've been kicked out of several groups because of the hate. Most of it is because of the Flashlight shipping. I personally am a fan of Flashlight and will remain that way until Hasbro decides to throw in another love interest. I just love following the ships that the show hints and because of my peronal thoughts I'm being bashed. I've had scenarios where people decided to just give me thumbs down because of my ideas. I'm glad though to see that so much of you are with this story and for that I'll disregard what the haters say and keep on writing.
Thank you all so much and expect a new chapter within the next few days. :pinkiesad2:

Oh... There stupid enough for that?


That is good to hear, my friend! Your story is a great achievement worthy of an accusation fic. I would be devastated if this story were to abruptly end because of heinous, spiteful words of other people. I was put through that before on another site and nearly had a panic attack because of it, which is why I'm slowly contemplating doing stories of my own on here or not. Thankfully, I improved and became a better writer. And you will, and still are, a better writer! As proof, have a fav! Looking forward to the next chapter!

Sorry, my mistake. I mean, a follow!

The fact that they are using a PM means they are to cowardly to use a regular comment. Report and block them.

don't let those haters stop you. ya think ALL people like my For Honor fic? I got my fair share of dislikes.

Alright just call me frank here...

I haven’t read your story, it’s been in my read later pile, however I got this blogpost and I’m just gonna say this. So what? If YOU want to delete it go for it, if some jack off on the internet says so, fuck em. Take in valid crticisms and cast off the others.

However I will say this, if getting pm’ed was enough to discourage you, just stop bud because no matter what you do this is the internet and you’re gonna get shat on, I hope you get up and brush off though so, eh keep on keepin on.

I' sorry to hear that you are going to be leaving. Know that you have friends here, and I'm sorry that some iditos have been making your life miserable.

Rising above all is great, I just love the story. It's written so well. So anyone that tells you you are a bad writer and hating on you because it's Flashlight they can go fuck them selves. I see you as a wonderful writer and I hope that you continue the story. If you delete your story then those haters will win so you have to push back against those haters and rise above all.

I very rarely comment on blogs but here goes.

I enjoy your story a lot. And coming from someone like me who has been reading for nearly my entire life with thousands of stories both fan made and not under my belt.

I can gladly say your story is great, and as you can see from the comments here, many more agree.

So continue writing your jewel and while doing so give the haters a massive middle finger. :heart:

It's impossible to avoid criticism with a popular story. No matter how well crafted a story is, it can't be for everybody. But you can't let some unwarranted hate completely suck away your motivation. Otherwise, it's impossible to become successful in anything. Anyways, letting haters feel good about themselves is a bad way of handling things, and if it's blind hate with no reasoning, you should just ignore them. If it's just constructive criticism though, it can actually be a good thing to get second opinion on you story. Either way, don't let a few haters discourage you from doing something you love.

i love your story. ignore block the haters. if they keep it up report them for hrassment. dont let people bully you into stoping what you love doing.

YAY! Good for you (I’m serious it’s good for you), it’s great that your continuing the story, I love the story and that your not giving to the haters and personally so long as it’s not a female x female ship I’m okay with and here have a like to your story from me and 👍👍 way up from me.

While I am also not a very big fan of Flashlight, that doesn't mean that I should harass everyone who writes this pairing about it.
Don't like? Don't read, easy as that.

Every pairing is equal to each other in my opinion.

You should report harassment to the admins.

Do as you may, but remember this: the only true rule if you should write or not, is whether or not it makes you truly happy to create. The opinion of other people is only secondary, you are in charge, and the text you write should make you above all else happy.

As in my opinion, I love this fic, I personally don't love Flashlight ship, but I don't mind it, if it's written well. And I can tell, you truly do write it well. And that is my opinion and just that, an opinion. I do not remember where I heard this but, "Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one."

I myself am, and have been bullied, and I know, that other people's words may seem empty when they try to comfort you. But remember, that we, people who love your fic, and that is over 350 people, will always be supporting you.

Hey it's YOUR story not theirs, if you like what you've been writing then keep on going with it. You shouldn't let the cyber bullies get to say what you can and cannot write because at the end of the day, you don't write for them, you write because it makes you happy and then you got a good amount of followers just from this one story who love it and would be willing to defend not just the story but you as well. But hey if you want to stop writing chapters then go ahead because you get to make the final choice, not not us, not anyone else EXCEPT YOU and i'm sure that we'll accept it. But seriously, only delete something if you truly don't like the direction that it is going in otherwise keep it and just change the status to cancelled and keep it on the site, this is an amazing story.

PS-This in my personal top 10 fics for the site (just know that some of us love the story very much):twilightsmile:

You shouldn't care about what others think, there will always be assholes out there. I am willing to bet that if the cure for cancer was found tomorrow, there would be trolls and other assholes that would complain that it will put oncologists out of work.

You really should report those that are PM'ing you, your story is really good and it would be a shame to see it incomplete.
But, it's your story and you do what you want.

I personally love flashlight. I have your story in my top 10 story of flashlight shipping.
And if people are harnessing you report them.

and about the kick from groups is completely wrong just because you like shipping a character they don't like , doesn't give much right to run that group themselves.

Dont let then win. All this haters are jealous of your ability to write or that u have not use their favorite ship. Not to mention heaters that want this fandom down, will target new members because the position is not rooted deep.
I don't know why u start writing but depend what was reason do what us best for U.

But this ur time and u decide what U will do with it. No matter what decision will be final all need to accept it.

ps. sory for bad english.

Ahh thank goodness your not deleting your story and will continue it. Your one of the few flashlight story writers left and to lose another would be devastating.

This happens far to much these days where readers feel they are entitled to tell the author how a story should be written based on their POV. This same group of people, when they don't get their way, acts like a petulant child and resorts to name calling, bullying and brazen intimidation based on the world of electronic anonymity. Its the act of a self-entitled coward - this is your story, your vision and no one else's; we're just here to enjoy the story you breath life into. Don't let them win and keep up the work, all they can do is yell and throw words; you succeed by keeping your story alive.

Please don't stop, don't let those haters win. They hate for a reason, they live off it, they get off on it, they're parasite the leech off hatred and despair. And if they don't like a story, they can make their own story themselves in their liking. There is Literily nothing stopping those A-Holes from doing that unless they are piss-poor idiots who can do jack-qwuat for themselves. Don't listen to those haters and be Proud of you stories. Rise Above All is one of the better stories on this site or at least in my book.

I'm not against FlashLight, don't let them stop you.

glad you didnt give up on things
or at least seems like you didnt, never let the haters back you into a corner like that cause if they do, then they have won

if you had erased your stories and left you would have just been validateing them, giving them what they wanted, by disregarding them and continuing on you are proving that you are beter then they are

remember always the brony pledge, haters gonna hate, so we must love and tolerate!

Please tell, are you continuing the story?
Because I can not wait to

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