• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Hold your ground but do not be unkind. (Ponyphonic, "Shy Heart") He/him. Ponyfic Roundup reviews every Wednesday.

More Blog Posts423

  • 4 weeks
    Rainbows, eh?

    This is fortunately nothing to do with Zephyr Breeze's... distinctive way of addressing Ms Dash. It's simply that in a (print, hence no link) magazine earlier I found a comment by someone, himself gay, who said he'd stopped trying to work out which letters to include in LGBTIQA+ (or the many variations thereof) and simply referred to people who feel at home under that umbrella as

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    15 comments · 129 views
  • 6 weeks
    The never-ending stor(e)y

    For some reason this is one of the points readers of mine (including off-site ones) have mentioned several times, perhaps because it's one of those Transatlantic divides that isn't all that well known. So: when you're talking about the floors of a building:

    US English: one story, two stories. The same spelling and the same plural as for the other kind of story.

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    20 comments · 114 views
  • 7 weeks
    Fics I reviewed in April 2024 (and one from late March)

    By popular request¹ I'm bringing back this feature. My weekly Ponyfic Roundup reviews are, and will remain, on my off-site blog. It just suits me to do it that way, even if I'd probably have got significantly more of a readership had I written the blogs on Fimfiction as most (all?) other current reviewers do. However, a

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    5 comments · 115 views
  • 23 weeks
    State of the Unicorn: Poor

    That's poor in both senses, I'm afraid! Though before I say any more, I need to stress that I have a warm, safe home, enough to eat, internet access... the essentials, really. I am not in danger of losing those. However, I won't be doing much beyond those essentials for a while. Without going into boring details, I will very shortly be going in for dental work to be done. Which, as

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    9 comments · 212 views

About review requests · 8:21pm Jul 12th, 2018

To my surprise, I've had a few of these recently, so I suppose I ought to write a little bit about what you can expect if you ask me to review your fic. Please read all of this post before commenting or asking questions, though. It's not stupidly long!

I am open to review requests, but you need to know what you're getting into, and that's what this post is for. I'll do it in bullet points to keep things simple and convenient:

  • To request a review, please use the PM facility here on Fimfiction. It's by far the most convenient option.
  • I will only review stories that are publicly available on this site. (Very, very occasional exceptions to that last bit, but not for requests.)
  • Generally speaking, I don't review minifics or anthologies. (Same proviso as above.)
  • I will not review stories that are not marked Complete. (And again.)
  • Reviews will be published off-site, on my Louder Yay blog. Look at this tag to get an idea of my reviewing style. All reviews are public, and authors will not get advance sight of them.
  • My Read it Later list is several hundred stories strong. Unless your fic really grabs my attention (which can happen), you'll be in for a considerable wait.
  • I have limited time. If your fic is 250,000 words long, it's going to have to be incredibly appealing to me before I even begin. If it's 2,500 words, it's much easier for me to find time for.
  • I prefer canon-universe fics, but [AU] stories are considered. However, they need to be readable without prior knowledge of their universe.
  • I read very few M-rated fics, but they are eligible. However, they do need to have an actual story in there somewhere.
  • No foalcon, ever.
  • My favourite ponies are Fluttershy and Scootaloo. Use this information as you see fit.

I think that about covers it. Please feel free to comment here if you want any clarifications, have any questions, etc. :twilightsmile:

Report Loganberry · 235 views · #reviews
Comments ( 2 )

Will you review my incomplete 300,000 word obscure crossover clopfic?

After I've finished with The Chase, sure!

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