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Daily Dosage of Shipping: TwiLuna! · 11:43pm Aug 10th, 2018

Or Tuna, as some others like to call the ship. XP

Which ones did you like the most?

Comments ( 27 )

The second to last had me felling really good

4th.... 4th all the way....:yay: I now love Tuna.

Gotta say I love Twilight as the "lady in red".
Just wish Incould get on board the ship.

I like the second image best

Wow, this is one of those rare times where every single one of these pictures appeal to me. Normally, maybe three of them or half, or one of them I don't like, but this is the first time I like everything. And while I like this ship, it isn't a ship I indulge in frequently. This definitely reminds me I read some Luna stories I liked.

4 and 8 are so cute. 13 was way too funny and cute.

Mind scooching over a little so I can join you?

8, those outfits are way too cute

Tough choice, I love every single one!

I liked them all as well though honestly the one with Luna stuffed from eating too much candy was funny.

I came for the lesbian space horse. I stayed for... well, the lesbian space horse.

I'm gonna be biased and pick all who were made by Silfoe. She makes the best Tuna.

They're all fantastic!

didnt knew most of these, theyre all cute

Love all

Is Twi researching stars from Luna's mane in that one pic? :rainbowlaugh:

Sooo, coot! Moonbutt and Sparklebutt are best alicorn ship!

I love this alot, thank you

For my favorite pony with my favorite Alicorn princess... :twilightsmile::heart:I love it!

The ones i like are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 :twilightsheepish:

Even though they are all cute, Number Eight for the win. (It could also be StelLuna as well, with the cutie-mark hidden.)

absolutely. isn't that how you learn astronomy...........<.< >.> <.< >.> <.<

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