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Amalgam'verse Expansion: Guardians and Monster Queen of Neighpon, Part 2 · 10:14pm Aug 21st, 2018

Part 1 Here - background
Fifty generations have passed since the Silver Crystal was empowered, fifty generations of protectors

Light of the Moon
Waters of Mercury
Metals of Venus
Fires of Mars
Thunder of Jupiter
and Flora of the earth

"I am the Lunar Guardian, protector of Love and Justice! In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!"

Name: Mariner Serena Moon
Title: the Lunar Guardian, "Meatball Head" (her husband and Mars)
Species: Neighponese Unicorn
Gender: Female
Family: Ensemble Shroud (Husband), Mariner Chi Bi "Chibi" Moon (Daughter)
Powers: Boosted magic potential, light and plasma based magic, enhanced physical prowess, dark magic resistance

"The Rose Knight, defender of Earth. In aid of the moon, I will punish you!"

Name: Ensemble Shroud
Title: the Earthly Guardian
Species: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Family: Mariner Serena Moon (Wife), Mariner Chi Bi "Chibi" Moon (Daughter)
Powers: Boosted magic potential, tectonic based magic, limited control over plants, enhanced physical prowess, dark magic resistance

While frequently butting heads in their youth in their civilian forms, due to both of them being extremely headstrong and brash in their youth; a romance budded when they met in their transformed states with a disguised Ensemble assisting the new Lunar Guardian in protecting Neighpon and leading her team. Their predecessors were amused and let the secret stay, but eventually Mariner "Meatball Head" Moon recognized her crush despite the get-up; much to Ensemble's embarrassment and attempts to play it cool. But, the blossoming grew and they eventually married with a daughter, Mariner Chi Bi "Chibi" Moon born a few years later.

Recently however, something has started to go wrong with Serena's powers and mother's intuition tells her their daughter is going to be so grounded soon...

"I am the Martian Guardian, protector of Love and War! In the name of Mars, I will chastise (exorcise) you!"

Name: Pyre Raye Mars
Title: the Martian Guardian
Species: Neighpon Kirin
Gender: Female
Family: Mariner Chi Bi "Chibi" Moon (Goddaughter)
Powers: Boosted magic potential, fire based magic, enhanced physical prowess, dark magic resistance

Some future Guardians are already very well acquainted with what goes on in Neighpon largely out of public sight with youma and potentially dangerous yokai about. As an apprentice shrine maiden with an ancestor who was a Lunar Guardian, Pyre was quite aware of the forces at work in her country.

A spitfire and burning soul even before the powers of the Martian Guardian were bestowed upon her, Pyre became even more-so in her youth. Occasionally conflicting with Serena over leadership in the early days, they eventually ended up extremely close friends with Pyre being "Chibi Moon's" godmother. A temple priestess, she's the most mystically attuned of the current generation of Senshi and often gains foresight into things yet to happen....

"I am the Mercurial Guardian, protector of Love and Intelligence! Douse yourself in water and repent!"

Name: Rayne Ami Mercury
Title: the Mercurian Guardian
Species: Mermare
Gender: Female
Family: Mariner Chi Bi "Chibi" Moon (Honorary Niece)
Powers: Boosted magic potential, water based magic, enhanced physical prowess, dark magic resistance, mermare based song and tidal magic

The mantle of a Guardian can be inherited by any compatible soul within Neighpon, but not all of them are ponies or kirin despite what Raine may appear to be at first. Though it did cause some confusion when her predecessor tracked the newly budding powers of the next Mercurian Guardian to both a school and then, only an hour later, to several kilometers out at sea.

Raine nevertheless possessed the right heroic soul for the job, despite her typical shyness when moving about on land in disguise for long periods of time. To be fair, most would if you might losing your legs in the middle of an interview if you got splashed by some salt water. Still, hard work breeds success and between her work as a Senshi and inventor she's seen a lot of it.

"I am the Venusian Guardian, protector of Love and Beauty! With the powers of ore, I will punish you!"

Name: Dawn Mina Venus
Title: the Venusian Guardian
Species: Neighponese Unicorn
Gender: Female
Family: Mariner Chi Bi "Chibi" Moon (Honorary Niece)
Powers: Boosted magic potential, metal manipulation based magic, enhanced physical prowess, dark magic resistance

Dawn was the first of the current generation of Guardians to begin gaining her powers. This was unfortunate on two accounts. Firstly was the fact her predecessor perished abruptly, meaning the transfer of powers was extremely sudden and not gradual. The second was the fact that, while a Neighponese Unicorn, she was away from home in Equestria when it happened. This meant Dawn had to both deal with a fully functioning power set from the get-go and do it without her predecessor or their team there to guide her.

All and all, she did fairly well after a few blunders. Thankfully the issues were eased when she eventually returned home and was discovered by the current generation of Guardians. Self-taught and skilled, Dawn thankfully wasn't nearly as stuck-up as her reputation implied. The goofy life of the party, her timely arrival brought some much needed relief to the team both in terms of firepower and personality that hasn't dimmed at all in the years since passed.

Chibi didn't just get her energetic persona from her mother after all~

"I am the Jupiterian Guardian, protector of Love and Courage! I'll make you feel so much regret, it'll leave you numb!"

Name: Stormy Lita Jupiter
Title: the Jupiterian Guardian
Species: Kirin
Gender: Female
Family: Mariner Chi Bi "Chibi" Moon (Honorary Niece)
Powers: Boosted magic potential, electricity based magic, enhanced physical prowess with massively boosted physical strength, dark magic resistance

Powerful, gentle, 'talented', electrifying, and an excellent cook. That is Stormy in a nutshell. Extremely tall and strong for a kirin doe, the giantess is the most physically imposing of the group and towers over most anyone in Neighpon. But two minutes of conversation and one finds out quickly she's also probably the most open and sweetest of the current Senshi, even if she could hoist a bully over her head and potentially bruise ribs in an eager bear hug before gaining her powers.

Chosen as the future Jupiterian Guardian, she jumped at the chance to be a hero as she'd already idolized the previous generation of Guardians as well as the then-already emerged Serena and company. With years past she is still searching for her successor, but is content to wait as her duties as a Guardian and cooking theatre host chef keep her plenty busy. Chibi often would sneak under her tables to try and swipe some sweets, but Stormy often let her lick the batter bowl if she behaved and Serena wasn't looking.

"I will find the Silver Crystal..."

Name: Queen Beryl
Title: the Black Moon Queen
Species: Nightmare Kirin
Gender: Female
Powers: Ageless, able to drain magic from others, can corrupt yokai and mortals into becoming youma monsters she can control, teleportation, ludicrous durability, boosted physical prowess, and a large amount of Neighponese magic and dark magic knowledge

For hundreds of centuries on the lunar surface, kindly, spirit-like beings called the Nyx monitored the races below. Working their magic into the moonbeams, they helped mortals with their goals by supplying them with dreams as they slept. But amongst their number was one monster. Named Metallia, the spirit-like witch's black heart spelled turmoil and strife for those she'd torment in their slumber. The other Nyx banded together and sealed her away, where she remained for decades. That was until Princess Luna, then called Nightmare Moon, was banished to the moon when Celestia attempted to cleanse her attacking sister of her dark magic overuse using the Elements of Harmony. Nightmare Moon corrupted the Nyx, turning them into the Nightmare Forces, but in doing so she broke the seal binding Metallia in her tomb.

Seeing Nightmare Moon as a rival and spiteful someone else had taken over the moon, Metallia fled to the planet below and plotted.

Beryl was once a promising young sage, loyal to the crown and an acquaintance of the noble Prince Endymion as a fawn. Unfortunately, just as they were coming of age it seemed the prince only saw her as an acquaintance or friend despite her feelings blossoming. Hoping to win more attention, she underwent a series of rites and trials to become the official royal sage as her mentor had recently retired. She achieved her secondary goal, but the day she returned a fully fledged sage was the day she found out Endymion had spent the year courting a kindly unicorn noble named Serenity. And they were to be wed with the Emperor's blessing.

Metallia meanwhile had made her way to Neighpon, seeking the previous strife caused by the rift between the native kirin and unicorn with the hopes to gain power both for her own desires and strike back at Equestria. She found the broken down Beryl and started to manipulate her in her dreams and thoughts. In a normal world, Beryl might have gotten over her longing for Endymion and moved on at best or spent her time pining in the corner at worst. But with Metallia nudging her along, Beryl's condition only worsened. Longing turned to lust, betterment to Serenity turned to hatred and wrath, and her desire to see herself beside her oldest friend turned to craving to reign over the empire with him as her consort. As Metallia told her, fate only smiles upon those who will it.

The two merged, Beryl's broken heart now as black as Metallia's. The process was similar to the one Rarity would undergo centuries later when fusing with Nightmare Moon's essence, resulting in a dark echo that had a mix of both Beryl and Metallia present while boosting their power to new heights.

Storming the wedding to seize control, "Queen Beryl" was only repulsed back by the lifeforce and magic of the Emperor and Empress trying to protect their son and soon-to-be-daughter-in-law at the cost of their own lives. Their clashing magic and the remaining benign magic left in the moonbeams raining down from above mixed with a crystal artifact given to the Emperor by Prince Silver of the unicorns. The Silver Crystal as it was soon called was seen as the best hope at repulsing Beryl again.

Queen Beryl hardly allowed them time to study the new item, corrupting various yokai creatures into youma monsters and marching on the capital. The combined kirin and unicorn guard were lead by generals Zoisite, Kunzite, Nephrite, and Jadeite in opposition to buy time for the mages to study the Silver Crystal and figure out how to work it. Though the generals and soldiers fought valiantly, they were overrun by the youma that soon were battering down the gates of the castle without a solution in sight from the crystal. Knowing Beryl was coming for them in particular and that civilians were in harm’s way, Prince Endymion, Lady Serenity, and their closest friends fled from the castle hoping to draw Beryl away.

It worked, Beryl and her monsters chased them across Neighpon but finally cornered them atop the highest mountain. Accepting their fate, a jesting suggestion by a priestess who’d accompanied them gave them the idea that if they were to die, they’d might as well die finishing the wedding they’d planned. It was conducted in the dead of night on the highest peaks with a clear sky, with all the nearest planets and moon shining brightly in the sky above. Finding a wild rose growing nearby, Endymion gave his vows and Serenity did hers. With youma closing in, they were content to die as husband and wife with their closest companions as witnesses. They didn’t know nor expect heartfelt, true love to have a power in itself. And such an expression of it in the bonds of friendship, the romantic love between the newlywed couple, and their selfless love in being willing to sacrifice themselves to spare their citizens allowed a largely dormant goddess to reach out and jumpstart a certain crystal.

With Harmony's blessing, the union, unbeknownst to all, made the dormant power of the Silver Crystal explode out and fly to its new bearers. Five of the powers, embodied by the light of the moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter rushed into the now Empress Serenity and her four friends; with the sixth, earthly power flowing through the roses that bound the union into Emperor Endymion. The first generation of Guardians, or Celestial Senshi as they were also dubbed, released a massive wave of magic that cleansed the youma back into neutral yokai and scattered Beryl’s army. Queen Beryl was blasted back and, knowing she was beaten against a group, retreated to parts unknown.

In the centuries since, Queen Beryl has survived all this time; unaging thanks to her nature of being partially composed of Metallia and routinely draining energy from others. The successive generations of Senshi Guardians have warred with her, repulsing back her attacks and destroying her bases. But Beryl has hardly been fruitless in her campaigns to claim the Silver Crystal and Neighpon. Over the years her youma monsters and personal attacks have claimed the lives of a few Guardians and she even once managed to sway one to her side. Her most recent strategy has been to forge golems in the image and shape of the slain generals of old, having all their magical or martial prowess with the original personalities largely removed.

Still for all her schemes, Neighpon's 50 generations of protectors have succeeded in keeping her at bay and the country safe from her ambitions. Beryl has pulled back recently, observing, plotting, and waiting to find a way to break the tie between the powers of the Silver Crystal and herself. She's taken notice of an oddity in the succession of power involving the Lunar guardian with great intrigue....

Comments ( 37 )

I gotta brush up on my Sailor Moon. It'll probably be tough because I doubt it's aged well and I wasn't even into it when I was little (and I watched everything), but for the bossman I will try!

nice, can't wait to see them in a story:pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

Quite the back stories, I seriously need to watch Sailor Moon.

pointless(ish) fluff
when's the next chapter

Okay, I already left comments for all the Senshi and Ensemble on Faith’s DA, so I don’t feel so should overwhelm you with my compliments to the design of the girls (and guy) or my liking for their backstory. However, seeing all the Senshi together made me smile since they look absolutely epic as a group. Furthermore, the Metallica/Beryl’s pic was a new one (you can bet that I’m gonna go to Faith’s gallery to comment on her design), but one that I honesly love. Beryl was a complete and utter sweetheart in her original form, yet her merging with Metallica turned her into a spikier Kirin Nightmare Moon (not criticizing since I find that to be awesome). Overall, it was nice to see the pony version of the cast of Sailor Moon. Hope the omake comes soon.

Alright so the pony version of sailor is now apart of the amalgam-vers? Honestly this is awesome bro. I haven’t seen sailor moon yet only heard of it is it worth watching?

And you what the hell gives you the right to criticize this honestly. It’s a world expansion it dose not always have anything to do with the bridge at all deal with it.

Whatever you do, please don’t watch the original English dub. It sucks and cuts out or changes a lot of content. Watch either the original Japanese or the more recent dubs.

Awesome profiles. Is Beryl sticking to Neighpon or will the Equestrians and Kaiju encounter her?

It’s worth watching if in the original Japanese or one of the more recent dubs that don’t cut out or change content.

Soooo...Well can we expect perhaps...a Kameneigh Rider OOOOORRR some form of Super Sentai~?

To be fair I do have a fondness for the original English dub as it's what I grew up with and the unintentional jokes stuck with me. (Jupiter's "talent" even got a mention here)

But yeah, if you want a pretty one to one rendition of the manga, watch Crystal.

I'm working on it, this was a decompression piece I and Faith made while I was traveling. Had an extremely busy past 2 months between several hundred miles (about 500 thus far) worth of driving, field work, orientations, and grad school.

Yep, all this was going on in Neighpon across the planet from Equestria and Chibi Moon is, along with being Junior's apprentice, next in line to gain the Lunar powers from her mom.

I'd say give it a watch! The Magical Girl genre get a bad rep but honestly there is a reason Sailor Moon is to that genre what Dragon Ball is to Shonen. If Goku was the anime king in the early 2000s and 1990s, Sailor Moon is the undisputed queen.

If you'd like to see it online, several sites and I think Netflix has it. There are two main series, the original anime which kept most of the story but changed some details and timings around; and the new series "Sailor Moon Crystal" which basically is a direct 1 to 1 of the original story.

This lady also does a very nice retrospective on the series.

She'll probably mostly stick to Neighpon out of a personal grudge, but hey, anythings possible!

I can provide some websites that might allow you to do that :)
This lady also does a lovely retrospective.

Omg dude I thought this was a separate universe not actually in the bridge universe! This makes things more exciting I will definitely check it out yeah baby!

Also one more I know your probably still planning on the Bagan fight but will these characters be apart of the fight or will they deal with their own enemies? Just asking.

I can understand everyone else, why Mariner? You don’t have to answer if it’s spoilery, but I’m curious as to why. Also, is it only the unicorns that migrated to Neighpon or did other tribes come in as well?

"Why Mariner?", what? I think part of your question didn't got through. Also yes other tribes have since followed once sea travel was more viable, but migration back and forth is pretty limited. Ponies are a 10-15% minority in Neighpon and of that group about 90% are unicorn.

See you've been busy, T. Hope you're hanging in there.

Oooh, some very nice looking pictures there, and I'm particularly fond of Rayne. I rather dig the amount of effort put into developing this backstory, and it really just makes me wish I'd been into Sailor Moon back in the day. The magical girl genre is a close cousin to my beloved Kamen Rider and Super Sentai shows, so I ought to check Sailor Moon out sometime.

You've got the loveliest artist Tarb

I've already seen your beloved's artwork on DA and to see them on here on your story page is just as incredible. You know, I must confess that when I first saw the original anime, I thought Sailor Moon and Mercury were the most attractive of the Scouts due to their boots. Indeed, I do have an affinity toward that.

Also, did you know that the woman who created the Sailor Moon manga is married to the man who made the manga version of Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter?

"I'd say give it a watch! The Magical Girl genre get a bad rep but honestly there is a reason Sailor Moon is to that genre what Dragon Ball is to Shonen."
So, a series that dosen't hold up well years later and has been imitated by the industry to the point of being detremental? I've never seen Sailor Moon but i watched DBZ as an adult having never seen it as a kid and all i got was a below average fighting series that has been way to influencial...even if it helped give the world One Piece.

("Helped" is a weak word, no DB means no One Piece :trollestia: )

Codifier doesn't necessarily mean imitated to the point it is a determent thankfully. What I meant by the DB comparison was the way it shaped the industry it was fairly comparable. Not all elements were carried over, giving Sailor Moon its own flair even today, but one could see the effect. Sailor Moon was essentially a fusion of the already-existing Magical Girl genre and the Sentai styled team series, the first big name to do so. Most previous MG series before (and still most after) had usually a singular heroine, whereas Sailor Moon brought in the idea of a team.

Honestly, I think the series holds up just fine, thematically better than most of its age, which is probably the reason it got remade as Crystal. Can't say I've seen many of its genre that had the guts to kill off each of the main cast one by one in self sacrifices and bring up subjects like suicide and parental abandonment (by the heroes) and not be a deconstructionist series that may or may not spiral into surrealist WTF-ery.

Okay... Watch Sailor Moon Crystal. It follows the manga which there are only 12 volumes of, explains things, and doesn't go into years of filler. Sailor Moon is definitely worth the watch. That said the first American version definitely didn't do it justice till much later in the series, which is a shame.

I've personally never watched Sailor Moon, but I must say, the artwork is absolutely amazing!

Style wise i agree, but there really is very little Dragon Ball in One Piece's vastly superior story telling. I'm convinced One Piece would've been a huge sucess even without Shonen looking for something to fill Dragon Ball's void.
I mean a detriment to the industry, not nessessarily the series. Anime has long had the problem of the entire genre trying to be 5 or 6 series with comparitively little creative stuff coming through.
Part of the reason i never bothered with the series is i have been so spoiled on what happens in it, and some very trusted friends tell me the series is a respectable C+, holding up better then most popular anime of the time like DM Yugioh, Kanto Pokemon and DBZ, but still not a must see. Honestly dosen't seem worth my time when i already know what happens.
I do find your compairison of Goku and Moon being the king and queen respectivly to be funny considering the best series to come out of their effects on the industry (One Piece and Madoka Magica) are about as polar opposite as you can get.

People told me the same about FMA Brotherhood and i though that was a massive let down, and not just because the 2003 series was so much better. I did eventually read the FMA manga and honestly thought FMAB wasn't that great an adaptation.

Then do what I do: read the manga. Honestly, you'll get better background info and even more exploration into the themes that way. Also, less time invested since there are only about 12 books.
That said, I am not saying its the most amazing thing ever, but it does show why it became a cornerstone in the industry and how it was a game changer in the 1990s, especially considering it was billed as a shoujo manga yet explored quite a few dark themes, and the fact that not everyone gets that fairytale happy ending where everyone finds someone to love and lives happily ever after with them.
Just give it a look? Maybe a volume or two?

As mentioned in my reply to Tarb, another reason i never felt inclined to check it out was...i was spoiled, like hard. And from what i heard, it dosen't sound like i'll get much out of it that i didn't get from watching Madoka Magica.
Sailor Moon is on my "see eventually list", but given that i foolishly try to consume a huge amount of movies, tv, books, and video games, something has to really sell itself to me.

Best pony senshi girls here in order.

1. Mars
2. OG Beryl
3. Jupiter

And how did Venus' predecessor die? I'm not too familiar with Sailor Moon? And who turned traitor in the past, and how were they dealt with?

Leaving that one open for now. The whole legacy character thing is my own invention so any number of things might have happened. Illness, accident, or perhaps Beryl managed to kill her. Latter is possible as Beryl sensed the new Venusian powers abroad and sent an agent over to deal with it while they were alone and vulnerable.

The Senshi that turned coat and joined Beryl's side was eventually defeated after several years of warring with the other ones when the remaining Senshi managed to make a spell with the Silver Crystal to entirely transfer her powers to her successor instantly rather than gradually (the evil Senshi was trying to drain her successor to stop the transfer). Her powers taken away, she was defeated easier. This all happened decades ago with a prior generation of Senshi.

Try watching Sailor Moon Crystal, which is a far more faithful adaptation of the original manga.

Cue music!

Faith-Wolff knocked it out of the park with these designs. I like Beyrl's the most.

Kinda of funny that Metallia was a Nyx, a moon spirit. A, because of who her main opponent is; and B, because wasn’t she a Sun Demon or something like that in Sailor Moon?

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