• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2020


A broke(n) artist and writer.

More Blog Posts441

  • 235 weeks
    Extremely Important Announcement...

    I'm just going to keep this as simple as possible. After January 2nd, I will be on an indefinite hiatus to deal with some personal demons. I'm not sure exactly how long this will last but rest assured, I do plan to be back whenever I'm done.

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    15 comments · 1,299 views
  • 239 weeks
    Coming Soon...

    For those wondering, I'm still here and I'm still writing stories. Just with work, art commissions, and the holiday season, the stories have slowed to a crawl. But fear not, Saturday will be the release of the next chapter of Home For The Holidays. So get ready for more magical baby hijinks later this week.

    2 comments · 598 views
  • 240 weeks
    Kinda Strange...

    Tonight at midnight EST, I'll be on twitch streaming Life Is Strange. I'll be doing a "Max Is A B*tch" stream, which is all the choices that make Max seem like an ass. Check it out at www.twitch.tv/pabrony83

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  • 243 weeks
    Dear Google...

    When placing random ads before videos on YouTube, please keep in mind that an ad is NOT five minutes long. An ad is normally fifteen seconds to two minutes at the most.

    Thank you.

    10 comments · 622 views
  • 243 weeks
    Oh, Yeah...

    I also forgot to mention in my last post that the newest installment of the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles is now up and ready for the viewing. Enjoy.

    THome For The Holidays
    Sunset and Twi head to Equestria with the twins.
    pabrony · 4.9k words  ·  45  4 · 1.8k views
    0 comments · 325 views

Caught Partying #3 · 4:25pm Aug 23rd, 2018

Well, it's that time of the week again. Time for the third and final entry into the OC contest. Whose OC will accompany Fluttershy to Pinkie's Graduation Party? The answer to the quote is somewhere in the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles series.

"Okay, now it's time for 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' with a twist," she said gleefully. "I know it's a game that teenagers usually play but I thought of something to make it more interesting. That's why there's a twist."

"Spill it already. What's the twist? And what's with the bookbag?" Rainbow asked in her usual impatient tone.

"The bookbag is the twist," Pinkie explained as she took her bra off from under her shirt and placed it in the bookbag. "Instead of one of us picking who goes with who, Sunset will pull two bras out and that's who goes in the closet. So, bras in the bag everybody."

Rainbow Dash just sat still where she was while the rest of us were undoing our titty holders.

"Why doesn't Rainbow Dash have to participate?" Twi asked curiously.

"Because I'm not wearing a bra," Rainbow laughed.

Good luck and remember to put your answer under a spoiler box. :yay:

Report pabrony · 216 views · Story: Caught In The Act · #Contest
Comments ( 4 )

Sunset's shindig ch2

*sigh* Stupid fucking tooth pain, keeping me up all night... After all our talking, I was all geared up for this...

Off the subject; but i hope your tooth feels better

Heh; it's kinda on subject, if you know all the context. I was all geared up; had read all the fics last night, blah blah blah... Then got kept up with tear-inducing pain all night. So I dosed myself up with enough pain medication to concuss a albatross and finally fell asleep. By the time I woke up, you'd already won.

And thank you for the kind words. At least someone polite and considerate won the contest. Gratz, friend. Enjoy your scene. :raritywink:

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