• Member Since 2nd May, 2018
  • offline last seen January 2nd

Wingy San

A light shines in the middle of darkness. Should I follow it? What if it's just a trap, or delusion? I'll get know only if I'll follow it

More Blog Posts271

  • 123 weeks
    Russian invadion on Ukraine

    Well, guys, I really believed politics are just smarter in 21st century, but I was wrong. We live in an insane world.

    0 comments · 181 views
  • 131 weeks
    The Chosen One Remake actually confirmed?

    Welp. Yes... And no. I'm in the process of writing a remake of Chapter 1. How does it look? Good, ngl. But how it will be... I don't really know. If I will write another chapters and my friend will make a cover image for that, I guess I'll publish it. But... I'm not gonna promise anything. The reason is simple. I realized that I was making huge press on myself when I made posts like: "HEY GUYS,

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    0 comments · 132 views
  • 144 weeks
    I've tried to write, but it didn't work. Old me have died.

    What just happened?... Writing makes me tired. Whenever I sit down to create anything, I feel strong powerlessness. I can't write anymore. I can no longer create good stories. I have lost that talent. So... What else can I do but quit? This is sad because the writing was the only thing I could really do, other than play games on my laptop. The thing that made me feel... Like someone. Someone of

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    0 comments · 163 views
  • 147 weeks
    I've decided to draw a demon from The Chosen One

    Still in progress. The base of a demon's face were a face of Willem Dafoe

    Waddya think guys?

    1 comments · 167 views
  • 147 weeks
    So I've decided to draw a demon from The Chosen One

    Still in progress. I've decided that the base of demon's face will be a face of a Willem Dafoe.

    What do ya think guys?

    0 comments · 153 views

Colin finally done! · 9:24pm Aug 30th, 2018

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