• Member Since 1st Aug, 2014
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  • EObsolete
    Over the months they've been together, Rarity and Fluttershy have only grown closer in their burgeoning relationship. But whatever the happiness they've found with each other, in their growth, there's someone they've left behind.
    Taialin · 10k words  ·  68  10 · 1.7k views

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September 3 · 12:39am Aug 31st, 2018

Listen > Language > Lust

Obsolete > Oneirology > O——

I don't even want to know what my "last seen" time is. I know writer death is a thing, and I've probably died some seven times already. I've already died before, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to die again in the future. The "L" Series was released in a semi-timely fashion because I was always at least one story ahead. The "O" Series has been significantly more . . . troublesome. Obviously.

Judging from that and the fact that I'm basically necroposting at this point, I don't expect many people to read this installment, nor do I expect many of those to have read the prequels, nor do I expect many of those to actually remember what happened in them. So, yeah. The author has died, and so too has basically all of his audience.

But for you two-and-a-half people who are still interested, I owe it to you (and myself) to continue what I started.

The view is spectacular. Fluttershy chose for us to meet just as the sun was starting to cast its lovely red hues on our town. It flashes bright on the roofs of the houses where lightning rods and wind vanes have been posted. And as the shadows lengthen before our eyes, ponies turn in for the night, preparing to go to bed and ready themselves for tomorrow. What ponies that are outside fast disappear into their homes. We stay seated, holding each other, silent sentinels watching our town go to sleep. I've always known Ponyville was beautiful, but watching this presents a whole new perspective on that.

Fluttershy lifts an apple from the basket and presents it to me. So round and polished as Applejack's fruits are, I can see my reflection in it. I take a delicate bite of it just as Fluttershy does the same from the other side.

Fluttershy's home is just visible from our current vantage point, the border between Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. On first glance, it doesn't look like a home—perhaps a tree overgrowth—but it's there for those who look, a lovely mix of forest green, earthy brown, and golden orange. A pity, then, that it's so far away from my home on the opposite end of Ponyville. It's almost fitting that they're so far apart; one wouldn't think my cultivated glamor would like to be close to her nearly untamed disposition. That is, if one didn't know the pony inside any better. No—beauty is everywhere. Of course the path between my home and hers is more well-trodden than one would expect.

I light my magic and retrieve a single flower from the basket, nibbling on a petal of the dahlia. Then I snap another petal off and float it over beside me, feeding it to my Fluttershy. We take turns working over the flower down to the head before discarding the root, retrieving another, and resuming anew. All the while not taking our eyes off of our beautiful town. With the slow and intimate way we consume our provisions, it's clear there will be plenty for the animals around to feed on once we're finished.

The castle is the single anomaly of Ponyville, a flash of sparkle in a rustic neighborhood. Long have I thought my home was the most glamorous; I have since conceded that distinction. That fact makes it no less beautiful, though. The crystal that constructs it is translucent, and where the light of sunset hits and pierces it, it creates a dazzling mottle of colors on the ground below, a stained-glass pattern that migrates across the road leading to the castle as the sun's angle grows ever shallower. The castle scintillates as the wind blows; the wind flexes the massive branches of the castle just enough to reflect some of the sun's light into our eyes. There's a pony and a dragon working hard inside, oblivious to the beauty they're surrounded by. Perhaps they would benefit from slowing down and taking some time to appreciate it; Fluttershy has taught me that much.

There's endless beauty to be found, and one doesn't need to go far to find it. These pockets of beauty and tranquility in even the most familiar of places—Fluttershy has a special skill in locating them.

Post script 1. For those of you who care, it is unreasonably difficult to write anything recreational when writing a thesis, finishing a degree, and looking for a job in a very pessimistic market.

Post script 2. For those of you who had strong feelings about Obsolete, this story does not star Spike. The series as I planned it is called the Flarity "O" Series, and the two main protagonists are Rarity and Fluttershy. Spike is a supporting character in their relationship. While this story contains some Spike, the series (and this story) remains about love, not unrequited love.

Report Taialin · 491 views · Story: Obsolete · #flarity obsolete oneirology
Comments ( 8 )

Writing fiction is supposed to be an enjoyable pastime. Keep it that way. Take care of the real life issues and write O as time permits. I very much enjoyed the L series, and plan on hanging around on this rock for several years to come to enjoy the O series.

Nah, your fine. Life happens, and you get to pastimes when you can.

I think I'm actually a new follower, so hopefully that's a good sign. ^_^

But for you two-and-a-half people who are still interested

I count as half a person, I think! :rainbowwild: But really... if you complete this trilogy, I'll read it. When, I don't know, but it will happen. If life gets in the way or you simply feel happier doing something else, that's absolutely fine. Don't feel you owe us something. You've already given us a lot.

Good luck with your job search.

I'm still here. As are, apparently, others. And I'm looking forward to it. And in case I sit down, start to read and think to myself 'uhhh... wait, what?', I'm simply gonna read the series as a whole again. No biggie - because it's that good.
So yeah, don't worry, you still got audience. Patiently waiting, understanding, eager. :twilightsmile:

Well, I appreciate the patronage. :twilightsmile: Hopefully you'll enjoy the ride. Make that . . . seven-and-a-half people, then.

Thankfully, I'm recently out of school-work transition hell now—otherwise I wouldn't be wasting my time on relative trivialities (no offense). Much easier to work on Flarity drama when I don't have to deal with how-am-I-supposed-to-move-out-of-parents'-basement drama.

I'm surprised you're willing to read this if/when the series finishes, especially considering my terrible attendance record. Nevertheless, I always appreciate whatever comments you leave.

Why wouldn't I be willing? After all, I liked your 'L' trilogy, and loved the final part. Besides, my RiL list story count is still north of 300, so it's not as if I could have read it instantly in any case!

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