• Member Since 27th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 5th


It is my great conceit that I can write interesting stories for utter strangers and maybe sometime in the far far future get paid for it.

More Blog Posts82

  • 10 weeks
    I'm back

    Windows 10 had some problems with my network so I had to take it out back and give it the Ol Yeller treatment.
    Got a new puppy, Windows 11.
    Hopefully, it won't savage my ankles.

    Onto posting stuff.

    2 comments · 50 views
  • 51 weeks
    July 2023 Update

    Diablo IV Season 1:
    Corruption is spreading!

    The Season of Flatulence.
    Silent but deadly.
    Believe us it will be a gas!
    Gaslighting is encouraged.

    Buy a Taco Hell, Beastly Burrito to join.

    Ok, that's enough.

    After a millisecond of consideration, I've decided to post MLP fanfics that I kept on DeviantArt here.
    May Celestia have mercy on your, um, they're not that bad.

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    0 comments · 143 views
  • 60 weeks
    Pony Pinball

    Yeah, MLP pinball is a thing.

    3 comments · 198 views
  • 93 weeks

    We sat in the North Garden under the cooling shade of the gazebo. The air was warm, and full of the sleepy buzz of no so busy bees. I sat and looked at the half-empty pitcher of ice tea, and thought about what I was going to say next.

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    2 comments · 238 views
  • 96 weeks
    Ghostwire Tokyo

    What is Ghostwire Tokyo?

    In a nutshell, its a buddy ghost busting game.

    You get to bust ghosts without having a nuclear reactor on your back.
    No worries about crossing streams either.

    It's a buddy game because it's like those movies where they pair two different folks,
    and they have to work together. One person knows more than the other person who has a totally different skillset.

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    0 comments · 179 views

Sept 2018 Status Report · 1:54am Sep 15th, 2018

Am working on a MLP fanfiction called Being Celestia.
It's about a guy who wakes up alone inside Celestia's body in her room.
It's still being revised by me. Eventually, I'll need an editor.

I'm trying to see if I can do a comedy filled story and a slice of life.

Work continues on the Well of Midnight Mlp Fanfiction.
Am up to chapter sixteen.

Here's a little excerpt:

Guns clicked and I thought that we were in a heist movie. No Ocean's Eleven, more Puddle's Five. Gotta slip in and steal a book or a map. Yeah, this is going to end well.

After one bit, the rest of the story turns into a road trip story with main events happening at different stops on the way.

I finally found someone who's willing to go through Children of Oonte and find issues.
Once all of the issues are fixed, I will update the story. Not going to do a rewrite. Not because I think the story is perfect.
No, it's far from that. I just don't like fussing with old stuff. Especially if no one cares.

The next part of the story, yeah, that I can spend time fixing it up. Yeah, there is the next installment.
Renee is the earth analog of Rarity. Imagine an anthro Rarity and that's how Renee looks.

All of the earth analogues of the mane six have to go on a quest to find their artifact of harmony. They get help from one of the mane six.

Oh yeah, this is raw. It will be a while before I revise this since I'm working on another story.

Renee found herself inside a hot classroom with something crooning tunelessly in the back. Whatever it was, it smelled like it was dead for a while. Nothing living would smell like that. She could hear things walking around in the halls too. What sort of place did Karen send me, she thought. Rainbow Dash tapped Renee with her hoof.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Please, be quiet just for a few minutes," Renee whispered.

She had to think of what type of weapon to make. Something effective but quiet. Renee conjured up a pistol with a silencer. She slowly moved towards the figure at the back of the classroom. Rainbow Dash flew past her and smashed the creature's head in with a well placed kick! The crushing blow was quiet.

"Rainbow why did you do that?" Renee said with annoyance.

"Can't you smell it? This human is dead! Don't know why it is still moving around," Rainbow replied and looked back at Renee.

Renee scanned the body with her magic sense. She could not tell what was animating the dead body. That was going to make things harder. These zombies will be difficult to sense from a distance.

She grabbed a chair to slide under the doorknob. This way the zombies in the hall would not be able to enter the room easily. While she was trying to make the room more secure, Rainbow Dash was looking out the window.

"There are more dead humans outside. They just seem to be walking around. What happened here?" Rainbow Dash said and continued to watch the dead humans walk slowly back and forward.

Renee sat in the teacher's chair to gather her thoughts. The first thing she did was to change her gun to an assault rifle with a silencer. Then she got up and turned around in a circle. Now she knew how to find the artifact. It seems that Renee could sense its location. She could feel a yearning for the artifact. Facing in the right direction would reduce the feeling. Rainbow Dash watched Renee with amusement.

"Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked when she saw Renee do another spin in place.

"I am fine. Now I know how we can find the Artifact," Renee said.

She walked up to the window to study it. There were probably too many zombies to fuss with in the hallway. The window might be a good way to get out of the room. Four or five zombies were shuffling around outside but they were across the street.

"When I blow a hole through the window fly out and up," Renee instructed Rainbow Dash.

"No problem!" Dash replied.

Renee concentrated and blew a hole through the window using her telekinesis.

Rainbow flew outside.

The zombies in the hall heard the noise. They started banging on the door. Their blows were so hard, they were shifting the chair from under the doorknob.

Renee did not want to be there when that happened. She jumped outside. School's out for me! She thought.

Rainbow did not waste time. She killed the zombies across the street. Then Renee and Rainbow Dash carefully ran up the block.

Working on a new original story about a woman with issues waking up in an elevator with glowing symbols above her head.

Revising an original story about a detective finding a massacre in a building.

Report sevenofeleven · 146 views ·
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