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  • 101 weeks
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  • 102 weeks
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Keep Running with Nicky666, Pateron Reward for nuclearcore · 2:56am Oct 5th, 2018

????????: Heeeellooooooo radio fans! Welcome to another exciting broadcast day here at K-RUN. As always, you’re listening to your host Nicky666 spin some tunes and spin some yarns with the assistance of the of the lovely and always energetic news girl Ryken!

?????: …

Nicky666: Ryken, babe, that’s your cue to introduce yourself. Like we talked about… over-and-over again.

Ryken: I am still of the opinion that the ritual of the morning greeting is rather pointless as any listeners who’ve heard the show before knows who we are, and new listeners can pick that up from context.

Nicky666: Perfect! And the man working the ‘beeps’ and ‘boops’ that aren’t coming from the music is none other than Brain, who’s takin’ a break from his job at Best Buy to make sure we’re on the air loud and clear, kiddies!

Brian Who Works at Best Buy: Nicky, I’ve told you I stopped working at Best Buy over 10 years ago. In fact, I’m a live-in full-time employee of yours, technically.

Nicky666: Yes, that’s right! You’re the man when it comes to the techie stuff! All that time at Geek Squad must come in handy.

Brian Who No Longer Works At Best Buy: *sighs*

Ryken: I don’t understand why you still try. … Granted, I don’t understand why I still try, either.

Nicky666: Today’s special sponsored opening segment is brought to you by nuclearcore who wanted a story on repigs, or something.

Ryken: RPGs.

Nicky666: They’re in the weapons room… and there’s probably still one I left lying around in the welcoming room when I was showing off for those class of teenagers the other day.

Ryken: No, it stands for ‘Role-Playing Games’ in this context and those where elementary aged children.

Nicky666: You’re never too young to rebel against the man and learn how to use a high explosive launcher for fun-and-profit, Rykee-Teeky-Taven.

Ryken: Indeed.

Nicky666: Wait… Role-playing games… Those are like… those sad goth nerd get-togethers where they stand around and pretend their vampires, because clearly it just sucks not being able to suck blood like a vampire, right?

Ryken: I believe that’s one aspect of it.

Brian: Nicky, have you honestly not heard of Dungeons and Dragons?

Nicky666: Well, obviously! I have a dungeon and we have a dragon for President.

Brian: Ugh… Just… never mind.

Nicky666: Done and done! Look, radio fans, I know it can be super-hard to find a vampire who’ll go through the whole process of letting you join his clan after a long and arduous process that’ll probably make you dead before you’re undead or a super-cool vamp who doesn’t give a damn about all that and is willing to disregard house rules to just turn his friends all willy-nilly-Oh, hey? Do either of you want me to put a blood-and-sex hungry demon in you? Ryken? No? Brian? You good? Okay. Just checking. Anyhow, while I’m sure many of you want to explore lengthy labyrinths that have treasures hidden in them and want to fight dragons outside of politics-

Brian: So, you do know what it is.

Nicky666: Cool people pretend to be ignorant about nerd-stuff that’s not in movies, Brian! Anyways, why pretend to put yourself into danger for adventure when you can go outside and put yourself into danger for real!

Ryken: I can think of several reasons.

Brian: Wait, aren’t you supposed to talk about RPGs?

Nicky666: Cool people also don’t talk about nerd stuff when it’s not in a movie, Brian! Anyways, Justice asked me to fill in here, so I’m sure he trusts my judgement.

Ryken: He literally said ‘Here, you do this one. Don’t mess it up.’

Nicky666: Snitches get stitches, Ryken! In the interest of keeping things interesting and dealing with the current gun problem facing our nation, you know… that we need more of them out on the streets…. I’m going to give our listeners a few pointers on how they can go out and maybe get fabulously rich like me without getting killed in the process! Alright, everyone out in radio land. Do you have something to type this down on? No? Good. Typing up stuff to remember is lame. Always remember to forget stuff like a cool person!

Ryken: That doesn’t make-

Nicky666: But you should totally remember this stuff because it will keep you alive.

Ryken: I’m frowning on the inside, for the record.

Brian: And I’m frowning on the outside, but mentioning it because no one outside this room can see it.

Nicky666: First off, make some friends! A wise man, or possibly woman, and maybe not even a human once said Friendship is Magic… Like… Jesus probably said that at one point or another. Anyhow, it’s true! I mean, it’s not real magic, but like real magic, having friends you can trust can make your life much easier And I don’t just mean runners who you’re reasonably sure won’t shot you in the back for a few extra Nuyen. Make friends who are good at the things you’re bad at. Like how I have Brian to do all the computer things and fix Yuki when the universe decides I don’t need an adorable robot maid who only speaks Japanese! Flippin’ Universe!

Brian: Just a note that Nicky is flipping off the sky right now… I am too.

Nicky666: Also make some cool friends who might come in handy later. For instance, I also made friends with Steve the Pirate because you never know you when need to steel booty from another ship or go on a crazy jet-ski adventure. If you’re feeling bad about the lack of booty in your life or jet-ski adventures, that’s all the more reason to make friends with a pirate who hijacks a boat you might be on.

Ryken: In interested tone why Nicky, it sounds like making friends is your super-power.

Nicky666: Close, my dear Ryken who totally didn’t mess up reading that note I just slid over to her! Warping people’s minds to do my bidding is my super power, but I am great at making friends and also lovers… mostly lovers. Alright, step two for any important run is to make some plans. This might surprise you, radio fans, but I mean make some plans that aren’t just shoot everyone in your way until you get what you need. Now that can be part of a good plan, but the best plans minimize being shot at. Even if you’re mostly invincible, your friends probably aren’t…

Ryken: In a tone of genuine concern are you okay, Nicky? Should we break to play Helena, Heaven’s So Far Away, Knocking on Heaven’s Door, Who Wants to Live Forever, or the entire Black Parade album?

Nicky666: No! I’m fine. Just remember that fake-ids and putting on a sexy-Chinese style dress to get into a data center is totally viable and a lot of fun if one of your crew doesn’t get randomly shot because someone else on your crew thinks he’s a bad father. Anyhow… Step three is make up another plan for when things get messed up! You know, another way to get what you want, or a way to escape if things go really Costa Rica on you. Really, you can’t have too much plans to deal with all the ways stuff might go wrong, because it’s going to go wrong at some point, and that’s typically when you and your chummers start getting dropped and the sad music needs to be played.

Step four is make sure you’re good improvising probably because you screwed somewhere in step two or three. This can take many forms… Making sure you’re a good swimmer… being good at improve… or really, making sure you’re a good shot and equally good at dodging bullets.

Brian: Wait, you’re a good swimmer?

Nicky666: No, I’m good at improve. Once you do enough runs near water, one tends to make sure there’s plenty of jet-skis and speed-boats just lying around. Finally, make an end goal and quit when you reach it. Technically, you can figure that out as you go along, but if you want to stop running when you reach the finish line, make sure there is a finish line. Making money so you can get more stuff to make more money just means you’re in the game until someone takes you out so… you know… Set your sights at something obtainable like a mansion/castle/fortress made by magical goblins that has a kick-ass radio station setup and a wet bar in every room.

Ryken: In sardonic tone drinking heavily is the only way I can put up with Nicky on a day-to-day basis.

Nicky666: Hey-I-What?! I didn’t write that!

Ryken: No one will ever believe you.

Nicky666: Wow, Ryken pulled one on me for a change, there’s one for the books… which are things I totally don’t deal with because something, something nerds… Oh, speaking of nerd-books, apparently for his blag rewards, Justice is going to start reviewing some stories about a Private Eye wizard or something who has to deal with a bunch of strange magical stuff in his job, a.k.a. going outside. So, look forward to that, maybe? Right, music time… Uh… let’s just play all the songs I mentioned when I saw sad about death!

Brian: That’s like 90 minutes of people being bummed out.

Nicky666: Okay, just play reggae every other song, that way it’s three hours of people being bummed out! Heeeey-yoooooo!

Ryken: I like reggae.

Nicky666: That’s because if you where any more mellow you’d be dead. Yes! Back on top! Enjoy your nerdy, goth, but also totally cool music, radio fans!

Comments ( 3 )

I'm confused.
Also >my chemical romance kek

I was asked to pick a story regarding some RPG experience or another, but I took it in a slightly different direction and did a bit with one of my Shadow Run characters,

That was fun:pinkiehappy:

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