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A Man Undercover

I'm Autistic and suffer from ADHD & OCD, but I'm very high-functioning and capable of taking care of myself if I need to.

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My Thoughts on Fluttercord (Fluttershy X Discord) · 11:57pm Oct 6th, 2018

I wanted to express my thoughts on something.

During my time when I would look over the threads I made asking the same question as the last blog post I made here, I particularly noticed some comments saying that they think Fluttershy is the right mare for Discord.

Here’s what they said:

JD McGregor: And Fluttershy isn't a candidate because...?

Vatore Greymoon: Flutters. Their linked in so many stories anyway and it makes some sense. She was his first "true" friend, plus she seems to get him to do whatever she wants.

Jordan179: Luna is far too honorable on the one hoof, and emotionally-insecure on the other, for this to work. Canonically they barely tolerate one another. In my Shadow Wars universe, Luna had a huge crush him when they were all children together, but this was destroyed when he emerged into his true identity as the Lord of Chaos.

Starlight Glimmer is far too lawful for Discord. Yes, she's a rebel, but she wants to be in charge HERSELF.

Trixie is too insecure. One needs self-confidence to deal with Discord.

Tempest Shadow. Oh sweet Light-and-Life, no. Tempest is a walking violent disaster area. They'd bring out the worst in one another.

What's wrong with Fluttershy, anyway?

Berry Delight: Fluttershy is clearly the only real possible choice.

And that’s where it got me thinking “Why not express why I’m not much of a fan of Fluttercord?”

Let me tell you, there’s definitely plenty to say, and none of it includes age.

One reason is because I find Discord to be way too eccentric for Fluttershy. Other reasons would be that I personally can’t help but find it to be too obvious in so many ways, that the two don’t really match each other when it comes to love, and because I just can’t seem to find any great and interesting stories depicting a romance between the two.

But my prime reason is because of this:

Celestia’s real reason behind why she assigned Fluttershy to reform Discord is so that Fluttershy could show him what it’s like to have a friend, and that’s what Fluttershy was wanting to do since “Keep Calm and Flutter On”, show him how valuable friendship and having a friend truly is. Fluttercord just...seems to take away the reasons behind it all.

It’s like those homosexual shippings, such as RariShy, AppleDash, and TwiPie (which I absolutely despise and don’t read any stories about). The Elements of Harmony came together to become friends and teach friendship, not become gay and promote homosexuality.

Well, those are my reasons. I hope you all find them reasonable, really. Also, personally, I can’t help but find Celestiacord more enjoyable.

Report A Man Undercover · 744 views ·
Comments ( 44 )

I can appreciate your reasons. At the same time though, Discord's attachment to Fluttershy seems exceptionally strong compared to his other friendships. Also, out of all his friends, Fluttershy is the only one other than Spike and Big Mac who doesn't just barely tolerate him. I don't strongly support Fluttercord, but it is the one that I find most plausible. Other than that, I personally find Discord a little too untameable to be shipped with anyone else. Hmm. Agree to disagree? :scootangel:

A bit of both, I believe.

Wouldn’t the fact that he actually let Fluttershy go into harm in “A Matter of Principals” show that he’s not in love with her?

I ship Fluttercord

I respect that you are not a fan:eeyup:

Probably. 🤷 "sigh" I liked the episode, but I can't say that I'm a fan of Discord's antics in the episode. That was the most immature and irresponsible that I've seen him act since his reformation. Is it any wonder that Twilight didn't want him involved with the school? :ajbemused:
You know, the fact that he sent his closest friend on a fake Map mission goes to show how inappropriate allowing him to work at the school would be. I mean, since Fluttershy is Discord's closest friend, he could have gotten her to plead with Twilight to let him be involved with the school on his behalf, but since he didn't, I'm going to guess that even Fluttershy doesn't think he's responsible enough to educate and care for children. :twilightsmile:

And now my confession...:twilightblush:

I could see Trixie/Discord working.

They are both insecure vagrants who struggle with not having a real place or role in society despite having a strong need to be part of something. Plenty of room for arcs with them making eachother better.

Oh, CelestiaCord. I heard stories of how much of a sh:yay:t storm that pair caused in one of the groups. The internet can be a really toxic place for the most insignificant reasons.

Of course.

And, ease off on the language there, alright?

Okay, I guess I'll comment, seeing as you asked.

Not only do I not ship best pony with Discord, I don't ship any pony with Discord. Dude's the god of chaos. He goes out of his way to be an asshole most of the time. He doesn't need a mare friend, nor is he deserving of one, really.

Plus, my ridiculous levels of waifufaggotry for Fluttershy render me completely incapable of accepting any proposed ship involving her. Same deal with Starlight.

It's a curse. :twistnerd:

Oooookay then. That’s fine.

Next time you comment on a blog post of mine though, refrain from cussing. Alright?

I haven't really thought about that, I always thought Celestia would be the perfect mare.

That’s what I think too.

I'm not saying Fluttercord is bad, I love that Discord cares about her and such. It's just that Celestia and Discord seems to be more fitting.

I know, right.

I think there’s a lot more romantic connection between Discord and Celestia than Discord and Fluttershy.

I don't think Fluttershy and Discord are not a couple; Celestia told Fluttershy to reform Discord, or else all hell will break loose. If they were a couple, it's fine, but Discord's not a pony, unlike Fluttershy. Sometimes, when there's a guy and a girl teaming up, that doesn't mean they're a couple. For example, in the Halo series, Master Cheif and Cortana care for each other and they help fight the Covenant, but they're not romantically together (even though Cortana's an AI, not a human like Master Chief himself).

An interesting reasoning, albeit brief and simple. A point that isn't really necessary to argue about, so I'll just place my two cents.

First point: you seem to be considering romance and friendship to be two completely different things. And while they are somewhat separate- friendship being able to exist without romance -true romance cannot exist without some deep form of friendship. Any deeper relationship founded without establishing a friendship first is going to be a rather rough one to get through and to build, friendship is the foundation upon which romance is to be built.

Secondly: The reason so many people see them as an ideal couple is because they're such great friends. Some people like me see them as a perfect compliment to each other's personalities, and even when they argue they do it in good will.
On Fluttershy's part, she has been so forgiving of Discord that it's almost insane, but it's far from realistic. She's often the only one willing to believe in him as a friend, and the only one that knows how to reason with him in a way that he'll understand what boundaries he can and cannot cross. She keeps him in check, and they both benefit as growing people from that. Her kindness is a compliment to his chaotic nature.
On Discord's Part, it's repeatedly obvious he considers Fluttershy his best friend, he's outright said it. He may act the snark and throw a bit of a tantrum, but he respects her wishes in a way that he didn't show towards any other pony until later in his development. He takes threats against Equestria with neutral disinterest until he hears that Fluttershy herself is in danger, and that's when his attention is grabbed. He's loyal to her, somewhat of a guardian even. He's no servant, but he values her approval, her company, and her input.

There's no doubt in my mind that they truly do love each other, but that doesn't mean they have to be romantically involved. I've seen friendships that had more love than most married couples, yet they understand that it's a different kind of love. I'm more than open to the extremely likely possibility Fluttercord will remain just a friendship, but that leads me in to my third point.

Thirdly: it doesn't matter.
I'm an unashamed shipper. Make me believe that two characters could conceivably fit together, and I'll play along with open arms. But the fact of the matter remains that shipping outside of canon is really up to individual taste. Some people don't seem to understand that their ships aren't canon, and will take any differing opinion as a personal attack. I'm not one of those people. I can separate canon from fanfiction remarkably easily, and I understand that very few ships will be canonized because of the loud minority of shippers who take their opinions way too seriously. If the characters feel real to you, then you should respect their choice of who to love even if it isn't who you thought it would/should be.

I don't read RariTwi (or any homosexual) stories, but I respect the opinions of those who write them. I can't understand it, and I dislike it immensely, but I respect it. I'm not at all a fan of ZephyrDash, but if I see a story that keeps them in character and figures out a way a relationship could work, then I'm down for it within the confines of the story itself.
The best stories are the ones that understand that lovely romance isn't about who the audience thinks would fit better together, it's who the characters feel like they're drawn towards. A good fanfiction author understands that these characters are not his. They are their own beings, have their own personalities, their own free will. He only nudges them, but he lets the characters develop the emotions on their own, even if it seems like its through his words.

Shipping is a part of the human condition. You've heard parents comment to their children that they fit well with that other kid, or friends tease each other about who they think should get together with who. It's when it's done with no respect that it becomes a problem: when the characters are broken just so that they can be forced into a relationship that wouldn't work otherwise, when people go against a character's wishes. Otherwise, it's all in good fun for the sake of telling a story you feel should be told. If you take it too seriously, you're not meant for the world of shipping. Too many already make this mistake, and it gives the term a bad taste in many people's mouths. Good characters should be treated like people themselves, otherwise they aren't worth your effort.

That's my thoughts on the whole of the matter.

I actually don't have any problem with Fluttercord, as he showed he was jealous and actually likes her when Fluttershy introduced Tree Hugger as her date for the Grand Galloping Gala, but considering he knew Princess Luna and Celestia a lot longer I'm sure he'll jump at the opportunity to date anyone of the royal sisters.

So, just to be clear:

Your main objections seem to be that Discord is too eccentric and that their relationship evolving from friendship to romantic would...? What? Cheapen the bond they share? Why is it so important that they remain permanently friendzoned?

As for his eccentricity, it's actually canon that Fluttershy enjoys it. She was looking forward to craziness when she visited Discord's home. Fluttershy isn't Twilight, in that she's not big on order. She finds beauty in all sorts of creatures that others might shun, like the scary spiders that will offer you flowers to be nice.

And Discord showed in To Where And Back Again that he is extremely protective of Fluttershy and thought nothing of endangering himself to save her. So, the text of the show supports their being a couple more than with any other character.

As far as Starlight goes, I think she's way too immature to have a healthy romantic relationship with anyone


Your main objections seem to be that Discord is too eccentric and that their relationship evolving from friendship to romantic would...? What? Cheapen the bond they share? Why is it so important that they remain permanently friendzoned?

As I said before, I find that making Fluttershy and Discord a couple would take away what Fluttershy is trying to teach him in the first place. That which would be friendship. It would also interpret that he never understood friendship to begin with.

And Discord showed in To Where And Back Again that he is extremely protective of Fluttershy and thought nothing of endangering himself to save her. So, the text of the show supports their being a couple more than with any other character.

All that ever shows is that he’s protective of her. Even after that, they still call each other nothing short of friends.

Even though this is true, there are many times in this show, that because it is a kid's show, that ponies and characters call each other "friends" or "best friends" but the word "friends" actually meant mate or something stronger so that could be the case in this instance too. Not that they could only be friends and nothing else. The worse place to be/end up:- "the friend zone"

My opinion on Fluttershy x Discord.....HELL NO.

She is a pony, he is a draconeqqus. The whole interspecies thing is flat out disgusting. Also, they are great friends but I don't see a romantic relationship ever working for them. I personally think Rarity would be the best one for Fluttershy. They seem to interact just right in my opinion. Both of them seem to have more in the way of elegance. Rarity would obviously be far more outgoing while Fluttershy would complement her with her introverted personality.

Now I have also done TwiShy and StarShy but I think in all reality RariShy is the best one.

Not being homophobic or anything, but...

I find that pairing a member of the Main Six with another member of the group also takes away precisely why they came together in the first place: to become friends and learn about friendship, not become gay and promote homosexuality.


Yet you see nothing wrong with hooking up with one of another species? The show has evolved since season one and I see nothing wrong with them hooking up. Good grief, the way you talk, you talk like them being lesbians is a bad thing!

Of course I think making them lesbians is a bad thing, what did you expect?

And you happen to talk like hooking members of the Main Six with male characters is a bad thing, so don’t think only one of us happen to be guilty as charged in terms of preference.


You still aren't answering my question regarding interspecies shipping. Do you not see anything wrong there?...also, I would love to know why you seem so against homosexual pairings. I see it constantly from you, I see a lot of anti-gay rhetoric from you.


Sorry, I guess I didn’t quite notice the question.

The answer would be yes, I don’t see anything wrong with interspecies relationships.

Also, I have a lot of reasons for why I’m against the act of homosexuality. The list however would be so long it would waste comments. Plus, I’d rather not be going into that if that’s alright.


Very well but approving of interspecies would mean you support humans getting it on with animals, correct? I suppose as long as the animal isn't the same sex as the human all is good, right?

Oh, you meant that. I thought you were referring more to pairings like that of a pony and griffin.

In that case, no. I don’t approve of humans having sex with animals. I mean, come on, there’s a difference between a pony mating with another sapient and a pony mating with whatever isn’t sapient.


You're missing the point. I'm talking about a pony and a non-pony. Sapient or not, I simply find the interspecies thing as just not right. To be honest, I approve of same sex shippings in MLP big time, although mare x mare is always better than any other ship. Ok, I get religion plays heavily into your reasoning and this debate will be nothing more than banging our heads against a wall.

I approve of interspecies relationships like Sparity (Spike X Rarity), where the two creatures are sapient, but that’s it.


So you approve of pedophilia then? Spike is a BABY dragon after all. Yes he has molted but still, I don't think of him as an adult yet and I highly doubt anyone else does either.

Let me ask you something.

How much reverse psychology are you planning on using every time I explain something? You keep making everything I say into your own questions.


Just answer the question, do you support pedophilia or not. Having Rarity and Spike together is like having a 20 something getting it on with a five year old at the most. Certainly you don't support that do you?

Technically, Spike is older than he appears to be considering he thinks more like an adult, and dragons age differently compared to others.

As for your question, a no at the most.

You still haven’t answered my question on how much reverse psychology you plan on using.


Yes Spike may behave more like an adult at times, which is becoming more frequent but still, he is a BABY dragon. I don't care if a dragon ages one year for every 100 years a pony ages, he is still a baby dragon. Also, you still have the interspecies thing. I think those two would be far better off as simply being friends. I don't get why people ship those two so much anyway. It isn't the worst ship in this fandom, not even close, but it is quite annoying.

Now regarding the reverse psychology, as long as I see opportunities to use it, I will.

How did you even find this post, anyway?


I think both of you are using some strange reasoning here.

A Man Undercover, how do lesbian ships “take away” from the Mane 6 learning about friendship? As far as I’m aware, friendship is an important part of healthy relationships. In fact, I see it as logical to view romance as an extension of friendship. Also, you personally disapproving of homosexuality doesn’t mean that the characters are less likely to partake in homosexuality themselves, although I could understand why you personally wouldn’t enjoy such ships. (These statements also apply to the Fluttercord argument.)

I also find your phrasing regarding the Mane 6 “not becoming gay and promoting homosexuality” problematic. First of all, if any of them began a lesbian relationship, she already would have been gay. Secondly, it naturally would promote homosexuality, but that doesn’t mean the ship is being written about for that reason.

StormLuna, the primary objection against bestiality is, as far as I know, that it involves non-sapient creatures. Also, why would interspecies romance being “disgusting” (which I don’t understand) to you personally mean that no one should engage in it? If I thought pizza was disgusting, that wouldn’t mean that I thought it should be banned.

I also agree. Discord's old, chaotic, and doesn't even really need a girlfriend. Even if he did get a girlfriend, it'd probably be a girl draconequis, not best pony. Coppermane is a much better candidate for her.

Only one thing I find wrong with this post: "becoming gay" is not a thing and you should not think being gay or straight or bi or asexual or whatever is anyone's choice.
I don't mind your stance on Fluttercord.

Ah, but I do.

To me, your sexuality is a choice. It’s very much like with religion, where your not born into it, but you make the choice on who you want to worship.

Religion and sexuality are not the same thing. One's religion is based on one's belief. One's sexuality is determined as who one is attracted to. And let's face it. Who we are attracted to cannot be controlled. We don't just look at a person for the first time and decide we are in love. Even straight people do not choose who they fall in love with. Maybe we choose whether to act on our feelings, or to get married or not, or to end the relationship, but romantic feelings are never planned. Take my sexual identity for instance. Right now I identify as a biromantic asexual, but I used to think I was straight because I liked boys. I developed crushes but it still never explained why I never had the desire to have sex with either of them. Abstinence is a choice, but even nuns and monks still experience sexual urges that they try to suppress. For me, there was nothing to suppress. Learning about asexuality explained everything that had made me feel different. I had always been liliklilike this but had only recently learned that there was a word for it. And even then I was sure I only liked men, until I ended up falling for my female friend, without intending to. It caused me to reflect on my past and realize a part of me had always been attracted to girls on some degree, but I had always been against the idea before. If any of what I am now had been my choice, I would have chosen an easier path and been straight to avoid dealing with homophobes and persecution. But it's NOT easy. Even gays who "choose" to be straight can't help their feelings. Take a look at that Mormon gay man who stayed married to his wife hoping it would "cure" him, until they realized that even though they cared for each other on a familial level, what they had wasn't romantic.
Or, let's use your fluttercord argument. You think they care for each other but are not in love. Suppose they were both straight (as you seem to imply). Just because a straight male and female spend a lot of time together doesn't mean they are in love. But that doesn't mean they aren't straight, right? No one is attracted to every single person they meet, even if they are their preferred gender. Who they ARE attracted to, never comes as planned.

Or, if you want to get scientific, there has been research to suggest sexuality is more than just mental. For instance, females who are exposed to more of their father's testosterone during conception are most likely to grow up and identify as lesbians. Of course, sexuality is still so complex and requires more research for it to be fully understood.


If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not be discussing this sort of topic too much.

All I can definitely say in response is that both of us have different opinions and beliefs on how this sort of thing works and how it happens. There’s really no use in arguing with one another, especially because neither of us are going to believe the other.

Your reasonings are well thought out as they can be a great discussion, but there can be counter arguments to it that can be backed up with evidence.

Understandable that you are not fan of the ship which I understand, not everything can be someone’s cup of tea, but I do agree with you in the lack of stories you couldnt seem to find to be interesting in Fluttershy and Discord’s relationship. Since stories can make one change their thoughts in how to perceive a ship in general.

While I am Fluttercord shipper, I personally find such stories from the Fluttercord department to be quite repetitive in some aspects. Especially in the AUs, but I’m not going to deeper farther into that since I consider it to be insensitive to writers in that community who just want to write for the sake of writing. I don’t consider myself that much of a great writer, but story wise in Fluttercord stuff can make an outsider feel as if the characters aren’t that much involved to feel as if their relationship can be considered legit.

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