• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Sunday


I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

More Blog Posts478

  • 17 weeks
    An important message for a dark subject, give a read

    Pen Dragon has made an passionate and important petition, one I think is best served by their own words. So please, for the sake of a benign website that has brought such entertainment and joy to many, give this a look.

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  • 21 weeks
    Important message about Suicide

    WARNING: Discussions, however brief for the sake of tact, about self-harm and suicidal thoughts are in this post. People especially vulnerable to such should ensure they are in a good headspace before reading. This sort of trigger is no joke.

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  • 27 weeks
    Chapter 56 Promo!

    In an isolated, abnormally large, hollowed-out tree might not be the typical abode for megalomaniacal n'ere-do-wells. Though, there was a reason both of them had opted for current accommodations over the typical kingdoms and castles, in one form or another. The area was absolutely inundated with dark magic. From the eerie glow that some of the plants gave off, to traces of black aerenth crystals

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  • 39 weeks
    Discord Issues

    A lot of people opening this program on their PC woke up to this message on a big white screen reading

    Sorry, you have been blocked

    You are unable to access discord.com

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  • 48 weeks
    Happy 10 Years

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    26 comments · 1,175 views

PY · 7:34pm Oct 21st, 2018

foro Ve. nus

Comments ( 12 )

Hey, wait a sec...

The first blog post was "HAP". Now it's "PY". "HAPPY".

Are you building up to something here?

clearly tarb is trying to wish us a happy easter

You know that TV show was the only other good thing to come from that movie

It's Happy Halloween, isn't it?

Life's funny that way, isn't it>

Oh tarbtano has been forced to post by a ghost!....ohhhhhb. To be honest that show is really good.

Does this mean you have free time?

Ah, another riddle. Wonder how long it’s gonna take for all of us to figure it out.:)


I’m betting that the letters are all part of some announcement but like the titles need to be put together when they come out.

If by chance these blogs are some sort of riddle. The best I can surmise from the context of the pictures, and attempting to rearrange the words written. There is going to be a fight involving Junior & Megalon set in either a forest, or on top of a building, and something else possibly about Celestia.

More likely Happy Nightmare Night, it is Equestria after all.

I remember seeing a few episodes of this show. It was surprisingly fun to watch (definitely better than the movie it came from).

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