• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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With a fishing hook · 1:16am Oct 23rd, 2018

Comments ( 33 )

Just read the message......and I have a feeling we’re about to meet a major antagonist in the coming chapter/s. Would you say so?

None are its equal, can stand against its might none

For it is a creature that knows no fear

Death and devastation, and brings to all within sight

Well shit.

None are it's equal
None can stand against it's might.

For it is a creature
That knows no fear

And brings death and devastation
To all within sight

.......that was the most obnoxious thing I have ever had to read. Jesus Christ what did the man use to distort the text? Upside down, black on dark and thrown into a nonsensical order.

Well... this doesn't bode well.

Pretty clever how you made it backwards and upside down. Took me a while to figure it out.

This feels very ominous.

...okay, what are you smoking and where can i get some? (jk)

Do your previous two posts have anything to do with this or was that just random nonsense?

This upside down and backwards message sounds too fitting for Bagan and it can’t be Grogar, What other creature is out ther aside from Bagan that is so dreadful and seemingly Invincible, Super Godzilla?

Clever message. Reminds me of Gravity Falls a bit. I've fallen behind on chapters though.

None are its equal,
None can stand against its might
For it is a creature that knows no fear
Death and devastation,
And brings to all within sight

For we are Legion

That was awesome. I know this it’s not Bagan. It’s something else am I right?

Happy with a fish hook? Did you guys notice that? The aura reminds me of goku blacks.

Right book, wrong name.

I'm just gonna guess Grogar considering right now seems like the perfect time for the demon goat to show up.

There are many works of poetic lore about The Shadow King.

But strangely enough... this does not seem to be one of them.

I'm gonna guess that this has something to do with Lea... Fear BATRA!

Hmm... I wonder.....
Could it be... Mechagodzilla?

Soo... Full message that I can put together of the words, and contextual pictures.

Happy four ovens.
(Picture of Godzilla in Godzilla vs. Megalon)
(Picture of Zilla on top of either the Empire State, or Chrysler Building)

None are its equal, can stand against its might none.
For it is a creature that knows no fear.
Death and devastation, and brings to all within sight.
(Picture of a cloudy background, with a pillar of red, and magenta color surrounded by bolts of yellow lightning, and what I see are possibly silhouettes of a Ghidorah's three heads?)

Your saying it’s a biblical creature

Is it MAN?

And the sentences are not in order.

...Going with the colors on that beam and what has been happening in the last chapters, my bet is on Lea releasing her superpowered evil side.

Leviathan? From the Book of Job?

Whatever it is that's coming, this is promising to be quite a battle.

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