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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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GET READY FOR THE NEXT BATTLE · 5:24am Oct 30th, 2018

a.k.a. Two dinosaurs, a lizard, an archosaur, and a tree all get into a fist fight


Comments ( 43 )


Oh, how I already know this gonna be an earth-shattering experience unlike any seen before.........and I LOVE IT!:rainbowlaugh:

The show must go on, folks.

are we getting a new chapter of The Bridge from this?
or is this something completely different, and you just wasted my time and got my hopes up?

..... Right. Projected Casting Call:
Godzilla Junior of Terra, of late resident of Equestria, also known as King Godzilla Gojo the second.
Zilla Junior of Terra, once known mistakenly as Godzilla.
Showa Godzilla, analogue to Godzilla Gojo's Late Father.
The Legendary Gojira, also known as Godzilla, King of the Monsters and sole holder of the name in his realm.
And finally, Godzilla Earth, the Death Tree and overall bastard.

I guess the big, remaining questions are, where will they fight, and how will they all get there. We will find out... Tomorrow.

Sounds more like something completely different.

Well, my Japanese is a little rusty, but considering this is pretty easy, I can do this.

"Showa Gojira" (Showa Godzilla), Gojira Junia (Godzilla Junior), Zilla (no translation needed), Densetsu Gojira (Legendary Godzilla) Tai (versus/against) Gojira-Chikyu (Godzilla Earth)."

Can't decipher the rest because it's in some freaky alien language.

It's a Bridge special chapter and is canon to the story, with an actual chapter following after some time later. I'm sorry I've been slowed down by Grad school.

This looks like it'll be epic.

Showa Godzilla, Hesei Godzilla Junior with a bit of Millenium in him, and the two latest American Versions against the newest Japanese version, most definitely the strongest one.

And I thought I was good with epic battles; but it is clear I'm nowhere near you Tarbtano.

Okay, buddy, I don't know if you're aware of this, but Tarb has these wonderful things called real-life obligations. Because of these real-life obligations he can't devote one hundred percent of his time to writing the story. If he could, he'd do it in a heart beat. But writing fanfiction doesn't put food on his table or help him in his advanced education. So maybe, instead of bitching about there not being any new chapters, think about the fact that on the other end of the screen is a flesh and blood person who has thing they have to do before they can do the things they want to do.

Also, bossman, I know you hate drama, but this guy's been a jackass every time he's commented. I apologize if you are upset with me, but I hate it when people are ungrateful.


How The F*** Is This Even Gonna Be CANON!

Comment posted by mjadino8823 deleted Oct 30th, 2018

I'm getting the feeling that this battle is going to leave many of us feeling that it feels like a story arc finale.

Thanks hun, I was debating on commenting but you've summed up everything I wanted to say :heart:

Please think before you comment.
You've been warned.

Not a problem. Your boyfriend's a good guy, but sometimes he can be a little too nice for his own good.


What, you weren't wondering what Junior was doing while Megalon and Gigan had their Nightmare Night Adventures?

Also, the same way A Shimmer in the Dark is canon, I expect.

I may be wrong, but I may be right. Just in case I'm right, I put up spoiler bars. Peek at your own risk.

Being a while since I read that chapter don’t remember what Junior was doing at that time as I thought it was focused more on Gigan and Megalon, well hopefully Junior and Gojira will somehow survive cause so far they are no match for Godzilla Earth unless Junior goes Super Godzilla which would’nt be happening anytime soon until he fights Bagan

maby he gets a little taste of Super Gojira? not Quit Mastering that form but gets a breef glimps?
(like Goku and his SSG and Ultra-Instinct?)

(sigh.....I miss the old theme, glad you used that one)

That chapter was fully focused on those two. Which means whatever everyone else was doing was up in the air.

The chapter itself was posted between the two chapters where the Gayos attacked Canterlot, so Nightmare Night was either just before or just after that battle. If just before, then Junior would have been available and at full strength; just let him heal up afterwords. If just after, well, he would have needed to heal up before the fight.... and then get sent back to finish healing up after.

Then again, the event doesn't HAVE to happen on Nightmare Night....

Edit: I just checked the other Bonus Chapter; Nightmare Night was the night After the Gayos attack. So, Junior would have been.... Healing. Slowly. In Luna's bed....

For those in the gutter, No, Luna wasn't in the bed with him. She slept elsewhere, you perverts.

Who said it had to happen in that particular Nightmare Night?

It's Gyaos, not Gayos.

I don't think my body is ready for this... BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


well, excuse me for my honesty

edit: i'm acting this way because i don't want this fanfic to fall into the void, like so many before it

it's one of the few truly good fanfics on this site, and one of the two best crossover fics ever(Metroid: Equis being the other)

There's honesty, and then there's just being rude.
I actually think there was an episode of MLP that covered that.

Let Tarb have some fun, he's been in Grad School Hell for the past few months. You'll get your new chapter when it comes.

Edit: Honey, acting this way actually deters progress instead of making it. Telling someone that they're 'wasting your time' when they're trying to do something fun is anything BUT positive. And it puts you in a bad light.

no comment on the edit?

Comment posted by Faith-Wolff deleted Oct 30th, 2018


Trust me, writing for this story is one of my absolute favorite things to do and I have no intention of ever letting it go unfinished. Why else do you think I'm crunching in the middle of both a holiday season as well as back-to-back graduate school essays and the laboratory work, just to make an entertaining special for everybody?

Diverse was being a great friend and my beloved has many good points you should take into account. I'm happy I could entertain you and I hope you enjoy what is to come, but please consider your words a little more carefully next time as I think you're coming off a lot ruder than you intend.

sorry for getting snippy, but it's been over 5 months now
one of the few things i had to look forward to every month was a new chapter of this story
there's a give-and-take to this sort of thing, and i've only been taken from for almost half a godsdamned year. i'd usually be ok with this, if not for what comes next: he does this riddley thing, and i was hyped as fuck because i thought it meant a new chapter on Halloween. then i find out it was for something completely different, and then my heart just fucking drops.
so again, forgive my attitude.

Sorry, but you need to learn patience.
Acting like this will not get you the results you want.

August, September, October. 3 months. All three of which I've been involved in field work, travel, graduate school, actual work, and full time classes. Again, really sorry I've been delayed but it hasn't been due to lack of interest which killed other stories.

all i can do is try, good sir.
and try i shall

the other stuff's been nice, but i was meaning since last chapter
again, sorry

If Junior gets even a taste of super, I want this to play during his transformation!


I would recommend saving that until Junior is truly transformed into Super Godzilla to fight Bagan

A new Chapter of the Bridge, and I get to meet a bunch of Metrosexual gangsters on Friday? Is this Halloween, or Christmas, cause this week is awesome!

Tarb's doing this for free, and puts a lot of hard work into this stuff. Don't be so spoiled M8.

you do have a point!

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