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Kaiju Profiles: [SPOILERS FOR HALLOWEEN] · 12:41am Nov 1st, 2018

Name: The Leviathan
Title: God of Destruction
Alias: Super Godzilla
Theme: Theme (By Red RangerKi501st)

"It had no conscience. No reasoning. Just destroy."
"Hatred incarnate."

Species: Hakai no kami, Mystically enhanced mutant Godzillasaurus
Height: Variable, starts at 150 meters
Weight: 240,000+ tons
Length: Variable, Starts at 300 meters
Relatives: Godzilla Junior (base component, host body)
- Gojira, Zilla Junior, Showa Godzilla (additional components)
Faction: None
Morality: It has none. Only whatever has the focus of its ire at the time will even be acknowledged. In essence, it is the mentality of the 1954 Godzilla bolstered to godhood.

Physical Prowess: Off the charts. Incalculable. Casual mountain buster with physical force alone. Durability is similarly extreme, prolonged contact with atmospheric lightning strikes and submersion in magma have no effects. Multiple nuclear strike level impacts didn't phase it.

Other Traits: Uncanny awareness of surroundings. Cannot be taken by surprise nor lose focus. Mere presence causes localized extinction level damages from radiating heat and shockwaves.


Ascension - It keeps getting stronger the longer it fights. Not only adapting to grow better armor in response to being wounded, but also grow in size via mana manipulation. It eventually stabilizes however and can't continue adapting.

Burning Light - A fusion of Nightmare Godzilla's ray with the Spiral Fire. Surface temperature over 1.5x10^6 degrees Celsius. Has burning, concussive, and slicing properties with so much raw power many kaiju could be one-shot by it. Can be fired from its mouth, eyes, and or dorsum simultaneously.

Leviathan Surge - Variant of Burning Light fired out of its back, used to fly or attack foes behind it. Acceleration up to Mach 12. Use of such in atmosphere can cause pressure waves that can split hills, level forests, and topple buildings. Charging itself constantly while in use, it flies upwards and then down into the target like a meteor impact.

Hakai - Cellular activity and radiation of prey ceased function after targeted and grabbed, mana is also consumed along with almost all potential energy. Background energy such as electricity and radiation can also be absorbed, just walking by a city would cause a total blackout. If aimed at living things, kills all tissue in seconds by draining the mana from it.

Hyper Pulse - Plasma and electrical conduction across the entire body, can be emitted in a shockwave with a wide radius. Can be amplified and stomp into the ground to cause an earthquake. These can also be channeled into the tail to release an energy way of golden spheres and blue lightning.

Shock Blades - Retractable blades made of bone charged with energy that erupt from the top of the wrists. Energy charge makes it only several micrometres thick on the edge, meaning with such gargantuan strength behind it, the blades can carve through most material with little issue.

Nova Beam - Fired out of a retractable sphere situated on the stomach, the gold colored raw is similar to the Burning Light but even more powerful at the cost of longer charge time.

?????? Storm - AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Bio: Omikron, an ancient scholar some claim to have come from Lemuria often depicted holding a lance as a sort of archetypal warrior poet, left several sonnets which have been translated and localized across Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. These could prove some credence to at the very least his extremely archaic nature. His most famous work, recorded on a silver tablet taken into the custody of [REDACTED BY U.E. COMMAND] read-

None are its equal, none can stand against its might
For it is a creature that knows no fear
And brings death and devastation to all within sight.

Four voices each loose a noble roar
But unite into one howl of flame
As the Leviathan seeks to win its war.

Wounds do not harm it, its blood does not dry
Its hatred and anger do not permit death
It cannot be subdued, such hopes are a lie

Its fury seems senseless, but the rage does have cause
Its bloody screams are filled with anguish and pain
For the chaos in its heart gives even nightmares pause.

The subject he spoke of in his prophecy as well as the remainder of the poem are unknown from current Aratrum records. Tablet lost in evacuation of Tokyo on March 3rd 20[REDACTED BY U.E. COMMAND]

The archbishop put the old tablet away after reading all of it, letting his fingers curl over the etched, incised writing one last time. Foolhardy as human faiths were, there was something about this one he found... interesting. It was either the ramblings of a madman, highlighting the worst follies of his species. Or something prophetic. It was far too distinct and created with far too much care to be brushed aside. Collecting this much silver in that bygone era, using it specifically to make the tablet resistant to the specific corrosive elements in the environment of which it was buried within, too much care. Rather than stored as a treasure for the world after, this author wanted it to endure, to be found. A testament to his madness across the eons, or a warning?

The sirens were blaring, which could only mean one thing. The King of the Monsters drew close. Metphies stowed the tablet away and departed the archives for the escape ship to the Aratrum. Curiosities aside, he had a plan to enact.

Comments ( 26 )

A fitting name for this beast...

If everyone is fighting the leviathan, I want this to play at Junior’s entrance:

I knew not what would happen.

And here I figured Super Godzilla would be a fusion of Junior and Xenilla.

Super Godzilla was the original inspiration for Space Godzilla, after all.

So the way I see it: This is a corrupt form of Super Godzilla. Like, basically, what happens when the base component of this things construction is hate. So it kinda stands to reason that the benevolent version would ALSO have a different name: one that fits its nature opposite to this. Let’s just hope we NEVER have to see this Spirit of Vengeance ever again.

This is a neat concept

Basically a Fusion of Zilla, Showa Godzilla, Godzilla Junior and Gojira but with a touch of Doomsday

Would Levithan become a Unicorn in Equestria since Showa Godzilla would likely follow in the route of Jr and become a Unicorn, or would it's status as a god result in it becoming a nightmarish looking Alicorn?

"Alias: Super Godzilla"

NO, NONE OF THAT!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Probably alicorn.

What? Super Godzilla was formed when Godzilla absorb a lot of outside energy that wasn't just radiation. The Leviathan was formed when Godzilla absorbed a lot outside energy that wasn't just radiation. The Leviathan is basically a dark version of Super Godzilla

That is true, but SG had a combination of Goji's and Ghidorah's DNA. This thing is the physical manifestation of all the negative energy of 4 Godzilla's. I'd call this more of a demon Gojira and not a "Super Godzilla."

Shame on you for screaming at this great man, old boy

"Super" Godzilla? This is more like Ultra Godzilla!

Wouldn't count the version of Super Godzilla we're used to as out of the game just yet.

I darn hope it isn't.

He was making a reference. It was a joke.

Huh. I wonder what he was referencing?

Dragonball Z Abridged: Episode of Bardock.

I know I already made this reference in the last post, but it's surprisingly fitting for this monstrosity, especially given the theme you picked.

It's Raining
You're Bleeding

So, is it safe to assume Doomsday from DC comics inspired this monstrosity?

*In-articular Symbiote roaring*

Ironically no actually. The idea was to make it look like a freakier version of Super Godzilla. I gave Pyrus a base description with a lot of wiggle room and this lovely piece of imagery is what he churned out. Doomsday did influence another kaiju though in the form of Enjin.

Comment posted by Delta238 deleted Dec 26th, 2022

?????? Storm - AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

What kind of attack is this if you do not mind me asking?

Also what was the theme for Leviathan? Picosong no longer works.
And Merry Christmas!

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