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Lord Of Dorkness

Deep into that dorkness peering...

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Stan The Man Lee dead at 95 · 8:59pm Nov 12th, 2018


No cause of death yet, and you can't call 95 a bad run by any means.... But man, he'll be missed.

Come to think about it, Stan Lee might be the first time I ever actually consciously realized that stories actually have a creator, and that it was not only OK, but outright great to be excited about you doing that. All thanks to those almost silly, would probably never happen today, 'True Believers' footnotes making me wonder '...Who is this 'Stan Lee' character, why don't the other characters ever react to him leaving knowing little notes everywhere, and why is he talking directly at me in these tiny yellow boxes?'

(7-8 year old me was rather adorably dense about some things.)

And come to think about it further, he's the source of one of the few writing advice I've taken so to heart, I've done it from the start. 'Every comic's somebody's first.' AKA, you can't take for granted that your reader knows what a, say, Jedi is, even if you've made six billion spin-offs—you have to at least give a token explanation for the new-comers every time, so that they can get intrigued, and become your new...

Well, true believers, as he put it.

And it's not easy doing that, AND keeping things dense, snappy and intriguing enough for those that's been with you since earlier to not lose interest... but it's always worth that effort.


It's just... a fictional welcome mat, of a sort. Any... well, dork can throw out ten billion words where The Zork fights The Blarg for the glory of The Whatever using The Sith Way if you hit your head against the keyboard for long enough...

But, well, you actually have to care to put some training-wheels on that sort of stuff. Throw the breaks on, show some humility, and explain why somebody that could only find volume #64 should care enough jump on next week, let alone to track down and go read #01-63.


And he managed that big concept, in one tiny freaking line. And make it sound snappy, too.

He'll be missed.

Report Lord Of Dorkness · 376 views · #Stan Lee #RIP
Comments ( 4 )

Ive heard it might have been pneumonia

I'm going to take a page from the Blockbuster Buster here. Just to be completely honest here. Feel free to imagine this in MLP voices if you're into that.

Alright. Everyone, stand! And I'm not kidding. Get out of your chairs (if you can/if you can read from there) as we pay tribute to one of the greats, Stan Lee.

We are gatherd to honour our friend... and comrade.
The man who came from the beyond to show us all that heroes aren't born, but made
Of all the souls I've ever seen, his was one of the most... human.
Despite any differences we may have had, I have nothing but respect for the man. I hope tat he knew... knows that. Wherever he is..
In the end, he showed that the world doesn't need supermen... just ones who are willing to be.

Rest well, king among gods.

I know that's DC but I still think it's beautiful.

Stanly Lieber (his "real name") will be greatly missed! He was a remarkable man who help create the first African Super Hero, Black Panther, and a fictional nation in Africa that was far in advance of the rest of the world during the Civil Rights era. His last great creation (for Marvel at least) is one of my faves, She Hulk a brilliant female lawyer who was as powerful as any male Super Hero.

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