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Tarb after Planet Eater

One Tokyo Comic Con online viewing later of the Legendary Pictures Booth

“Nothing on earth is its equal— a creature without fear.
It looks down on all that are haughty; it is king over all that are proud.”
- Director Mike Dougherty quoting Book of Job's Leviathan passage

Tarb after Tokyo CC

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack....

King of the Monsters just cured of my BSOD I got from Planet Eater. Pokemon is getting a live action movie by people who give a darn, Avengers is getting its big wrap-up film, Lion King's coming back, and now apparently a USA-China company in the form of Legendary Pictures is outdoing Japan in a Japanese series. 2019 is gonna be a good year...

Comments ( 38 )

You can't forget that Sony is slated to release their last iteration of the PS4, which is to include their newly patented hardware that, as best as I can understand it, should be fully backwards compatible with the entire Playstation family, by up-res emulation of the older systems AS the run the software.

Granted, they may pull the plug on it in favour of putting it in the PS5, and just give us a final version of the 4 as having a more powerful processor or some such

Completely unrelated note, Godzilla's has actual toes and it looks so much better than the 2014's columnar legs.

Edit: Jesus those wings on the Legendary King Ghidorah s.h monsterarts look like nightmares to pose, they need their own support stands for god's sake.

*my feelings upon seeing the new designs*

Legendary is killing it so far. If the movie holds up half as well as these designs do, it's going to be one to remember. Can't wait to see these in action.

Can I just say I liked Godzilla's old design and the new version equally?

With how things are going, I'm pretty most of our heads will explode once we finally see this movie on the big screen.

Also, Dreamworks best franchise is getting its final entry, Star Wars episode 9 is coming, two of the biggest surprise hit animated movies of the decade get their second films (Lego movie and Frozen), and a DC film actually looks promising. Yeah 2019 is gonna be good.

The night is darkest just before the dawn.

It was just the legs I hated.

Although I am loving the new dorsal spikes.

And thus my fear for King Ghidora's design can be laid to rest. He looks awesome.

not feeling mothra legs just dont look right to me but digging Rodan and King G

wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, hooooooooold up. where did you hear this? i never heard of this.

I got it in my news feed on my tablet about two months ago.

4975047 huh. i hope you are right, because holy sweet mama, that sounds like a absolute godsend.

I'm pretty sure you'll find it if you google 'Sony backwards compatibility patent'

wow. thats a lot of links. well, i guess we will find out for real whenever they announce the PS5

*looks up pictures because for whatever reason, my laptop hates all of them except Godzilla*

Good lord, Ghidorah's wings are MASSIVE! Also, the design looks great. If that's what we're gonna be fighting for most of the movie, I'm down with it.

This film seems to be tailor made with the criticism of the first movie in mind. Namely, the "more monsters" bit. Rewatching the teaser, while the human characters are on screen for a good amount of time, the monsters are front and center. Now, this can backfire as having too many monster scenes and not enough humans can kind of remove the audience from the action all together. But, considering that there are several scenes where humans and monsters are in frame together, including one of Millie Bobbie Brown petting the Mothra larva (d'aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww), I think we're gonna be okay.





I love Ghidorah's design.

It may be just me, but I expect the character to be more than a generic villain.

Well, considering each head has its own mo-cap actor, they're putting a lot of effort into getting Godzilla's most well known rival right.

Can't wait to see the flight animation for Mothra. Her quadrupedal stance gets me a sense she'll fly like the male Muto.

I'll admit that I like the legendary design more than Planet Eater, yet at the same time, I'm annoyed that they spoiled the Ghidorah design before the theatrical release. I wanted it to be built up like it was in the first trailer. Still, they made Ghidorah a slim boy, and Godzilla so stout. How did Ghidorah lose weight, and Godzilla gain weight? :trollestia:

The wings on Ghidorah look like a mixture of legitimate limb-like Dragon wings, and Rib Extensions like you mentioned on KG's profile awhile back. And they gave him theropod style legs curiously enough, in contrast to Godzilla's Sauropod feet. The only feature that kinda disappoints me about Legendary Ghidorah is that he doesn't have a mane, neither a long flowing Horse style mane or a Lion's like Showa Ghidorah.

Not much to say about Rodan, but he looks to be in his best design in the whole franchise so far.

The more insectile design we see on Mothra, more specifically, the legs have me on the fence. But I bet it's still better than anything the anime would've done.

The tweaked 2019 design might be one of my favorite Godzilla designs of all time, that's all.

All in all, Legendary's still keeping the ball rolling. Again, the poignant irony of an American studio outperforming Japan on Godzilla is not lost on me.

And I see that Zen-aku reference there! Anyway, I can't wait to see the movie, and how you might fit it into the Bridge's lore.

Well he's 170 feet taller than Godzilla, so he's probably still heavier. But yeah, Legendary's doing great. I'm hoping Toho can get their act back together after the anime trilogy. Still haven't seen Planet Eater but I did find a plot synopsis and it pissed me off to no end. Hopefully when 2021 rolls around (the earliest there can be another live-action Japanese Godzilla film) Toho will be back in action.

who you talking about? Mothra?

King Ghidorah : "I am king Ghidorah! son of GRAND King Ghidorah! YOU WILL KNOW TRUE TERROR!

Mothra's her favorite. So, yeah probably.

Love the designs for Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah. It looks like the GKG design served as influence for this incarnation of the character.


Mein Gott, that wingspan is magnificent... :rainbowderp:



Yeah, Legendary hit it out of the park.

And I think Mothra's Legendary design shows how you do different RIGHT:

She is very different in many ways, but still recognizable as Mothra, and the differences have logic behind them: they're to make her look more otherworldly and divine, but also make her look more powerful. Those limbs are specifically, according to word of god, for making her able to have more melee combat ability for better fight scenes. Which is nice.

This is how you do different right.

I haven't seen planet eater yet but if you don't like it, it must be terrible.

That depends. Do you like Godzilla films where the entire "monster battle" is one biting the other while said other can't hurt it for 99% of the fight while two completely unlikable characters trade bullsh:yay:t philosophy? If you answered no, then yes, it's pretty bad.

I'm just sort of weirded out by how she now looks like a Rubber Suit monster- like you could fit a person in there to act. Like, what? She's a people now, instead of a bug!

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