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01001001 01101110 01100110 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 · 7:51pm Dec 8th, 2018

Comments ( 52 )

...... Oh you're giving Anime Mechagodzilla a chance to shine? GOOD.

Mecha-godzilla from the anime definetly.


Binary code is "Infection" and poster says "Berserk." And it seems to have the anime MechaGodzilla on it. So you're giving it a chance to not suck. Cool.

“Infection” “BERSEREK” you missed the hidden messge in the picture :D I maybe miss something else.

And not suck. Gonna have it do this weird, new fangled thing tetrapods have been doing on Earth for over half a billion years called actually moving.

Am i the only one here who was fine with MechG's handling in the anime?

Will this be another what-if scenario like the Halloween special? And I was wondering when you'd cover MechaWalrus. I thought his concepts were sorely underutilized.

Berserk? Is that a reference to a certain MG unused concept? :ajsmug:

UGH THAT THING WAS A WASTE. ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING IT HAD A COOL DESIGN. Also have you seen the teasers and stuff from Monarch Sciences on Twitter? They've been getting WILD boi.

What unused concept?

Yes. We were ALL hyped up and shown pictures of MechaG and were basically being given info that it and Godzilla would fight when that didn't happen. So that was a fucking lie.

So what does that say of me if i still enjoy the trilogy?

That you enjoyed it even with it's..... big.... BIG faults. That's not wrong but just most of us didn't walk away happy.

I'd have been fine if they didn't lie to us in the marketing and used the ideas Urobuchi proposed. You don't get someone like Gen Urobuchi on your project and then put him on a tight leash.

Was still better than Planet Eater!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD....... so the final fight seems at one point to semi reintroduce Alien MechaGodzilla and give it some bad ass points. YES.

You can't say that without actually watching Planet Eater first

I have. Twice. If someone likes the anime installments that's perfectly fine but I just didn't have a grand time.

Comment posted by Aegyptius deleted Dec 8th, 2018

This should be interesting

hmm..."infection" and "Berserk.".....I don't think it's anime mecha G.

Theme "I am Machine"

or the "EVA" units.....specificly unit 1 (Warning: lots of blood)

so..... ah sort-of-kiryu?
to tie in the showa AND heisei M.G.s?

Couldn't tell you. The bossman is a master of keeping his fans guessing.

well...when you put it like that.....I CAN'T WAIT to read it! CAN'T! WAIT!
(sorry, that's my G-fan getting all worked up)

My guess of how this will turn out:
alien metal thingy finds Goji jr.
morphs into him.
they fight.
but here's the thing....
THAT would be cool!

I'm so confused

The Bridge gets infected by Berserk, if the title's any indication

Phooey, when I initially saw the binary I thought it might have something to do with Gigan. Guess we will wait a little longer for the Dark Hunters v. Terran defenders Arc. The Halloween special was good so it will still be fun to see where that goes.

I could never click with Mecha-G's Anime design. Just looked like a mess of metal parts. Didn't help with "MechaGodzilla City" and Nanometal.

I'm not trying to be rude (honestly, I'm not)
but can't this be a LEGIT chapter insted of a christmas chapter.
I think you've kept us waiting long enough.
(again, not trying to be rude. plz don't take offence.)

Yeah, exactly how bad was Planet Eater? Was it just lame, or was it so bad it makes the 1998 film look like a work of art*?

*Okay, that might be a bad example. I actually don't mind the 1998 film. After all, it gave us Godzilla: The Series, so it wasn't entirely for nothing.

Man you are really letting it sink in how much you disliked that movie, huh? Well, King of the Monsters is only six months away.

Tarb, have you seen the teaser videos uploaded by Monarch's Twitter? If so, what do you think of Mothra and Rodan's new roars?

The video is not available.

Infection? Berserk? What are you up to now?

Soo... Is nobody going to say anything about the fact that Berserk is misspelled as Berserek?

I haven't personally seen Planet Eater, but I've heard about what happens in it. My reaction upon hearing what its story consisted of was akin to "...What the hell was even the point of this whole trilogy?!"

Intentional. One of the anglicized forms of the unmade monster's name had that spelling and it makes for a more unique monster name.

It is the title of the blog entry, the Binary code of 1 and 0 :D

Ya know, for all the weird sh:yay:t that's made it into Godzilla films, the stuff that didn't is even weirder. As odd as Shin was, Toho actually had to put a leash on Anno. Seriously, that fifth form was just......ew.

I honestly haven't read much about it. People seem to be pretty silent on the whole thing.

I will say this, though; at first glance, I kind of like the idea of a Ghidorah-cult. The idea might be executed a little better, but I find it somewhat intriguing. In fact, one of my earlier theories for Godzilla: King of the Monsters was that the mystery organization that MONARCH fights is trying to awake Ghidorah or something like that. Obviously not, at this point, but still.

The Ghidorah-cult idea sounds perfectly fine. I have nothing against that. My grievance with the movie comes from something unrelated to that. I'll hold my tongue on precisely what until the movie actually comes out properly and people see it for themselves (myself included).

I'm not really planning on seeing it. Not to pry, but could you send it to me in a private message perhaps?

A Ghidorah cult huh?........BOW BEFORE ME PESSENTS!

Clever use of binary, Tarb. Took me a while to realize it’s a word and not a number.

Dude, you need Grammarly, seeing as how you make numerous spelling errors

Ahh Mechagodzilla such a wasted use of a monster in the anime but I know you can give it new life.


Watch this. It'll make you feel better.

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