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nutting over Twice as Bright for 600 words or so · 2:24am Dec 12th, 2018

So, this

is my favorite piece of fanfiction in the entire world, and I probably couldn't say any bad things or come up with criticisms for it even if I sat down and tried, and I don't want to do that.

I reread it today and I just want to gush over it a bit so I don't annoy my friends too much :twilightsheepish:

I've been lurking on FimFic since I was 12 –– we're now at 8 whole years of reading hundreds and hundreds of stories because I'm a giant nerd, and not one has ever managed to charm me as much as Twice as Bright.

Except for maybe Pipsqueak's Day Off (probably my favorite first-person story), and Exchange (has a passage that is without a doubt one of the most romantic, epic, things I've ever read, and also is my favorite HiE fic) but even then, those are definite second-bests.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to come out and say Twice as Bright is the best fic in the entire world, and that it's completely flawless. I just, like, really like it.

Let's make a quick list of things I like about it

  • The Ship

Twice as Bright attempts to make a romance between Pinkie Pie and Princess Celestia both make sense and be appealing. I think it does this tremendously, and it's this spirit of joy and "why not?" that I carry with me whenever I write romance. This story doesn't treat Pinklestia like a crack-ship. It simply treats them like two separate people with extremely different stations in life, and then it has them fall in love. It acknowledges that the idea seems ridiculous, but it doesn't treat it as impossible.

That's always been so beautiful to me. There's something so realistic and lifelike about that, because the weirdest, most absurd things happen in real life, especially when it comes to relationships (why the fuck Beyoncé is with Jay-Z will always be a mystery to me).

I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. But the way that Twice as Bright treats Pinklestia has really shaped my philosophy and approach to shipping in general, and I can't thank it enough for that.


Okay, this story has diagetic songs in it. That's so fucking cool.

I've always been fascinated by MLP's treatment of songs -- sometimes they're just songs that tie in with the plot, but other times they're treated as things that are actually happening. I still maintain that Equestria's highest form of rhetoric is in the form of improvised songs. A Changeling Can Change? That shit really happened, and it's only because Spike sang that he managed to convince everyone in that room that Thorax was a cool dude. Flawless? That also happened, but the fact that it wasn't able to win an average Equestrian over is because their opinions were impossibly unchangeable and stubborn.

Also, if Starlight sang instead of giving a speech to the changeling hive in To Change a Changeling, she definitely would have rallied them sooner.

  • The Prose [spoilers if you haven't read the fic]


“I am rusty,” she said, leaning to touch their foreheads together. “I am a creature of old habits and customs, and for all my words, I sometimes find myself struggling to find the right ones when it comes to you. This I know regardless: I would kiss you now.”

Perhaps she had known. Perhaps she hadn’t. Now that Pinkie knew she knew, it was the simplest thing in the world to tilt her head and part her muzzle to kiss a princess. For a tiny moment, the world was mint, watermelon, pear cider and chocolate cake. Celestia’s lips touched hers for what would never be long enough, an event cursed to always be an electric instant.

Oh my god maybe it's because I'm reading it with all the build-up and context fresh in my mind but this gives me butterflies

I could go on for longer. Probably another hour or so. But I have other things to be doing, so that's it. Shoutouts to Fimfiction for having a blog feature.

More stories coming soon.


Comments ( 1 )

Good thing you read it after no nut November.

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