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Rated Ponystar

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Deities of AssassinationVerse: Ashina, Goddess of Wolves · 2:31am Dec 13th, 2018

9. Ashina, Goddess of Wolves

While it can be said that all the gods have some sort of tragedy moment in their rule, the one that has suffered the most is Ashina and her wolves, who suffer to this day. If Septum Cain was the most respected God of the group, then Ashina was the most beloved as none hated her save for Centarus. It’s hard to believe that the goddess of such a hunter-based race was a kind and gentle soul, but to this day nearly every deity, regardless of their issues with each other, meet on the day of her coma to mourn her except for a few for various reasons. Ashina was one of the older gods to be born by the Creator Gods and developed a quick friendship with other such as Fausticorn, Amanari, and her closet friend Seremora. It is also said that Ashina is the only one know of the whereabouts of the missing Diamond Dog God [INFORMATION DELETED]. Who currently [INFORMATION DELETED].

She created her race on an isolated continent called Lupus Terra where they developed into a set of packs who divide the territory equally among them known as the Fire, Water, Earth, and Air packs. Each tribe could control an aspect of nature with various howls and mystical tattoos that allowed them to create a personal paradise. Each tribe had their own traditions, laws, and culture while retaining a few similarities with one another include a moment of the year where they would meet in the center of their island for one week each year to mingle.

The basis of wolf society was honoring nature. Everything around them was a gift by the gods and they honored it with grace, even the animals they killed were honored after death as thanks for food. All of them worshiped the moon, which Ashina had overseen for raising and setting at the time, and Ashina would create stars and pictures on the moon to the delight of her subjects. Because of the closeness of their goddess, the wolves and sirens held good relationships while also exchanging trade deals with Dragons, Zebras, Deer, and even ponies in times to come. That didn’t mean they couldn’t defend themselves as the wolves used their hunter skills, nature powers, and group tactics to defeat invaders such as the Griffins, Centaurs, and Yak. Still if there was one weakness the wolves had it been their short lifespan. A wolf only lived to about 30 to 40 years compared to most average races living until 80 or 90. It is unknown why the reason of such a life span was given, but the most logical assumption was to keep the population in check as they breed fast and practiced polygamy. The afterlife of the wolf race was known as the Star Lands, where all deceased wolves join the Star Pack, a perfect paradise where all clans became one and hunted, ran, and lived with their families with everything provided for them by Ashina who often interacted with them in the afterlife. Bad wolves were isolated in a dark forest, but never personally punished, to wander alone until they repented their actions before being allowed to interact in the afterlife.

Sadly, everything came to an end when Ashina learned of her friend, Seremora, and her eating of souls. Seremora, feared the Creator Gods would punisher her she begged Ashina not to let them know of this. However, Ashina believed her friend needed the help of the Creator Gods to cure her of her madness and so she went to tell them. However, by time she did she heard the screaming and wailing of her people both in the mortal realm and in her afterlife. Fearing what had happened, she and the Creator Gods stopped Seremora until she revealed with insane laughter that she had created a tidal wave big enough to swallow Lupus Terra, killing all her wolves. The said wolves went to the afterlife but waiting for them was Seremora who ate them and those already of Star Pack. Her creations, her children, now were forever doomed to be digested for an eternity in her once closest friend.

Overcome with grief, Ashina unleashed a wail of sorrow that echoed in all four corners of the mortal realm, all the afterlives, and even the void. Her sadness too much, Ashina was broken and fled into the very moon itself to cry to herself for her lost souls before her grief forced her into a coma where she continues to sleep in today. The souls of the wolves continued to be in the imprisoned Seremora’s stomach who can only be free by her will of release as ending Seremora’s existence will forever erase all the souls she holds in her belly. Ashina’s duty was passed to her friend Amanari (And later Fausticorn after her scandal) while the wolves remain the only race to be completely wiped out.

However, Cern, Goddess of Deer, gave a prophesy that one day Ashina will awaken and that when she does the souls of both the wolves and the sirens will be saved by her forgiveness. Until then, she continues to sleep in grief in the moon.

Standing With Other Gods: Like Septum Cain, Ashina was loved by all and had many close ties with various gods and goddess (except for Centarus). Her coma is treated as if she passed away and is mourned by all the gods.

Looks: A giant silver wolf with eyes that change the color like a rainbow every so often. She also had multiple tattoos on her in various colors.

Religious Structure: Pretty much similar to Native American Worship.

Afterlife: The Star Lands were a paradice of endless game, clear waters and skies, deep forests, warm stars, and eternal happiness. All the wolves there called themselves Star Pack and often interacted with their goddess or provide guidance to their clans on the mortal realm via dreams. Bad wolves wandered alone in a dark forest until they repented their sins before welcomed into Star Pack. It’s now a husk and wasteland of a place after Seremora was through with it.

P𐌴𐍂 𐍉𐍂𐌳𐌹𐌽𐌴𐌼 c𐌴𐍂𐌱𐌴𐍂𐌿𐍃 i𐌽𐌵𐌿𐌹𐍃𐌹𐍄𐌹𐍉𐌽𐌹𐍃 d𐌴 r𐍉𐍈𐌴 𐌽𐍉𐍄𐌹𐍄𐌹𐌰 𐌳𐌴𐌻𐌴𐍄𐌿𐌼 𐌷𐌰𐌱𐌴𐍄 𐍆𐌹𐌴𐍂𐌹 s𐍄𐌰𐍄𐌿𐌰𐌼 s𐌴c𐌿𐍂𐌹𐍄𐌰𐍄𐌴𐌼, 𐌿𐍄 𐍃𐍄𐌰𐍄𐌿𐍄𐌿𐌼 𐌴𐍃𐍄, 𐌰𐌱 a𐌻𐍀𐌷𐌰-d𐌴𐌹 i𐌼𐍀𐌴𐍂𐌰𐍄𐍉𐍂 i𐍀𐍃𐌴

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Report Rated Ponystar · 1,073 views · Story: Aftermath of a Fallen Star ·
Comments ( 19 )

Again, another well-detailed, compelling entry, but I still don't understand why the other gods won't do something to help all the souls inside Seremora, even if it involves cutting her open and yanking them out; surely the unimaginable suffering of untold billions is more important than the momentary pain of one deity? The fact that the other gods are choosing to let those souls be tortured for who knows how long makes them, in my eyes, evil and possibly sadistic. That lack of action and seeming lack of caring really does hurt this series and makes it less enjoyable to read with each new post.

Extinction is one thing, but when you mess with the afterlife, that’s just beyond pouring salt in the wound

Really with how much is supposed to happen in the coming story I am worried that there may be too many plot lines for fans to follow. This is so far the third god that is due to be either healed or saved. I hope we will be able to get this story soon, but quality takes time and that is always in short supply.


I agree that many of the gods and goddesses are absolute jerks. I wish that at the end of Ragnarock the creator gods chew out the lower gods because almost every issue was started by their childish actions or stupidity. Then again it makes me wonder again just how important was Twilight and why several more parties didn't do more to keep the good path open.


The souls of the wolves continued to be in the imprisoned Seremora’s stomach who can only be free by her will of release as ending Seremora’s existence will forever erase all the souls she holds in her belly

This seems to indicate that Seremora is the only one that can release the souls and can only do so willingly.

Wonder if the deleted info about the diamond dog god is a reference to the lost primarchs.

If you mean the race gods it’s because they don’t have the power to do anything even if they want to. As for the creator gods they are more powerful, but the souls won’t come out unless Seremora will them. Just cutting up a god’s stomach isn’t going to free them like in other myths.

I honesty realized a while ago I made mistakes with this series but I can’t rewrite it because I feel that would just waste more time so I do the best I can with what I created.


That is all we can ask. Hopefully all goes well with what you intend to do.

P𐌴𐍂 𐍉𐍂𐌳𐌹𐌽𐌴𐌼 c𐌴𐍂𐌱𐌴𐍂𐌿𐍃 i𐌽𐌵𐌿𐌹𐍃𐌹𐍄𐌹𐍉𐌽𐌹𐍃 d𐌴 r𐍉𐍈𐌴 𐌽𐍉𐍄𐌹𐍄𐌹𐌰 𐌳𐌴𐌻𐌴𐍄𐌿𐌼 𐌷𐌰𐌱𐌴𐍄 𐍆𐌹𐌴𐍂𐌹 s𐍄𐌰𐍄𐌿𐌰𐌼 s𐌴c𐌿𐍂𐌹𐍄𐌰𐍄𐌴𐌼, 𐌿𐍄 𐍃𐍄𐌰𐍄𐌿𐍄𐌿𐌼 𐌴𐍃𐍄, 𐌰𐌱 a𐌻𐍀𐌷𐌰-d𐌴𐌹 i𐌼𐍀𐌴𐍂𐌰𐍄𐍉𐍂 i𐍀𐍃𐌴

What language is that? And how do you translate it?

Can you at least give it to us in a more common font?


Per ordinem Cerberus Inquisitionis De Rove notitia deletum habet fieri Statuam Securitatem, ut statutum est, ab Alpha-Dei Imperator Ipse.


During the investigation of the order, Cerberus Rove deleted information security has become is to be established by the alpha-general accordingly

Google Translate isn't exactly known to be accurate, but why do I get a bad feeling from reading this? Also, has anyone told you you're a troll?

But why? Why don't the creator gods do something if they're more powerful? To use an analogy, it's as if the Allied high command knew that the Nazis were operating secret concentration camps in the Arctic that tortured inmates in the most horrific ways imaginable, but shrugged and made no attempt to free them, saying that only Hitler could do so. Any reasonable individual would be outraged and demand to know why.

As I've said before, these bios are well written and gripping, but everything about Seremora taints the series as a whole. We need something beyond 'Only Seremora can free the souls inside her', because the audience is going to wonder why the other gods don't get off their asses and do something. Perhaps Seremora is the most powerful of all the race gods and could fight them all off easily (and eat them in the process), or she uses magic to bind the spirits to her essence, or a decree is passed from the creators that no god may harm or kill another god, or she's wearing a magical suit of armor that can't be pierced or torn open. Any reason is better than 'only she can free them'. That feels lazy, and makes the other gods look both incompetent and complacent in allowing (presumably) billions of innocent souls to be tortured for eternity.

Mainly it’s because the only possible way to try is to rip her apart to do so. They can’t force her to throw them up, ripping open her stomach would kill her if the creator gods did it and the souls would be lost that way and the Creator Gods don’t want to kill their creations. Also the Creator gods are just a faction of time, fate, and death in an infinite of universes and realities (something I was going to go over on their page) so they aren’t all powerful just more powerful then the Race Gods since they are fragments. That being said they did make it so she can never eat souls again and put in events via fate to free the souls. But in the long run to them years mean nothing so it plays out as it does based on how long it takes for the events to occur.


That being said they did make it so she can never eat souls again and put in events via fate to free the souls. But in the long run to them years mean nothing so it plays out as it does based on how long it takes for the events to occur.

That's a fair point, and it makes the situation with Seremora easier to accept. Have you mentioned this before in any of the other bio posts? Doing so would probably help avoid alienating readers as I was.

No but I don’t wanna give too much information out to spoil stuff

The Forgiveness of Ashina and The Return of Septum Cain, could the two be connected?

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