• Member Since 27th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 5th


It is my great conceit that I can write interesting stories for utter strangers and maybe sometime in the far far future get paid for it.

More Blog Posts82

  • 10 weeks
    I'm back

    Windows 10 had some problems with my network so I had to take it out back and give it the Ol Yeller treatment.
    Got a new puppy, Windows 11.
    Hopefully, it won't savage my ankles.

    Onto posting stuff.

    2 comments · 50 views
  • 51 weeks
    July 2023 Update

    Diablo IV Season 1:
    Corruption is spreading!

    The Season of Flatulence.
    Silent but deadly.
    Believe us it will be a gas!
    Gaslighting is encouraged.

    Buy a Taco Hell, Beastly Burrito to join.

    Ok, that's enough.

    After a millisecond of consideration, I've decided to post MLP fanfics that I kept on DeviantArt here.
    May Celestia have mercy on your, um, they're not that bad.

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    0 comments · 143 views
  • 60 weeks
    Pony Pinball

    Yeah, MLP pinball is a thing.

    3 comments · 198 views
  • 93 weeks

    We sat in the North Garden under the cooling shade of the gazebo. The air was warm, and full of the sleepy buzz of no so busy bees. I sat and looked at the half-empty pitcher of ice tea, and thought about what I was going to say next.

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    2 comments · 240 views
  • 96 weeks
    Ghostwire Tokyo

    What is Ghostwire Tokyo?

    In a nutshell, its a buddy ghost busting game.

    You get to bust ghosts without having a nuclear reactor on your back.
    No worries about crossing streams either.

    It's a buddy game because it's like those movies where they pair two different folks,
    and they have to work together. One person knows more than the other person who has a totally different skillset.

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    0 comments · 179 views

Story Idea 6775 · 3:44am Dec 16th, 2018

Where am I? Didn't want to open my eyes. Knew that I wasn't home. Frickin, night black male pegacorn with the baleful red eyes! What was his name? Yeah, it was a he. Doing evil things must have given him a stiffy. Too bad I didn't have a gun or a laser weapon. The name, oh yeah, Shiolnar. Dirtbag said I was going to be a future threat so he would have to send me away.

Damn, what's poking me in my gut?

I turned over and curled up. My head spun like an out of control merry-go-round. You know the one that has horses turning and screaming incessantly. Fun times.

Somebody said,”Please, wake up.”

Then there was a low growl.

Damn, I better open my eyes. That sounded serious. Also smelled crap. Hope it's not mine. What sort of place am I in?

I finally opened my eyes. A dusty wooden floor with shelves greeted my eyes. That was something of a relief.

Then something moved into my view.

I sat up and had to close my eyes. Had to wait for the spinning in my head to slow down. When it did, I opened my eyes.

In front of me was another pegacorn but unlike the first one that sent me here, this one looked like it had the bad end of a fight. The poor creature's horn was cracked and a bit of blood was still seeping from it. It looked at me with large eyes with purple irises while cuts and gashes covered its lavender coated body.

“Are you okay?” I had to know. If this was my pony, I would definitely give the abuser a good, no, bad beating.

The pegacorn blinked slowly like I had asked a stupid question. “No, I'm hungry and thirsty and I can't do any magic!”

I like that attitude, this creature seemed like a fighter. “Since we might be here a while, why not trade names?”

The pegacorn frowned. “I like my name, and would like to keep it.”

Hmm. Is this creature literal?

The pegacorn managed a weak smile. “My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight Sparkle is an alright name. Much better than Moon Unit Two. Who the heck would name a kid that? Mr. Zappa must've had a sick sense of humor or a mean streak. Those two aren't mutually exclusive. “My name is Jennifer Lewis.”

Twilight held out her hoof.

I gently shook it.

She looked at me like I was nuts.

“What?” How many ways do folks shake hands?

“Back home in Equestria, we bump hooves,” Twilight said.

I made a fist and bumped her outstretched hoof. Thank goodness she didn't do an explosion. I always found that to be like super lame. I tried to stand up. The room spun like I was drunk. Too bad. Almost fell down, but I managed to right myself.

“Be careful,” Twilight said.

Really wished I could lean against something. Felt so weak. While I'm up, let me take another look around.

We were in some sort of storage room with lots of gray metal shelves with dusty brown boxes. There was a pile of pegacorn crap in the corner. Sunlight came in from a window on the right side of the room. How come Twilight couldn't open the door? Oh yeah, no hands and no magic. Speaking of magic what about mine?

Yeah, I'm a wizard. Could do lots of different magics...

My thoughts about my magic swirled away like a wooden sign in a hurricane. Damn. Can't do magic if I can't concentrate or remember what to do. Probably not a good idea to mention magic since I can't do it.

But I can think and plan. First thing, find out about our location, next thing get food, water and weapons. Maybe in a few hours the swirling in my head will subside. First thing.

“Twilight, did you check out the boxes?”

“No, I can't read the text on them and without my telekinesis, I can't open the boxes.”

For some reason, I looked down at my long fingered hands. Yes, they still worked. I'll check out the boxes and maybe get us out of here.

I stumbled my way to the window then I stopped. What if there was something looking up? Yeah, let's stay away from the windows. Time to check out the shelves. Maybe I could find a masterwork katana?

Nope, the boxes on the shelf were toys. Pirate playset. Too bad it wasn't Lego, I might take some of that. Checked the shelf on the other side, more toys.

Twilight followed behind me. “Did you find any food?”

I shook my head. “Just small toys.”

Twilight's stomach growled.

Who knows maybe my stomach might start growling too or even worse I'll feel dizzy. Yeah, good times.

A few minutes later, I had check out all of the boxes. Just toys. I guess I should be happy that I could read the text. Time to leave Toytown, I hope.

Wait, let's make sure we don't stumble into something nasty. “Twilight, do you hear anything?”

Her purple ears swiveled about for a moment. “Other than my growling stomach, no.”

I crept up to the door. Then I tried the knob. It turned. Yes. I poked my head out quick to see if anything was outside. Nope. Checked the other direction. Nope.

We walked up to the door across from the room we left. Locked. Damn. It was a bit cooler here. I checked some of the other doors and they were locked too. There was one open door, the men's bathroom.

Maybe we could get some water from the sinks. No, not the toilets. I slowly pushed the door open and a stench hit us in the noses.

Twilight recoiled. “It stinks. I bet there's no fresh water here.”

I recognized some of the smells inside the stink. One of them was rotting human flesh. I've been on battlefields before and after battles and you smell stuff like this. Maybe going into this stinking room will get us something useful. “You stay outside and I'll check it out.”

Twilight frowned,”Why?”

I shrugged. “There might be something useful in here.”

Twilight moved away from the door.

I opened the door quickly and stepped inside. Basically, it looked like a bathroom you've seen in a train station or building. Sinks near the entrance. Urinals further back near the windows and a set of stalls to my left. Am going to check out the stalls last. Then something moved out the corner of my eye. What was it?

My reflection in the mirror. A dark haired woman with brown eyes looked back at me. She had some blood in her hair. Decided not to deal with that until I had a first aid kit. Twilight probably needed the kit more than I did. Noticed that one of her wings looked like it was dislocated. Until I get my...

“Are you alright in there?” Twilight said.

I snapped out of my fugue. What was I thinking about? Well, time to check for running water. One faucet spat out some rusty water then it stopped. The others didn't even bother to do that. For a quick second, I thought about fussing with the urinals, but decided to skip that. Now to deal with the stalls.

The first stall was open and had old crap in the toilet. Had some ideas about that. Someone tried to live here even though the power grid was down. The only way the grid could be down if there was no one to keep it going. Not a good thought. Moved on to the closed stall.

Then I moved on to the other open stall and climbed up on the toilet. Slipped into something soft. Tried again. All I have to do is to open the door and things would be better. Took a bit of balancing but I finally got the door open.

Climbed back into the other stall and walked around the corner.

Finally, I could see the poor guy. He had blown his brains out with a gun. Whispered apologies as I went through his pockets. Didn't have to do it because he had a key ring full of keys. I also picked up the gun too. Yes, things got better.

I walked out of the bathroom with my prizes.

Twilight wrinkled her nose. “Did you step in something?”

I nodded. “But it's so worth it! We have keys to the entire building.” Well, I assumed that but maybe there were keys to some guy's home. Nah, too many keys.

Twilight nodded weakly. “We can get some food and water.”

“Yes,” I said. Maybe we can find a first aid kit. We could use one.

Twilight pointed to the gun. “What's that?”

“A weapon or if the keys don't work, we might be able to open doors this way.”

Twilight looked down the hall then back at me. “Let's use the keys first.”


We walked back down the hall to the next door.

I have some more ideas for this.
Maybe I'll finish this.

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