• Member Since 27th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 5th


It is my great conceit that I can write interesting stories for utter strangers and maybe sometime in the far far future get paid for it.

More Blog Posts82

  • 10 weeks
    I'm back

    Windows 10 had some problems with my network so I had to take it out back and give it the Ol Yeller treatment.
    Got a new puppy, Windows 11.
    Hopefully, it won't savage my ankles.

    Onto posting stuff.

    2 comments · 50 views
  • 51 weeks
    July 2023 Update

    Diablo IV Season 1:
    Corruption is spreading!

    The Season of Flatulence.
    Silent but deadly.
    Believe us it will be a gas!
    Gaslighting is encouraged.

    Buy a Taco Hell, Beastly Burrito to join.

    Ok, that's enough.

    After a millisecond of consideration, I've decided to post MLP fanfics that I kept on DeviantArt here.
    May Celestia have mercy on your, um, they're not that bad.

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    0 comments · 143 views
  • 60 weeks
    Pony Pinball

    Yeah, MLP pinball is a thing.

    3 comments · 198 views
  • 93 weeks

    We sat in the North Garden under the cooling shade of the gazebo. The air was warm, and full of the sleepy buzz of no so busy bees. I sat and looked at the half-empty pitcher of ice tea, and thought about what I was going to say next.

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    2 comments · 240 views
  • 96 weeks
    Ghostwire Tokyo

    What is Ghostwire Tokyo?

    In a nutshell, its a buddy ghost busting game.

    You get to bust ghosts without having a nuclear reactor on your back.
    No worries about crossing streams either.

    It's a buddy game because it's like those movies where they pair two different folks,
    and they have to work together. One person knows more than the other person who has a totally different skillset.

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    0 comments · 179 views

Bugger off 2018 · 1:54am Jan 1st, 2019

Happy New Year.

Lost too much this year.
Hopefully, the hits won't keep coming.

Seriously, it feels like each year was a cavalcade of train wrecks created by Gomez Addams. A whole escalating series of trains flying off the rails and exploding while people dodged and screamed.

Then we get folks that won't be the same anymore.

Bethesda has brain damage, not sure they'll survive.
What sane corporation screws up like this over and over?
Any new games from them will be scrutinized carefully and no more craps will be given.

Poor Blizzard got a brain aneurysm.
If we look in their eyes will we see the same company looking back?
Or will we see a stranger's speculative gaze?
Getting rid of QA people while beefing up IT is asking for trouble.
One thing people liked about Blizzard was that they took their time to produce a quality product.
Now since the corporates are pushing for more products faster, there's going to be trouble.

Then we have Bioware.
Their lives hang on a prayer and Anthem.
Good luck with that.
No really.

I would scream louder about 2018 buggering off, but then I worry about 2019.

Maybe 2019 will be like dashing out of safe buildings to cross streets filled with horny and hungry raptors?
Oh, and the raptors sometimes sell life insurance, and don't use condoms.
And then there are the loot boxes...

Report sevenofeleven · 129 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Happy New Year, and yeah, 2018 was honestly the worst in my opinion.

Seriously, it feels like each year was a cavalcade of train wrecks created by Gomez Addams. A whole escalating series of trains flying off the rails and exploding while people dodged and screamed.

I know, right!? I thought I was the only one who felt that way!

Then we get folks that won't be the same anymore.

Yup, you can say that again.

I would scream louder about 2018 buggering off, but then I worry about 2019.

Maybe 2019 will be like dashing out of safe buildings to cross streets filled with horny and hungry raptors?
Oh, and the raptors sometimes sell life insurance, and don't use condoms.
And then there are the loot boxes...

I have genuine fears for 2019, too. I am dreading to see anything get worst. We must have faith, but much like you, I have so many worries, and fears for 2019...

Happy New Year.
Yeah, we just have to take it day by day and carry on.

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