• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th


I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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    Happy 10 Years

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Another New Year · 4:45am Jan 1st, 2019

A lot happened to me this year and things have shifted. I've been effectively working two jobs while being a full time grad student, and all the stress that entails. But I've also got to spend time with Faithy, got some good chapters out, and had another year with you all as my friends. My only regret is not having enough time for all the folks I care for. I just want you guys and gals to know just how much you are valued. I read each and ever comment, even if I can't get around to responding to all of them.

You've given me laughs, company, and much needed motivation to keep going. If I can make someone smile by reading my work, enough they let me know and prove to be such good company, I can tolerate a lot of stress. You all gave me that this year and for that I am extremely grateful.

Here's to you all, it looks like 2019 is going to be a good one!

And as a tease for tomorrow-

-Wysteria wished she had as much of a placid surrounding when she saw what was coming around the bend in the hill. A thick, dark pillar of smoke. Turning the corner of the road soon revealed the source in the form of a long path of skid marks leading from a large patch of very hard-to-see ice on the road towards a large dent in the guard rail. And a few dozen meters further ahead, the back end of a smoking car sticking onto the road through the hole it had punched in the railing from hitting it at high speed. She slowed her car and peered forward, hoping against hope she would see someone standing beside the wreckage safe and sound.

Instead she heard a loud, high-pitched yell from over the edge.

It was broad daylight, anybody might drive by at any moment. The only ones that knew who and what she was could be counted on two fingers. Mrs. Posey was deceased, and her own husband swore never to tell a soul after she revealed it to him on the eve of their wedding night. She didn’t hesitate for a moment to park her car and come sprinting out of it while holding onto her necklace. There was a flash of green light and Wysteria leapt off the ground, nimbly landing to hit the snow in a rush as Gaea Everfree half sprinted, half levitated towards the wrecked car.

Comments ( 24 )

Happy new year. Love the personalities you gave Goji and the others. Can't wait for more.

May 2019 be better.

Happy new year! I do have a question, can I make my own story with the your characters? I have something different in mind and well, I wanted to asked first. There something else, I kind been making up my own spins off, mostly around one shots, with some of the kaiju that doesn't appear in your story. The idea I do have is Biollante being in Equestria for one day to learn that her brothers had made up and thought it might be a good idea to have the three of them spend some time together. Please be aware I'm not that good at writing, mainly because of my grammar, I hate when people tell me about when I already know, and It might not be as good as yours. I like your Godzilla/MLP story and hoping to read even more. I will say it gets a little confusing when you jump between three world sometimes.

A wonderfully happy New Year to you, Tarb my friend.

You are valued as well. I am almost done with the next chapter of The Lost Hero, and once it is posted, I’ll start reading The Bridge again.

Happy New Year Tarbtano, your story is one of my top fives.

HEY!! King of the monsters comes out sometime this year, hope you are as excited about that as I am.

Another chapter, tomorrow? Tarb, you're spoiling us.

Happy New Year, Tarb.
No matter whether I'm chatting with you on Discord, or commenting on The Bridge, you've made me enjoy every second of getting to know the gang who make the story (and the Amalga'verse) possible.

Happy New Year!
So looking back on this year in the Bridge: 2018 was not the greatest year for the story, only 8 main story chapters to last years 13, a bit of a content drought in the tail end of the year, and i won't deny i have had my issues with the Rainbow Rocks arc, but i'm still enjoying the story a lot and looking forward to the next year.
Best Chapter of the year: Chapter 43: Collision Course
Worst Chapter of the year: I want to Say the Evergree special but that's a. a part one and b. a special, so i'll give th loss to Chapter 44 Rightous Clash basically by default.
Stuff i'm most looking forward to in 2019: Kingdom Hearts 3, Star Wars Episode 9 (still love The Last Jedi), Avengers: Endgame, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and Detective Pickachu.

Hah, you work way too hard man, but that kind of thing does tend to pay off in the long run. Always appreciate your stories and hoping this upcoming year turns out to be a good one for everyone, and that eventually you get some well deserved time off to unwind.

Happy New Year my friend!

And we all get busy and have to deal with a lot, no problem.

Hope 2019 is a good year. It has King of the Monsters coming out, so that's something to look forwards to.

Happy New Year, my dude! Appreciate the hard work you do on your story and your side stories, they are full entertainment. Looking forward to something new from this upcoming year! :twilightsmile:

Happy new year, hope all goes well with a new year!

Happy new year.

I'm in the same boat. (about the grammar and writing I mean.)
and what are you going to make Biollante's personality be like?

Happy New Year!
So we've got "Berserk", "Wysteria's plot line", and THE ALL IMPORTANT "Defenders VS. Hunters arc". this going to be interesting.

First we got "Monster X VS. Kaizer Ghidorah", then "Gojira Jr. VS. Shin Gojira", and now "Mothra Lea/Leo VS. Battra Lea/Leo".
What's next? Is Megalon going to go into his "rebel teen phase"? or is Gigan goint to fight his programming?
but anyway, Thank you so much for this awesome story!
It's written SO WELL that even a G-fan can love this! ( I've been here for 2 and 1/2 years, but had an account for this website for 1!) It's the only MLP story that I like. (#StillNotABrony)
I can't help but see this as an ANIME! once I learn to animate, I'm going to make an ANIMATED INTRO for this!
2019 is going to be a good year.
-pretty much the only G-fan here, Shogun Ghidorah.


4989425 Well think my version of Biollante will be still be monsters like the first time she show up but listen more to the human soul she has inside of her. But when she because her monster form, she stop listening to it. Kind of like a Bruce Banner and Hulk problem from the Marvel Comics. Only Biollante can switch at will weather the human soul wants to or not.

ok, but what would the MONSTER side of her be like? just a dumb beast, or just has mental problems?

4989507 She will have some mental problems, but still cares and protect her little brothers. The reason why I haven't started it was because Tarbtano hasn't given me permission to use his characters yet. Right now I'm thinking a little on how the reunion will go. I do have plan on how Biollante might react when she hears about her brothers and who did it. I'm still thinking on how she get to Equestria. As for the drawing, well, I like Faith-Wolff drawing and wish to use that as not only the cover but the form she takes as well. That is if she doesn't mind if I use it.

cool. I'm working on one too! (once I get better at writing.)

The cast:
Group 1 (good)
Guardian Ghidorah (nick name "Ghideon" by Falljoydelux)
Maigo tilly (aka, Nemesis)
either Baragon, Gfantis (g-fest mascot), or an older Ultraman Geed.
an MLP O.C.

Group 2 (neutral)
krystalak and obsidius (just think ''bevis and butthead'' and/or ''junkrat and road hog'')
My version/take of Biollante

Group 3 (evil)
Ryuseicho "Iris" (not the hyper gyous "Irys". spelled differently)
(KoTM) King Ghidorah "son of GRAND King Ghidorah"
the Trilopods
Kiryu (possessed by Ghost Godzilla)
(He's not with the rest of the Evil group, He's off doing his own thing, and he'll fight "group 2" at some point)

What do you Think?
(Edit: I'll read your response tomorrow, got to go)

I may be a little late. But happy New Years man you’ll get through all this stress soon man just you wait. And you keep visiting your gf because you love her. You keep doing that. We appreciate your hard work on this story. And that’s why your subs keep growing.

I know I'm late, but a Happy New Year to you, Tarb.

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