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Delayed Update for The Haunting · 3:15pm Jan 19th, 2019


There's no one to blame but myself. It's written and just needs editing--in fact, I was talking with ROBCakeran53 about that last night. We were going to hang out at the bar, but he was in the middle of fixing a friend's car and I thought I might as well offer him a hand with that. I'd been planning on finishing the edits on the chapters before leaving my house, and maybe even publishing it last night.

Instead, I got out of work a half hour late, stopped home long enough to get the engine hoist out of the back of my van and replace it with a non-running lawnmower I wanted to donate to Rob for scrap or spare wheels or whatever he felt like doing with it. By the time I got home, I was completely exhausted, and so I figured that I'd just do it this morning, when I was at one of the group homes. It's pretty calm first thing in the morning.

It was a good plan.

Right up until this morning, which started off with me oversleeping my alarm clock.


And I had less buffer than usual, 'cause there was three or four inches of fresh snow on the ground, the roads weren't plowed yet, etc. So I hastily loaded everything into my minivan, and headed out into the snowy wastes.

It was only when I unfolded my little Lenovo and went to start editing that I realized that while Chapter 31 was fully written, it had never been uploaded to the cloud. It's still at home, safe on my desktop.


I could re-write it, of course. I'd rather not do that, especially since I know exactly where it is, and the only sticking point is that I'm not there.

This isn't the first time I've forgotten which computer something is on, either, or forgotten to upload a project in progress to the cloud, and I'll be perfectly honest, it won't be the last. I write in too many places on too many devices. . . .

So the upshot is that there won't be a chapter update until Sunday evening, 'cause that's when I'll be back home.


Comments ( 33 )

Given that you update more often and regularly than most (pretty much everything I follow on here anyway) you are very much forgiven for such a little lapse :twilightsmile:

That's it I guess. How dare you? Unfollowing.

Thanks for the heads up! I hope all goes well this weekend!

*starts throwing chairs through windows* this is fine

I hate it when I do that.

That Octavia art is way cuter than the "Octavia" art I just used for a cover on my latest story. It's also downright adorable regardless.

Speaking of which, I have cleared my queue and then some (the last story wasn't exactly planned), so I've finally set my sights on the Trinket Toss story. :twilightsmile:

You're driving through snow to help out a friend, which is more important. I guess. :trollestia:

That pic of Twilight trying to drive just kills me, I don't know, probably literally. If my Photoshop wasn't broken, I'd paint snow on the road and put a California license plate on the car. :twilightoops:

Well, you just gave us a short funny story, with friendship and some cute ponies pictures.
I think we will be fine.

Eh, life happens, we can wait.

One of the things I do that makes certain I'll never have a similar situation is that I write all my stories in Google Docs- meaning, they're automatically, instantly synchronized with the Cloud. No need to even push the save button; I can write 30 words on one computer, then simply get up, drive a hundred and thirty miles away, pull out my iPad, and continue writing right where I left off.

Just a suggestion, might help for the future. Have fun helping that friend, and whatever else you're doing on that trip!

As much as you do for others and for all of us, i think you're allowed a bit of leeway. Besides, your stories are always worth the wait!

Definitely worth the wait

So, Octy is a stand in for a Windflower at the end of the bed?


Given that you update more often and regularly than most (pretty much everything I follow on here anyway) you are very much forgiven for such a little lapse :twilightsmile:

Thank you! :heart:

I do feel bad about forgetting. Plus, it threw my whole morning schedule off. And then I left the charging cord for my laptop at one worksite and didn’t discover that until 9 that night, so I had to switch to my backup laptop that’s a lot slower and older and it turns out crashes randomly when YouTube is running.


That's it I guess. How dare you? Unfollowing.



Thanks for the heads up! I hope all goes well this weekend!

Not too shabby, honestly. Got practically everything I needed to get done done, had mostly easy shifts except for one where I had to write an incident report because the client refused his medications and claimed I was trying to poison him. Also managed to tidy up the kitchen a little bit this afternoon before I went back to work on ponyfics.


I hate it when I do that.

I’ll be honest, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often (well, it does, but it’s usually not on a day I was planning on pushing out an update). Between two laptops, a desktop, and random notepads that I use, stuff winds up not being where I need it to be all the time.


That Octavia art is way cuter than the "Octavia" art I just used for a cover on my latest story. It's also downright adorable regardless.

Your Sharktavia fic? Haven’t read that one yet--it’s on my short list. :heart: Honestly, I was going to do one some time ago, but then when I read the one that King Moriarity wrote (I think that’s who wrote it) that took it as seriously as anyone could take such an absurd premise and wrote a good story, my heart wasn’t in it any more.

Speaking of which, I have cleared my queue and then some (the last story wasn't exactly planned), so I've finally set my sights on the Trinket Toss story. :twilightsmile:



You're driving through snow to help out a friend, which is more important. I guess. :trollestia:

Well, the good news is that I got that done before the snow. Other work was the driving through snow part, and it turns out that went decently well overall . . . I mean, I didn’t crash or freeze, and I wasn’t late to work, so that’s a whole lot of winning in my book.

That pic of Twilight trying to drive just kills me, I don't know, probably literally. If my Photoshop wasn't broken, I'd paint snow on the road and put a California license plate on the car. :twilightoops:

That’s a great pic. It wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but when I found it, I knew it was what I needed.


Well, you just gave us a short funny story, with friendship and some cute ponies pictures.
I think we will be fine.



One of the things I do that makes certain I'll never have a similar situation is that I write all my stories in Google Docs- meaning, they're automatically, instantly synchronized with the Cloud. No need to even push the save button; I can write 30 words on one computer, then simply get up, drive a hundred and thirty miles away, pull out my iPad, and continue writing right where I left off.

I used to do that, but there are reasons I don’t any more. My computer at home has sometimes questionable internet connections--it’s better now than it used to be--and sometimes gDocs just didn’t work for editing--there was about a second delay between my keyboard and whatever showed up on the screen, and the cursor would sometimes be off by a line or so. And when I write on the laptop, I don’t always have an internet connection available at all.

Since EFNW last year, I’ve been using FocusWriter across all my computers. It can be set to a nice monochrome that’s easy on my eyes, and it’s barely got any features at all, which I actually like. I just put in formatting notes and hopefully remember to apply them when I am in gDocs.

Just a suggestion, might help for the future. Have fun helping that friend, and whatever else you're doing on that trip!

Thanks! It turned out well--we got the car fixed and delivered, and then I had three decently easy shifts at other work. Had to write an incident report ‘cause a client refused his meds, but other than that it was pretty gravy.


As much as you do for others and for all of us, i think you're allowed a bit of leeway.

Thanks! :heart:

Besides, your stories are always worth the wait!

You might not be saying that when you see the next one that’s coming down the pipeline. :rainbowlaugh: Or maybe you’ll like it, who knows?


So, Octy is a stand in for a Windflower at the end of the bed?

Yeah, I’d say so. :heart:

... strange. I know I experience that delay when I use my iPad (it’s annoying), but when I launch gDocs on my desktop (in the Chrome browser, which has integration for it, might change things), it behaves like any other word processing software- including offline editing.

I’ve never really tried the offline editing functionality; that might work out. And my experiences of problems with Chrome are old problems that might not happen any more; it was just a case of me having troubles with it and finding a different method that was more reliable.

And I’ll be honest, the monochrome is a big selling point for FocusWriter (for me, anyway), and I don’t think that there’s a way to do that with gDocs.

I'm pretty sure the gDocs UI is inflexible in that regard...

Oh well- pros and cons to everything, right?

Edit: Looking at various screenshots of FocusWriter, I can understand why you might prefer it. I have a rather sizable screen, so the gDocs UI elements stay out of my way at the top- but the same isn't true for a, say, laptop screen. (I have one of those too.)

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