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Snakeskin Ducttape

Ooooh! Butunz!

More Blog Posts44

  • 133 weeks
    A personal social museum

    Hey, everyone. Sorry for being so quiet lately. I've been a little tired in general, and I've wanted to take a break from fanfiction for a while, not a big break, mind you, just for a few weeks, and I've sort of been doing that, but I've also checked in most days to check comments, and nagging myself that I should write, so... it's like the worst of both worlds, not doing anything, but also not

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  • 147 weeks
    So very tired

    One of the reasons I don't write more news like this than I do is that the latest blog post is going to be on my profile's front page and the latest news about my writing for quite a while, but I still felt like I should write something. Because... well, there seems to be some people who genuinely want to read what I write, weird as that feels to say out loud. I mean, there are a few

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  • 185 weeks
    Sunset Shimmer at Hogwarts story mission statement

    I am not feeling very eloquent today, or least not this moment, but I've decided to nonetheless try and give an update on what's going on, and why I'm writing an crossover where Sunset Shimmer ends up at Hogwarts and not something else.

    So why this story and not other stuff? What gives?

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  • 191 weeks
    physical recovery period

    okay, so, i have not been in an accident or something like, it was relatively minor operation, and it has been in the works for a while, but i got a summons on a very short notice.

    so right now i am typing and using the mouse with my left hand, and i am not super enthusiastic about stuff since my right wrist hurts quite a bit, so i will be brief.

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  • 191 weeks
    Just a general update

    You know how there's this sentiment that a lot of people don't go to the hospital even when they should?

    I'm not entirely convinced about that's a valid feedback to give in general. I mean, the medical community have enough on their plate, even without pandemics, without everyone going to see a medical professional every time they have the flu, or a stomach bug, or something.

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Ending and a possible donation arrangement coming up · 12:31pm Jan 22nd, 2019

So, to start with, like I have with several other blog posts, I’d like to reassure you that I’m still working on mlaabq. 10k words and counting for the upcoming chapter. Speaking of which, this will be the final chapter of the story (unless I split it into two but I don’t think I will), although for those of you who want to see more, I am planning on writing sequels so don’t worry.

Why am I writing sequels instead of just continuing on the story as always? Well for one, this wraps up the main arc, and if not completes the character arcs, then at least wraps up a complete unit of them. Another reason is that writing this story has long since gone from being mentally stimulating, to mentally taxing, to mentally exhausting. I’ve never done this before, this was my first story, and frankly I’m bushed. This isn’t a guilt trip though, I’m not cursing the heavens for doing this and you, my readers, pressuring me into sticking with it. I’m still glad I did it, and hopefully after wrapping this up, no matter what happens in regards to the sequels, no matter how long chapters might take to make or if I should happen to cancel them outright, My Life As A Bipedal Quadruped, the core book, will always be finished, and available to anyone who wants to read it. I think it’s going to be liberating, which might actually speed up the creation of the other things I want to write.

Which brings up to the main reason I’m writing this. Like Fullmetal Alchemist, the law of conservation of energy, and... the first live action Transformers movie? Anyway, like they teach us, energy cannot be created or destroyed, everything created requires something of equal value, and that there can be no victory without sacrifice (although does that come up in the movie? Does that movie even have themes? I can’t remember. Also, what was the point with the hackers? Did that go anywhere?).

My point is that this story didn’t spring up from nothing, it was my energy and time, and those of my proofreaders, thank you all again, that was converted into the words that makes it up. And it was a lot of it. And it wasn’t just the sitting down and the typing, that’s one of the smaller parts of it, it was all the thinking, the distracting pondering during everyday occurrences. I would scour the internet to see what self-appointed storytelling-gurus would say about storytelling (and the opinions I have on a lot of them is a topic for another time) I would spend time sitting on a bus thinking about stories, events, characters, and the most entertaining ways to get it across to the readers, and I would get extra annoyed whenever someone would play modern radio pop music or in some other way distracted me when I was trying to think because this is important dammit! I have readers to please! This would play out when sitting at home, when walking around, when standing in line at the grocery store, or the employment services, etc. It still does, but especially with this hopefully pacifying blog post, I can now see the light in the end of the tunnel. A nice tunnel with interesting things going on in it, but a tunnel nonetheless. With all the things and themes and elements of My Life As A Bipedal currently going on, the effort it takes to write it has been getting closer and closer to the point of diminishing returns. I’m better at writing this story now than four and a half years ago, but it requires so much more effort.

Wow, I’m meandering, I’m promising you, this is the point I want to get to: did you spot that detail in the previous paragraph? Standing in line at the employment services? Yeah, I’m unemployed, or between jobs as it’s called today. It’s crazy, I’ve had three jobs in my life, two of them have been while I was writing this. One was menial and not hindered by the mental capacity taken up by this story, the other one might well have been, it’s hard to tell. There’s been a lot of downsides to writing this story, but I don’t regret it, at least not at the moment, healthy and young as I still am. However, it’s still been an expensive enterprise in time and energy I could have spent looking and training for a job and getting a salary. So I’m thinking of starting a patreon. Now, I’ve never used patreon, or supported anyone, so I don’t know what the appropriate rates are, which doesn’t even matter, because I would not charge for anything specific.

Not to condemn anyone who withholds a portion of their work to those willing to lay down the money, it’s a form of livelihood after all and I respect it, but that’s not what I would be doing if I ever started one. I have already written my book, if you have the inclination and the means to pay for it, you will be able to do so. It’s like a printed book, only except for paying in order to take it out of the store, you can take it out of the store and it’s yours, and you can pay what you want when you want. Or a library (a very limited one) that’s not funded by your tax money, but non-compulsory donations.

So that’s something I’ve been seriously considering lately, and I’d like to see what you all have to say about this. Here’s hoping for some encouraging words, but mlaabq will be finished one way or another.

PS: i should mention that I don't plan or expect to actually make a living from this, but perhaps just getting some help along the way.
PPs: I've also just heard of ko-fi. I shall be doing some research into what might be the best option.

Comments ( 17 )

As the man said, "Start at the beginning. And when you come to the end, stop."

A lot of stories get themselves into trouble by tripping over the finish line, stumbling off down the road, and face-planting in a heap. By ending the story with a graceful stop, you bring dignified closure.

As someone else said, "you know, this is supposed to be fun." Forcing a muse to work never ends well. If you need some time to get things back on track, take a break, re-energize the imagination, you are more than welcome to do so. After all, one of the principal themes of this story is taking care of yourself and others, yes? It wouldn't do to disregard your own advice.

And even if you never write another word, if you finish this story and vanish like the morning mist, you will still have created something special here. so thank you for that, and good luck with wherever your life leads.

Yeah, all true. I mean, I'm not gonna stop writing when I finish this story, but hopefully I'll be able to pause and take stock, which could help in the long run.

And it is fun, make no mistake, it just requires almost monumental effort compared to the early chapter which just flew out at a rapid pace. On the other hand, the earlier chapters didn't get as much response, so this is more effort for more comments, which is one of the best things to me about writing this.

You're right though, and it's funny, this remains my warmup story for my real story that I originally wanted to write, but which I still feel skeptical that I'll ever pull off as well as I want it to be. Oh well :derpytongue2:

And thank you for your kind words. I won't be leaving though hopefully not for a long time, there's still plenty to get in this fandom. Now let's just hope that the ending makes the story something special :twilightsmile:

That story is good, I have read and re-read it several times already)

Glad to hear it. I hope you'll like the ending and sequels as well :twilightsmile:

I’ve always enjoyed seeing an update of your story appear in the update feed. It meant that I would get to read a 10k word chapter and continue Gabe’s story, of which I’m really enjoying. While I would hate to see this story finish I can understand how four years of work could become extremely taxing.

So finish up this book, take a break and see how you feel in a few months. If you want to continue the story, we’ll be here waiting!

Thanks. I'm hoping this will be seen as less of an ending by people who really enjoy it, and instead a sort of fallback to a satisfying conclusion. Like, since we have not unlocked immortality, I obviously can't keep writing it forever, and more things than the long dark can stop a story from continuing, so when it eventually stops, readers can fall back to the ending of mlaabq, book one, (or book 3?) and see that there was a conclusion.

I'm actually thinking of writing the first chapter of the sequel before I release the last chapter, since that way I can link to the sequel at the end of the last chapter and not break the rule that you can't release announcement-chapters. One of my stories is going to be accepted into the featurebox some day! *dramatic fist pump*

Still, I might ease off for a while after that.

Thanks for the encouragement again :twilightsmile:

"the story will be ending next chapter."

"But there will be sequels!"


There's always mixed feelings when a story ends. One one hand, it means no more updates. On the other, an actual end always beats being left hanging. I've enjoyed the ride so far (multiple times even, heck I started another re-read just today) and I'll be looking forward to any sequels. When, and only when, you feel like writing them.

I know that feeling. On the other hand, that means that one unit of story will be completed and not risk fizzling out and never finishing, so wrapping this up and working on a sequel might be good.

And I do plan on writing an intro for the sequel pretty soon, and before now I forgot that this was an opportune moment to ask what people would like to see in it. What do you want to see in it?

Thanks for the encouragement :twilightsmile:

Mother Celestia moments. Many adorable mother Celestia moments. Sombra robbed us of these moments with his cool adventure, but I have not forgotten the adorable moments of Celestia taking care of a Gabe who admitted she still wants a mom. And I hunger for more.

Noted. There could be some fun stuff if Gabe is going to meet Armor's family. "Hello, goddess and stand-in mother-figure, I'm about to meet the parents of my both too young and too old boyfriend slash adventuring partner. who probably aren't sure of my relation to him and don't know that I'm a meat-eating, self-made-cyborg-alien. Do you have any advice?"

Aaah, yes. I shall definitely try and keep him in mind :eeyup:

gabe Bashing sunset for being sunset, her Noping starlight

I did not plan on her bashing Sunset, I actually planned on them getting along really well, since they'll meet after Sunset is redeemed, probably not until after Legend of Everfree. Starlight on the other hand, yeah, Gabe would be pretty disturbed by her. I'm not sure if I want Gabe to disturb the events of the show too much, but I'm not sure how sold Gabe is on her, especially since Gabe would be able to solve most of the issues where she's involved with a few sentences. Also, as we're going to see next chapter, Gabe is going to learn to resist mind control :rainbowdetermined2:

5002669 i also kind of want to see how she would deal with Yaks & The storm king

Yaks would probably come up eventually, especially if she's around when the delegation visits and then there's a yak in the school of friendship.

The Storm King however... probably not. I have no idea how to integrate the absolute mess that was the worldbuilding of the movie into my understanding of how Equestria works. The events of 'the movie' will probably have to be quietly ignored in my fic, much as the show quietly ignores the Equestria Girls continuum. Although it would be fun if Gabe could just plop a prosthetic horn onto Fizzlepop's horn stump and call it a day. That could be a fun aesop; remember, kids, don't make a Faustian bargain when science is superior in every way. Although I'm not sure 'Faustian bargain' means the same thing to ponies as it does to us.

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