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I am Gundam

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  • 277 weeks
    Emotional Abuse.....Help

    Hey everyone its me and well my latest wish....Is to DIE!!! Iv fianlyl found out I have been dealing with Emotional abuse all my life for 26 Years (that's how old I am now) and im at my limit. Just This week I Finally Tried to committee Suicide by Gnawing on my Wrist while Sitting in a Corner Silently Crying "Their IS NO Hope " I CAT TAKE THIS ANY MORE My Mother Is STRAGNLING ME AND WONT GIVE ME

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Emotional Abuse.....Help · 10:43pm Feb 2nd, 2019

Hey everyone its me and well my latest wish....Is to DIE!!! Iv fianlyl found out I have been dealing with Emotional abuse all my life for 26 Years (that's how old I am now) and im at my limit. Just This week I Finally Tried to committee Suicide by Gnawing on my Wrist while Sitting in a Corner Silently Crying "Their IS NO Hope " I CAT TAKE THIS ANY MORE My Mother Is STRAGNLING ME AND WONT GIVE ME A LIFE MY GRANDFATHER IS JSUT IGNORING IT AND NOT DOING ANYTHIGN EVEN NOW JUST TODAY HE SAID IM JUST "TOO STUBBORN PUTTING HIM IN THE MIDDEL MAKING HIM LOOK BAD" AND EVEN MY "DAD" (He's really my uncle, long story) WHO IV ALLWAYS SUPPORTED even when everyone was against him I stood by him even HE is getting pissed at me and my downer attitude telling me to leave Grandpa Alone Sure my grandma passed away this Christmas and everyone I guess is still getting over it well here's Tid-bit I already got over it I had too im no stranger to death I lost a my Best friend at about 14-16. Sure I can get their still hurting but at this Rate if things keep going like this ILL BE THE NEXT ONE THEY SET A FUNERAL FOR IS THAT WHAT THEY WANT!!!!!!????? My mother doesn't get it and just Punishes me for NO REASON since Grandma dies shes been taking over and the family got together to talk but she wouldn't listen and every time I talk to ANYONE IN MY FAMILY they swirl it all back to me making me sound like IM THE ISSUE and they just expect me to GET OVER IT. OH ID LOVE TO GET OVER IT …….BY SHOVING A MISSIEL UP THEIR NOSES AND PRESSING THE SELF DESTRUCT BUTTON AND WATCH THEIR HEADS EXPLODE INTO MUSH. Iv even tried for years for help one time I did I found a counselor and he made me feel....Normal.....that I was Human not something that didn't deserve to exist but they often asked what he said and I told them thinking no harm could come BOY WAS I WRONG When he said im from a "Toxic environment" (which I am) they didn't like that and didn't let me see him any more so yeah and now hes moved out of town so THEIR GOES THAT its always like this I always saw them Arguing and fighting since I was a baby and at 9 I found out I DID have a father and he abandoned me. SO yeah iv had some emotional Baggage FOR YEARS And iv carried my CROSSES TO MANNY TO COUNT AND NOW IM FINALLY AT MY LIMIT MY MOTHER PUNISHES ME FOR SPEAKING MY MIND, WONT LET ME BUY MORE GUNDAMS (THE ONYL THING THAT KEEPS ME SANE AND GET THROUGH THE DAY ) Just cuz she doesn't like how I keep the Boxes (witch I need cuz the have extra and important parts) and Forcefully Cleans my Room without my consent just other day I begged her to stop and I tried to stand up for myself and say in a albeit begging none "You cant always dominate me" and all she responded WITH NO HESITATION with "IM YOUR MOTHER ILL ALLWAYS DOMINATE YOU" UUUUUUUGH ITS IS PATHETIC IS IT ANY WONDER I WANT TO DIE also before anyone asks I only have $2000 in my life savings no where NEAR enough for a House or apartment also my mother took the Key to the box that HAS all my money it just seems death is my Only way out of THIS NIGHT MARE its times like this ……..I feel vindicated in saying ...their IS NO GOD IN THIS WOLRD if their was he wouldnt allow this Madness if he existed OR DID HIS JOB RIGHT. Also I know of the suicide prevention hotline I told them about it all mom said was" call them and they'll Lock you up" Nice having Family Support isn't it !?

Comments ( 10 )

This is bad. You need to move out before your mother decides to chase you with a knife or a pair of scissors.

There is something very wrong with your mother.

yeah my Grandma (who just passed away ) I hate to say but I saw simialre issues in her too uuugh and she was an abuse victim so its 2 or 3 gens of issues

So this is nothing new in your family.

not really nothing new to me ether its been like this for years so yeah no

It's the same with my family. The abuse and craziness goes back generations.

Sheesh why do the good ones get the short end

:rainbowderp: that makes three...but I can't say that mine is the worse here. looks like a contingency plan is in order here.

Lets think about it.

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