• Member Since 6th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago

Silk Rose

Go read What am I?, by PseudoBob Delightus | Fluttershy is best pony! | Bio updates daily!

More Blog Posts82

  • 3 weeks
    More Readings and Some Questions

    I'm going to start with the new readings:

    Profound Ponytail now with a second reading done by Lotus Moon.

    There now with a reading done by Rainbow Infinity Readings.

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    1 comments · 52 views
  • 5 weeks
    Blue and Blushing

    I really liked this story, so much I had decided to make it a standalone story. This was originally written for the Exploding Story.

    I don't exactly know what story will be next. I've got two stories that it could be. (Both are romance.) I've been coding a lot recently, and I'd like to switch back to writing.

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    4 comments · 58 views
  • 7 weeks
    Leaning on Love

    This story was originally a rewrite for Ticking Love that I decided to make its own story. I think it turned out well. I love the cover as well.

    My next story is another romance, it just needs to be proofread. I'm excited about it!

    Thanks for reading!

    0 comments · 53 views
  • 9 weeks

    I knew exactly what the tone was going to be when I thought of the name. I liked this one a lot. I think it did pretty well for not getting featured.

    Both stories for May are written and just need proofread. I'm very excited for both of them!

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    1 comments · 90 views
  • 11 weeks
    Ticking Love

    This story was a speed write from a few months back. Finally finished it up and got it posted. I think it turned out good.

    I'm liking this two story a month release schedule. It's going good, and I feel like I can handle it so far. My next story is written and just needs to be proofread.

    Thanks for reading!

    0 comments · 48 views

Rarity x Pinkie Story Update 5 · 8:59pm Feb 6th, 2019

I'm almost done with the story.

Report Silk Rose · 111 views · Story: Pretty and Pink · #Update
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