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Quarterly Reminder about Bookshelf Abuse · 2:36am Feb 9th, 2019

(User Redacted) added Oversharing to I suppose this are dead.

When I see shit like this in my notifications? I get irritated. I'm far from the only one.

Don't be that guy, folks.

Comments ( 44 )

Amen to that.

Huh. So authors get notified when stories are placed in user's own bookcases ?

I hope authors don't get the wrong idea when I add the best stories i find to my "Can't Sleep ?" bookshelf.

When I can't sleep and need a good story, I go there. They are far from boring and will not actually lull me to sleep.

"this are" :facehoof:

Albi #4 · Feb 9th, 2019 · · 1 ·

I think I'm more offended by their grammar this time.

Yeah. They’re gonna have to do something about the bookshelf one day. On one hand, artists can get offended when they see their stories added to a folder they may not like having their work categorized under. On the other hand, I really can’t fault a reader for sorting things they read into categories they wish to. Why not just separate the fave list from the rest of the bookshelf groups and only give notifications on that. Artists could still get feedback on how many people are faving their stories and not be inundated with events like this while readers could create any bookshelf they want and sort their reading lists however without having to worry about offending the artist.

Don't most authors put CANCELED at the bottom of dead fics.:rainbowhuh:

Lucha #7 · Feb 9th, 2019 · · 1 ·

I agree I have a mostly dead category not to insult anyone but as a way to track the stories that were left unfinished and vainly hope they will be finished. I mean someone coming back and completing a story that hasn't been updated since 2013 can happen right?:twilightblush:

(User Redacted) added Oversharing to I suppose this are dead.

When I see shit like this in my notifications? I get irritated. I'm far from the only one.

Don't be that guy, folks.

Yeah, really.

KG472 #9 · Feb 9th, 2019 · · ·

Just mark the bookshelf as private. That way you can name them whatever you want, and authors won't get notifications like that.

Wow that sucks, I had a similar experience with someone commenting that one of my stories was dead, it really pissed me off because I can't update or work on any of stories due to numerous problems with my computer.

I can understand authors leaving the site or something but when someone can't work on a story for a reason then I feel it's better to politely ask about the fics status than just assume a story is dead- especially if the author is still active on the site.

The reader could set the bookshelf to Private. He would still get classify the stories and there would be no negative feedback to the writer. I hope.

Nope, abandoned stories because writers simply gave up and didn't even mention jack about it are extremely common. Sure, they have no obligation whatsoever towards the readers, but some common courtesy would be appreciated. And I don't mean the kind, like Mythril, that continues active and just put certain stories on hold, I mean those that simply stop writing and never say squat to the readers.
Some of them simply lost motivation and can't get themselves to actually define the stories as canceled, for that would be a definitive acceptance of their abandonment. Others simply don't care anymore.

I may sound a little salty on that. Well, I am. As I said, they have no obligation to do anything, but an abandoned story without an ending or even canceling hurt. Stories deserve better :fluttershysad:

Yeahhh, I get those fairly often. Also the ones where they call the folder something like "Meh" bug me. Like...gee, thanks for that?

I only have two bookshelves: "Great Stories!" and "To Be Read Soon (I Promise)."
I don't like passive aggressive bookshelves, either. It just feels wrong to do that to somebody.

My bookshelf for that is called "Indefinite Hiatus". Also, It's private, because it's rude to call out people like that regardless. Seriously people, you can private your bookshelves. Don't be a dick.

I agree; I don't think people need to be reminded.

“This are”. Oof.

Yeah I also got a notification like that. Even if I didn’t I can tell how annoying that is. Seriously, stuff like this is unnecessary.

Not if they sign off and never come back.

Mine is set to private and all the stories that are in it are ones I've loved reading. The main reason I have it is to give any story that's been left on incomplete since 2013 some closure it will never officially get. It is a place to remember what was, is, and could've been.

It may seem like a dick move to the author, but as a reader I don't think it is. (Unless it's phrased like an insult, then it's a dick move.)

Eesh yeah. Really annoying. Passive aggressive bookshelves are in my three pet peeves, along with 'downvote without comment' and 'favorite without like'.

The worst mine get are “Been a while,” which seems fairly innocuous to me because it’s for stories that haven’t been updated for six months, and “MIA,” which the author would have no reason to get upset about because they have not logged into FiM Fiction for at least six months without providing an explanation.

Or you could just leave it in your "Tracking" or "Favorites" folder since you'll get a notification if it updates. LIterally the only reason for these "dead fic category" bookshelves is a passive-aggressive form of shaming the author, either directly or in your own mind.

That's just it, though. A lot of people either:
(A) Don't know about marking them private and that authors get those notifications, or
(B) Do it intentionally to be passive-aggressive doucheasses.

Oh god I HATE those "Meh" folders!!

But there's still no ACTUAL NEED for that. Even if it's set private, even if the author will never see it, there's no demonstrable NEED to even HAVE bookshelves like that. I often wish the admins had never given us the ability to make custom bookshelves. It has honestly not led anywhere good.

5010336 - The same guy added my story, 'The Princess and the Human' to the same named folder...

FFS, I suffer from REALLY bad anxiety and depression, so sorry I haven't updated weekly for a story you don't pay to read... Geeze... I know how you feel man. It's absolute crap.

Comment posted by ushio deleted Feb 9th, 2019

Assuming the author actually canceled it, then yes. Some authors vanish, others hiatus into oblivion, a few somehow completely forget about the story, and some other others refuse to axe it, saying they’ll finish it eventually but never will.

I’m a story hoarder, and I give pretty much anything a fair shot, so I have a folder just to dump fics into to sort them out later called “The place everything ends up eventually”. Not really sure if that’s offensive but I think it makes people curious about it, and in a way feels like a secondary way of interacting with other people by maybe drawing them to my page in an innocuous way.

I have - among other folders - a "completed" category for stuff that's marked as complete, canceled, on hiatus or hasn't updated in a couple years. Is that a problem?

Sure there is. I’m tracking more than 500 stories right now, in various states of completion, across various genres, by various authors, that are parts of various series, and that stand alone. Sometimes I track stories so I can reference them later for tips on writing my own stories, or because I’m writing a story that is part of a larger universe and want to be able to easily double-check information to make sure I get it right.

Custom bookshelves allow me to create a filing system that I can easily understand and quickly navigate, so I can painlessly locate and reread a story I liked but can’t remember the name of, but recall the series it’s a part of, or the author who wrote it, or some of its thematic elements.

Custom bookshelves allow others to easily keep track of stories they have reviewed or plan to review in the same place where they actually read them.

I understand that don’t see value in having custom bookshelves. I even appreciate that; you have your own way of working with and navigating this site, and it works well for you.

But I’m not you. Neither is anyone else here. Just because you personally don’t see value in something, doesn’t necessarily mean that it has no value; it just means you don’t see value in it.

I actually do have custom bookshelves myself, but I ONLY use them (broadly) to separate MLP:FiM stories I haven't read yet from Equestria Girls stories I haven't read yet. I also have an RiL shelf for EG clop and a shelf for SS&E's Austraeoh epic. Note that this all exists entirely to categorize stuff I haven't read--for stuff I have read, I stick to the basic "Favorites" and "Tracking" bookshelves. The only deviation from that is I do have one called "Favorite Sunset Shimmer Stories".

You know what I don't have?
- Bookshelves with passive-aggressive "this fic is dead" names.
- Bookshelves with passive-aggressive "this fic kinda sucks" names.
- Bookshelves with passive-aggressive names in general.

You know what I see way too much of on FiMF?
- Bookshelves with passive-aggressive "this fic is dead" names.
- Bookshelves with passive-aggressive "this fic kinda sucks" names.
- Bookshelves with passive-aggressive names in general.

Too many users don't use this system appropriately or responsibly. A lot of users do. I would gladly go without useful, flexible, custom archival system if it meant getting rid of the inappropriate abuse of it.

That’s fair, and I did jump to a conclusion that you saw no value in the system, so I do apologize for that.

Private makes it so the author doesn't see them.

Personally I know I'm being really lazy at writing so I just get amused when I see people thinking I'm covered in dust. And remind them that I'm not dead yet

I just leave it in "following". Surprises are wonderful to get.

Amd It is not really canceled, dead or on hiatus?

"This fic is dead" can totally be a useful sorting category for people that wish to distinguish stories that they enjoy that are in-progress from ones that are or seem to be dead. I don't see how this type of category is inherently passive aggressive at all when it has neutral wording like this. People can use something like this passive aggressively, but that doesn't mean the category itself is automatically like that.

Not everyone knows that you can set bookshelves to private, or even that the authors get notifications about their bookshelf placements at all. I certainly didn't until this page.

But why separate it at all when you can just put it on your Tracking shelf and it literally changes nothing.

Because then it's more difficult to tell the difference between stories that are still being worked on or not. Very few abandoned stories actually get their status changed to canceled, either because the author left the site completely, have forgotten about the story, are still trying to convince themselves they'll get back to it someday, or just forgot about the story status field.

....and? How does that justify anything? If you put it on Tracking and set Tracking to "receive notifications of updates", then if the story gets updated, you'll get an e-mail notification and a notification in your feed. And if it doesn't update, then...you won't! And guess what?

That's exactly what happens when you go to the trouble making a bookshelf for "dead" stories.


In case you go through these stories and read them again, but want to easily remind yourself which ones are not going to be finished? The point is to sort them for when you go through them with intentions of reading some of them, not to put them into some abyss until they get updated.

Fair enough. Still doesn't excuse not making them private.

Yeah, that is the perfect solution, but fimfiction isn't really super clear as to what causes notifications; until this post, I didn't even know that authors got notifications for people putting their stories in bookshelves. Heck, I didn't even know you could set bookshelves to private until now.

It's actually kind of on you for not bothering to read the site FAQ...

I mean it explains this whole thing very clearly. Even about the notifications. *shrug*

I mean, it kind of is, but the site FAQ is pretty huge, and I've never encountered a roadblock in using the site that has served as much of an incentive to go read it all. Heck, it's been so long since I joined the site and was investigating it that I forgot it had an FAQ section. I'm sure I'm not alone.

"I don't need to RTFM because it's too much work"

Then you only have yourself to blame when you screw up, huh?

I'm not "blaming" anyone, nor have I screwed up (I don't use a dead fics bookshelf or anything of the like). My point is that it's likely common for at least some people with "passive-aggressive" bookshelf names to either not know that authors get notifications about them and/or don't know what private bookshelves do or even that they exist. There's a reason why companies have been moving away from including manuals; most people don't read them. I'm betting that the majority of the supposed passive-aggressiveness is from ignorance, not maliciousness.

Also, an FAQ page is not the same as a manual. Manuals are meant to be read before you do anything with a product, while FAQs are intended to be read if you have a specific question, to see if your question has already been documented and answered. I always read manuals before using an item/program/website, but I never had any questions difficult enough to need to look them up.

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