• Member Since 24th Oct, 2013
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If you figure out what the Mithras in my name references, we are soul buddies.

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Update and sneak peek for Deadpool Kills · 8:38pm Feb 19th, 2019

I love this story. :pinkiesmile:

It is the very first ever fanfiction I've ever written and with no exaggeration, the reason why I started writing.

Being a long time Deadpool reader, I loved the Deadpool Kills stories for the exploration of what would happen to Deadpool if he really snapped. I was a big fan of MLP because of the AMAZING quality of the show - how it made me feel comfortable being myself and seeing real friendships and growth in a show that made me feel like I was getting something I didn't from my growing childhood years.

My love for the stories between the two is what made me want and imagine what a crossover between the two would be - how AWESOME it could be! How Deadpool would realistically interact with everypony and vice versa. Waiting for somebody else to make it didn't work, and I was so PASSIONATE in seeing a story like that I decided to give writing it a go...

What I realize then is that I LOVED crafting the story that I built in my head onto writing... many people looking from without would think that this story is just some kind of torture porn between some weirdo's favorite characters but I didn't intend it that way (if you can believe me). Ever since I wrote this, in my mind this story is MORE than that.

All that being said, this story is pure and utter shit. I would not recommend reading this to anyone, and I say that with no trace of irony.

Everything is wrong with it! The structuring is confusing, past and present tense are mixed horribly, and every single minute detail of exposition is explained in excruciating detail like some bad japanese light novel somebody forced themselves to translate into English!

How the fuck did people understood what I wrote? How did they forced themselves to trudge through that steaming pile of excrement? More importantly - How did people even liked it!?

Thank you so much, dear reader. Me telling you that I appreciate you has got to be the understatement of a lifetime.

It makes me so happy than even after years of inactivity between chapters, some of you folks are still around sharing your enthusiasm with me whenever a chapter is released. I truly, truly, appreciate that. It definitely keeps me going.

Right now I'm in a point of my life where I want something more of myself. I want to be a better human being, a better version of myself. For you people that are STILL waiting for new chapters for this story despite ALL ODDS, I promise you that I WILL finish it. I've never forgotten that I wrote this, even for a second. Putting it off only made me miserable, thinking of what I could have done every time I decide to give up on writing, yet in the end I still find myself at the screen of my laptop, typing the words that would flow, honing it, not being satisfied with it, frustrated, quitting, but always coming back.

Deadpool Kills the My Little Pony Universe WILL BE FINISHED, I promise you that. And if you ask when, I don't mean 'when' like Half-life 3 'when it's finished' (read: never) - NO. It won't be soon, it will definitely take a while, but it will be finished.

... that sounded more awesome and less concerning in my head.

With that said, I have attempted to rewrite the earlier chapters. Few days ago, I rewrote the first and second chapter of this story so people won't have to go through an aneurysm when they first read the story. I did it because I remember giving up on reading a lot of manga and stories when I didn't like the intro and when I later gave them a chance I found that the story is actually really good... that I found very good gems and I almost couldn't have found them had I focused on the flaws. I think a lot of other people can relate to that.

I wanted to rewrite more, but shit is exhausting. The chapters are REALLY bad! I probably won't rewrite the rest. Let it be a testament on how horrible I used to be, and how I improved and can continue to improve.

As thanks for you loyal readers for reading this blog post all the way I would like to share my work on the next chapter so far, it is a pivotal scene shortly after Chapter 10 and I hope you enjoy a peek of what's to come.


The door opens into a room of grey concrete walls, the light fixture above illuminating a long metal table and a chair placed between each end. Twilight sits on the other, looking back to her expectantly.

She stagger as the hooves behind her push her inside. Turning, the guard behind her blankly points to the chair. She turns. Leering eyes watch as she approach the open seat.

She takes it, resting her back as two guards stand at attention on the corners of the room.

She stare back at Twilight’s ragged look – the bloodshot eyes protruding through heavy eye bags, the color flushed and drained from her face - all the tiredness beginning to even show through her posture. One would think she’s the one in worst shape.

“You’re lucky I’m the one talking to you and not the princess”

Her eyes turn to a brown folder on Twilight’s hooves, filled to the brim from what she could tell are a number of files.

Twilight opens the folder, her eyes linger on it like a death sentence. Then they turn, her eyes boring through her like pinpoint daggers.

“Take a look at this picture”

A slip levitates with a purple aura from the folder, coming closer and closer until it is all she could see.

Red. Splatters. Blood. Ponies. A wide stairwell on what looks like Canterlot Castle, Royal guards lying down with their bodies torn – bones jutting through their fur, blood draped over their missing hooves, their eyes frozen in inescapable horror. Blood sprinkled onto the walls, flooding the white tiled floor. A chandelier fallen onto the bodies, its crystals sprinkled over the wide viridian royal carpet…

Her fur rise from her back as she coils back, the image seeming to jump from the picture. Twilight speaks again in gruff.

“Gruesome, right?”

Her eyes kept glued on it as it levitate back, face down to the table.

“Take a look at this one”

Another picture levitates. The purple aura bring the picture to her sight - A flattened mass of flesh and fur colliding in strange colors lay mangled, soaking the blood flooding the tiled floor.

“Don’t recognize him? That’s Discord”

The picture stay in place. The seconds pass until it turns back to Twilight

“This, I’m sure is still pretty fresh for you”

Another one begin to levitate towards her. The body of a purple Alicorn bathed in a rain of blood is lying down, her head turned away almost separated by the ragged imperfect cuts on her neck, the stream of lavender hair on her head swimming half-submerged on the pool of blood flowing from her throat.

“Just horrible... Nopony could even bear to look at her face…”

The time pass with her eyes fixed on the horror, the sense of it all lost on her. When she thought it was enough, Twilight returns it to her side face down on the table.

“How could you do such a thing, Pinkie?”

For an accomplice in something like this, Pinkie Pie is surely putting on a good act. The terror on her face is as plain as the summer’s day, her eyes jutting and peeled to its limits, and her jaw rattle and her head shake in a display of complete disbelief. One would think she was actually innocent.

But that won’t fool her.

“Tw-Twilight…” Her voice break on the verge of tears “I-I! …I have nothing to do with this… I swear…”

For a moment, her façade breaks down and she could see the friend she once cared and happy to see.

But only for a moment.

“Stop it with this nonsense already! The monster already said you were helping him!”


“Don’t play dumb with me! You’ve been telling him all about us and helping him kill everypony from the start!”


“Everypony is dead because of you!-”
“-everypony from Fluttershy’s animals-“
“-Big Mac and Granny Smith-“
“-NO! I DIDN’T-“
“-Princess Luna are all DEAD!“

Her face retreats into her hooves as she howl in tears. The chains on her steel cuffs dangle noisily, almost drowned out by the choking sobs.

“I h-have nothing to do with this-” she starts wheezing as her words cut off “I swear! I sweaaar!”

The room keep still as the sound of her wailing pierce through its walls. The seconds pass with Twilight just staring at her display – the jumping of her back, the gasping of her breath, the clanking of the cuffs coiled on her hooves. It begins to unnerve her.

She stand up, her eyes away from crying mare before her before she lose her own composure heading for the door.

Without a word she close it, muffling out the sobbing within. With nopony to see, she allows herself to shed her own tears.

Her breath escapes and for a moment she give in to the pain building up in her heart and they flow, blindingly, from her.

Why is she treating her friend this way?


Her friend?

Is she really? She doesn’t even know what she is.


She straightens herself up, compose herself as she wipe the wasted tears away. Her eyes downcast turn to a shadow on the floor. She look up, seeing Sunset Shimmer standing a few hooves’ reach from her.

“How long have you been there? …”

“… Just now…”

The voice that came out from Twilight was weak, even helpless. A different time Sunset would have enjoyed hearing that. She would’ve never been able to imagine going back home to this and everything else that’s happened.

Her hoof reach into her pocket for her kerchief and offers it to Twilight. She takes it, dabbing it on her shut eyes cleaning herself. She hands it back but Sunset motions to keep it. She afforded her another moment before pressing on.

“Did you get some answers?”


Twilight clears her throat in an attempt to compose herself more “She kept denying any involvement whatsoever… when I showed her the pictures, it’s like it’s the first time she’s seen them”

Sunset raises an eyebrow.

“It sounds like she stopped crying.” She motions her to follow as she open the door back into the room. “Come on, you go ask her the questions”

They open the door to the silent Pinkie Pie sitting still and inert. Her head down, staring at the shadow on the cold metal table before her.

Sunset moves and takes the seat opposite the her with Twilight standing within reach. Pinkie’s eyes slowly look up to hers, bloodshot and pulsing as if they could burst. She didn’t even know eyes could get this red. For a while, she just stare back at them.

“… You’re…?”

The whimper snapped her back to reality. “I’ll be asking you some questions”

She arrange the files on the table and takes out a form from folder.

A report on the details of the destruction in Canterlot, describing millions of bits in damages. Pinned to it are pictures of the destroyed buildings, rubble flowing the foundations, burying the bodies of the ponies. Their chests mangled and twisted they normally can’t, their body parts torn away from—

“—God damn.”

She turns it over. She wasn’t ready to see that.

A memory plays out – a flash of a blue light then the Princess covered in the monster’s blood. It’s headless body almost twitching as the blood spurt out from it, then a mass of flesh-like worms start pooling from the stump, forming eyes, teeth, a head.

“Not a good time to remember that”

She tries to calms herself. Just all the more reason to get answers from this pony.

“Alright, Pinkie… Let’s start by telling me where you were last night”

The seconds pass before she answer.

“A-at home”

“…And? What were you doing?”

“… Sleeping?”

“Well, before that. What were you doing before you went to sleep?”

“… Getting ready to sleep?”

“…Well, before getting ready to sleep”

“… Getting ready to get ready to sleep?”

Her hoof pounds the table “Well, before all that then! What did you do before going home!?”

“N-Nothing! As soon as I left the funeral, I went straight to Sugarcube Corner and slept!”

“What?! Don’t screw with me! Who sleeps long enough for two days?!”

“I-I-I – I wa- I was very tired! I didn’t slept for days in the forest looking for the monster!”

“What are you, a bear?! Nopony can sleep that long!”

“Lyra woke me up last night.”

Everypony leaned in anticipation.

“It was so sudden. I can’t believe I almost forgot. She asked me some things about the monster, I-I don’t remember”

Twilight chimed in “What was Lyra doing in the bakery?”

She thinks about Twilight’s question. She racks her thoughts but quickly realizes “I don’t know… She just showed up all of a sudden but it was dark so I couldn’t see her… I don’t remember everything…”

“Let’s… get back on topic, alright?” Sunset shifts in her seat, looking Pinkie straight in the eye “Everypony heard you laugh last night, Pinkie. We also have witnesses that saw you in the castle when Discord was killed”

“What?! No! I was asleep last night! And I was at the funeral when Discord was killed!”

It’s faint but Twilight heard Sunset click her tongue.

“We have proof, Pinkie! You’re getting punished either way. The best thing you can do right now is to admit that you’ve been helping the monster and tell us what he’s going to do next!”

“But I…” Pinkie started shaking her head in disbelief “I don’t know any of this… I don’t know what’s happening… I don’t know what the monster is going to do next!”

Both of them stared at the frantic mare for a moment. Her bloodshot eyes stared back unblinking, trying to find her own answers from their own expressions.

Sunset cleared her throat and again shifts seat “Tell me where you were before the funeral”

“… Like I said, I was at the Everfree forest looking for the monster”

“How long were you there?”

Pinkie stops and audibly exhales, looking back at them pleadingly “How long am I going to keep answering your questions? I already told you I don’t know anything”

“Just answer the question, Pinkie. What are you hiding?”

“I’m not hiding anything”

“Then just answer the damn question. How long were you in the forest?”

Pinkie blinks. She look away, gathering her thoughts “Uh… about three days.”

“Three days… is a pretty long time, Pinkie. What were you doing in three days?”

Her chained hooves fidget by themselves as she cast her gaze downward “… Waiting for the monster to show up”

“Did you know he was going to show up?”

“I just had a feeling…”

“Oh? …” Her eyes narrow on the cusp of a confession “What sort of feeling did you have exactly?”

“… I…” Pinkie kept quiet and stared back. Then, as if she made up her mind about something she continue “I had a Pinkie sense”

She raise an eyebrow at this.

“… A Pinkie--“

“-No, no-“ Twilight cuts her off “It’s alright, ask her the next question”

“… What…” Sunset pause to look at Twilight but continues “Did you find the monster then?”

Pinkie shook her head “No, but… I did find some things”

“Things? What are you talking about?”

“I picked up some weird stuff in the forest that… I thought might be related to the monster.” She started gesturing with her hooves but the chains stop her “There’s this weird belt. It has big pockets and a… some sort of symbol”

Sunset is just staring, trying to picture what she’s describing.

“I showed it to everypony at the funeral – Twilight’s seen it. I have it back at home… or at least I think I have it, I couldn’t find it earlier this morning”


Twilight walks toward, looking impatient until they’re a hoof apart. She lean towards Pinkie until she could see her own reflection in her eyes.

“Are you helping Deadpool?”

Her eyes widen. For a while she sit immobile, her eyes kept only to hers until she speaks.

“No. I’m not helping Deadpool”

Comments ( 2 )

Good to hear from you

Excited for the release :)

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