• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
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  • 19 weeks
    Klamblog - January 26th, 2024


    I have good news! We finally figured out what was wrong. I’m in the process of getting it treated. It requires two surgeries, one of which I had two weeks ago. It went very well, I’m recovering nicely. The second surgery is scheduled for March 5th.

    If you want to know specifics, read on.

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  • 62 weeks
    Lost a Friend

    It's with extreme sadness I announce my fellow writer, collaborator, and friend, Bother, has passed away.

    He died on March 16th, 2023 due to a recently discovered congenital heart defect. He was 32 years old.

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  • 82 weeks
    Klamblog - November 8th, 2022


    I’ve had a few developments over the past week. Hard to say how major they are just yet. They’re each certainly significant in their own ways, but they each also have strings attached to them. I’ll do my best to explain. 

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  • 84 weeks
    Klamblog - October 26th, 2022


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  • 115 weeks
    Klamblog - March 25th, 2022


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Have a few shout-outs I wanna make! · 3:14pm Feb 20th, 2019

Hello, hello! It's been snowing like mad here in Minnesota, so much that my hometown had to work extra hard to keep the ski trails groomed for their annual cross-country ski race. It's even snowing again today, and if we get a few more inches, we'll have set the record for the most snowfall in February. Crazy, huh?

It's also been quite cold. And keep mind when I say that, I'm a born and raised Minnesotan with Nordic ancestry. I've done some things in extreme temperatures that most wouldn't consider very smart, but even I know better than to fuck around with -57° F wind chill. Fortunately, I have the option to work from home when the weather gets bad, but I wanted to give a shout-out to all those who reached out to me during that time to make sure I was okay. It's always nice to know that there's people out there that care about you, and I greatly appreciate it. Don't worry, the worst that's come of the cold snap and the snow was some minor frostbite in two fingers and needing to jump my roommate's car one morning.

...Okay, that's not quiiiiiiiiiiiiite true. There was one other thing that happened.

I went in the ditch while driving to work one morning. Fortunately I wasn't hurt, and neither was my car, by some stroke of luck. The deep snow slowed down my car gradually instead of having any kind of sudden stop, culminating in like, the most gentle going-into-the-ditch ever. I had to get my car pulled out because I was stuck, but insurance covers that, so no worries. It just left me rattled for a few days.

But anyways, on to other shout-outs! This is a little comic I participated in. I was shooting the breeze one night and brainstorming when I had the fun idea for an interaction between Shining and Cadance. I shared it with everyone in the Discord not thinking much of it, but then, another person named Blissey grew enamored with the idea. They reached out to me to see if I’d be okay with the idea being turned into a comic, and with the help of the artist Teabucket, we came up with this!

I'm only going to link the first page here to save space, but if you click "View on Derpibooru", there's links to the rest of the pages in the description.

It’s super flattering to like an idea you have so much that they want to make it a reality. I really think this comic came out amazing, and it was a ton of fun to help with! Thanks again to both Blissey and Teabucket for making this happen! It’s awesome!

Next, we have some Fecundity fan art from my buddy IaU. This is the artist Silfoe’s interpretation of Gleaming being an adorable silly poner! Thank you so much for this, both Silfoe for drawing it, and IaU for commissioning it!

Last, but certainly not least, some of you may already know my buddy Winter Quill. He’s done some great work in the past, and I’ve even had the privilege of helping him out with some of his more recent stuff!  He just released a new story—Growing Up with Scales, which is currently at the top of the Feature Box! It’s a super fun premise for an AU that stars Twilight growing up as a dragon due a mishap when hatching Spike as an egg. I highly recommend it, so if that idea intrigues you, go on and check it out!

I also commissioned a fun little one-shot from WQ! The story is called Big Mamma, and the premise is Shining and Cadance having sexytimes while growing bigger. I'm really happy with how it turned out. If you like the kind of stuff I write, I'm pretty sure you'll like it, too! Thanks again to WQ for writing it, as well as even commissioning cover art for it!

Comments ( 3 )

its good to here from you and i'm glad the crash wasn't that bad. i like you and i don't think i could live not knowing the ending of your stories. i mean i could but i would be sad.

Well, I just read the comic and I got to say it was hilarious. Also, Nani! Shining Armor was really the legendary super horse??

I hope you've been staying warm in that terrible cold up there. I imagine even in your house it's gotten cold sometimes.

Thank you for the recommendations, I'll check those out!

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