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A Day in the Life

More Blog Posts133

  • 244 weeks

    Hey, I wanted to give you all a heads up.

    So this next chapter is a pretty major one for the story - on the level of the Gourd Fest, Twilight and Starlight in the snow, and the final cluster of 4-6.

    As such, I've been taking my time and am 7k words in and I know it's going to be more than double that.

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    5 comments · 897 views
  • 247 weeks
    So I watched the last several episodes...

    It was such a cute ending. Very nostalgic-feeling. Didn't cry, but it made me reflect on the show that has been a constant in my life since spring of 2012.

    If you've heard any controversy about it, don't heed it any concern. It's the squalling of children unhappy that the story isn't what they wanted it to be - as it has been every season.

    10 comments · 568 views
  • 259 weeks
    Update! Where I've been + The Broken Bond

    This will be quick.

    Sorry I've been quiet as of late everybody! I graduated University and have been preparing to move to Las Vegas in about a week. Big changes! Big... big changes...

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    2 comments · 630 views
  • 269 weeks
    It's the endgame, y'all

    That was a killer premiere. Honestly, Grogar has this gravitas to him, this insight and perspective that's already established him, in my mind, as a terrifying MLP villain. Being the source of everything evil, all the monsters we've seen, it's all on him. And that voice and the design? Oh! I love this villain.

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    8 comments · 582 views
  • 271 weeks
    Last chapter of act 4 is finally finished

    At 44K words and 103 single-spaced pages on gdocs, the next chapter of 'The Broken Bond' is at last finished, and ho boy, a lot happens. I just need to edit it - expect it Saturday if not tomorrow. Thank you all for being patient with me.

    1 comments · 373 views

Cancelled - I'm Leaving Soon · 7:11pm Feb 22nd, 2019

Proceed knowing I wrote this with, in spite of what I say, an ultimately heavy heart.
Nothing is more disappointing than letting down fans.

I'm not going to dance around this with fluff, acting like I'm sobbing as I write this because the truth is, I'm not, and if I'm being realistic here, you guys are probably feeling a multitude of harder emotions than apathy, chief among them probably being anger.

Well, it's official. It was probably a doubt whispering in the back of your head for many years now, but it's finally official: I just can't write My Little GLaDOS anymore. For a long time I was tricking myself into thinking I could, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. My most recent updates have such huge blocks of time in between them, it's clear that I was forcing myself to write because I didn't want to disappoint my multitude of fans.

Honestly speaking, when I initially wrote the first chapter, I did not anticipate it at one point becoming one of the top ten most favorited storied on FIMFiction. In the end, that's what ended up pushing me away. You'd think that would be a good motivator to get someone to keep going, right? But honestly, when I started the first chapter I had two things on my mind: I wasn't writing it to get popular, I was writing it because it was a fun idea, and that the initial idea and desire to write stemmed from a simple concept: "How would GLaDOS react to Equestria? How would it react to her? What would they change in one another?"

I thought it would be fun - mashing two polar opposites and saying, "Go."

I really did not think half the site (not literally, but you know what I mean, dammit) would be watching to see how this silly idea played out. Suddenly, I had this responsibility on my shoulders: I had to deliver something amazing while keeping to my still-developing idea of a plot structure. This was way back when I didn't quite grasp what made characterization or character development good yet, and it's painfully obvious looking back just how often I sacrificed these things for the sake of a joke - jokes that people usually found funny, if the comments were of any indication, but ended up being perceived as a gathering checklist of stains on the story's credibility every chapter.

I became embarrassed of it.

I wasn't thinking it through all that well, and what I wanted to do, integrating "Glados" into a group of misunderstood misfits so she may learn the value of... no, not friendship, but humanity... was not what the majority wanted. I'm not at all trying to say was everyone else's fault for making me not want to write more, because as you can see it's a mass of different reasons that piled upon one another. But the impression I gave with this wacky tale about a shameless, cynical machine-made-flesh tearing into the logic of a kid-friendly cartoon world was not of one that'd reasonably expect her achieving any kind of character growth. But that was the story I wanted to write, and in my subconscious mind, it became easier to just put it off with other things or works that I, again, would end up abandoning either for similar amassings of reasons, or because I got another idea I wanted to write more - either on this site, or elsewhere.

And pretty much every minute when I wasn't working on this story, I felt this weight in my gut that I was disappointing thousands of fans. That sucks - it sucks to feel that way when you know it's entirely on you, and even worse when you know it wouldn't be so bad if you'd implemented better communication. But I was caught in a cycle where I would write a little of the next chapter, stop for a lack of passion, but feel bad and be urged to write more because I always felt it was worse to have silence for months and then say, "Sorry guys, not interested anymore!"

But it's not always that simple. You guys don't know what my life is like, that it comes first and personal issues are foremost. These are things I've spent my years since joining FIMFiction working on, as well as developing my writing for the real world with the drive of becoming a published author. Maybe even counted amongst the greats.

A longshot, I know, and not one I've spent years actually instilling in you, my followers. But even in spite of those flaws, I feel I can succeed. But it's because of this goal, which will be manifesting amidst my real job in the Peace Corps after graduating this summer, that I'm addressing the other part of this blogpost's title.

That is to say, I'm leaving FIMFiction after completing 'The Broken Bond.'

Honestly, if it weren't for that story, I'd have left even sooner and without so much fanfare, or even care for you who have followed me for My Little GLaDOS all these years. But it's one I've wanted to write now that I'm at this pivotal point in my life as both practice and proof that I can plot out and execute a decent story about realistic characters. It hasn't been perfect, for those of you following, I'll admit, but I won't know how good I really am until it's finished.

But yes, once I finish this story, I will quietly leave out the back door of FIMFiction. My life cannot handle it, nor do I have a desire to keep writing fanfiction. Maybe when I'm older and settled and, hey, maybe even successful, I'd come back to it as a small side hobby. But as it stands, it's not something I ever intended to do forever.

But don't be sad - nothing lasts forever, after all, but I will always remember my time here and outside of it, learning and growing as a writer. And interacting with you lovely people - MLP will always be something I enjoy in my secret double life, and with the ending of G4 on the horizon, my timing with all of this couldn't be more coincidental. G5 will be checked out and, if it's even close to being as good as G4, probably liked by me too. But FiM will hold a special place as a symbol to me, of being comfortable with myself, inspiring me to explore outside of my comfort zone, and seeing the beauty in even the grimiest of places.

I wouldn't say it changed my life, but I won't deny it altered my course as a person, if only slightly.

On a final note, because it's only fair, here is what the road of 'My Little GLaDOS' would have looked like, beginning from the most recent chapter. Mind you that these are only glimpses into what was originally going to be a bigger story:

- With the Mane Six dealing with the Crystal Empire, Discord is somehow freed from his stone prison and seeks to wreak havoc on Ponyville, not realizing his enemies aren't home. Glados is bombarded with literal craziness all around, and is at one point altered by Discord to wildly change and express her subdued emotions, glowing according colors like those of Inside Out. Many of her true colors would be revealed to Ditzy Doo, who would, despite being aware of Glados still being a horrible person, she's a wounded soul who needs some love - Ditzy is, after all, a mother, and her dedication and reasoning to this makes Glados begrudgingly understand her perspective, too. They achieve a mutual lukewarm-ness to each other. After being healed, because of her brittle bones and an accident, Glados tells of Discord just as the Crystal Empire blows up King Sombra, and his horn lands within hoof's reach. Discord cartoonishly eats Glados to shut her up, and within the bizarre confines of his stomach Glados stabs him with Sombra's horn (to humorous, non-biological effects), and ends up crystallizing him from the inside out. Discord is shattered in the process of her getting out, but he's now stuck as an unhappy spirit who proceeds to fuck off.

- Glados is given a new job through one of Ditzy's college roommates, Carrot Top, who was Diamond Tiara's mother before Spoiled Rich came into existence. Carrot Top would have been vaguely akin to a mob boss type (the butt of many jokes at the hands of Glados due to her being a cute little pony), and would hire her regardless of what she says because she doesn't get squeamish in doing bad things. These "bad things" appall Glados with their inanity, one of which including the stealing of the Apple Family's recipe for zap apple cider, and another where Carrot Top becomes the new mayor as a result of the old one being systematically annoyed out of town by the intentional mishaps of Glados's friends (manipulated by her into making them happen of course), and dragging an unwitting mane six into emphasizing the prior-mentioned danger they pose to the town. Using her new position and trust and "friendship," Glados talks Carrot Top into getting her into the Grand Galloping Gala, along with her friends for helping her, and perhaps out of a sense of respect for them as she gets to know them better in one-on-one scientific romps around Equestria as all of this "plot stuff" is happening.

- As for the changelings, Glados was planning from the start to eliminate them in her plot to take over Equestria. The one she has captured reveals in his torture that in a time of great crisis, the changelings would forsake their queen to protect the Hive. Realizing this, Glados pieces together a hairbrained but brilliant-in-the-confines-of-Equestria plan. See, earlier she heard the story of Carrot Top's wide collection of artifacts, one of them being the prized topaz of an ancient, sleeping dragon - prized, because it has the soul of his lover trapped inside, and he's still alive to this day, waiting for her to return to him. She of course didn't believe it, but chooses to take a risk in eliminating the changelings sooner rather than later. Whether they took over Canterlot or not, she would win either way. But eliminating them would be better ultimately, and that is what she works for: she plays both sides, that being herself and the changelings, until getting Chrysalis into the party and waiting until the place is in disarray. Glados uses her portal gun to pop over to the Hive from an earlier meeting, smash the topaz there, given to her as a requested gift from Carrot, and watches back from Canterlot as a great drake roasts the Hive and the drones who leave Canterlot to futilely save it. When Chrysalis realizes this and nearly kills her out of horror and grief, and guards come in and buy into Glados's own terror, not realizing her new friend "Crystal Ball" was a changeling. The incident is written off as a tragedy, and Glados goes on knowing there's no suspicion on her and there being one less faction threatening her rule.

From here, there's only the loosely plotted story beats amidst wacky character-defining shenanigans:

- Carrot Top is smart enough to piece two and two together, but Glados's cleverness and a threat she made scares Carrot into not uttering a word.

- Glados is called upon to save Princess Luna. She falls deathly ill and nothing in Equestria can seem to cure it, so Celestia called upon the brightest minds to help cure it. This includes Twilight, who dislikes Glados for a multitude of obvious reasons. However, Glados realizes quickly that it's a common cold of Earth that has gotten Luna sick. Rather than reveal this, she synthesizes a cure and becomes a national hero. All the while, Glados is wondering how the heck an Earthborne disease got into Equestria (spoiler: it's related to whatever was disharmonious enough to have freed Discord from his stone prison)

- On a day like any other, Pinkie fucks with the portal gun (despite Glados's insistence that it hinders the reality-defying Pie). Her own rashness leads to her breaking the device, tearing a wormhole the drags Glados into a parallel reality (this is a thing from Portal/Half Life's universe, and is relevant to this story's plot) where her greatest dream is alive: she's the robotic totalitarian dictator of Equestria as a result of this universe's Glados trying to "modernize" Equestria. She turned against Celestia, and is using the Aperture-esque machines to spy on Equestria and rout the rebels still led by Celestia (which is of course the entire nation). What proceeds is a miniarc where Glados works with this reality she's pretty admirable of, until by the end the twist is revealed: Glados the Dictator turned out to be a heavily modified and controlled Princess Celestia, a cyborg who is more machine and mare, and this universe's "Celestia" is actually its Glados on some stilts in a rainbow wig. It turned out that Glados 2 had long-kept Celestia a prisoner, modifying her to her will in much the same way Aperture scientists did to her. But a little bit of Celestia left fought back and chased Glados 2 out of her "own castle." It should be noted that our Glados found it odd that there were never any fatalities in fights with the machines, but Celestia felt her only option was to keep holding these mock battles to keep Glados 2 from reaching her full power again and completely tearing Equestria apart. A psyche eval by our Glados, due to her experience in understanding humanity better through her "friends," makes her conclude this was all a power fantasy born of her trauma, and realizes that in this parallel universe, Glados actually kidnapped and studied Ditzy Doo like a lab experiment instead of going easy on the poor fool the day they first met. Needless to say, our Glados is horrified that she'd become such a softy, but can't deny that this world she herself had created was misguided, pointless, chaotic, and thus undesirable. Glados 2 makes it clear to her that what the "more stable" counterpart has, our Glados, doesn't lead a life that's any different - a sentiment she agrees with and dislikes. Out of spite, Glados stuns and manipulates the core of the cyborg Princess Celestia to have a meltdown, nuking the center of this Equestria and dooming it to a future she pushes out of mind forever after. Classic Glados.

- After more experiments and shenanigans involving her "friends" and (justified) enemies in the form of the mane six, estrus seasons falls upon Equestria. Glados doesn't like it, and refuses to comply with nature and allows herself to be modified using blueprints she'd gotten from the alternate universe. Using the alternate's more impressive research, through Equestrian means Glados fashions and grafts her back half into a robotic hindquarters. This makes her realize she's fallen closer to that "future self" she saw in which she was even more modified, and quite burned and regretful. Glados chooses to defy fate just for the sake of it.

- Following some more shenanigans that I still won't get into for the sake of time, Glados realizes what's wrong with her (health-wise). See, remember those "mind breaks" where she hears Caroline? Maybe even forgets some things and even has lapses in judgement? Well, between then and now, some more health problems crop up and are promptly pushed out of mind - her hair falls out in the shower, and she gets sick more easily and needs to be taken care of by her friends. It turns out that Glados's body is failing her, and it's a result of her being overloaded with stimulus for the first time in her existence, all of the stress and fear she's felt, even from failing her plans in the back of her mind, and even increasing guilt as she at one point (in a delirious fever-state that sparks a solo adventure for a cure with Ditzy and Lyra) realizes the scientists had every right to disbelieve she was autonomous when they experimented on her, that she's no different from them, nor they her, and that she, even as a robot, was always just this wounded individual ignoring her glaring flaws. She was always human where it counted, and this disturbed and scared her so much when she realized it she ignored it until now. But as a result of all of this, and for whatever reason her body coming in with brittle bone disease, Glados is met with her mortality - and concludes it's probably for the best. She doesn't groan about it, just accepts it as a result of unfortunate circumstances in nature. Needless to say, this sparks a little arc where Ditzy rouses her friends to make Glados understand that she's not being herself - to little avail.

- Business proceeds as normal. Despite these darker times, Glados really doesn't seem any different. Things change when Glados is suddenly accused of a terrible crime: the Apple Family orchard is burned to the ground, and the only evidence on site is one of Glados's recording tapes talking about the act. Despite her logic, she feels and accepts she's going to be executed. Everyone is calling for her head - so to speak. Lyra is given her own adventure where she, being the conspiracy theorist, enacts and investigation that leads to the perp's hideout - it turns out this was the work of HookHook, the stupid changeling from way back when who was thrown into "The Pit" for leading an outsider to the Hive. He was out of reach of the dragon attack, and has since been plotting to avenge his Hive. Lyra, feeling betrayed, frees Glados from being accused of this crime, only for it to come back later.

- Celestia confronts Glados not long after about the revelation Lyra brought forth to her - her actions in eliminating the changelings. Glados doesn't care and even tells her of all the horrible things she originally planned to do to Equestria as its leader. Most of these are echoed from the parallel universe, and the majority of it is goading Celestia into killing her, just to taint her pure spirit. But instead Celestia "proves her cowardice" and exiles Glados from Equestria. She settles in the ruins of Germaneigh - a previously mentioned province that has been abandoned due to being a hotspot for dragon migration in recent centuries.

- It is here where Act III begins: Glados, in these ruins, struggling to survive despite not caring, is met face to face with none other than Wheatley. Oh, and the ponified versions of Space Core, Adventure Core, Fact Core, and the Curiosity Core. Long story short, Wheatley was on the brink of destroying Aperture when Chel did what she did in the second game's climax, and overloaded him with corruption. Through complications, Aperture's systems refreshed the Multiverse application, last used when he transported Glados, and sent them all through to Equestria. This was alongside a digital copy of the common cold, which Wheatley almost sent to Glados beforehand to spite her, but forgot about because he's Wheatley. What also came with them is a blank core, but Wheatley can't remember his original intention with having the according program for that saved in another tab. He of course makes Wheatley-esque explanations though.

- Act III had the least plotting done to it, but essentially, because of these new arrivals and being the only one who can possibly help them, plus with much convincing from Ditzy Doo and her friends, Glados is allowed back into her home under STRICT watch. Shenanigans ensue, Glados gets more sickly. Then, through a series of unfortunate events, the true nature of that blank core is revealed: it copies and absorbs the Two Sisters into it, and grants Wheatley alicornhood. He goes mad with power once again, and before anybody could understand what's going on Glados tries to stop him, only to get unintentionally blasted out a window by his great power and killed on impact.

- Glados things she's dead, but she's confronted by a familiar woman she acknowledges as her original personality: Carolyn. Explanations are given here, how Glados's humanity was a product of Carolyn's own copied personality, proving to Glados they really were victim of scientific antipathy, and also the nature of the blank core and why Glados came here in the first place. Cave Johnson had a dream (legit this is in Portal) where they would insert their own Aperture into every corner of the multiverse before those versions can come up with their own. Endless science for an endless array of worlds. Glados can't help but admire this plan, but understand when the project was shelved on the day of its completion, for that was the day the Combine of Half Life invaded our universe. She was lucky to have come somewhere so innocent. The blank core was a program to instill Aperture's GLaDOS, copies of her, as the de facto ruler of her respective universes, it just came out the way it did in Equestria. But since Wheatley was the most recent personality to be "GLaDOS," it didn't activate until both he and the princesses were in the same room together.

- What proceeds is something both sides of her personality acknowledges as "scientifically improbable fantasy garbage," and wills Glados back to life. Or rather, Twilight does with a complex healing spell. It turns out that Glados was dead for weeks and in that time of desperately trying to save her (purely out of a utilitarian need, which Glados takes pride in finally tainting Twilight's pure soul), Wheatley has been running amok, turning Equestria itself into his own little Aperture paradise a la Portal 2. Despite their vast differences from one another, they agree that he has to be stopped.

- They do. I never thought of how and wasn't going to until the time came closer. But Wheatley is deposed, the princesses' are back in power, and, unexpectedly, Equestria's own "Multiverse Project" achieves completion: Glados was always an anomaly, due to being replaced by Wheatley. But Wheatley doesn't have the qualified brain power to be considered the appointed Core AI of an Aperture Facility (he was, after all, forced into it out of necessity to stop GLaDOS). Celestia and Luna do, however, so in placing them back in power it completed the conversion process, opening a permanent wormhole where Glados initially landed one year ago. This also means that somehow, someway, Aperture's meltdown was frozen and has been for a while, due to the absence of a Core AI.

- Glados is ready to go home. She and the Cores, and Wheatley, enter through after some goodbyes (and thinly veiled gratitude and sincerity is laced with snipings between Glados and her friends, who have all changed each other across the story). But because they are unsure of what will happen when they re-enter Earth, Glados asks one more favor of her "assistants," and asks if they would follow. Ditzy Doo, Octavia, Lyra, Vinyl, and Bon Bon go with them, entering Earth as humans and finding their friends turned back into cores, through GLaDOS is a potato with a battery still. Aperture is dark, but clearly running on backup backup backup generators. They find Chel surviving and mute in the Core AI chamber. Glados had at one point forgotten all about her, and is stunned to realize she feels no animosity towards her, because of everything she's done. It's a quiet scene, and gentle, I imagine. GLaDOS then walks her friends into reinstalling her as the Core AI, they gawk at her huge robotic form, are upset when she seemingly deletes Carolyn the same way she did at the end of Portal 2, and leave back through the portal without much promise of seeing her again. And just to ensure they don't mess with her stuff like she always feared, GLaDOS destroys her science-laden home with a combustible lemon (something she sometimes heard Carolyn laughing at in her own dreams, it being one of Cave's classic quotes and all).

- GLaDOS allows Chel to leave Aperture. She removes her recent memories, but chooses to save them in a digital folder, and even splits them into "good times" and "bad times." Then a third: "Reminders." Here is where I intended to implement a lyric-less Still Alive video as she downloads each file from Reminders back into her hard drive - times where she had intense emotional breakdowns with herself and breakthroughs with her friends. Then, ten years later, the Aperture of Equestria is overseen by Princess Twilight, and her assistants: ponified P-Body and Atlas. Together, with a copy of this "Reminder"-filled GLaDOS, they break through to using science for not just the sake of learning their world, but stretching it to the limits of what's possible for the sake of strengthening the primitive life already there.

- Back in Aperture, GLaDOS still tests using robots, just like she does at the end of Portal 2. She frequently checks in on all her multiverses. But most importantly, in days where the testing is slow and the robots slower, she goes into sleep mode and relives the good times, the bad times, and the Reminders, even though she'd never forget them.

And that's all. I'd like to say I'm sorry for letting you all down, but I think you know that anyway. Regardless, thank you, everyone, for the memories.

Report TheApexSovereign · 2,148 views · Story: My Little GLaDOS ·
Comments ( 40 )

I appreciate the honesty, and the very lengthy summary of the story. Most of all I appreciate the maturity and composition you approached this blog with. We’ve seen people break down on their blogs before, and leave the audience feeling depressed rather than actually informed or understanding anything.

RIP. Hope you go on to do bigger and better things.

Well we will miss you but here to you getting your life on track and hey in all likelihood we will still be here when you feel like coming back. We may be different but we will still be here

We'll always be here if you ever want to come. This fandom is family. :twilightsmile:

In the first place, you should write the sort of story that you want to pen.

I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavours. Still, you don't need to swear of fanfiction forever. The winds may change someday and you may feel inspired to do something like it again, after all.

later alligator


I think that's fine! In the first place you aren't getting payed to write this are you? this was more of a passion project and if you've lost the passion to write it then there is no need to force yourself to! The story was nice to read while it was here anyway so thank you for what you gave us and thank you for giving your readers closure!
good luck! and see ya!

You do what you gotta do... but thanks :twilightsmile:for bringing us this story

Hey take care and be safe. thank you for the time and effort you have put in. We've had fun reading your stories.

Well can’t say I’m not dissapointed the story won’t continue, but if it’s no longer fun for you to write it than you should move on.

I still think it’s a fun story so at least we have the chapters that were written.

Good luck. It's been a pleasure reading you.

When I saw the title of this blog, my first panicked thought was that something sudden happened, and everything was canceled. :twilightoops: Needless to say, the fact that The Broken Bond is still getting finished was a relief. The summary of what was intended for My Little GLaDOS was unexpected, but very welcome, so thanks very much for that.

Is that so? I feel like that's a little selfish, but maybe that's just me. Like the would-be authors wanted their fans to feel as bad as they do. Maybe it's unintentional though, and people's loss of passion is a big ordeal. In any case, thank you for your kind words. I'm glad I did something right with this.

Nah like I said, it probably won't be forever. Just for the time being once I finish my last story here. But hey, I definitely do that now with plotting my stories and chapters!

Thank you very much. It's a pleasure hearing that from a lot of people. 5018431

Honestly The Broken Bond is so dear to me that I can't see myself just abandoning it. It's something I "have" to write, get me?

Will miss it, but despite my best hopes, I knew it was coming. Thank you for this final farewell, it means a lot to know an author can give us closure, Truly I do thank you for the time you did put into this story it helped in a time I was in pain. and still wondered who or what I was and what I was doing, this is one of those stories that kept me from totally just shutting everything off and hiding in a closet. :pinkiesad2:

Again. Thank you for the time you put into this, I will treasure it all the same. :twilightsmile:

Sometimes people need to go their own way, that's fine. Much like Dragon Turtle's comment, I as well as many others appreciate the honesty. Good luck with whatever you move on to, and I suppose all I can say is..

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Godspeed, sir. Go where you must go and do what you must do. It's been a pleasure, and i wish you all the best on your journey.


I wish you luck on your future endeavors. That said this is depressing. For quite a long time now my Favorites list has sat fairly unupdated and then when I do get news it isn't good news. It's sad to see so many beautiful stories incomplete.

Well, shit. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. That's a rare consideration.

Understandable, have a nice day.

Well, i m sad to see you go and the fic to be canceled as i enjoy your writings a lot. But i complelty understand stepping out when it becomes fun, ive always beleived writing should be done becuase you enjoy it as that is when the best happens, when you force it then the work suffers. Better to leave on a high note anyways.

Thanks for the informtion, it would have been depressing had the works remained incomplete with no explination as to why or what happened, far too many fics go out that way without a whisper.

Good luck in your future endevours and i hope you can recapture the joys of writing in some form.

I'm very satisfied with that extended summary of how you planned things to end.

This fear of dissapointing people is why I have a 57 chapter story I still haven't started publishing because it's unfinished...

That's good. It's what published authors do, after all.

I hold a gripping amount of nostalgia on this site specifically for you and your work, Apex, even though the glory days of those times are now long since been part of the past. I'm sad to see you go but if you truly feel you're done with fanfiction I can only wish you the best of luck in whatever you're going to shoot for next. I'm sure whatever it is, you'll ace it. You've always been cool in my books, and I've always enjoyed the back-and-forths immensely. Thank you, and I hope you find what you are looking for.

I have to say that this was the only story of yours I ever read, and yet it was one of my favorites on fimfiction. Looking at how you had planned it out, I can't help but miss what once might have been, and maybe wish it had been continued the way you wanted it to.
It's very sad to see this story, and you, leave. I respect your decision and wish you the best in the future with whatever other projects you work on.

Goodbye My Little Glados; the only good Portal crossover fic.

It's weird to think how, before 'The Broken Bond' I didn't write anything for this site for many years. Aside from how I began a Dazzling fic that met similar circumstances, even being plotted to the letter. But life always has its weird little ironies, if you know where to look.

Anyway, I wish the same luck to you, friend. I've always been flattered by how enthusiastic you were in your comments. Know that I'm always willing and able to talk though, if you want to. I do have a Steam now, by the way - and Left 4 Dead 2

Thank you, my fan. It warms the heart to see something like that.

I'm glad that you've shared this with us. Whatever you decide to do, I hope things go well for you. *hugs*

It's understandable even if it's cancelled I hope I can still reread it

Could you also drop summary at the end of the fic?

Thanks for the honesty, and for giving us the detailed summary so we know how the story ends. I greatly enjoyed it all along the way.

If and when you do publish some original fiction, please do another blog where you link to it. I think we'd all love to take a look.


I'd definitely like that! It's funny how after all these years you finally got one, I really didn't expect it :D. I dunno how private you want to keep stuff like that so here's the deal: You can either PM me the information and I'll add you or you can just search for me on Steam under my FIMfiction alias and you'll find me. I came up with this nick when I was like 10-years-old and I use it everywhere still, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been jacked anywhere except Twitter so you can be sure it's me. I'd love to chat! Unfortunately I've never really gotten into L4D because I'm not a huge zombie fan but once you've opened the Pandora's Box that is PC gaming it's hard to go back to anything else.

On the subject of your content it was easy to be enthusiastic about it. The thing is, you have an ability to get people talking, to invite discussion, to introduce a topic, and run with it. I always really liked that about your stuff, because you didn't ride the fence, especially if you thought you were right - I respected it back in the day, and I respect it now, and I'm glad to have been a part of it.

You'll have to forgive me for any spelling errors and stuff I've made - I'm typing this out at 3 am and I'm more than a bit drunk but feelin' good nonetheless.

Your words warm the heart, they really do. I'm glad I've gained such a fan in you - it was always a pleasure to read your comments, no matter the content, because you were honest. And, hey, if you're at all interested I recommend The Broken Bond for you to read - it's definitely shaping up to be one of my better stories that deconstructs not only Starlight as a "person," but those she calls her friends, too. If that doesn't interest you don't worry - it isn't everyone's cup of tea after all!

And I will take you up on that offer tomorrow my time, friend.

I hope things go well for you. But just cause you are taking off from writing doesn't mean you have to leave the site. You could drop in sometimes to read, or post a blog, or heck just to say hello. Anyway, stay groovy.

Wow, I'm surprised there was this much stuff planned. Cool to have the outline of it here, for our imaginations to do with as we please.

Thanks for letting us know. All the best for the future!

Dang I knew it would be slow going... And I mean slow enough for me to start school and graduate in between updates slow. But honestly it was worth it and I thought it would finish. I don't read fanfics anymore to be honest but this story, and a few others are examples of writing done right. Pretty much the main reason I log in every few months to see if you and a few others have graced us with a new chapter. I don't want to read the spoilers because I'm delusional and think that you'll come back, or that someone will finish it on your behalf. But also because it feels weird to just read the bullet points almost disrespectful, like spark noting a book.
Thanks for all the late nights in bed (nope that's the perfect phrasing)
And hopefully you'll go on to do more amazing things in life.


I don't think you remember me, or really know me, but this is kind of saddening, but I understand (lord nitro from fanfic.net). Still, I wish you the best of luck in future endeavors, I'd love to chat sometime if you'd like ^^

you do what you think is right.

for what it's worth, i think this story was beautiful for what it was.

like glados, it is what it was.

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