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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.

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  • Saturday
    Episode Re-Review: Yakity Sax

    It looked like Season 8 might be finally getting back on track after it fell hard from grace with "Non-Compete Clause". We had an honestly good episode in the form of "The Hearth's Warming Club" that finally painted the school in a good light, then we had "Friendship University" which at least gave us a proper RarityxTwilight episode, and then we had "The End in Friend" which managed to salvage

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  • 1 week
    Episode Re-Review: The End in Friend

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  • 2 weeks
    Happy Birthday, Daniel Ingram

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  • 3 weeks
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Ranking the Rarity Episodes (From Worst to Best) · 6:58pm Feb 24th, 2019

Rarity is unquestionably the show's breakout character, the one who underwent the most profound and significant changes as the show went on. Unlike other shows Rarity isn't simply into fashion she actually works in it and offers up an insider's perspective. She also tends to be the most mature of the mane six (from an emotional stand point) considering she has only had a proper mental breakdown once and has usually been good at remembering her lessons.

They say Rarity's never had a bad episode, which I personally disagree with. She's definitely had some duds in her time, but she's also had a great deal of highs. So today we're going to consider all 23 of her episodes, which by now you should know doesn't mean every episode she's appeared in but episodes where she'd played a significant role and contributed directly to the story (so episodes such as "Ponyville Confidential" and "Filli Vanilli" will not be included). Also, like all my lists this one is purely the result of my personal opinion so please respect it.

23. The Cart Before the Ponies (Season 6, Episode 15 in production order/14 in airdate)
Why it's on the bottom: Most of Rarity's Season 6 outings were not kind to her at all, nowhere is it more obvious than here. Rarity's sister bond with Sweetie Belle had always been the most consistent, she'd always remembered to treat Sweetie Belle as an equal and not ignore her. Until this episode came along and ruined all that by having her use Sweetie Belle solely to try and make up for not winning "Most Creative" cart at the Applewood Derby as a filly. Not only that but she engages in cheating, blocking the lanes with her cart so others can't pass, and puts Sweetie Belle in a seat that's high up that increases the risk of injury or ejection in an accident. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are equally as shameful but the sad truth is we've seen worse from them, with Rarity this was a low I don't think anyone would've ever expected to see from her.

22. Look Before You Sleep (Season 1, Episode 8)
Why it's not on the bottom: Hard to believe that an episode where Rarity doesn't belong at all and has her acting like her younger sibling is somehow not the worst outing she's ever had. The problem is that a lot of Rarity's arguments in the episode proper feel justified, even though she's supposed to be in the wrong. And she only agrees to help out after Applejack apologizes, whereas before she was complaining and refusing to do anything to help. And yet people still ship RariJack in spite of things like this.

21. Honest Apple (Season 7, Episode 9)
Why it's in the bottom three: Rarity would go on to repeat her mistake in this episode a season later, but at least in "Fake It 'Til You Make It" she had the excuse of being absent for most of the episode and thus unaware of what Fluttershy was doing. Here though, she not only hires Applejack as a fashion judge despite the fact that everyone agrees it makes no sense, but also does nothing to stop Applejack from destroying the dresses made by the contestants. Only after it all goes bad does she at all explain to Applejack why what she did was wrong, and does so in the most insulting way possible with the whole "You don't like it when it happens to you, so why is it okay for you to do it others?". Yes, she gave the same argument in "Ponyville Confidential" but there it worked because she acknowledged her own wrongdoing to make a point.

20. The End in Friend (Season 8, Episode 17 in production order/18 in airdate)
Why it's so low: For most of the episode Rarity is completely intolerant and unlikeable. She doesn't even pretend to be interested in Rainbow Dash's buckball display and also doesn't tell her not to bother, yet she still expects Rainbow Dash to go shopping with her. Then she insults Rainbow's love of Daring Do despite knowing it's all real and despite knowing she hasn't read any of the books. Not to mention the fact that she doesn't care when Rainbow Dash gets hurt while trying to help her mine for gems. It isn't until the hunt for the missing artifact that she even begins to improve, and by then it's almost too late to save her character.

19. Spice Up Your Life (Season 6, Episode 13 in production order/12 in airdate)
Why it's in the bottom five: Given her line of work and what she does, Rarity is the absolute last pony who should be preaching conformity. Let alone conformity to bad standards. By this point, how many times has Rarity tried to kiss up to Canterlot's high society only to learn that they don't actually have good taste and only care about what reflects their shallow interests? After seeing how bad Zesty Gourmand's standards are, Rarity shouldn't be at all eager to impress Zesty and should be willing to embrace the Tasty Treat's individuality, especially when Pinkie Pie trusts her to preserve it as it is. She even reacts to the news that it isn't rated like a bad thing despite knowing the rated restaurants are bad. And to top it all off she thinks that somehow she's doing the right thing. It isn't until Zesty leaves for the first time after insulting Rarity that Rarity comes to her senses.

18. P.P.O.V (Pony Point of View) (Season 6, Episode 22)
Why it's not in the bottom five: At least we kind of expect some exaggeration from Rarity given her persona and personality. Even then it's jarring for her to start thinking so lowly of her friends because of one incident that didn't even really go that badly (they never even left the harbor). She's also the one I would suspect to be least likely to hold onto bad feelings, along with Pinkie Pie. Applejack would probably stew over it for a while.

17. Gift of the Maud Pie (Season 6, Episode 3)
Why it's low: Yes, yes, this episode did give us Rariball which the fandom went nuts for, but it can only go so far to make up for the fact that Rarity clearly wasn't supposed to be in this episode and in doing so opens up a gigantic plot hole. All Pinkie would've had to do is ask Rarity to make the pouch for her and Rarity would agree. On top of that she knows by now how Maud works, yet she reacts as though this is the first time she's ever been with Maud. All that we get out of her as to a reason for being in the episode is to scout for a location for a third boutique but we could've gotten that at any point, we didn't need an episode dedicated to that. Especially not one where she wasn't supposed to be in the story.

16. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You (Season 7, Episode 20 in production order/19 in airdate)
Why it's not higher: Again, this episode gave us something the fandom went nuts for (in this case punk mane Rarity) but in this case the episode suffers from being stretched out. The story is very paper thin and full of filler that while mostly entertaining, doesn't amount to much. Rarity having a bad mane day probably would've been alright for a promotional short, but for a whole episode it's clear that they're struggling to fill up the run time. Plus it feels a little sudden for Rarity to lose her confidence just because of a bad mane, when in fact it's because she's too ashamed to speak up and be heard. And do you seriously mean to tell me it took her all day to realize Pinkie Pie had the shampoo and not the remover potion?

15. Made in Manehattan (Season 5, Episode 17 in production order/16 in airdate)
Why it's not in the middle: Rarity is definitely in top form in this episode, but even then we don't get to see very much of her role since the focus is almost entirely on Applejack and how out of place she feels in Manehattan. Not to mention the fact that Coco Pommel ends up stealing the spotlight almost entirely, along with Applejack's destroyed hat.

14. The Saddle Row Review a.k.a Saddle Row and Rec (Season 6, Episode 10 in production order/9 in airdate)
Why it's in the middle: You know it's saying something when a Rarity episode where she is mostly in the background as an implied presence turns out to be her highest performing episode of Season 6. I really can't buy Rarity making the rookie mistake of waiting until opening day to actually do any inspecting of the building or get any sort of staff lined up, the episode itself reminds us that this isn't her first boutique. Even if you believe that she wasn't the original owner of Carousel Boutique and that Sassy Saddles managed the opening details of Canterlot Carousel you'd still think Rarity would've thought to do an inspection a lot sooner than she did. What largely keeps this a Rarity episode is the whole "What would Rarity want?" arc, where it's clear that Rarity has a presence. And even then it barely qualifies, especially since the ending kind of defeats the whole purpose of the opening (though I give them props for a good framing device and story telling perspective).

13. Green Isn't Your Color (Season 1, Episode 20)
Why it's in the top half: While I detest Rarity living her dreams through Fluttershy, I think they did a good job of addressing the dilemma of being jealous of your friend's success even though you know you should be happy for them. And I like how even when Rarity is presented with what she wanted all along, she feels guilty and realizes that she shouldn't want her friend to fail. I still think she should've had no quarrel confessing those feelings to Fluttershy, and it still doesn't make sense to me why Photo Finish would do a photo shoot at Rarity's boutique only to take interest in a model.

12. Friendship University (Season 8, Episode 16)
Why it's in the top twelve: Rarity basically steals the spotlight here, both as Plainity and as herself. The ironic thing is that she had no need for a disguise, Flim and Flam don't know who she is (despite having been to Ponyville at least twice prior to this episode). And she ends up being the one who uncovers Flim and Flam's extortion scheme all by herself. It's understandable that she would be excited by the chance to dress up. But I still have a hard time believing she or anyone else would think giving Twilight an eyepatch and a fake cutie mark would be a sufficient enough disguise (unless they were going for a "So obvious they'll never suspect it" kind of angle).

11. Sweet and Elite (Season 2, Episode 9)
Why it's not in the top ten: Even though Rarity feels guilty, the fact of the matter is that aside from lying about Rainbow Dash she is doing nothing wrong the whole time she's in Canterlot. Her friends would more than understand if she couldn't attend Twilight's birthday party because she was busy socializing with the Canterlot upper class. As a business pony with plans to expand to Canterlot, Rarity would need to have a clientel receptive to her work and that means forging connections. We even see her using her time with the elite to get them to try things they otherwise wouldn't consider. What she should be doing is embracing her Ponyville roots and using that to change how Canterlot's elite think of such ponies, not pretending to be someone she's not just to impress them. Especially since Fancy Pants clearly didn't mind her or her friends being from Ponyville and was happy to stick up for her against the other upper class ponies.

10. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (Season 4, Episode 20 in production order/19 in airdate)
Why it's in the top ten: Even though the focus is mostly on Sweetie Belle and Princess Luna, Rarity still has a very big role in this episode throughout. Not only is she hoping to impress Sapphire Shores again, but she's also trying to please her little sister even knowing it's going to set her back. Even then she's only upset with Sweetie Belle when she thinks her sister is trying to sabotage her, and she clearly regrets not being there to see the play. The only thing is, Sweetie Belle has to have been aware of her sister's tendency to obsess over the tiniest of details, she did steal Rarity's diary after all.

9. Simple Ways (Season 4, Episode 13)
Why it's not higher: Probably the toughest one of all to justify, I'm pretty much the only one I know who considers this episode worthwhile. Yes, Rarity should be over the idea of having a crush and expecting romance to follow. But I could see her convincing herself that Prince Blueblood simply wasn't the right kind of guy for her and that she needed to look beyond outward appearances. She clearly knew enough about Trenderhoof to be able to impress him. And her turning into a country bumpkin and being pitted against a Southern belle Applejack was hilarious and a joy to watch. Besides, her initial farm wear attire was quite lovely.

8. Rarity Investigates! (Season 5, Episode 16 in production order/15 in airdate)
Why it's so high: This episode served as a subtle reminder of Rarity's skill in the art of manipulation, even if there were scenes that served only to drive that home more and fill up the episode. Considering the closest we'd come to a proper RariDash episode before hand had been "Sonic Rainboom" (in which Rarity became a part but was never truly the focus) it was great to see a proper one. She and Rainbow Dash are actually more alike than it might seem, both have a love of the spotlight, both have dramatic ambitions that go beyond Ponyville, both have book series they're passionate about, and both have a flare for the dramatic that they try to mask. And there's no denying Rarity makes a fine detective. It's a shame we'll probably never get an episode where she, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie all team up to solve a mystery together.

7. Canterlot Boutique (Season 5, Episode 14)
Why it's not in the top five: Rarity sort of lets Sassy Saddles take over here. It's understandable, but still very sudden and jarring. I think what truly lifted this episode was the brief dilemma of Rarity getting what she'd always dreamed of and yet still being unhappy. However, she should've put her hoof down on Sassy much sooner, particularly on the Reign in Stein if she was that passionate about it (at the least she could've asked Sassy for the research she claimed, so as to see whether Sassy had proof or was just stating an opinion).

6. A Dog and Pony Show (Season 1, Episode 19)
Why it's just outside the top five: A.k.a Tabitha St. Germain hamming it up. I'm not kidding, this episode is Rarity at her drama queen best and she is an absolute joy to watch. It's kind of easy to forget she's supposed to be the star though, considering she spends much of the episode in captivity (though she soon finds a way to get the Diamond Dogs wrapped around her hoof) and the focus is on the rest of the mane six and Spike mounting the rescue operation. It's a deconstruction of the "Damsel in Distress" trope but some of the fantasies make you question if Rarity's friends really think that low of her.

5. Inspiration Manifestation (Season 4, Episode 23)
Why it's in the top five: While the beginning is kind of contrived and the ending is rather abrupt, this episode serves as the closest Rarity came to a proper mental breakdown prior to "Fame and Misfortune". It's really saying something when for her to lose her mind it took not a stressful event but an outside force to do so. They always say the path to hell is paved with good intentions and that is on full display here. As is the saying "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Of course, we know that Spike could've and probably should've intervened sooner, and we never did get a follow-up on where the spell went after it left Rarity (it's easy to forget that Spike is also the star of this episode, kind of funny how he's only twice truly shared the spotlight with Rarity).

4. Forever Filly (Season 7, Episode 6)
Why it's not in the top three: After Season 6 dragged her relationship with Sweetie Belle through the mud, this episode was a much needed return to form for it and for Rarity in general. It would've been easy to make Rarity completely in the wrong and seem selfish and petty. But they made sure to give us reason to understand her motives and actually make you root for her to an extent. About the only thing to dislike was her missing the obvious after Sweetie told her off. Rarity is many things but thick headed isn't one of them.

3. Rarity Takes Manehattan (Season 4, Episode 8)
Why it's in the top three: After not getting a focus episode at all in Season 3 (the one she was going to have was given to Applejack when Meghan McCarthy felt Rarity came across as too mean) or the entire second half of Season 2, this was Rarity's long overdue return to the spotlight. This is when she started to win me over, personally. It served as a reminder of what makes Rarity such a great character, and alongside "Pinkie Pride" was arguably the highlight of the key episodes in Season 4. It's easy to forget that Rarity was the star here considering the whole fandom went nuts for Coco Pommel. The only things really holding this episode back are the questionable passages of time and Rarity spouting generosity every few minutes or so, at some point it starts to get a little obvious.

2. Sisterhooves Social (Season 2, Episode 5)
Why it's not number one: Back when Friendship is Witchcraft was one of only two abridged series and major fandom creations (both have sadly faded away now), this episode shined the spotlight on Sweetie Bot which subsequently got her "Ask X" blog and even fics and songs dedicated to her. This was also the first episode of the entire show where Twilight didn't appear (and Spike of all characters did). This episode was all about the bond between Rarity and Sweetie Belle and how much they had to work to overcome their differences. There's also the little detail about her parents, which have only appeared once or twice in the background since then. If I wanted to I could've easily put this episode at number one. But by process of elimination you should know which one is.

1. Suited for Success (Season 1, Episode 14)
Why it's on the top: With this episode Rarity and the show became firmly established. Rarity's love of fashion finally amounted to something beyond just a general expression of it, and we got a reminder of why she's the Element of Generosity. You'd think that an episode about dress making wouldn't be very compelling to watch, but the show found a way to prove all the neighsayers wrong. Focusing on it from the perspective of an artist having to deal with customers who don't truly know what they want. And I gotta say, Rarity always looked more attractive with her sewing glasses on then she ever did without them. Not to mention the fact that this episode introduced us to Opal, her pet cat (who among the pets is sadly usually the most forgotten). Yet even when Rarity knew the dresses she made for her friends were ugly, she bit her tongue and said nothing. So for all those reasons, I'm gladly putting this episode at number one.

And there you have it, come back tomorrow when we'll rank the Fluttershy episodes.

Comments ( 6 )

My list only has 8 episodes on it, but here goes:
It Isn’t The Mane Thing About You
Simple Ways (while she technically does share the spotlight with AJ, it feels like more of the focus is on her)
The End in Friend
Canterlot Boutique
Sweet and Elite
Suited for Success
A Dog and Pony Show
Rarity Takes Manehatten

5019704 I'm surprised episodes like "Suited for Success" and "A Dog and Pony Show" are so low.

They're good, I just enjoy her behavior in the ones above more.

Oh, i, i wish i would have found this post sooner, i just love Rarity, she my favorite, here my ranking for all these episode.

23. Inspiration Manifestation 1/10
22. The Saddle Row Review 4/10
21. The Cart Before the Ponies 4/10
20. Forever Filly 5/10
19. P.P.O.V (Pony Point of View) 5/10
18. Spice Up Your Life 6/10
17. Made in Manehattan 6/10
16. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils 7/10
15. A Dog and Pony Show 7/10
14. The End in Friend 7/10
13.Friendship University 7/10
12. Green Isn't Your Color 8/10
11. Honest Apple 8/10
10. Gift of the Maud Pie 9/10
9. Sisterhooves Social 9/10
8. Sweet and Elite 9/10
7. Suited for Success 9/10
6. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You 10/10
5. Canterlot Boutique 10/10
4. Rarity Takes Manehatten 10/10
3. Rarity Investigates! 10/10
2. Look Before You Sleep 10/10
1. Simple Ways 10/10

5256338 Why is "Inspiration Manifestation" only a 1 out of 10?

It's really a bias reason, I just detest Rarity/Spike episodes, Rarity is my favorite character, but when she interact with spike, her worst traits comes out for me, and I hate that.

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