• Member Since 18th Aug, 2018
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Quillsy: Bookwyrm and epic level Keybard

More Blog Posts67

  • 12 weeks
    Notta April Fools!

    Hey everyone,

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  • 28 weeks
    Two Chapters Released for Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision

    Hey Everyone,

    Today I released not one, but TWO chapters for Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision. I hope you enjoy them.

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  • 29 weeks
    New Canonical Side Story Released

    Hi everyone!
    Today I uploaded the latest Canonical Side Story for Clockwork Precision. It's the one I promised during my last post and is Gearing's First Nightmare Night.

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  • 30 weeks
    State of the Story / Behind the Scenes Peek

    Hey everyone,

    I’m writing today to give you a bit of a heads up on what I’ve been doing and what I’m planning to do with the story.

    So, as some of you may have noticed, I’ve been posting once a month around the same time of the month. This isn’t merely a coincidence. This has been planned. I’ve made a lot of effort to try and get some form of consistency with my updates again.

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  • 45 weeks
    Saturday morning Cartoons

    Hey everyone,

    I managed to get some things figured out, and it helped me get a new chapter out faster. So I thought I'd go ahead and release it and give everyone a little Saturday morning treat.

    I hope you enjoy.

    As always: Comments, questions, suggestions, or critiques are welcomed, encouraged, and appreciated.


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Story Crafting · 7:46pm Apr 17th, 2019

Hey everyone,

This blog post is a little different from my normal fair. For one, it's not done on a story posting day. It's in between days actually. Also it's not explicitly about any one story, and more about my take on writing as a whole.

What's made me think about this is some recent conversations involving some things that could unilaterally be thrown in a 'world breaking' box. While some of them can be gotten away with by a decent explanation or circumstance, there are a few that I find particularly annoying. Ones that, regardless of the framing around them, just outright damage the potential for the suspension of disbelief. Mainly with things that are blatantly hypocritical, or make set 'rules' of the universe not always binding.

Primarily I'm talking about those, for me anyway, cringe worthy tropes of "Plot Armor".

There is a habit among stories, both in print, and in movies, to make certain characters practically, if not completely, invulnerable. Often in completely inexplicable ways. If you'd seen the movie "The Last Action Hero" they sort of poked fun at that as the kid made a prediction, and was correct, that of the three characters involved in a massive explosion, the two cops would be dead, and the main character wouldn't have a scratch on them. Basically this lets them go through the story doing whatever they want, while having no real consequences. For no other reason than who they are. That's it. Anyone else in the exact same situation, in the exact same spot, with the exact same variables? Oh they'd be an oil stain on the ground quicker than a politician flips their platforms during election year.

I'm not really a fan of that.

For those that know my other works, under other pen names, they're very well aware of that. Though, currently, there are maybe a half dozen people that can actually make that particular connection.

So, let me just be clear on it since my other works are under other names. In my stories, plot armor doesn't exist. Actions have consequences. They can get hurt. They can be maimed. And they can get damaged both mentally and physically. And I have absolutely ZERO problem killing off main characters if the story calls for it or their actions lead to it.

Relatedly I don't just kill cast for shock value either. That's another cheap tactic in my opinion.

Typically I put characters in a situation and let them resolve things on their own. Sometimes things work out. Some times they don't. Sometimes someone does something so stupid that it gets them killed. In which case. They die. "Power Overwhelming" is permanently disabled and Death doesn't play favorites.

As always: Comments, questions, and critiques welcome and encouraged.


Report WyrmQuill · 111 views · #Quillsy #writing
Comments ( 2 )

bothered by my comment?

Nope, not at all.

In fact it's already something I actively strive to keep away from in my stories. If there's no risk of danger to the characters, then there's a massively lower level of tension. If you don't have to worry about a character because they are "the invincible chosen one" it really warps the story in my opinion. The character has no skin in the fight. They're a guaranteed constant. It's a bit boring imo.

Relatedly: Chapters released are plotted out, if not at some stage of already being written, weeks (possibly even months) before they go live on FimFic. Feedback has been great for making tweaks, but there's been nothing that's changed any of the intended plot points. Knowing what's coming over the next few chapters, felt it might be prudent to point that out.

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