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Newest Not-So-Royal-Guard graduate, my son · 2:28am May 2nd, 2019

If you had a relative graduate from US Army basic combat training from Ft. Jackson on April 25, there’s a distinct possibility that he was training next to my son. (cont.)

I was mostly out last week, although I still kept up my posting pattern for Farmer Bruener Has Some Ponies thanks to a stack of cached chapters. It was a hoot to drive through the countryside, trying to make sense of the US Interstate Highway system and just why Siri wanted us to drive along every dirt path and gravel road instead of nice, straight highways.

Seriously, Apple has a product that is 95% genius and 5% blithering idiot, the key is to recognize just when it is being which. When Siri fails, I pass navigation responsibility off to Wifei, a much more affectionate driving aide who has two stock phrases: “I think you were supposed to turn back there” and “We’re going the wrong way.” Still, despite the best efforts of Apple, we made it to Ft. Jackson, survived a La Quinta without a pool for two nights, visited Charleston and Folly Beach, and got to watch the sun set for an hour and a half along a perfectly darling little section of Highway 26 that had a glacial traffic speed of approximately half of Tank the Tortoise’s bottom gear (grumble, grumble), got to spend time with our son at Family Day and Graduation, toured Lookout Mountain, and still got home before Tulip Festival in Wamego. Woot!

Although watching PFC Wahl graduate was the peak of the experience.

Here he is out on the assembly field of the 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, B Company at graduation. He’s easy to spot, since he’s wearing a white shirt and blue pants.

Ain’t he great? So tall and handsome, just like his father. Only thinner. In better shape. Smarter. Oh, wait. Let me zoom in there so you’re not playing Where’s PFC Waldo. Here he is with our Supreme Commander.

(no, I don’t know why TinyPic turned the photo on its side)

So with this, we bring Georg’s April Foolishness to a close. I’m still going to finish posting Twinkle Twinkle - Speaker to Dragons up to Chapter 9, and I still have to do my blog plug for the Ministry of Image’s Tales of the Sun and Tales of the Moon, so work, work, work.

Army Strong!

Comments ( 42 )


Some well-deserved pride right there. Congrats to your son! :yay:

I hope you had a great time in my state!

Dan #5 · May 2nd, 2019 · · ·

Re: Apple products. I think you have the figures backwards.

Though I'm not a big fan of Google Maps either. I stick to Osmand. Fully open source, though it's not very good at locating addresses, so in many cases you have to take the extra step of converting the address to decimal latitude and longitude to get directions.


That's the marines, not the army.

(Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong).

Congratulations! You must be so proud!

Congratulations! Go Army!

Shows you what I know. :derpytongue2:

Regardless: congratulations both to Georg and to Georgson, Son of Georg! And to the Supreme Commander!

It is.
Army is the completely different "ooh-eh/ah".

... Georg is married and has a son?

*pikachu meme face*

Army: hoo-ah
Marines: oo-rah

Unless things have changed since my buddy left the army.

You have a son? Of age to serve?

Good, now I don't feel quite so old anymore. :trollestia:

Nah, I kid, of course. Congratulations to you and your son. :heart:

Was he raised on pony?

Your not proud at all are yah:ajsmug:

You did good, dad.

5052401 5052400 He's 30. He was out of the house in college on his own by Pony time. He's a writer, but writes deep literary things, not ponies. (darnit)
5052392 Georg has a *grandson* from his youngest daughter now. Corner me during Bronycon/Everfree and I'll show you pictures.
5052389 Darned right, all hail to the Supreme Commander, She Who Must Be Obeyed. :pinkiehappy:
5052382 I'm addicted to the ability of Siri to take a thumb press and a "Siri, I need directions to the nearest Walmart" into actual directions.

I remember that field far too well....the entrance the day before is MUCH more ....interesting. (its suppose to be a battle charge from the wood line, 1k plus young adults shouting as they charge....the guy in front of me tripped.)

Congratulations to him. That is not an easy journey.

Ah, congratulations all of you. :)

Yaaaay!! Congrats and thank him for his service from the rest of us. :twilightsmile:


Congratulations! Coastguard here.

Awwwww... funny thing is that you always seemed so young on site (personality wise). Though... the discipline with which you write should have given it away that you were older.

Nice to hear he's graduated! Congratulations!

You know what's cool, though? I, personally, live on-base at Fort Jackson. You might have been allowed in through the gates by my dad, he's one of the gate guards, so that's cool to me.

Congratulations on raising a fine son, who's willing to serve his country! (Even if it is...shudder...the ARMY!)

Marine Corps vet here.

Congratulations to your son there!

Congratulations on sucessffluy passing out.:pinkiehappy:

Just hope you dont wake up tomorrow. :pinkiecrazy:

Something Ive never understood. We have had analog electrical circuit simulators for decades, why not load the road map in where the road capacity etc are set as resistances, then the shortest distance between two points is the greatest current? In fact, build a physical map and poke the electrodes in and use a camera to see which bits light up? Im sure some researchers would get plenty for that?

Congrats all around, to your son for graduating and you both for surviving trying to navigate by Apple.

2-39 AAA-O. Charlie company. I've got the shirt. Then to 1-87 Ordnance Alpha company.

Where is he going for AIT?

5052515 Someplace in Missouri for chemical weapons training. Told him it was the natural place to go after working the last couple of years in a Mexican restaurant. :) He wants to be a Ranger, except he can't do enough pull-ups.
5052484 That's roughly what they do with Minimum Time and Distance algorithms. In college, I built a couple of programs that did similar things for assignments, including this nifty recursive thing that calculated Set Minimums, but that was back in the stone knives and bearskins era.
5052438 You're only young once, but you can be immature forever!
5052412 That would be whatever they called the Forge back then, where they have like four hours of sleep in three days, long marches, simulated combat, then stagger out onto the field to be congratulated. Thankfully, my job with IT never had to do that. :)
5052448 Cool! That's a nifty place, although I couldn't help but think of the family members wandering around as sheep and the trainees as guard dogs. "No, Mom. Don't go that way. That's the machine gun range. Go where all the rest of the cars are going."

Thank you for raising a good man and soldier, and congratulations all around!


Army strong! congratulations from an old Paratrooper

Nice! Congrats to your son!
My brother graduated from there a few months ago.
Were the benches soaked from morning dew like ours were?
It might have been melting frost.

Normally I’m morally obligated to tell anyone visiting the SC coast to visit Folly Beach, but you beat me to it!

And many congratulations to your son!

Congratulations and thanks to him for his service!

It's an awesome feeling to see the metaphorical chicks spread their wings. Congratulations to him, and to the family that raised him well!

Gonna hold you to that one for pictures, dude. And congrats for your son! Chemical's fun, one of my best buds through basic was Chem too. And yeah, Ranger's definitely not for everyone heh, feel his pain on pull-ups

Congrats to the son, the father and the supreme commander!

Congrats to the father, the mom, and the newly minted soldier on his accomplishment!

Georg, it was great to meet you this last weekend at EFNW. I had no idea this proud moment had just occurred. Please, brag a little more. Sometimes it's really deserved!

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