• Member Since 18th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Hi, Yes I'm Queen Quake and Wandering Sunrise I like Explosions, 40K, Ponies, Anime, and Explosions....that's about it. Check me out on YouTube just search Fiaura ;)

More Blog Posts110

  • 24 weeks
    Now to Do Something Hard

    So I'm going to have to write both Dead Tree and the 2nd Book for Here, There Be Dragons at the same time.

    1 Chapter every other week. If I want to finish both before the end of the year.
    To that end, I'm going to ask a simple question

    Who all here even knew I wrote another Original Series while Dead Tree has been on Hiatus?

    4 comments · 249 views
  • 33 weeks
    Yes, I just did that

    As apart of releasing this new Original Series at Ciderfest next weekend (Here, There Be Dragons); I have released something I wrote 4 years ago and ran by both Somber and Kkat before the release.


    See you next weekend with my new book.

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    0 comments · 330 views
  • 36 weeks
    New Book, Original Series, first 6 chapters for Free

    Six Chapters Here, all linked in order for you

    Here are the first 6 chapters as promised, this is the last 10 days to pre-order and secure a copy for sure as I do not know how many I will be able to print.

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    0 comments · 183 views
  • 39 weeks
    Progress on New Book - There is a Lot

    I'm working now on the last three chapters and the book looks like it will make the deadline to be out for November.

    I wanted to highlight some art pieces here but several I'm having to keep under wraps because they are a bit more spoilery than anything else.

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    1 comments · 189 views
  • 46 weeks
    Everfree 2023 - We have Preview Copy Also, Hi New People

    I've seen some new people commenting on Dead Tree and Bone Daddy recently and it warms my heart. I'm trying to remember to reply to all of you.

    Second, we did the thing!

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    0 comments · 200 views

Little ambitious but Why Not Try? · 1:23am May 6th, 2019

It's been a bit but I figured I should try for this, we're gonna see if we can get 300 upvotes on the Fallout: Equestria - Dead Tree Story.

Also of FimFiction's Algorithm is based upon Upvote to Downvote ration for stories.

In exchange for pushing for this, I am opening a contest when we hit 300. There are several pieces of interesting works I've gotten from conventions over the years and I'm going to give a few away. As we hit milestones I'll be announcing on discord and twitter those pieces, as well as once a week updating yall here in the blog way.

We are at 246/300 right now and at 250, I'll reveal the first giveaway piece.

What do yall think? You wanna see if we can do this and get your friends involved in making this story hit 300?

Yall keep telling me it's a good story and I'm a good writer; well good was never good enough for me. I shoot for the stars, I think it's time we hit a star or 3.

Comments ( 3 )

You're helping and you know it. Thank you.

You're Welcome. Just a Friendly reminder, i Hope my Last pm reply and tf2 thought isn't Too much

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