• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
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Warren Peace

Reader, Writer, and a Reviewer of shitfics.

More Blog Posts61

  • 49 weeks
    A long-overdue update

    For all those who enjoy my work, specifically My Little Argonian: Family is Sacred, it's been a while since I've said anything or posted anything regarding it. For this I apologize, I'd been dealing with undiagnosed depression since around 2017 and have only within the last year or two realized what it was and sought help to cure it. It's not the kind of depression that ends up putting you in an

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    0 comments · 80 views
  • 206 weeks
    Got bored, drew ponies

    Rough sketches of Choc, Moonbeam, and Rain. I think they look meh, but I can tweak things.

    Oh, and I'm still working on the story bit by bit.

    1 comments · 170 views
  • 263 weeks
    A sneak peek for a sneak-thief...

    The rough draft of next chapter is finally done. All that needs doing is the spit and polish of editing and seeing as how my schedule for the next couple weeks is hectic at best, I doubt I'll be able to get much done until the end of the month.

    So until then, here's a snippet from the next chapter: Trouble in Paradise!

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  • 292 weeks
    Aram's Not Dead

    As the last update to the story ticks closer and closer to the one year mark, I decided to make a post for anyone worried about the status of MLA:FiS. Good news: the story's not dead, I'm just kinda stuck in a rut (again) and my work life isn't helping. Suffice to say, I'm still chipping away at the next story and most of the main scenes are established. Most of what needs to be written is the

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  • 356 weeks
    In celebration of breaking 200 Likes!

    In celebration of breaking 200 Likes on MLA:FiS, here is the first of (probably not) many dramatic readings by everyone's favorite new talent: fimfiction's text-to-speech!


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A sneak peek for a sneak-thief... · 8:49pm May 13th, 2019

The rough draft of next chapter is finally done. All that needs doing is the spit and polish of editing and seeing as how my schedule for the next couple weeks is hectic at best, I doubt I'll be able to get much done until the end of the month.

So until then, here's a snippet from the next chapter: Trouble in Paradise!

“Ha, ha!” Hoity Toity exclaimed, “You’ve done it! You actually did it!” Then, as if remembering where he was he double-checked the forcefield between our booth and the club’s main floor. With a quick tug at his suit he resumed a more businesslike demeanor, “Well done, a fault with the bridge and no more Spruced Up. Here you are...” he reached beneath the table with his maw and produced another bag of bits, sliding them across.

“Thank you,” I said, passing the bag off to Rain, “as to the bonus, converting our dragon’s hoard into sep...into bits, how can we expect to proceed?”

“Well, I’ll need to send someone out to see what exactly you have in the way of stock,” Hoity said, thinking for a moment, “Once we have a good estimate of what it is, I should be able to get my ponies to start transferring it out.”

“See, the problem with that is that we can’t exactly have ponies knowing the exact whereabouts of our stuff,” Rain spoke up, “Privileged information and all that.”

“I...see,” Hoity said, looking between the two of us for a moment, “...and how do you propose..?”

“We’ll give you a location to send your pony,” Rain answered, leaning forwards with hooves pressed together lightly, “we blindfold them, take them to our stock, get their evaluation, blindfold again and send them on their merry way back to you,” Rain relaxed back into her seat, “From there, we’ll send you chunks of stock to a neutral area and you come with bits.”

“That seems needlessly difficult…”

“We can’t have anyone knowing where we sleep,” I spoke up, actually liking Rain’s plan, Maybe she can be trusted to speak her mind at meetings and not go over my head…

“I suppose…” Hoity considered, looking down as he thought, “I...well, I did agree to this and you fulfilled your end of the bargain with flying colors,” he looked back up, “Very well, I won’t be able to get anyone for the next few days, how will I…”

“We’ll know when you’re ready,” I answered, standing from the table, “We’ll be in touch, Hoity Toity.”

“I...uh, certainly,” Hoity gave a weak smile.

The warbling, throbbing music returned as the forefield dissipated, the two of us leaving and making our way back towards the entrance. I felt a ghost of a smile cross my face, another assassination completed, another soul sent to the void with no one the wiser. Perhaps fulfilling Sithis’ wishes wouldn’t be so difficult after all!

Rain tugged at my leg, drawing my attention to a pair of startled eyes.

“What?” my voice was lost in the music. Rain jerked her head towards the bar.

Moonbeam was gone.

“Blend into the crowd!” I yelled, kneeling down so Rain would hear me, trying to maintain an indifferent look, “Act natural! If you see an opening, get out of here!”

Rain nodded, giving her mane a quick flick and trotting briskly into the sea of contorting ponies on the dance floor. Standing, I gave the room a casual once-over, seeing nothing out of the ordinary at first glance.

That quivering thief better not have decided to run off to take a piss somewhere, I mentally growled, eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of a disturbance. No one was looking shifty, most eyes focused on the stage. If this was a false alarm…

The two bat-winged ponies and their pegasus friend were gone.

That look was more than just curiosity or startledness, my mind spoke up, they were looking out for you.

Bounty hunters? Counter assassins? What in oblivion is going on here? My eyes fell on Hoity Toity’s booth. He was sitting casually, ordering a drink from a passing server, Did he sell us out?

After already paying up? Doesn’t make sense.

Then what!? I growled.

My mind remained, for once, silent.

I wouldn’t be able to blend into the crowd, and if someone was watching me then sneaking would be near impossible. Walking towards the exit was one possibility, but that would play into their plan...so try the unexpected.

Rather than make for the exit, I made for the bar, claiming a stool that was clearly visible and well lit. The other ponies gave me looks ranging from frazzled to stupefied, but kept to their drinks, a startled barkeep making her way over.

“Uhh…” I said, peering at the unknown words on the wall behind her, “Yearling,” I finally ordered, remembering Rain’s choice of drink.

The barkeep nodded, moving away as I turned my back to the bar, surveying the room with a lazy look...still no sign of trouble, Moonbeam, or the three winged ponies from the table...

“Whoa!” I jumped at the feminine voice from my side, turning quickly as the pegasus from the table took the stool next to me, “Not every day you see a dragon waltzing about in Equestria, what’s the special occasion!?”

Up close and in focus, I got a better look at the pony; silvery dappled coat, midnight mane with two-tone silver streak. Her demeanor seemed relaxed, but her eyes were flinty as they watched me carefully, like a wolf watches a bear.

“Your drink, um...sir,” the barkeep got both our attentions, depositing my drink next to me, turning to the pegasus, “Ma’am?”

“I’ll take one of what he’s got,” she gave me a lazy gesture, directing her attention back to me, “So what brings you around here, mister dragon?”

“I’m not…” I began with a growl before calming my tone, “It’s nothing that concerns you. What are you doing here?”

“Besides having a good time?” she smiled, waving a hoof out towards the crowd.

I watched the gesture, then the crowd. The move seemed casual enough, probably not a signal to some hidden foe. The barkeep brought the mare her drink, leaving us be.

“Besides that, yes,” I turned my eyes back to her.

“You’ve hardly touched your drink,” she countered, tossing her eyes at the dark liquid.

“Enough stalling, what do you want?” I grumbled, letting one of my hands fall to its pommel.

The gesture wasn’t lost on her, eyes darting from my weapons back to my face.

“Fair enough. You and I have a mutual friend, one that would like to meet you in person, ask a few questions perhaps,” she dropped the friendly attitude, suddenly all business.

“Which friend would that be?” I asked, Can’t say I have all that many here…

When did you ever? My mind snarked.

Be quiet! I grumbled back.

“One who wishes to remain anonymous,” she cast a glance to the crowd, “a sentiment I’m sure you of all…” she paused, looking me up and down before settling on a word, “creatures can understand. The walls have ears and all that.”

“Shall we get a booth, then?” I asked, gesturing to the numerous alcoves set in the walls, “They’ve got a fancy forcefield spell for conversations like these.”

“I’m not the one with questions, I’m just the messenger,” she gave the booths a quick glance, “I’m also the one instructed to bring you in...to meet with our mutual friend.”

Bit of guard lingo in there, my mind pointed out the slip of tongue.

I noticed, I replied, “I’ve got a lot on my plate already, your message has been delivered and I’ll think over it,” I said, standing from my seat, the pegasus followed suit, “If you give me your name, I’ll have someone contact you when I’m ready.”

“It’s Silver Shrike, and if it’s all the same to you, I was asked to deliver you as soon as equinely possible,” Silver countered, standing still between me and the door.

“Move,” I countered, grown tired of all the wordplay.

“No,” she rebutted, giving her wings a quick shake and lowering herself into a fighting stance.

That was the signal.

Comments ( 1 )

Sick, I just caught up. Can’t wait.

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