• Member Since 15th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


This page is for the lewd and depraved writing concocted by Septia. Naturally, only the pony related gets posted here. For the rest of my work, head to my Eka's or FurAffinity.

More Blog Posts375

  • Friday
    Growing Time

    Times come and go, but the moment when the iron is hot comes only with cultivation. Prepare, keep steady, and strike. If it has by then cooled, it must return to the forge.

    Happy Filthy Friday~.

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  • 1 week
    Origin Of All

    Orientation remains dependent on the point of origin, where and what someone is alters its very nature. Angles are worthless without a center, without origin or poles, the cardinal directions mean nothing. Up, and down, are only as real as we make them. Though it is comforting to collect these terms, to find commonality in direction. It is comfortable, to have an origin.

    Happy Filthy Friday~.

    0 comments · 16 views
  • 2 weeks
    Happy Midsummer to One and All~.

    The little frogs, oh, the little frogs, how silly they appear.
    Those little frogs, oh, those little frogs, do they even realise?
    They lack ears, no ears to hear with, and their tails are long gone.
    But despite their silly stature, the frogs ever, leap on.

    Kväk, kväk, ribbit.

    Happy Filthy Midsummer~.

    0 comments · 13 views
  • 3 weeks
    A Day Where Lots Happened and nothing changed

    Upon a metal lattice of grand creation, cloaked in dusk drooling from the surveilling cosmic sharks, lies a ray of sunlight. Preserved in toxic amber, it is warped to a cycle of health and decay, as the universe revolves. Encased, hidden, sealed, and cloaked. Yet, its light penetrate into every eye that twinkle with inspiration.

    Happy Filthy Friday~.

    0 comments · 12 views
  • 4 weeks
    Evaluateion in comfort

    Always comfortable to know that I have access to the backdoor. That whatever dreadful occasions take place in the bow, there remains an alternative, a space of safety to indulge in when all goes poorly. As long as I don't lose the key, that is.

    Happy Filthy Friday~.

    0 comments · 22 views

Consequences · 11:00pm May 24th, 2019

Relapse. Rejuvenating a behavior you had long since hoped would be buried in your footprints. Have you stepped back on yourself? Tread ground you have been at before, knowing there is no grace hidden in that path? Or are your steps merely betraying you, likening one mistake to another, one fall for the next? What if they represented the same events? A life is riddled with woe, and we remain as the one we always are, an mistake in the present, is the same as the mistakes of the past.
Yet, would you ever have remembered your first mistake, had it not been for the second?

Happy Filthy Friday~.

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