• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 20 hours ago


I never got my cutie mark. I'm told it drove me mad. But what do YOU know, huh???

More Blog Posts27

  • 110 weeks
    RE: The Doom That Comes To Canterlot

    As with a lot of artists on this site and many others, the end of MLP:FiM led to a reduction in my enthusiasm for this fandom and its content, which is strange to consider, since I stopped watching the show around season 6 or 7 and have no desire to follow the newest series. That isn't to say I don't still deeply appreciate MLP content, but I find that it takes a much stronger personal connection

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  • 160 weeks
    What Gyre Strand Looks Like (Yeah, I'm Still Alive)

    Finally comfortable enough with my ability to render Gyre that I can share a few profile sketches.

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    2 comments · 237 views
  • 222 weeks
    Chapter 16 Ready to Go!

    I have one chapter of a double feature complete and ready to publish! Yay! Finally! But...much like chapter 6 and 7, it's critical that it be paired with the chapter that comes after.

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  • 233 weeks
    Doomy Illustrations

    Do you think illustrations would enhance your reader experience with my story?

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  • 237 weeks
    Update News

    I’m posting this today to share some facts. I don’t want to sound whiny or like I’m seeking pity, so I’ll be forthright and as brief as I can manage.

    The Doom That Comes To Canterlot is officially going on hiatus. I don’t know for how long, but I can’t imagine it will be more than another month or two.

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The Doom That Comes To Canterlot - Chapter 9 · 6:14pm Jun 6th, 2019

Definitely the best chapter yet! Go read it!

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