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Bronycon Bookstore - The Monster Project · 3:20am Jun 17th, 2019

Yes, it's too late for me to get this into the Bronycon Bookstore - Golden Oak Bookstore at Bronycon 2019, BUT my work (and Iisaw's assistance) has scored. Monster in the Twilight and the incomplete sequel, Letters From a Little Princess Monster now has a hardback and paperback version. A week ago, I started a project to try to get it in print before Bronycon, and tonight, I'm ordering proof copies.

Interesting trivia. Lulu caseback hardcovers have a maximum size of 800 pages, while the paperbacks max out at 740 pages. That made printing Monster/Letters in one volume impossible (at least through Lulu) since it combined at just over a thousand pages. (It doesn't slice, it doesn't dice, but it can be used to defend your household by beating up burglars, anchor a large boat, or press an entire tree full of leaves) So I broke it into a 270 page Monster and a 800 page Letters (with cheating tweaks to the header/footer/margins to squeeze it in under the maximum page size for each hardback/paperback version) It's going to be *huge*

After breaking it into two books, I broke them each into Hardback/Paperback. My cost from Lulu for the proof copies is shipping plus:
Hardback - Monster: $15.09 Letters: $25.25
Paperback - Monster: $4.86 Letters: $11.21

I plan on donating the hardback copies to the auction and opening up ordering on Lulu for the paperback copies after Bronycon. Seriously, I don't see anybody willing to cough up $40 for the dirt-simple and straightforward, no frills or extra artwork double-volume set in hardcover case-bound without even a dust cover.


Comments ( 34 )

I'd offer to print copies to bring with me for Bronycon for people who want one, except for two possibilities:
1) A giant bunch of people would want one, or two, or maybe a hardback, etc.. and I'd die under the stress of trying to keep all the orders separate.
2) Nobody would say anything, and I'd die of mortification. (Sniff. They don't want one. I'm worthless. Sniff.)

Far easier to switch them to "Anybody with the URL can order" after Bronycon and save my mental breakdown for a better time.

Wow, that story has a lot of likes!

Great.. Now when are you going to continue working on Letters from a Little Princess Monster?

5075677 Yep, it's been on the site for over five years, dominated the feature box when it first came out, and every time I posted a chapter of Letters, I got another five or six faves on Monster. The darned thing is such a tearjerker that I kept watering up while editing on it for this paper book formatting, then the same for the bazillion pages of Letters. Remember, I crippled Twilight, destroyed most of her mind, gave the Cutie Mark Crusaders the Elements of Harmony, killed Chrysalis and made Cadence the new changeling queen, blew up Trixie so nothing was left but a few cloth scraps, convinced Celestia that her sister was dead, and that she was going to have to sacrifice herself to save Equestria, killed a *huge* number of changelings, and had Twilight/Monster sacrifice herself in order to save her friends and the world. Then in the sequel, I managed to ship Big Mac with *both* princesses, get Trixie and Zecora married (not to each other), swap Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo's minds, send Monster and Luna to Zebrica, have the CMC organize a world lemonade stand takeover, and have *both* Celestia and Luna pregnant at the same time, one with twins. Oh, and I cliffhangered the end of Letters with Cadence giving birth inside the quasi-real place where the Crystal Empire has been banished.

The slushy snow under their hooves had transitioned some time ago into hard crystal, much like the abstract crystalline structures that surrounded their path. As a researcher, Sunburst wanted to examine every angle and facet of the crystals, but the way that Cadence had begun to breathe in short pants and gasps took primary precedence.

“We need to get you to a hospital, Your Highness,” he said while looking frantically for anything that might vaguely resemble such, or even another pony he could ask directions from. There was a towering structure they were approaching, with giant spires and high walls which did not look very hospital-y at all, even though Cadenza began to slow her punishing pace, then came to a stop in the building’s cold shadow.

“Home?” she asked, her eyes still closed as she lifted her nose and sniffed, then breathed in a huge lungful of the surrounding scents that Sunburst had been ignoring. Strange plants. The sharp tang of freezing air. A dusty feeling that could only be described as crystals in the nostrils. The scent of… ponies. Many ponies who had walked these streets and lived in these buildings for years until—

“Home,” breathed Princess Cadenza with her legs slowly collapsing beneath her until she slumped up against some sort of triangular plinth that seemed to be missing the object which should have been displayed there. “I’m home.”

Sunburst looked down at the sudden surge of moisture around his hooves and added, “Your water broke. Oh, my.”

5075680 It's being framed out, slow but sure. I've got the setup for the Our Town confrontation worked out, and most of the Griffon encounter roughed together. It's the Crystal Empire that's slowing me down. Darned Sombra.

That's good because if it was a motivation problem I think I got a spare motivator somewhere.

5075689 Hey, I've got a motivator. We've been married 35 years now, as of last month. I've got a limit of one, because I'm smart enough to know better.

I was thinking on the more mechanical side but that works too.

Unabashedly going to say that The Monster in the Twilight has been on my Read it Later shelf ever since it came out. Now and then when I scroll through Fimfiction on the Wayback Machine, I see it every time, and I think to myself, "Yeah, that's another one on the list." I suppose now is good a time as any to get to reading through the series.

Good luck with the printing, and for old time's sake, thanks for sticking around on the site with us!

get Trixie and Zecora married (not to each other)

No, no, go back. I think you might be on to something.

you shouldnt make a physical copy of a book that isnt finished yet, youll iritate fans later when they have to buy it AGAIN to get the complete version

well unless you break it into several volumes thats one way to do it

I plan on donating the hardback copies to the auction and opening up ordering on Lulu for the paperback copies after Bronycon.

So there's no way to order a Hardback of the first story? Only paperback?

Are you sure it's too late? You have plenty of time if you're getting the proofs now.

And some of us would totes pay for hardback.

So no hardbacks? Sad the books are not going to be at the con.

Damn, preferring the hardbacks is going to be an expensive hobby these next few months...
EDIT: I would buy a hardback of the one that is Complete. I don't read Incomplete stories tbh. But if there's no hardback, I'll just get a paperback instead lol. Because even if I switched completely to paperbacks, August is gonna be expensive...

5076271 5076176 5075772 5075759 5075757 5075700 5075699

Ok, ok. When the hardback proofs come in, *AND* I think they're ok (and not mutated in some weird fashion by the printing process), I'll move the hardback/paperback project files in Lulu from "Me Only" to "Anybody with the link" and put out a blog post on it.

I still can't think of anybody who would pay $25 plus shipping for the whale that Letters became in hardback, but I suppose there may be somebody out there. Just remember these are not done with the exquisite style that The Ministry of Image did with Tales of the Sun and Tales of the Moon with color plates and new artwork. (I just got my copy yesterday and was blown away) This printing of Monster and Letters should be clean, text only on the inside, and a cover as shown above.

5075741 JK Rowling seems to have done quite well with that monster she broke in to seven parts...

Personally probably won't get letters cause the story isn't really finished, what chapter does it end on in the printing?

5076295 The same chapter as the last bit of Letters I published: Chapter (ohgod) 82

Three hundred thousand words. The size of three normal novels, and yet one third the size of Silver Glow's Journel. Enough paper to kill a giant redwood. Well, they don't use redwoods for paper pulp, but you get the idea. Literally, I was amazed that changing margins by a tenth of an inch, or the header space by two tenths, would change the document size by 20-30 pages. A huge chunk of the time at the end was just getting the paperback and the hardback documents to fit without weird effects. (for example, if a header is 2 lines and uses Line Feeds instead of Carriage Returns (the funny double P sign) it will look fine on the screen, print right if you print it on your printer, but turns into some weird stretched letters scattered all over thing when it converts to PDF.) Then of course the paperback and the hardback covers are different size, and if you're off by a pixel, Lulu stops cold. I abused the holy heck out of Iisaw's good nature for the covers. He's a saint.

Yeah, I've heard so many good things about Ministry of Image. If all goes well, I'll be picking up four of their books (amongst which the Moon and Sun ones) at Galacon. Followed in August by an enormous Lulu order, but hey, books are awesome.

Which was never intended to be one book she began work on the next only after the last was finished only deathly Hallows was actually split in two

Don't get me wrong I'd love a physical copy of either book just speaking about logistics here

5076353 I hereby dub this Letters, Volume 1.

Wait, so you're going to be printing an incomplete book? :rainbowhuh: Or did I miss something?

5076841 No, of course not. I'd never do that....


Ahem. It will have a sequel. That means it's not incomplete. Right?

But on the site the 2nd story in your series is listed as unfinished.

5076849 Of course. Hence, the Volume 2 Sequel: Even More Letters From a Little Princess Monster, Coming Soon To A Bookstore Near You.

So are you ending story 2 for Bronycon?

5076854 Oh, if only I could write that fast, with a deadline. No, the real world is slowing me down. What you see is what you get.

Maybe I should have done Feather Steel for my book, but it's also unfinished.

5075700 How's this sound:

Waves of pegasus carriages spread across the sky, glittering golden and white in the evening sun like an immense hammer above the ancient castle of the griffons. Below, the windows and doors of the aerie swarmed with griffons boiling out much the same way a kicked anthill might behave, although the griffons continued gathering in clusters on the castle's roof as if they were counting the number of Royal Guard arrayed against them and wondering just where Celestia had gotten all of them.

The commander of the Equestrian invasion force stood tall in her own chariot, looking down at the milling griffons with a sneer. Her dark armor gleamed against the sun far different than the gold of the Equestrian guards, but just as effective against claw or spear, and her long horn glowed softly with the violet glow of powerful magic. Griffon eyesight was sharper than any pony, and it was a fair tossup whether the griffons remained ground-bound due to the enormous number of armored Equestrians, or the sheer impossibility of their leader.

"Griffons of the Misty Mountain Aerie!" thundered the lead unicorn's voice. "I am Commander Tempest Shadow, and I am here to receive your surrender in the name of the Storm King. We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way." A cruel smile spread across Tempest's face. "Either way is fine with me."

Hahaha look at those Griffons suffer! Georg, your stuff is almost always great and this is no different. Love the fact Tempest gets her own chariot.

(Did you mean to reply to my comment? I feel like I'm missing something.)

5079688 Just to let you know the third part of the next few chapters has just fallen into place, and I'm working on it.

Oh, well... I finished reading TMITT a few days ago and haven't started on the sequel. Good to hear you're working on it, though!

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