• Member Since 25th Jun, 2016
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Undead Equestrian Writer

But would I be a good Messiah with my low self-esteem? If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy? - Bloodhound Gang; Hell Yeah

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  • 69 weeks

    How do I obtain the motivation to write... Like... How do y'all do it... I just...

    2 comments · 115 views
  • 149 weeks
    Reviewer needed

    So I'm looking for someone to give me a general review of chapters I wanna release, to just inform me if what I wrote was both cohesive and entertaining. Just reply to this post saying you're interested.

    6 comments · 185 views
  • 183 weeks

    So, people that like this story, should I go with the idea of 692 having some enhanced abilities due to the dimensional ripping process, or no? Lemme know what you thinks.

    1 comments · 273 views
  • 194 weeks

    Where should I take this story? I want to continue it, but I don't what I should continue with. I'll take any suggestions.

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  • 199 weeks
    Need your help

    I need your help to choose a "theme" for a story I'ma write. The choices are Zombies/ Disease, Changeling Invasion, or Equestrian Civil War.

    2 comments · 191 views

Anxiety · 12:12am Jun 20th, 2019

So, I was thinking, what triggers my horrible social and personal anxiety, and while I could be edgy and say "It's people that breath... man..." I feel like a lot of my social anxiety is caused by my innate fear of asking for help or confrontation... I will flat out refuse to talk to cashiers, help staff, or anyone who is there to help out of fear of being laughed at or that the confrontation would be weird. I straight out can't approach people that I have to approach, like the check-in ladies at my therapist's office, or when I went to school, I was scared to bring doctors notes to the office, and speaking of school, I went to online school because for an entire I sat alone in an entrance, terrified of going to a class due to bullying and just having the teachers talk to me...

Comments ( 5 )

Buddy I also had that problem but I was able to get into class but the real thing is that the bullies that bullied me don't know they have affected me and made me have a anger management problem as well as I can't talk to a complete stranger without staggering my words that being mainly shop helpers.

I got anger, bipolar, anxiety, ADHD, and whole bushel of other problems

Social anxiety is fear of what might happen in any given interaction. At it's worst, you fear every single person you meet is going to laugh, ridicule or reject you. But you don't know for certain. However the phobia makes it too scary to try and see. Here's how I got around my fear of interacting with others; I can pretty much guarantee you that 99% of the people you see in life will have far more important stuff going on in their life than to pass judgement on some random person they saw in the street. They're more worried about what the random guy they saw in the street thinks about them.

Still, just knowing that someone thought about me and formed a single opinion of me is enough for me to never leave my house, more so, my room

5077045 Answer me this. What will happen if the cashier at the supermarket decides that they don't like you because you accidentally dropped some change when you were paying them? Will they hold onto that memory all day long, amid the myriad of other customers who are no doubt more rude and irritating? And even if they did, what would come of it? Nothing. And why assume that that opinion will automatically be negative? There at least 56 people on here who don't take any issue with you.

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