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Studying and Rating Raven · 3:50pm Jun 23rd, 2019

Before I do... For people who have a chance to learn a lesson; this is how I rate and study characters. (How they behave, what they're like, what I will or will not approve of, and most important, how I wish to TREAT THEM and how I need to ALTER THEM for my own stories)

And before you start insulting me with all this CANON and WELL-DEVELOPMENT stuff, Remember what Terra said "THINGS CHANGE... the girl you want me to be is just a memory." this can apply to ALL characters. You can't just say only TERRA can change, but Beast Boy has to remain the same dumbfounded, idiotic goofball. (Nope, if she changes, HE can change... and that goes for the Titans as well... from loving to lousing)

Firstly: I don't always read wikis to study and understand characters.

-The wiki's are written by people (Usually bozos and dunderheads who gets their facts screwed up,)

-Even then, the wiki changes ALL the time some bits of information seem to be missing.

-Most important: Reading the wikis only gives me SOME information. It does not effectively tell or show me what I truly need or want to know. (It's just not enough)

-Like I said, I wish to ALTER the characters (Like I can because "THINGS CHANGE") That includes ignoring things the wiki offers (Null and voiding them so they mean nothing anymore) I don't care if Bruce Wayne has any Jump City connections, he's usually got no place in my stories, even if he does... I got my Keyboard (This goes... that goes... THIS DEFINITELY GOES)

Anyway... that's the basics (Wiki's aren't enough for me, and they don't have to be. They're not the ONLY WAY to observe a character)

Now, I'm going to Rate Raven from Teen Titans, and my question is: Is she ALL GOOD, or ALL BAD. I don't usually like going in the middle (You have some good qualities) or (Despite these, you're a decent person)

Nope, it's ALL ONE or all THE OTHER

I'm going to use THIS VIDEO, which has EVERY BB AND RAVEN MOMENT in the entire Teen Titans series.

And THIS SCALE will determine who Raven is (In my view)

Every single thing Raven does, I will put a little weight on ONE side of the scale. (GOOD or BAD)

And there's NO in-between this time. The scale has two plates... THAT'S IT, and only ONE little stone will go on ONE SIDE or THE OTHER no matter what. It's ALL GOOD, or ALL BAD. No if's, ands, or buts!"

And also, (Depending on the situation) it may not matter if Raven was provoked, annoyed, or "Just felt like it" There is no excuse! GOOD/BAD is GOOD/BAD (Period)

More explanations after the weighing.

Let's begin (This could take a while)


0:14: Very Good. She’s being tender with him, and she healed his injury.

(Good= 1)

0:45: Nice, Nice… she’s trying to help him cool off, and doesn’t want the fight to get worse.

(Good= 2)

1:06: I don’t like sarcasm, nor do I approve of her attitude. It didn’t seem thoughtless (Though Raven is allergic to chickens) she could at least say “Way to go” or show SOME enthusiasm instead of being a grump.

(Bad= 1)

1:20: Being rude and insulting him. Tut-tut.

(Bad= 2)

1:35: Saving a friend in trouble and no attitude to boot. Good.

(Good= 3)

2:04: Uh-uh-uhn… she’s basically telling him to get lost and being rude again. (I said, no excuses and no go-betweens.) All bad!

(Bad= 3)

2:12: Physical contact and hitting, not to mention giving him a look! I don’t care what the reason, you don’t hit someone! (You throw the first punch, means you instigated a fight, making you just as or more in the wrong, that’s what was taught by REAL people) She could have handled that better (Like place her hand on his shoulder and shake her head at him, or politely cover his mouth with her hand and shake her head then) You don’t HIT!!

(Bad= 4)

2:30: Good for pointing out that pranking is no good.

(Good= 4)

3:30: Much as I said I don’t like insults or sarcasm, this time I’ll mark it good because Beast Boy did very bad.

(Good= 5)

3:50: Very good, kindly telling someone to respect their wishes without much attitude or pushing. (Something other people should LEARN, but they won’t so I push them back)

(Good= 6)

3:59: Despite it being not entirely her fault, that is not good, and also, having problems with her own issues and taking it out on others anyway. It’s still no good.

(Bad= 5)

4:52: See previous statement. (I don’t care. She gets marked) Matter of fact I ought to double it for splattering that food in his face. He was trying to do something nice for you, BITCH!!!

(Bad= 6)

The multi-colored Ravens don’t count to me, only the Raven in control does (Those are excluded)

9:05: Despite BB and cyborg doing very wrong, peering into her privacy, anyone who yelled at me in the face like that, I yelled right back and threatened, and I said NO EXCUSE, and it could’ve been handled better.

Cool off, bitch!

(Bad= 7)

9:37: Much as she is looking out for BB and Cyborg’s safety, even I know there are some things you shouldn’t face alone. I’m marking this bad for her SERIOUS lack in trust!

(Bad= 8)

10:09: That’s better, finally opening up and realizing your lack in judgment.

(Good= 7)

10:18: Taking advice from someone you treat badly a lot, and realizing they have a good idea instead of brushing them off. Excellent.

(Good= 8)

10:50: Despite her going “Don’t push it” that scene was more good than bad, so ALL Good.


11:17: Nice, very nice… really opening up to Beast Boy (Despite your hating him so much more later on) Good.

(Good= 10)

11:38: She’s not really being rude here. So I’ll mark it good.

12:04: Despite BB’s annoyance, she’s being rude, as in she really doesn’t like hearing him at all. (In Things change aftermaths, I’d like to make BB cut all the speakers so he can’t hear the Titans, and maybe cut the wires too, and just sit there with his arms folded)

(Bad= 9)

12:18: Again, that’s rude sarcasm. Not approved, and not tolerated.

(Bad= 10)

12:49: Good, but not because of BB’s Sarcasm, she repaid a debt.

(Good= 11)

13:22: Rude sarcasm, not funny, and not nice. He’s just trying to include you. You get marked down for this

(Bad= 11)

13:39: I see. You have no faith in Beast Boy, you think he’s nothing more than an idiotic goofball who doesn’t know anything, has no good ideas, and is wrong about everything. That’s what you’re implying, and you get mark DOWN!!

(Bad= 12)

13:56: Catching him when he falls. It is neutral, but the weight can only go on one side. So I’ll say Good.


14:16: Just trying to help him-- okay.


14:44: Thinking he’s stupid again, huh? So wrong!

(Bad= 13)

15:31: I like that, she’s giving him a straight up answer, instead of being rude, insulting, or ambious (Not like some people who just go “You retard” or “Develop them” or even “They need character” which doesn’t mean squat to me both ways)


16:03: Well she was being resourceful and smart, but she should respect Beast Boy’s slow learning more. Have to mark as bad.

(Bad= 14)

16:37: She’s giving him a look, because it is a weird theory. But, she complimented it, and didn’t give rudeness.

(Good= 15)

16:41: Absolutely bad, hitting him like that again and wanting him gone just for suggesting! I ought to kick her for it!

(Bad= 15)

16:44: Good, she’s trying to open up again.

(Good= 16)


17:35: Much as I could consider that good-- confiscation of property until one learns to use it properly-- her reasons for it and rudeness are horrid. He still needs to clip his nails. Nope, going to mark it bad. (People-- who are snarking at me for that mark—What part of “I don’t care” and “No exceptions” do you not understand?)

(Bad= 16)

18:07: These are kinds of scenes I can’t stand—a friend is feeling lonely and everyone ignores hi making him feel more depressed and useless. Even though it’s understandable as people lead their own privacy… I said… NO EXCUSES!


18:32: Nothing better to say, Rae? I’m beginning to suspect she likes it much better when BB is NOT around. Mark for Bad.


19:04: Could’ve handled that better and just tell him “It’s no use. It’s not going to work” instead of being rude like that.


19:31: Again, lighten up, Rae, and don’t be rude.

(Bad= 20)

19:38: She’s in denial of never feeling afraid (which is silly) but since she wasn’t being rude, I’ll let it off as Good.

(Good= 17)

20:07: Oh, Rae, cut out the bravery! Anyone who says “I’m not scared of anything” must’ve spent their entire life asleep. She gets marked down for being grouchy again.

(Bad= 21)

21:00: She’s being simple and calm. That’s a mark for Good.

(Good= 18)

21:21: Being rude again “Don’t even think about it” BB’s not wrong, those things could make nice pets with a little time and patience (and eventually do) There’s no need for Rae to be like that.

(Bad= 22)

21:30: I’d mark that down as Good, but the way Raven just thrust it back at him like that in annoyance; she’s gets Bad.

(Bad= 23)

21:45: Despite that the others should be playing within a caged court or something, that’s no excuse for Raven to just let the ball fall like that and not care just so the game can stop. If she wants to meditate, she should be in her room!

(Bad= 24)

21:58: She was saying what needed to be said, bluntly. Not exactly rude, so I’ll mark it Good.

(Good= 19)

22:11: Careful suspicions, healthy yes.

(Good= 20)

22:20: We know that’s when she yells “TAKE MY WORD FOR IT!!” and gives Terra a huge scolding. Despite she did it out of concern, I’m still marking her down for attitude. HANDLE IT SOFTER NEXT TIME!!! Seriously, anyone who talked to me like that, I stopped cooperating with them at once, and from then on only showed resentment. “One strike and you’re out!”

(Bad= 25)

22:43: Again, she is showing resentment-- she prefers Beast Boy not talk or even be around. (She even admits in episode SWITCHED her idea of happiness is Starfire not talking) This twit is driving me up the wall with her horridness.

(Bad= 26)

23:21: *Sighs* Rude, Rude, and Ruder still, when all he’s trying to do is liven people up a bit. If anyone should get beaten up, it’s her (But, that’s throwing the first punch. I can’t hit her first unless she tries to throw the first hit.) I was taught and told by real people, you don’t throw the first punch, you only hit BACK to defend yourself if you MUST.

(Bad= 27)

23:59: Raven you are such a bitch. You forget, Terra was NOT always evil, she came to you guys lost and alone and needing a home! You have no idea how much I want to triple that for her serious lack in memories! Then again, this allows me to make BB treat Raven the same way in my fics. “You were never my real friend! You were grumpy, snarky, rude, obnoxious, and you whacked me so many times. You’re a pathetic Bitch, Rae! Always have been, always will be!”

(Heck, even people call me the same thing over the pettiest of things. So THAT IS how life works, and how some people are just plain idiotic)



24:45: I don’t’ approve of her sarcasm, but she’s doing it out of fact this time, and not being too rude.

(Good= 21)

25:08: She’s not being insulting, so I’ll mark that Good.

(Good= 22)

25:28: I don’t think she meant BB is in alien as an insult, but rather fact to help him settle down, and she wasn’t being rude.

(Good= 23)

25:38: Still sensing resentment here, but she was being nice.

(Good= 24)

26:35: I can understand and relate to Raven being annoyed (I hate it when I’m constantly interrupted) Still, just like Raven I am told that the ATTITUDE of being annoyed is not welcome (Not even supposed to GRUNT) That’s how it is in real life with people.

She deserved to be called “Creppy” and have her feelings hurt there. All they were trying to do was include you, and you act like a bitch! It’s no wonder the writers decided BB and Rae would never hit it off in this verse.

And I have every right to wail on her too, cuz people do the same thing to me and to others all the time-- We say that “We are different” but you always write it off as NOT an excuse and continue to be shitheads.

Well, Raven is NO DIFFERENT THEN!! (Potential/willing to improve or not)


(Bad= 28)

27:58: “Perhaps if we’re quiet he’ll go away” and she giggles with DELIGHT, because her resentment is showing again, and doubled when she says “He won’t bother us again.”

(Bad= 29)

28:49: Eh, playful and harmless prank, and not being rude.


29:54: *Sighs* He tries to show concern, and despite the understanding of her heartbreak, “Just get out of my room.” That’s all you can say when he’s trying to comfort you? Bitch!

(Bad= 30)

30:08: I admit, the sweetest moment of all, it’s a real pity it doesn’t last and is forgotten as if it doesn’t matter later on.

(Good= 26)

30:51: That was justified-- big time.


31:13: I know I said before, during NEVERMORE, Raven wasn’t quite in control and she had no excuse-- that does not apply here. BB is cursed, and he isn’t acting rude or mean. She shouldn’t either.

(Bad= 31)

31:28: I would give Raven a Good because she was trying to snap him out of it, but because she did it more out of annoyance… she gets bad!

(Bad= 32)

32:32: That’s fine-- complaining about bad breath.

(Good= 28)

32:46: I have to mark that as bad. She’s just being stubborn.

(Bad= 33)

32:58: *Sighs* Grammar this! Grammar that! Why does everything think Grammar is everything? Still, Raven’s being rude… she gets bad for this.

(Bad= 34)

33:13: I’m going to judge that as more of her resentment and lack of faith in him.

(Bad= 35)

33:33: BB’s being a jerk, so Raven’s justified here. (Regardless of the chemicals) though I do approve of Beast Boy calling her out for all the times she was a Bitch.

(Good= 29)

36:22: I definitely deem that heart-to-heart and apology moment good.

(Good= 30)

37:43: If you want me to give you FEWER Bad marks, stop giving him a look like that.

(Bad= 36)

38:21: she’s being recoursful, not nasty.

(Good= 31)

38:36: I’ll mark that as Good. BB had no right to prank her like that.

(Good= 32)

38:48: Throwing the controller at him like that, despite the prank, is going too far!

(Bad= 37)

38:51: “When I make fun of Beast Boy!” Oh, you bitch! I don’t care if it’s playful or not (Depending on the justification like the History thing) All she’s doing is showing more resentment.

(Bad= 38)


38:59: “TV rots your brain.” She may have a point, but she also doesn’t. TV does provide inspiration and education, as well as information. Plus, I don’t care if she was being sarcastic (I though you said BB had no brains)

(Bad= 39)

39:41: Frightening…?! That he shows he’s smarter than you think?! Seriously, Raven, what is your damage?

(Bad= 40)

40:18: Exactly. Be grateful there is no lesson, and just leave it!

(Good= 33)

40:28: Nothing but a network unwarranted insults!

(Bad= 41)

40:37: I’m marking her Bad for this because she’s being a downer again.

(Bad= 42)

42:36: !!!!!! Nothing would please me more than to jam her into electrical transformers and watch her be shocked to death like Chip Hazard for what she just did!

“Have I got a shock for you!! *Grabs her by the collar* “…YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!!!” *James her into the wires, and she SCREAMS AND FUSSES as she is shocked*


(Bad= 43)

43:38: Sorry Rae-Rae, (Oh, wait… no I’m not) But this doesn’t make up for what you just did in the previous segment, and you’re still being snarky and rude.

(Bad= 44)

43:51: She’s giving advice… Bad advice… but advice, and she’s not being rude. So I’ll mark it Good.

(Good= 34)

44:04: She’s just expressing distaste of the mascot. No harm.

(Good= 35)

44:33: Oh, Resentment, Resentment-- thy name is Raven!

(Bad= 45)

44:41: That seemed more meant as an insult than a joke. Goes on the Bad side.

(Bad= 46)

45:25: I don’t think it matters if he had the hat or not! Seriously, Raven, get over yourself!

(Bad= 47)

46:03: Raven… this goody-act of yours is terrible, and the Titans know it, and so do you. That’s no reason to give them such a fierce look.

(Bad= 48)

47:58: Wow! And I thought you tried to motivate people never to give up? Seriosuly Raven, I know your mind is made up, but can you make a decision here.

(Bad= 49)

50:42: He’s just glad you’re back, Rae… Seriously, quit harshing on him!

(Bad= 50)


51:25: *Sighs* She just loves to be rude when he’s just trying to enlighten.

(Bad= 51)

52:15: I have to label that as Bad too. She’s showing she thinks to lowly of him… again!

(Bad= 52)

52:22: Bad! Because they’re planning to make fun of him for his name, just like everyone else out there who mock people for names. Honestly, what is with people?

(Bad= 53)

53:30: I will mark Raven’s understandable rage as good because she was insulted, but she did deserve that for all the MANY TIMES she insulted BB.

(Good= 36)

53:52: Saving his life, Nice.

(Good= 37)

54:31: Definitely Bad! She’s giving him attitude, and she’s refusing to help… which something superheroes ARE SUPPOSED TO DO!!!

(Bad= 54)

55:02: *Sighs* More resentment, more mistrust… more bad weight.

(Bad= 55)

56:05: Well I can’t deny the fact she pointed out, but putting him down like that? Gotta mark it bad.

(Bad= 56)

56:35: One act of kindness doesn’t equal a saint, but I’ll give her the props for looking out for her teammates.

(Good= 38)

57:05: I would give her Good for this, but because she threw it all down the drain due to this all being in the past, I’ll mark her bad for being dishonest.

(Bad= 57)

57:36: So what if the joke was corny, don’t put him down!

(Bad= 58)

58:51: More proof positive, Raven sees BB as more of a detriment than a trusted ally, and she likes him better when he’s not around… Period.

(Bad= 59)


59:35: Get off his back, shitheads! It’s not like he caused a nuclear meltdown, and the fact is, nothing of SUPREME IMPORTANCE was going on. You’re all over reacting to a simple mistake.

(Bad= 60)


1:00:12: Oh, you’ll help Cyborg in DATE WITH DESTINY, but you shoo Beast Boy off! Bitch!

(Bad= 61)

1:00:29: What have I said about giving him looks like that when he just makes a suggestion?! She just has too much resentment of him.

(Bad= 62)

1:00:37: I can’t mark that Good, even though BB had no right to do that to her, she still didn’t have to rough him up. (Makes Count Logan roughing her up seem more justified)

(Bad= 63)

1:01:26: So you’re telling him that he’s unattractive and unworthy of girls noticing him. What is with you, Rae?

(Bad= 64)

1:01:46: Despite she is right to stop him, she could’ve handled it better. Again, anyone who did it to me like that, I gave them shit for it for a long time.

(Bad= 65)

1:02:04: He was right all along, he found the villain’s hideout, and you just smack him?! UGH!!

(Bad= 66)

1:02:20: Hitting him again just for making a suggestion! Bitch!


That's that, the BAD's have it. The scale is tipping all the way down the BAD side. And this wasn't even EVERYTHING Raven has done. Even if I looked at her moments with all the other Titans, the bad meter would still rise higher than the good.

Nope, I got all that I needed. And to think, I used to Cartoon Crush on Raven, now I'd like nothing more than to stake her through the head, (If I stake her through the chest, she'll feel nothing)

Raven is a Bitch, and I'm going to portray her as a bitch. (much towards Beast boy)

After all... "THINGS CHANGE" she may have done good before, but the ideal of THINGS CHANGE is "Letting go of the past" as in FORGET IT! (No, not letting it pull you down) but doing what Terra did. Nulling, voiding it, pretending it never happened. Don't think of it again.

Whatever good things Raven has done no longer mean anything, not even the hug.

and again, THINGS CHANGE... she goes from semi-loving, to mainly-grouching!

Nope, she's hardly going to act like that at all, and even if she does ..."Not helping"

She's going act like...

"Get over yourself, and grow up."

BB: "There's even hope for me?"

Rae: "No, not you."

Or she'll just walk up to him and slap him in the head again "...I just felt like it" whether she was annoyed, or BB made a good suggestion or anything.

"Beast boy doesn't have feelings, he has Green Skin."

That's how I see her, and it's how I WISH TO and NEED TO portray her in order for the story to flow the way I want it to.

Remember, BB's not the only one in my fics whose here to be punished-- they all are, for the way they behaved, and for making me sick! This way, I can return fire, beat them up, show them what it feels like.

And it's as simple as THAT.

That is how I do character studies and portrayal.

"When you read in my world, you're going to read by my rules."

You four Titans, and Terra wanted Change... NOW PAY FOR IT!!!

Comments ( 1 )

couldn’t agree more. she uses beast boy as a human punching bag but has never treated robin that way, that’s just so insulting. and she always uses “control over her emotions so her power doesn’t go haywire” to act like benedict bitch to everyone but robin when we’ve seen her be nice, laughing, and having fun a few times before.

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