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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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Between Dark and Dawn/A Friendship is Magic Season 9 Review · 6:33pm Jun 24th, 2019

Keeping it real, Royal Sisters style!

GOOD AFTERNOON, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, and Occasional Singer, keeping you up to date with the latest news for the final season of MLP! As of this moment, we are thirteen episodes in through this season and the FIM fanbase won’t have any episodes to watch at least until August (Of course, there’s always the early releases that gets leaked in other countries, but that’s beside the point). Keeping our attention toward the here and now, with the first half featuring some memorable episodes and significantly strong highlights we knew that this first half needed to end on a high note. With that in mind, our subject for today (In case it wasn’t clear enough on the header) deals with a certain pair of fan favorites within the MLP community:

Celestia and Luna, the Royal Sisters who rule the land of Equestria together and have recently declared their initial retirement so that Twilight Sparkle will one day take over. When we think of the princesses, we expect them to be these ‘prim and proper’ princesses, with wisdom spanning of over a thousand years, the mentors the ponies look up to for advice, and usually don’t do much aside from assigning the Mane Six to handle the problems. But every so often, we see a slight glimpse of their personality shed itself beneath that ‘practically perfect’ image mostly out of Princess Celestia herself. But this episode on the other hand takes it up a notch as they set out on a “bucket-list” sisterly vacation in such a way you’d think this is an episode solely just for them. With that in mind, we prepare to take a dive at the midseason finale entitled:

Between Dark and Dawn

Warning: The following review contains spoilers. If you haven’t seen the episode, please skip now!

The Story:

Wait a minute. Why does this look so familiar?

*Looks down at the next picture*

Oh yeah, now I see it!

All joking aside, I know what the FIM Universe must be thinking: How the BUCK did this happen? Apparently our ‘Monster of the Week’, Mr. Tortoise-Snap (Which is ironic because it’s a giant turtle), is rampaging through the Apple Orchard eating her crops. *Pause* It doesn’t ‘sound’ so bad, it’s not like tearing down buildings in its way or causing every pony to run and cower. I mean ‘sure’ he did almost eat Spike, but otherwise even when the ponies are tying him up and preparing to teleport him away, he’s a giant softie.

He's got a bow around his mouth and he's still chill... HA! I made a rhyme.

Otherwise, a pretty normal day for the Mane Six when they are not running a school or solving a friendship problem. So, it stands to reason that they got this whole situation under control…

*Insert ‘Superman 1978’ theme music here*

Well… This just happened. *Clears throat* ‘Apparently’ the princesses decide to barge in and handle the teleportation part themselves. Though this kind of makes me feel bad for the tortoise (Though where would Fluttershy keep a creature that big?), hopefully they don’t send him to Tartarus. This is almost difficult to describe this sequence in words, so to quote from a certain Wonderbolt…

All the times we’ve actually needed their help, and they show up for this?

Exactly what we were thinking Dash; just like everyone else. So never mind that a giant amphibian…

Offscreen: REPTILE!

Whatever… Never mind a beast nearly ate all of Applejack’s products, never mind that a fan favorite almost got swallowed accidentally, I won’t deny the first time I’ve ever seen the princesses excited about this well… It’s almost kind of scary.

Red Alert! Red Alert! Midlife crisis overload!

Apparently ever since the princesses aided Starswirl to protect Ponyville during King Sombra’s return, these two have enjoyed being part of the action (When they are not just sitting on their thrones… Or kidnapped… Or trapped under magical circumstance). Then again, we have to remember that we are talking about a duo who thousands of years ago would step up to protect Equestria from any threat upon their land. I mean ‘granted’ the Mane Six would have to clean up their mess when it comes back to light, but that’s besides the point. In a way, Celestia and Luna were in some way’s Equestria’s superheroes making a difference in ponies’ lives. Though quite frankly… I think they have it worse than the Parr Family.

Okay I admit the new bridge work is gorgeous.

But do they really need to make a big entrance and strike a dramatic pose all the time?!

While it’s satisfying for the fans to see the princesses being more outgoing, since we’ve joked about how useless they’ve been, I may have to side with the Mane Six and their frustration. It’s one thing to be grateful for the princesses wanting to help, yet it’s tough when you’re ever that one guy who feels they can’t do even the simplest task without somebody intervening. Now I’ve heard from a few fans who hoped that the princesses would change their minds about retiring, but I must ask this question: At WHAT cost? Imagine being in the Mane Six’s horseshoes, that they want to be the best rulers they can be when they take over and they can’t get out their mentors’ shadows. Doesn’t work well for Twilight Sparkle’s stress that’s for sure.

Don’t bother, Spike. No matter what you say, Twilight hardly ever listens.

But I will give credit for the Mane Six for being willing to ‘talk’ to the princesses rather than upright ‘confront’ them over their excited behavior. That rather than flying about looking for adventure and excitement, it would be good for the two to find things that are ‘fun’ for them to do rather than being heroes. Which leads to the major plot point for the story: The Bucket List.

No, not THAT ‘Bucket List’. But my parents liked this movie.

Of all the Mane Six, leave it to Pinkie Pie herself to plant this seed in their minds to consider all the things they’ve always wanted to try but never had a chance. In a way, adults can relate to their predicament. When we were kids, there was a certain point at our age when there was so much we wanted to do and places we wanted to see but as we grow older, we start branching out for careers, studying for board exams, or just sitting at the office running meetings, we almost miss out on life. And sometimes, we forget to consider that just because the Royal Sisters are alicorns and are princesses doesn’t mean they aren’t like other ponies who want more out of life. It’s no wonder these sisters are more expressive in this episode than in any other appearance.

And yet, for all good intentions, there is still ONE problem: Even though they’d love the opportunity to travel, as princesses they cannot afford to leave the castle unsupervised.

Oh, please don't give me the pouty pony faces... *Sniff* Dang it, now I'm doing it!

But Twilight Sparkle, wanting her mentors to be happy, volunteers herself and her friends to assume the responsibilities of the castle so they can enjoy their long-needed vacation. On one hand, since they are possibly going to rule Equestria it wouldn’t be bad to get some ‘practice’. But on the other hand, with Twilight speaking up for the team, it’s no wonder why their group would feel uncomfortable (Given they were once excited at the start of the season). This could only lead to trouble that the most hardcore of fans can see a mile away.

And he tells ‘everybody’ that I worry too much.

With the promise of adventure without being heroes at hoof, the sisters prepare for their trip together. Yet having followed the show for a while and knowing there’s always a catch, we start to see that their idea of a ‘vacation’ contrasts from one point of view: Whereas Celestia craves adventure and excitement after years managing delegations, Luna merely wants to relax since she spends nights watching over ponies dreams.

Ha, I just noticed that ‘draw the line’ symbolism here.

All fears of hijinks aside, when we look from their point of view, a thousand years takes a toll on any pony. Which begs the question what’s worse: Being trapped on the moon… Or sitting through daily meetings?

To be fair, I hate sitting during a meeting when I could be working.

At this point, we see where the formula goes: The sisters agree to take turns to do what they want for the trip, if only to accommodate both of their desires. But if watching ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ and every buddy road trip movie has taught me anything, when you try to do two things at once or attempt to make each other happy, you know it takes one thing to cause a disaster. But for now, so long as the two can share this hope that having this trip will strengthen their bond as both sisters and friends we as an audience would want them to make this work. Of course, no vacation would be complete without a trademark tourist apparel and the basic necessities:

Laugh now Princess, but Thomas Magnum would vouch for this get-up.

I’m not going to lie, this makes Celestia ‘40% Cooler’ than Rainbow Dash.


*Shouts* Sorry Dash, I couldn’t resist.

Reminds me of when my folks insist that I eat healthy.

Eventually the two sisters are packed and ready for their vacation, but before they leave of course we’d have to have a side story in this episode. In their absence, Twilight and her friends are to be put in charge of a ceremony called… The Royal Swanifying?

Don’t look at me, princess. You’re the ‘Canterlot’ expert of the team.

Anyways, for those just as confused as me, I had to do some research on this event and it actually relates to this England Ceremony ‘Swan Upping’. Whereas the Swanifiying is a celebration and part in honor of all the swans in the royal castle lake (Because NOW we know) the ‘Swan Upping’ is merely rounding up the ‘mute swans’ on the River Thames, caught, ringed, and then released… Because ‘tradition’!

As if that isn’t enough, the princesses entrust Twilight to raise the sun and moon… Again. Because that worked so well last time. To be fair, they don’t need to give her ‘all’ their powers, just a fraction of their magic imbued into an amulet to activate on command. Leave it to the princesses to give Twilight the ‘wise’ decisions with ‘no’ negative consequences at all.

Shut up, Dramamaster.

Still, at least it’s adorable Twilight tries to assure the sisters she and her friends can handle whatever the job requires… Just like Steve Martin assured he can handle watching his 12 kids at once. But not as adorable as the princesses in their vacation look:

I know aqua green on Luna looks odd, but I think Celestia looks stellar in red.

Now if someone doesn’t design bowling balls based on their tail designs, I’ll riot.

And so, Princess Celestia and Luna set forth on the ‘trail that we blaze’… Oops, wrong project. But if we thought Princess Twilight had it rough insisting everypony doesn’t need to give her the ‘royal treatment’ just because she’s the new princess, I’ll bet Celestia & Luna couldn’t even go to a grocery store without ponies wanting to take their picture.

You don’t want to know what this guy is fantasizing.

There’s also this wonderful song that accompanies the following segment, but I’ll save that for a later portion on this review which I don’t often use. But considering they have so much they want to cover in a single day and not even wanting to fly, I will say it’s essential to incorporate a montage sequence.

In my mind, I see a set of unused episode ideas that probably won’t make it onto the season.

Before we proceed with the montage, allow me to point out a ton of notable background characters they pass during one of those ‘blink and you miss it’ moments. You’ve got your Wonderbolts and Trixie, Zecora and Silverstream (Along with some random hippogriff because Skystar couldn’t make it), Flim-Flams and Griffons, Discord and Capper, those dragon jerks and Ember…


This surprises me TOO Celestia; I did not see this coming.

Okay, roll the montage boys!

Celestia does not approve!

That's either the funniest pose Luna has made... Or constipation.

See Applejack, when Fluttershy says bats can be cute Luna can vouch on that.

You should see all the stuffed animals in my sister’s room.

I’ve been hearing rumors the guy on the left is Trixie’s dad... Nah.

This is me on 'any' road trip.

As a fan of the book and the show, I loved this shout-out. Who wouldn’t like…?

Come on Celestia! You’re killing me!

After 'Final Destination 3', I don't blame Luna.

And this is why I WON’T go scuba diving in the Pacific Ocean.

As you can see, through a whole day of sightseeing, roller-coaster rides, and stage/magic shows, there comes a point where we start notice the conflicts developing between the sisters. While clearly Celestia enjoys the thrill-seeking activities (Hence why she likes when the Gala was exciting thanks to the Mane Six), Luna would want to take things slowly… But her sister’s not having it.

It’s almost difficult to watch this scene, but you know something is troubling her.

So, while the sisters try to enjoy their vacation, the Mane Six try to assume the duties for the day only to be greeted by a trio of rather familiar faces.

Oh great, it’s those nose-in-the-air stuck-up snobs again… Fancy Pants is there too.

Yeah apparently the snob committee are also the heads of the Royal Swanifying team, seriously is this really a ‘thing’? The aristocrats offer their services to help with the ceremony, but Twilight wanted to do things herself declines the offer disregarding her friends’ opinion. Now I get that Twilight is just worried that accepting help means they can’t handle the jobs on their own. Uh… If I recall, you said the EXACT SAME THING during the season premier and the Elements of Harmony were ‘shattered’ with nearly the entire town hypnotized.

Your future Ruler of Equestria, fellow readers.

Well at least the princesses are having fun on their trip as they continue to work through their bucket list. Though at this point we start noticing one pony enjoying an activity more than the other and vice-versa.

*Pause* Why would you… Okay.

I mean granted zip lining across the gorge with the killer eels looks pretty cool and it’s nice to see Celestia being carefree, so I can’t complain too much.

Whoa… I’d hate to see their ‘yearbook’ pictures.

And Luna’s idea of fun is… A trip to the post office? Well might as well set the mood:

Here’s the mail it never fails
It makes me want to wag my tail
When it comes I want to wail…


Whoa… Nice pipes!

Luna: You should see how I am on lounge night, handsome.
Celestia: Sister, please!

If we thought Twilight was ‘adorkable’, I think it’s safe to say Luna is a bigger nerd than the ‘Princess of Friendship’. Though if I can pause here for a moment, this reminds me of Russell in ‘Up’ who finds the mundane habit of pointing out cars while eating ice cream on a curb fun while we see how Luna is fascinated on the mail delivery process. I shouldn’t take it for granted considering how long it takes for my letters to reach my grandfather… But let’s not make it about me.

I’d make a horror movie reference, but then I thought of the peanut brittle in that ‘Meatballs’ movie.

Move aside Cheerilee, the Queen of the 80’s Look is back.

Put this Celestia with Punk Rock Rarity, we’ve got half of a killer heavy metal band.

I’m no art expert, but I think I see two bananas on the top.

Now this piece offers a glimpse at Equestria’s first attempt at… The selfie!

But as all things go, tensions begin to rise between sisters to the point this trip is suddenly not fun for either of them. Now I remember how Max felt when he was dragged to that Possum Park because Goofy liked it… That wasn’t a pretty end. But before we start seeing this disagreement get heated, I think it’s fair to check up on the Mane Six (Because they’re in the episode too…) and…

Oh no, the show gave us THIS ‘Fancy Pants’.

Throughout the episode and the girls struggle to prepare the ceremony, this is the moment where I question if Fancy Pants was ever a ‘nice’ Canterlot pony during his introduction. At various points in the episode, he is constantly critiquing the Mane Six’s managerial skills while all the duties keep piling up upon their plate. Although to be fair, Twilight Sparkle did put this on herself when she said they can handle it and there ‘is’ a lot to run a kingdom. Course if they had to discuss running the kingdom further with the princesses… We’d avoid this:

And we thought Lincoln Loud had it bad on ‘chore day’.

Of course, it doesn’t excuse the fact that Fancy Pants, while merely voicing his concerns, comes off as ‘rude’ as an impatient fan waiting for a chapter of a Fanfic to be published… And there are TWO in particular who do that every… Single… Day!

To think these two were married after ‘Bride of Discord’.

Now on a literal scale, we’ve foreseen how the duties of the kingdom are becoming too much for the Mane Six… But the princesses, on the other hoof…

When this happens on a date, something’s about to implode.

You ever notice how picnics in any story always harbors a sense of discontent? And it’s not just when the fire-ants crawl up your pants. *Shakes uncomfortably* Anyways, despite their efforts this vacation has been near nothing short of a disaster as if it’s all one big pain in the a…

Oooh… Well, at least it wasn’t a cactus… Or a pineapple…

Up till now, it’s been gnawing at the back of their mind of how they truly feel about this adventure. Luna accusing Celestia of always getting her way and Celestia arguing that Luna refuses to be happy no matter what they do. But for one sister to suddenly suggest that she was still trapped on the moon so her sister can rule herself and the other believing she faces constant pressure being responsible for a kingdom and her family… Oooh, that’s a piercing blow to the gut.

Surprisingly, I’d rather watch this than all the ‘political’ stuff going on.

The two get so upset they resort to using the Royal Canterlot Voice on each other and boy does it remind me of all the arguments my parents would have. Granted, when we argue we don’t ‘mean’ most of the things we say as it’s mostly our anger talking. But at the same time, it’s never fun having to be that one guy sitting in his room listening to all the yelling and just wondering how it’s going to escalate. Deciding that they need the space, they decide they are better off enjoying their vacation alone.

But I’m taking the chocolate cake I was planning to split.

That moment when your ex says we should see other people... Jerks...

Breaks my heart every time I watch this scene… *Pause* Boy does this call for a meal break.

*Picks up a burrito, but notices something missing*



Good help is so hard to find these days.

Suddenly, I'm having flashbacks to 'The Birds'.

You know all those episodes where Twilight Sparkle only just realizes she bit off more than she can chew… This does not compare to that incident with the Parasprites, but it’s still bad. But turns out when they try to figure out how the princesses were able to handle this, leave it to that ONE pony who’s caused some grief to provide some perspective:

How long have you been...
Fancy Pants: The whole time, Dramamaster.

Turns out the princesses ‘never’ did ‘any’ of the planning at all, rather they just appoint committees to handle the duties. I’d go into a rant of how that makes them more useless but given how they always appoint Twilight and her friends to clean-up their mess… Yeah that makes sense. And I will admit even if Fancy Pants has been nothing short of ‘rude’ throughout this episode… He is that ‘jerk who knows what he’s doing’ and he does want to help. Granted, I’ve put up with a ‘ton’ of users like that in every forum I’m part of… But I try to get used to it.

Fortunately, with the delegates assigned to each individual duty and the trash being handled by…

Uh… I better move on before I puke.

Twilight Sparkle soon discovers the merits of entrusting the individual duties to the royal committee. Yes… Making others doing the work for her is the lesson she’s taking from this episode. Yet I feel like this 'It's okay to ask for help' moral has been done so many times I find I've got nothing to work on with this. Honestly fellow readers, if this were not a Mane Six episode and more focus was on the Royal Sisters, I think this wouldn’t have been such a loss. Though once again it does give some decent facial work:

You sure this is not ‘Mean’ Twilight? Yes? *Pause* Okay then.

And like any plot that comes off as predictable, it’s inevitable that in their efforts to enjoy their vacation, it’s not long before Princess Luna and Celestia start missing each other. It tends to happen after a fight between family, I should know I’ve had several unpleasant arguments with mine (Mostly with my Dad).

Don't tell me this wasn't a coincidence.

On one hand, Luna didn’t try to put a ‘throne’ on the beach while she was getting a tan. But on the other hoof…

Take a note tourists: This is what happens in Florida when you don't apply sunscreen.

As if that wasn’t enough, turns out Princess Celestia is bad at ‘directions’ (As opposed to ‘giving’ directions… Ha!). But we did get a rather 'interesting' detail on her 'map'.

That’s not going to come into play later on… Note my sarcasm.

I could also point out about Celestia’s fear is ‘chickens’… But I think I’ve poked fun at Princess Sunbutt enough already. But come on, chickens? Really?! I mean you’d think we’d comprehend there are more horrendous, deadly monsters to be scared of…

Did someone mention me?


OUCH!!! Too loud!

*Pause* Sorry…

Princess Celestia: Well that was awkward.
Princess Luna: Agreed.

Eventually their paths cross right at the path toward this place called Mount Filly-mane-jaro (Oh I get it, like that mountain range in Africa… Only because I watched ‘The Lion King’). As Luna was to come up to watch the sunrise, Celestia came to watch the moon set, and despite their previous argument it’s nice to see them willingly climb the mountain together. But deep down, we knew they missed each other.

Just needs the ending orchestra from that final ‘Titanic’ scene and this be a big tear-jerker.

You know, I can never tell you about any sibling stories I’ve had with my older brother nor any arguments we’ve shared (If any at all). But the sibling dynamic I can easily match this with is with my sister. Sometimes we don’t always see eye-to-eye, we give each other grief and sometimes we can be harsh, but no matter how far apart we are or how we keep ourselves busy we can never bear living without the other (Even though she’s got a career up north, I’ll say that much). At the end of the day, the bond between Celestia and Luna are not just strong as siblings but the fact they are the first best friends each of them can have. Their vacation may not have gone exactly as they planned, but their friendship always remains sweet and enduring.

Now if we ‘could’ end this episode at this point, it would’ve been more than enough. But given the sun and moon going out of control (Just like Season 4), well…


Princess Celestia: Hurry sister, before Twilight causes a solar eclipse!
Princess Luna: Don’t wait for me!

*Insert trombone sound effect. Dramamaster shrugs*

The Characters:


Okay, very funny girls! Turn around!

That's... Slightly better.

For me, ‘Between Dark and Dawn’ felt like a ‘true’ Royal Sisters episode especially given it’s the final season. Granted, while their chemistry may not have been as entertaining as ‘A Royal Problem’, there were many moments from their dives for adventure (At the Mane Six’s expense) to their wacky vacation shenanigans that were enjoyable from start to finish. An episode that granted us an opportunity to see Celestia’s thrill-seeking adventurous side with Luna’s pursuit for a laid-back, mundane, relaxing adventure which in a way pays tribute to the usual pairings in those fun ‘buddy road trip’ movies growing up. For me I was heavily invested in their rise and falls with attempting to do the things they want to do, while seeing some tension start to show, and all tied together by the fact their bond will remain tight as ever. A good thing too otherwise I’d hate for another Daybreaker/Nightmare Moon incident.


Yipe!!! Moving ahead, moving ahead!


That's not the picture I asked for, Dramamaster!

Now granted Twilight Sparkle had her share of funny moments during this episode, but honestly the side story of trying to run a ceremony in the princesses’ duties just wasn’t as engaging as the princesses’ vacation. Some may argue that the episode missed out on other opportunities (Like using Luna’s dreamscape ability) but for me this once again proves that when Twilight Sparkle ‘tries too hard’ naturally things start to fall apart. I do get that Twilight is still learning and one can argue Spike was on the same boat before he got his moment, it’s just there’s barely been a few episodes during this season we’ve truly seen Twilight at her best (I guess the ‘last’ part of the season premier counts to an extent). Like I said, I want to believe the princesses are right to entrust Twilight Sparkle to being a great ruler I just feel I’m still waiting for that ‘one’ episode (I’d have to look back at all my other reviews till then). If anything, at least the moments featuring Twilight in this episode will make for decent memes… At her expense.

I hate that critic...

*Gasps* Well, I never!

Sorry Fancy Pants... Even though he meant well and ultimately did reveal that this committee ‘was’ needed, I still cannot get over how ‘rude’ he acted (Especially towards Rarity). For me, I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel with this guy, one minute he’s sweet and charming during his premier but next thing you know he acts stuck-up like he was during ‘Princess Spike’. I don’t know maybe if he could’ve explained off hand that the princesses usually assign him (And those two snobs) to handle the affairs with the Swans Twilight would’ve known better… But we needed a plot device, unfortunately. It’s no secret I’m not a fan of stuck-up characters, especially who follow the stereotypes of the uppercrusts of society. Honestly, I think the most enjoyment I have is when Twilight sends him and his friends out the door with her magic.

The Music:

As a song dedicated solely to the Royal Sisters as they embark on their private getaway, this to me was a fun song to listen to. From ziplines to post offices, to skydiving and art museums, we get to see how each sister is different based on their interests but at the start we also see the fun they have doing things together. Sure, things take a bit of a downhill swerve especially during the reprise, but otherwise I find this to be a rather enjoyable duet. Since it’s not often when they get an episode all to themselves, mostly sharing it with the ‘mane’ stars of the show, this moment among the few featured in this episode was well worth the wait. I wouldn’t be surprised if we eventually see fan covers of this song by the most popular MLP singers on YouTube.

Princess Celestia: Just not as popular as me.
Princess Luna: See, I said you’d like that show.

Overall, while I found the side plot with the Mane Six taking over the duties for the princesses a slight forgettable and the episode itself ‘weird’, as a Royal Sisters episode it was ‘weird’ in a fun way. The dynamic with the highs and lows of siblings, the struggle to enjoy things together yet retaining the bond of true sisterhood offered a sweet and endearing tale featuring two soon-to-be former rulers of Equestria. A chance to break out from the image of being ‘prim and proper’ and introduce us to characters, while a bit odd at first, that offers a bold and fun taste in what we never expected from these two. While I can’t say there was anything ‘entirely’ wrong with Twilight’s arc in this episode, to me there was just this level of predictability we saw coming and frankly I felt the writers knew this going in. But still and all, the episode still holds its own charm and in a way it is still an enjoyable midseason finale before the special.

But the big question remains: What did YOU think? Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until next week faithful readers, this is the Dramamaster829… Signing out!

Princess Celestia: Ah, memories…
Princess Luna: We shall enjoy them…

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