More Blog Posts91

  • 23 weeks
    Merry Christmas, all!

    My track record with Christmas releases is no longer perfect, but I do try! Only one 5k chapter of Sharing the Nation this year, though I'm hoping to have 5k more out before the new year. To make up for it, though, I've also brought out the Harry Potter crossover that's been languishing in

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    5 comments · 201 views
  • 127 weeks
    Nothing this year, sorry

    Man, this has been… a year. Shortly after my last blog post, I had some (non-covid) medical issues that somewhat took over my life for a while, and while that's all in the past now, I'm only back where I was beforehand—completely unproductive. I was determined to get back into things at NaNoWriMo, but work steamrolled those plans and I just haven't been able to find the words to write something

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  • 166 weeks
    More burned out than I thought

    Jeeze, it's been four months since I decided not to force myself to generate updates for the sake of Patreon and gave myself the freedom to write whatever I wanted… but I haven't really written anything. I've done a thousand words or so here and there to play around with other fandoms, but nothing of significance.

    Shocking, I know.

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  • 179 weeks
    Tis the season for status updates. Not as much the other kind of updates as I would like, though

    It wouldn't be Christmas if I hadn't been completely incommunicado for at least a month or two beforehand, right?

    Unfortunately, I don't have chapters of Sharing the Nation to post for Christmas this year. I do have some Equal Opportunity Ascension chapters that only Patreon has seen, and I'll post those, I guess, but it's clear this… isn't working.

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  • 231 weeks
    Christmas Updates!

    Merry Christmas!

    As I've done every year since I started writing, I have updates here for you on Christmas day.

    ( It might look like there's a missing one, but the chapter for Sharing the Night that year was taken down and reposted)

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Sharing the Nation · 2:51pm Jun 30th, 2019


The first 10k words of Sharing the Nation have been written. For those not paying attention, this is the sequel to Sharing the Night. This is a cause for celebration!

Technically, 500 words of that are a small extra scene for Sharing the Night so I can ping people with the update when the sequel goes live, but I should be able to add at least 500 more words today anyway.

I’m just… uh… not going to be posting it quite yet. See, I got 3k into Chapter 1 before I decided it was Chapter 2, so I went back and wrote what’s now Chapter 1 and it ran a bit past my 5k goal, so really, I have one and a half chapters, no cover art and… yeah.

This progress image is always available on my Patreon page and I’m good at keeping it updated unlike everything else in my life.
Yes, that means that when it shows zero progress until the last week of the month, I’ve actually done nothing until the last week of the month. I’m terrible like that.

Going forward

So, here’s the thing. I’ll be posting what I have to Patreon tonight (both Google Docs and HTML). I will not be keeping the gap in this will create in the posting schedule. Next month, when things are much more solid and I have at least 10k more words and a cover, I’ll be posting the entire backlog with a day between each chapter for maximum exposure until entirely caught up. This is not intended as a stunt to get more patrons; I’d honestly be more comfortable not posting at all until things are ready, but, well, I don’t really have that choice.

Advertisement (ish)

That said, since I am doing doing it this way, I would like to encourage people to join my Patreon if they’re interested in reading it immediately (as of tonight) and providing feedback. Large pledges are not required; while I do my best to provide actual previews for the higher tiers, any pledge will get access to chapters as soon as the preview period ends rather than the end of the month…

Note to self: simplify Patreon page…

In conclusion

So… that’s it. Sharing the Nation is actually happening.

Tags are [Teen] [Slice of Life] [Romance] [Twilight Sparkle] [Princess Luna] [Princess Celestia] [Princess Celestia] [Spike] [Ember]

Or… you know… something like that.

Report Cast-Iron Caryatid · 909 views · Story: Sharing the Night · #Update
Comments ( 14 )

Oh wow. With the show ending and how Sharing the Night slowed down releases at the end I was not optimistic about the story's chances at being continued. Glad I was wrong, now I might need to read Sharing the Night a fourth time.


Why do you have the Princess Celestia tag twice?
How in Tartarus did you manage to post the end of StN,and I didn't notice for nearly 6 months.
What. The. F***!
Welp, guess that means I'm re-reading this insanity from start to finish.
dives in with a knife, fork, and spoon in each hand

Woo-hoo! :pinkiehappy:

Let the Celebration begin!

Awesome! Looking forward to it.


Okay, went and read the last two chapters. All I can think of in response is this:


[Ember] - Interesting.

This is great news. I've been hoping for the sequel to appear.

Thanks for the update. :)

It’s now on Patreon, though I imagine most people will have gotten email notifications about it.

I’m glad you’re still enjoying Sharing the Night. I really wish I had the time and motivation to do some revisions to it, but the concept is pretty daunting and I have new stuff to write!

Isn’t it, though? I might have been a little to blatant in getting her motivations out in the first chapter, we’ll see.

Time to camp out and wait.

The ride never ends.

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