• Member Since 29th Dec, 2015
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A young man with autism, who is a fan of many things. But especially 'My Little Pony G4'.

More Blog Posts75

  • 21 weeks
    Second Disney Chronicles Intro

    While I'm busy finishing Fantasia, here's the official second intro to season 2 of My Little Pony: The Disney Chronicles. Stories have yet to be created or worked on, but hopefully it'll give all of you something to look forward to. Once again thanks for your patience and enjoy.

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  • 27 weeks
    Happy Holidays

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  • 29 weeks
    Major idea

    Guys, I just have the craziest idea in mind. An idea that could help the Disney company.

    I've read about a deleted concept in Wish where the star is actually a boy who would be Asha's love interest which would've made the movie even better.

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  • 32 weeks

    30 today, yet lots of people say I look a lot younger than that.

    Still working on my stories. Going a bit slow, but hopefully it'll speed up in time. But I've also been a little busy trying to study so I can succeed for my driving license. I've also been playing a lot on Hogwarts Legacy on my Switch. It's pure Harry Potter magic.

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  • 48 weeks
    Holiday in Switzerland

    With part 2 of Night on Bald Mountain almost ready, it's about time I tell you all about my trip to Switzerland. I had a great time. We slept in a chalet not far away from a ski resort. The view is beautiful. Sometimes you could see a whole bunch of clouds covering the mountains and sometimes not. You could also hear the bells of the cows nearby.

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My Little Pony: The Disney Chronicles Villain Trailer · 11:38pm Jul 6th, 2019

Twilight opens the book and they all get sucked inside it.

"You found the mystical Book of Disney. It serves as a gateway to worlds that are hidden far away from your own. The people you've met in the worlds you visited are just the beginning." Master Yen Sid warned.

"Be very careful for the ones who embrace the darkness."

A beautiful, but creepy nun smiled evilly.

"Many of them are more threatening than they seem."

"They would try everything to destroy you..."

"You're going down, puny pony's!" said Fido.

"...and tear your friendship apart." Yen Sid finished.

Maleficent looked from the balcony at a city on fire.

"So many worlds, especially this one. So full of magic. So Radiant. So peaceful." She said.

"And they will all be MINE!"

"But I can't do this alone. I need allies. Many who probably suffered the same fate as me."

"You've got spirit for one so small." said Shere-Khan.

"You will tell me everything about Equestria." Jafar hypnotizes Twilight.

"Join me and reclaim your greatness." Maleficent said.

Adagio's pendant gets restored and with full violence zoomed at her neck, being protect by some unbreakable material.

"You're new friends came from another world. But they had special help." Ursula said to Ariel.

"Fear always works and I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way." Bellwether said.

"This is the power that has been granted to me! Now you will be judged just like the rest!" Frollo shouted while flames encircled him and the Equestrians on top of Notre Dame.

Scar and King Sombra are seen together.

"You are not fit to be king. You're nothing but a coward." King Sombra says to Simba.

In Passamaquoddy, Flim and Flam are operating some kind of mechanical dragon, ready to destroy anything in their path.

"Those mammals and that bird are gonna make me rich." McLeach said.

Sykes held onto Twilight and tried to break her horn with his hand, making her scream in agony.

"Look out!" Mr. Gibbs warned everyone for the Roc who was going to attack the ship.

"Jack!" Twilight shouted.

"Stay out of this, girl!" Davy Jones threatened.

The Dazzlings are also seen on a ship of their own.

"They're obviously serious about winning. A little cocky though, aren't they? Seems they think they've already got this thing all locked up." Adagio teased.

"Get them!" Hades shouted. The Equestrians looked up in fear while the titans surrounded them.

Cruella bumped very hard against the truck in which the Equestrians and the dalmatians are.

Peter and Rainbow have a swordfight against hook.

"What in the world!" Discord held onto Applejack after the Jabberwock roared.

"Is there any hope?" Twilight asked.

"I wonder if her pathetic friendship will succeed this time." Maleficent said.

"Your souls are MINE!"

Will darkness triumph?

Report Dinodisneylover1 · 3,580 views ·
Comments ( 146 )

Dang! This is dark! :twilightoops: Wait. Are you telling me that there's going to be a villainous team-up somewhere down the line? :pinkiegasp:

Most importantly in the Villain's Revenge story.

Once again you never cease to WOW me

Oooh boy! The Disney Villains are plotting revenge against Twilight and the others! I can't wait to read what Jafar and Maleficent got planned for her! :)

Disney always knew how to touch my heart with their amazing movies.
I am happy to tell you, you did the same thing with this post. :twilightsmile:

This was total awesomeness! It really got me intrigued.

So far, I have often thought that the Evil Queen and Cruella were perfect counterpoints to Rarity, Dr. Facilier a perfect counterpoint to Applejack, and Shere Khan, Scar, and Jafar being a perfect counterpoint to Twilight.

What villains do you think are perfect counterpoints to members of the Main Six?

Where God builds a church, the devil puts a chapel.

Wherever there is light, there is darkness.

But we know that good triumphs over evil,

and that Friendship will always succeed.

Those villains can try, and they might win a fight,

but they will ALWAYS lose the war in the end.

Great Villain Chronicles Trailer, Dino! And Villains’ Revenge story? Are you gonna make that after four Chronicle stories (Snow White, Dumbo, Alice and Peter Pan) you’ve already made and gonna make? With Jiminy again?

You left me speechless :pinkiegasp:
This is going to be so... I don't know what word to use.
EXCITING!! :rainbowdetermined2: SCARY!! :fluttershyouch:
But I know that you will do it excellent :twilightsmile:


(pardon my language)

Ay, it's the Sinister Six all over again...

And I wouldn't count Frienship as the most powerful force in the universe, or a God or yadda yadda, and rub it into anybody's nose like a screaming fanboy. That is very annoying for those who love these baddies if you ask me.

Nice to see you haven't changed.:trollestia:

I'm sure that Twilight and her friends will succeed.

Will any pixar villains will join the villains revenge story

Actually, it's much later. I was thinking after Ralph Breaks the Internet or Frozen 2.

Story is gonna be a little different from the videogame with the same name.

So scar and king sombra for the lion king the film and flam brothers for Pete Dragon queen chrysalis and frollo for the hunchback of notra dawn the dazzlings and Davey Jones for pirates of the Caribbean
And holy shit chernabog is terrifying

Dazzlings appear in all Pirates movies. They're possibly gonna be in other stories as well.

Looking forward to do wall e?

Oooooooooh, creepy. You made such perfect choices. What chronicles did you already have planned for the Pony of Shadows, Diamond Dogs and Tirek.

I could imagine the Firebird being used as a secret weapon for more heavier destruction and devastation everywhere in Equestria. Due to that he’s more of a primordial force of nature than a average villain, that’s why he can’t tell which one is friend or foe.

Still need to think about that.

Who knows. Maybe in the Villain's Revenge story.

Story's gonna be a bit different.

So chernabog can talk

I'm also planning to make a hero trailer.

Make sure to include woody and the gang

This is very well done. I like your idea of villains from the book of Disney exacting their revenge on the ponies and others who did them wrong.

Well done Dino, now i'm not sure about Mcleach noticing the ponies, I'd much rather have them turn into mice like last time. Now you know that Bambi is 70 minutes and Bambi 2 is 75 minutes long. Where would the diamond dogs go? The Pony of Shadows is already defeated. Would you include Gallus in the Sword in the Stone chronicle, imagine him relating to Arthur. So Chrysalis grants Frollo Power?

Like Beauty and the Beast, and the Little Mermaid.

I know Tirek would team up with Hades.

That I got to see

Goddarnit, that's creepy! Now I know what those eyes look like in that scene. You really scared me.

Sorry XD I didn't mean to scare you :D

That's alright. It was totally unexpected.:twilightsmile:

It's just, this trailer of yours is simply beyond Awesomeness! 👍

Thanks, I'm also planning to make a hero trailer.

Can't wait for the trailer, and especialy can't wait for your future chapters and stories.
Very Best Wishes to you Dinodisney 😊

REALLY!!:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: That will be awesome!
Great trailer! Dark... but COOL!!!

Have you seen the Disney Heroes vs. Villains series on YouTube? That Maleficent quote reminded me of it.

Yepperooni, all of it. I'm watching it again.

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