• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 23 minutes ago


I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.

More Blog Posts170

  • 1 week
    Pascoite gets bored and reviews anime, vol. 70

    In the middle of the spring 2024 shows concluding, so I've got several today. Featured items are a darkly ironic kinda travelogue thingy from 2003, and its remake from 2017, Kino's Journey, and an... I don't know how to classify it, Train to the End of the World, which finished yesterday. Those plus a few more freshly completed series, a pretty good older one, and some more YouTube

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    7 comments · 80 views
  • 2 weeks
    Pascoite gets bored and reviews anime, vol. 69

    Man, it's been almost two months since an actual review post? Well, I'll remedy that by cashing in my ace in the hole. Today's featured item is Aria the Animation, my absolute favorite of all the slice of life shows I've seen. It's long enough that I'll make it a solo feature. That plus a movie that just came out, a couple of shows that concluded not long ago, and more YouTube shorts,

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    9 comments · 66 views
  • 7 weeks
    Pascoite gets bored and reviews anime, the currently in process stuff redux

    Man, has it actually been a year and a half since I last did one of these? And some things from back then are still on this list D: Well, let's get to it, in the same categories as before.

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    15 comments · 113 views
  • 11 weeks
    Pascoite gets bored and reviews anime, vol. 68

    I started way too many new shows this season. D: 15 of them, plus a few continuing ones. Now my evenings are too full. ;-; Anyway, only one real feature this time, a 2005-7 series, Emma—A Victorian Romance (oddly enough, it's a romance), but also one highly recommended short. Extras are two recently finished winter shows plus a couple of movies that just came out last week.

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    6 comments · 107 views
  • 13 weeks
    Pascoite gets bored and reviews anime, vol. 67

    Spring season starts today, though that doesn't stock my reviews too much yet, since a lot of my favorites didn't end. Features this week are one that did just finish, A Sign of Affection, and a movie from 2021, Pompo: The Cinephile. Those and more, one also recently completed, and YouTube shorts, after the break.

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BronyCon 2019! Please come by and say hello! · 12:41am Jul 29th, 2019

I guess everyone's doing these things...

Ever since the first time I went to Bronycon, the biggest draw has been meeting the people and putting faces to names I've known for a while online. Last chance this year, as I don't foresee going to any more pony cons, though I could see maybe doing an anime convention in DC. But that's down the road. I only go to Bronycon because it's close enough to commute, and if I can get on a panel, then I barely have any expenses.

So everyone, please stop by and say hello! I'll certainly be on the lookout for names I recognize on badges, but I'll also be busy doing quite a few things. I've always got time to meet new people, though, so don't hesitate to introduce yourself. I'll spend a good amount of time in Quills & Sofas, but I'm also on 4 panels, so you can find me at those. Here's my schedule:

Friday, 9:15-10:15 PM, "Seeing Through Your Characters' Eyes II: The Finer-er Points of Perspective"
Perspective can be a rather subtle thing in stories, but it can also be the thing that really makes your story resonate. Learn the method to the madness of perspective and how to keep your story feeling tight and coherent.

Saturday, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM, "Ponyfic: There can be Only One!"
The Royal Canterlot Library curators will discuss the short list of greatest ponyfics and determine once and for all which is top. Of course, our conclusion will be unassailable and universally accepted.

Sunday, 12:45-1:45 AM (ugh), "Distant Worlds: Writing for Non-MLP Settings"
Now that ponyfic will inevitably be winding down, what sorts of things should an author consider when moving to other writing communities?

Sunday, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM, "The Official Equestria Daily Panel"
All the current and former staff members we can muster will convene for a discussion of what's going on with the blog now, where we'll go in the future, and conduct an extended Q&A session with the audience.

Hope to see a lot of you there!

Report Pascoite · 270 views · #bronycon #writing
Comments ( 9 )


Some street thugs who nobody cares about. It's all about the door prizes.

See ya there, as always!

The last hurrah.
See you there, Pascoite! :yay:

Cool! See you there!

I will find you and say hi to you. :rainbowdetermined2:

wouldn't miss it for the world see you soon

See you soon!

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