• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
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Aotrs Commander

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  • 140 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part I (37-40; Finale)

    Part Thirty-Seven

    Day Three-Hundred and Seventy-Six.

    Right, then let's actually look at Lightcaller.


    So, what does it... Do...?

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    0 comments · 150 views
  • 140 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part H (32-36)

    Part Thirty-Two

    Day Three-Hundred and Thirty-Four.

    Bionic leg for Hallie.

    Oh. It was a techprof persona core, not a regular persona core. You used it for research, not starship control. Oh well. Use to learn FTL drive then, Stab, arriving back at base, guessed.

    More Lenere tribe visitors.

    Stab ordered the wall where the ship would go to be thickened up.

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  • 140 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part G (27-31) ·

    Part Twenty-Seven

    Day Two-Hundred and Ninety-Eight.


    Stab would try this quest now.

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    0 comments · 143 views
  • 140 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part F (22-26)

    Part Twenty-Two

    ((Added "faster bio-sculpting" mod, since the 25 days thing is ridonculous. Vanilla values used, except bioregen time set to 10 days (as it was before the change) instead of 25.))

    Day Two-Hundred and Fifty-One.

    Two bionic eyes done. Navarro - your turn!

    Stab authorised four more sleep accelerators for Trocur, Worm, Oscura and Reille plus Barracuda.

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    0 comments · 168 views
  • 140 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part E (18-21)

    Part Eighteen

    Day Two-Hundred and Twenty-Four, several times...

    ((No clue as to the temperature thing. After much reloading experimentation, the only thing that worked was moving the new heaters to the outer corridor. No idea why rooms near the other larger corridors weren't affected.

    Also, the over-wall cooler in the dining room was backwards. Dammit.))

    Restructuring happened.

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    0 comments · 169 views

Bleakbane... Farms...? 13 [Stardew Valley] · 1:21pm Aug 5th, 2019

And we are back.

While away, Derpy and Sunset helped with a little hydrodynamic engineering...

Not bad for a mere hour or so's work.

Anyhoo, without further ado...

Part 13: Illy Gets Lucky

Friday, Spring Day 12, Year Two

Oh, well, first off, Illy found secret note #12...


It's raining outside, which means it is at least easy to check the animals in the coop... Oooh!

The deluxe coop is done! Illy will have to see if she can track down Marnie today to get some rabbits (and Robin to make a second silo...)

Marnie is actually home, shock of shocks. Ouch - rabbits are expensive at 8000g! Illy buys one, and she shall be Nanoha.

Oh, hey, some pine resin, finally!

It takes Illy some time to get to Robin, since she is a silly Illy

(- and I haven't played for a week -)

and only picked up one of the resources, not a stack and only realised half-way from the mine. Whoops!

Suddenly struck by the realisation the festival is tomorrow, Illy also needs to check her cauliflowers, else she might not get another round in, so she heads to Robin's via the village and buys some more seeds from Pierre's store. Rassy wants a dandelion (and she just gave her last one to Marnie).

Illy also didn't bring clay, fragdammit, after all that. Back home...

Illy astoundingly manages to catch Robin, given the time, so now it's a just a rush to Rassy's, as she found a dandelion near the mine cart...

Caravan lady has a pufferfish for a mere 600G - Illy stops as she passes - so Illy thinks she might as well, for the community centre.

Dandelion delivered, Illy heads back and to the community centre, as there's not much left she can do. Typical for today, she doesn't need to pine tar now, but at least the puffer fish is dropped off...

Sounds about right, doesn't it?


Spring Day 13, Year Two

As Illy suspected, the cauliflowers sprouted today. (Illy must remember that it seems when a seed says it grows in "x days" is means that, a little counter-intuitively, it means it will be harvested on the NEXT day.) Fortunately, because she messed up at the start of spring, the second field of cauliflowers isn't ready yet, so she has just enough seeds to sow to replace the ones she had just taken. The garlic and parsnips are done too, but Illy didn't think to get any seeds, so she just sows the four potato seeds she has to hand and calls it a day.

It's half-past eleven by the time she's done all that, it's half-past eleven - time for the Egg Festival!

Pierre's stall is selling strawberry seeds. Hmm. Illy buys eight - then thinks sod it, she'll replace that second field of cauliflowers with strawberry seeds and gets another 24.

Fair enough, Kent...

Illy does!


Do all the eggs Illy produced count as being "deviled...?"

Illy is sure you do, Alex-short-for-Alexander, and she is equally sure you fail every time. You, after all, are an Alex-short-for-Alexander, not a proper Alex, for example, that nice Mr. Rider Illy has been reading about recently, who actually lives up to the name.

Shane thinks Abby is going to win again. He thinks Abby should be banned, because it is unfair for Vincent and Jas.

Well, excuse Illy, Victor!

Illy is terribly sorry if, after she died a tragic death before she was twenty and has her soul tortured into becoming a manifestation of evil and two hundred odd years of doing horrible things she can never erase, she feels she is entitled to a little bit of a second childhood!

Victor cringes rather a lot after that.

Illy refers the disembodied narrative to her previous statement.

Besides, Illy is barely tall enough and she is a good six-foot tall, how would the kids reach it?

Illy is still older than you, Mayor Linkara. She'll calm down when she's good and ready!


Dangit, that was a dog ball not a second egg!

Time's up... Illy got, like, four.

Hey, Illy picks up lots of rubbish all the time!


And that is the Egg festival ended for another year.

Illy makes a note to try and make a load of strawberry seeds and/or reserve a lot more cash for next year to stock up for the following year.

Spring Day 14, Year Two

Most important - Haley's birthday!

Illy checks the telly and learns how to make hash browns. She is starting to get into the habit of checking it more often...

Aww, look at baby Nanoha...

Illy is going to be doing a lot of planting today - all the taters and kale is coming in as well as those cauliflowers...

Illy did! As if there was any doubt!

Illy wonders how long Atop the Forth Wall has been going on, given that...

Kent wants an eel, but frankly, Illy isn’t even going to attempt that.

She buys sixteen more each of potato and kale seeds to re-set that crop, and eight garlic and parsnip to fill any other gaps.

Illy makes a trip down to the mushroom cave, gathering a load of forage as she goes. From there, she heads to the town to try and find that place on secret note #17.

No luck!

Spring Day 15, Year Two

Woo! Neat!

Fortunately, Illy always tries to keep a few leeks around!

Illy heads into town after her increasingly extensive chores - a leek for Evelyn, a pale ale for Pam...

To Robin's next, to get her started on the big barn! Illy gives Robin, Maru and Demetrius some gold dandelions, but they are only moderately pleased.

Illy goes and finally finds what was in secret note #17 - a strange green doll, buried in the ground by the river, north of the Joja mart.

(Again, I resorted to the internet - I wasn't actually wrong where I was looking, even, I just didn't think to try all of the tools on that square...)

Hi Abby!

Abby tells Illy that Illy's palm says that... Mmm, you know what, Illy will keep that one to herself, actually. *cough* Shoulder!Alluria wiggles her eyebrows suggestively...

Illy turns in the strange doll to the museum and gets a bear statue. But Gunther still doesn't know anything about the strange doll. But, Illy knows, sometimes this is true; museums don't know everything.

While she's there, Illy reads through some of the various lost books she has occasionally found.

Interesting - so this is the deity that they pray to on a Sunday.

Ohh, that strange guy on the beach is a GHOST, well that explains so m- wait, WHAT?!

Well, isn't that last part kind of ironic, under the circumstances...!

Ooooh, Illy SO wants one of those!

Hi, Leah!

Illy sincerely hopes, Leah's sake, she is not escaping anything quite so... Dramatic as Illy.

Illy drops in on Jodi and remembers NOT to give her a flower. Illy must start remembering to shower people with jam, not flowers...

That is a big bear statue.

Illy does a little crafting, placing down a loom - now she has that pine tar - two more preserve jars and an oil-maker.

Illy does a bit of research on what the oil-maker does aside from make truffle oil (rather than try everything she has) and it turns out corn, sunflowers and sunflower seeds can be used to make oil. Illy uses one set of the latter to start making some. Oil gets a lot of use in cooking, and Illy isn't going to be buying any oil!

That will do for the day!

Spring Day 16, Year Two


Illy, noticing that when she looked the other day, could make sashimi (apparently from bait...?) goes and fetches a snail from her fishing cupboard to see if she can make it from that.

She can! Illy will be making a lot of this, shortly! Actually, she realises, she won't, because fish are part of the quality fertiliser ingredients, so she'll hold plenty spare... Maybe just take five each of snail, crayfish and periwinkle for sashimi and see who likes that...

Oh. Illy discovers - one click too many! - that it wasn't the bait (that makes sense) but if ingredients are in the fridge or Illy's inventory, they will be used when cooking.


Now Illy leads! Sashimi for everyone!

Emily doesn’t like it - oh well, she'll forgive Illy! - but Demetrius, Mayor Linkara, Pierre, Caroline, Marnie, Jodi, Olivia (Illy caught their aerobics class) and Linus all seem to enjoy it. So do Maru, Gus, Pam and Leah!

Illy gives the last one to Jas.

Pretty successful!

Illy makes a trip over to Rassy with a void essence. She discovers (duh!) that she can harvest a load of salmonberries from the bushes - didn't work with them in winter, but does now!

Back and early bed!

Spring Day 17, Year Two

The big barn is done!

Today, Illy thinks she ought to do some mine-exploring soon; she's a bit low on iron. But she's quite low on wood, so some yard-work will be first today. But not until she's gone and bought a new goat from Marnie - who will be Homura!

A lot of tree-cutting later, Illy has got another couple of hundred wood. Once she gets tired, she decides to have an early night.

Spring Day 18, Year Two

Here's Homura!

And in the big coop, Nanoha has left Illy some wool!

Huh, the wool around these parts is rabbit wool?

Right, today's job is the community centre, then, as that means Illy can finish another bundle!

A stop by the store to buy some seeds to replace the parsnip and garlic Illy has just harvested - and, while she remembers, an apple and pomegranate starter for fall.

Illy remembered to check the calendar (whoops, she missed Olivia’s birthday...) and it's Pam's today. Gold dandelion? (Since Illy is a bit of a rush to get down the mines - Clint wants ores again...) Illy stop by the trailer.

Well, Illy's not in so much of a rush she can't help Penny clean up on her mum's birthday.

Illy is on it!

Clean, clean, clean the bizarrely wooden interiored trailer!

Oh, hey, Pam Illy was just helping do the cleaning!

Oh, Pam is one of those "store things on the floor" people. Illy gets it.

Well, in fairness, it IS her birthday Penny. I mean if she's going to drink any day it's her birthday. Illy means, it's not like she spends all day every day drin...Illy is just going to be tidying up the settee now, don't mind Illy.

No, Pam doesn't want that. Illy has seen what happens to souls that died of excess. It is not pretty.

Tone it down, Pam you shouldn't be getting stressed on your birthday!

Illy has seen worse.

They do know Illy can hear every word with her devil-hearing, right?

Pam gets her flower as she heads out.

Animal bundle done! Illy gets another cheese press and...

Pantry is done!

Illy figures while she's at it, she'll finish the 5000g bundle, for which she gets 30 quality fertiliser. Nice!

By the time Illy gets back, plants the seeds and the fruit trees, it's rather too late to go to the mine, so Illy clears a load more trees before bed.

She does find secret note #16, though and Illy is PREEEEETTY sure she can get THAT one easily...

Spring Day 19, Year Two

No worries, Penny.

Oooh, this is what the Juminos were building last night while Illy slept! Neat!

Illy isn't entirely sure what to do with it yet. Looks like she digs it up to put plants in, but... Well, this is a problem for another day. first, secret not #16 - and then the mine!

No, actually, that's a railroad, not a road on the note, so it's probably up past the spa. Illy will look into it another day - she needs to head into the mines!

Oops, she forgot all about Clint's quest yesterday. As she slips back through town (searching the bins as the note suggested, as it's a lucky day today - finding nothing...) she notes Willy wants someone to catch two chub. Well, she might have a try at that...

Illy found no less than three secret notes in the mines (and not a lot of ore), but she'll look at them tomorrow.

Spring Day 20, Year Two

Right! Secret notes!


Ace, thank you, Penny! (How did THAT get down the mine?)



That's a bit concerning...

Useful - though Illy has figured some of that out herself!

Aw, thanks, Rassy!

Illy elects to go and try to fish after her chores. She does well - relatively speaking - catching ten fish, including the requisite two chub, just as she is about to give up.

Illy stops by the adventurer's guild to sell a weapon she found. She kicks herself for a) forgetting to go and get a geode opened and b) for forgetting to harvest her potatoes and kale and go to the store and get more seeds. Well, if she's quick, she can get just one more day in.

On her way home, Illy wonders suddenly if the skull-shaped key will open the sewer pipe. It does not.

Spring Day 21, Year Two

Illy watches the telly and picks up how to make a complete breakfast.

Well, that's a trivial quest!

Marnie wants an emerald, but Illy apparently doesn't have any (aside from her Winter Feast one, and Marnie's not having that!) Well, nothing at the quarry... Illy takes a short trip into the mines, but she didn't bring any healing items, so she aborts fairly quickly, having not found much.

Back home, Illy replants her fields and decides on some river fishing to end the day. Which is a near-complete waste of a trout soup, since Illy only sees two fish and mostly catches junk. She does, at least catch the two fish, which are smallmouth bass.

Woohoo! Max farming! Illy will take artisan, since that's where most of her steady money is coming from now.

Oh, neat!

Hmm. Illy thinks, perhaps surprisingly, it ought to Fisher, since while cheaper crab-pots would be nice, Illy doesn't feel like dozens more of them are good for her time. (And the options at level 10 for trapper means either losing all the recycling options or automatic baiting, which actually makes them more tedious to use, since they are easily picked up by misclicks if you're not holding bait.)

Spring Day 22, Year Two

Nice, blueberry tarts!

And Marine sent some hay. Whoop.

Illy harvests her garlic and notices a quest to kill six slimes - so that's today's agenda!

(And dead. *sigh* Doing the day again, then, since I didn't save before...

Second try...

Third try (but at least I'd saved first...))

And, of COURSE, since Illy found some emeralds, NOW Marnie isn't in the damn bar.

Illy stomps off to bed at half-twelve, rather bloodied because of those FRACKING BATS. Lucky day Illy's arse...!

Well, at least that's a positive...

Spring Day 23, Year Two

Hi Evelyn!

Illy thanks Evelyn! She has been working quite hard!

Cool! What does it do?

Oh, heck yes, that's actually really useful! Thanks!

Seems logical...


Bye Evelyn!

Ouch! That's expensive... Buuuut, Illy does nearly have enough, so maybe it ought to be her next purchase.

And here are all the strawberries!

Most of the first crop (gold and silver) goes for sale, but Illy drop one into the seedmaker, as she is thinking that inside strawberries sound lovely!

Next though, she looks at the two secret notes (#22 and 6) she found down the mines...


Right, to Clint's; there are geodes to crack! Illy finds new, basalt and petrified slime. Neat.

Huh, Jas does not like jam. Okay, Illy must remember that...

Illy does rather well on the beach foraging today, getting tons of clams in particular.

Oliva and Robin do like jam, though!

Illy poddles over to Rassy's, and then heads home.

Indoor strawberries!

Illy intended to put some fertiliser down, and then forgot. That said, it might be better to have them as regular anyway, since they are better for crafting and using for seeds.

A little more tree cutting and then Illy heads to bed early - it's the flower dance tomorrow and THIS TIME Illy will get a dance!

Spring Day 24, Year Two

Not much Illy can do today, so she sorts all her chores and then heads to the Flower Dance!

Rassy is, just like year, down a cliff. Azurella knows why...

Alex-short-for-Alexander is perving on Haley "admiring the scenery" he says. Illy gives him a foul glare.

Clint, stop that.

There is no reason! You CAN be the flower queen one day, Vincent! Go live that dream!


Kent has PST from fighting the national enemy, the wotsit empire or something, doesn’t he?

Hooo boy. Illy might have to try and help him through that.

Yes, Jodi, stop smirking, Illy WILL have the dance!

Maybe Abby just needs the right partner!

Like ILLY!


YesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesYESYESYESYESYES! HUZZAH!

Illy and Shoulder!Alluria do a victory dance. It is really quite well co-ordinated; it is a pity that only half the dancers are visible.

Sorry, Haley, maybe another time?

Oh ho, it's like that is it! Illy is down for some good-natured competition!

Okay, Abby wants to wear the dress? Because Illy would totally wear the dress if Abby wants. Ah, no, Abby has a good point, she is further away from Alex-short-for-Alexander. Smart!

Illy doesn't know who won, but nevermind!

Victory for Illy!

Feeling extremely pleased (especially since she and Abby managed to sneak off for a while after the dance - it's ten before Illy is home, after all), Illy heads in.

She enjoys a quick watch of the telly and learns to cook her own trout soup!

Haha! She heads to bed, feeling very, very pleased!

And we shall leave her there for today!

Comments ( 2 )

Sheesh Illy, at least date her first.


Hey, that meeting in the graveyard that time was totally a date! Or close enough!

(Okay, so, yeah, Illy's idea of Appropriate Time For Sex may be a little distorted, given her closest relationship to a person over two hundred years is a long and complex one (which has pretty much ran the entire spectrum) with a succubus (and that started with sexual tension that would positively make New She-Ra's shipping look positively subtle...!)

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