• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
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Aotrs Commander

Magical Space Lich

More Blog Posts90

  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part I (37-40; Finale)

    Part Thirty-Seven

    Day Three-Hundred and Seventy-Six.

    Right, then let's actually look at Lightcaller.


    So, what does it... Do...?

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    0 comments · 147 views
  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part H (32-36)

    Part Thirty-Two

    Day Three-Hundred and Thirty-Four.

    Bionic leg for Hallie.

    Oh. It was a techprof persona core, not a regular persona core. You used it for research, not starship control. Oh well. Use to learn FTL drive then, Stab, arriving back at base, guessed.

    More Lenere tribe visitors.

    Stab ordered the wall where the ship would go to be thickened up.

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    0 comments · 174 views
  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part G (27-31) ·

    Part Twenty-Seven

    Day Two-Hundred and Ninety-Eight.


    Stab would try this quest now.

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    0 comments · 140 views
  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part F (22-26)

    Part Twenty-Two

    ((Added "faster bio-sculpting" mod, since the 25 days thing is ridonculous. Vanilla values used, except bioregen time set to 10 days (as it was before the change) instead of 25.))

    Day Two-Hundred and Fifty-One.

    Two bionic eyes done. Navarro - your turn!

    Stab authorised four more sleep accelerators for Trocur, Worm, Oscura and Reille plus Barracuda.

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    0 comments · 166 views
  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part E (18-21)

    Part Eighteen

    Day Two-Hundred and Twenty-Four, several times...

    ((No clue as to the temperature thing. After much reloading experimentation, the only thing that worked was moving the new heaters to the outer corridor. No idea why rooms near the other larger corridors weren't affected.

    Also, the over-wall cooler in the dining room was backwards. Dammit.))

    Restructuring happened.

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    0 comments · 166 views

Bleakbane... Farms...? 17 [Stardew Valley] · 11:37pm Aug 15th, 2019

Part 17: Spring in Autumn

As a note, as this is sort of an open-ended game without an especially definitive end, I suspect I'll wind this Bleakbane Plays down at the end of this year or maybe the end of year three, depending on how i go. I seem to have done MOST things at this point (but as today shows, nowhere near all!), so putting some sort of hard cap on it might not be unwise! (I reckon by the time I hit the end of year two, I'll have sunk as much or more time into this than I did on Pillars 2 Deadfire on my current playthrough that this interrupted!) I think there's a reasonable chance I'll have seem more or less everything by that point.

Thursday, Autumn Day 4, Year Two

She will be called Scootaloo!

(♫She wears a disguise
to hide from pony eyes
But she's not a mare,
she's a Scootaloo!♫[)

Illy feels inexplicably sorry for some reason...

Interesting... Illy got three sugar out of the beet she put in. Another crop has come in into the greenhouse, so she puts seven into the mill. She ships a sugar as well, so she can see what is most profitable.

Illy heads over to the community centre to complete the fodder bundle with her three apples...

... for which she gets a heater, which is less than useful.

Clint wants to look at ores again, so Illy will just do that. She can dump her geodes as well; these give her a malachite to give to the museum!

Illy is planning to search for the secret forest again, armed with Celestia and a farm totem, so she can stay out longer.

It occurs to her to try actually NORTH of Rassy's tower, where she finds a large dead tree...

...and beyond...


Lucky she brought the maple syrup...?


Oh, well that's great, Mr Bear! Illy loves making new friends!

Oh, okay, that is pretty special!

Secret forest at last, now all Illy has to do is-

-ohcrap monsters live here!

Maybe that was Mr Bear...?

Well, that's seems to be it! A pond - in which Illy has one go and catches a woodskip, plus some hardwood logs and a bit of forage. Not earth-shattering, but Illy could have found ages and ages ago if she'd known where to look...

Never mind, then, Illy will continue exploring that huge area she found the abandoned vineyard in.

She doesn't do very much, because of the late hour, but the totem at least allows her to go until midnight and get home only twenty minutes late. (Celestia isn't that big a help, actually, as she struggles to get through the foliage, which Illy supposes is kind of logical...)

Hmm. Sugar is worth only 50g, so even at three sugar per beet, it's not worth as much as the beet (a gold beet is worth 165g).

Autumn Day 5, Year Two

Illy bok choy and wheat is grown (she has seeds for those) as is the rhubarb and starfruit in the greenhouse - definitely a trip to the desert required today!

She does get her first out-of-season fruit from the greenhouse from her cherries.

It's dry in the desert, so Illy elects to do some exploring. Partly, she wants to see is she can get coconut and turn them into seeds in the seed maker.

Ahaaaaa... Mr Qi's sand dragon? But what sort of last meal might it have?

Yaba wut?

Illy returns home. She can't make seeds out of coconuts (shame) so they go into the preserves jar. Illy at this point has a fair stock of resins, so she decides to make a load of kegs (eight) and place them down by the greenhouse - eventually, this is where her wine-making will go (for the ancient fruit). She considers making more preserve jars, but she doesn't have that much coal.

Besides, it might be better to see whether, when the last round of wine is done, whether it is more worth making wine than jam!

For the moment, Illy puts a load of blueberries into the kegs, since she has TONS of them. (She sees if mushrooms work, but they do not.)

Illy heads to bed, but before that, she takes some time to look up what to do with all the duck feathers she's accrued - turns out, none what so ever! She'll be selling all them off, then!

There is a thunderous noise as she goes to sleep - the frack was that?

Oh BEANS, Illy forgot Elliot's birthday then!

Autumn Day 6, Year Two

There was a large explosion last night. No idea what or where, though...


Gus would like a lobster... Illy might have one left over from the sea crab pots.

Illy delivers the lobster, but isn’t really sure what to do. She has a half-hearted look for a secret note, checks the east edge to see if she can see any explosions, then heads into the mine for a bit to gather bug meat - and finally kills enough duggies to earn her goal!

So she heads over to the adventurer’s guild next to get her reward for killing 32 duggies!

Was that really worth the effort...?


Illy prefers her hair loose and free as nature intended...

Back home and time for bed. She hasn't achieved a great deal today, but never mind.

Autumn Day 7, Year Two

Illy learns to cook fruit salad at breakfast... And salmon dinner from Gus via the post.

Scootaloo has grown large enough to lay her own void eggs. Illy puts it in the mayo machine to see what happens...

It makes void mayonnaise. Logical... But it is worth anything? To the selling bin!

The first ancient fruit has come in in the green house! That's going right to the seed-maker! Illy does well; ten seeds from the four fruit to go right back to be re-planted!

Illy then makes a new farm totem and heads out to Rassy's and (leaving Celestia there - she always makes her own way home!) to the west woods.

Can Illy get to that campfire...

Doesn't appear so...?

Illy heads south and spots what looks like a trail. She follows it south and then back east and...

...Finds a sparkling lake?

Illy wishes everyone would stop mis-species-ing her. Illy means, she's like, blue and everything!

They sound like Juminos...

Yes, Illy can understand the disembodied voices that are possibly Juminos.

Illy is often told she is very special. Often in a very particular tone of voice.

Anti-muggle wards!

Rassy had students? Interesting!

Well, now, that is a looong story! It begins over two hundred years ago, when-

... Maybe later.

Illy is Illy!

Illy loves to make new friends too!

Aw, that's sweet of Disembodied Voice to say!


Are... Are you... SANTA?

Mrs Santa?

Illy is an explorer!

Actually, no, Illy mostly found it by bumbling into it by accident.

Illy is starting to wonder if, when people tell her that, they are perhaps telling a lie of sorts.

Ooooooh! Neat!

It does MORE?


Illy doesn't mind if she does!

So is Illy!

Bye, Santa and Mrs Santa!

Wow, that was quite a find for Illy!

She takes a swim!

It is a big pool!

She finds a sunflower and some fairy roses (which are all of iridium quality because Illy is just that good!)

She has a nice swim back, and then it is time to teleport home!

Void mayo appears to fall between regular and duck mayo in value.

Autumn Day 8, Year Two

The next round of wine is done. Illy is going to sell all her wine now and see what is the best to be working on; she's not going to set anymore going until tomorrow when she knows that. Actually, scratch that - she can try wheat in those kegs and see what happens (beer, maybe?)

Ino has found another truffle, so that goes in the oil-maker for Mayor Linkara. While she's waiting, Illy makes use of her sugar to do a load more cooking! She definitely needs to work out how to make vinegar soon - and to reserve some milk for cooking!

Illy elects to spend the rest of the day giving out gifts, as she has all those nice flowers.

Illy REALLY doesn't need to know what Mayor Linkara is using that for, but she hopes he and Marine enjoy themselves...

Illy hands out iridium fairy roses to lots of people (she is going to save one especially for Jas). As she goes to give Jodi one, she hears noise coming from Sam's room.

But Illy doesn’t SEE any preserves jars...?

Maybe you might want more than two of you for a band...?

Well, that's easy!

(Especially when it is suitable for doing ridiculous over-the-top magical attacks to! Illy hasn't learned how to access the mystical Heart Song of the Universe so she can have her own arse-kicking backing track yet, but she's hoping she might be able to learn at Magical Paladin School.)

Hmm... Illy is not sure Sebby and Sam would be a very transportable backing track, but she might give it a try...?

Maybe some sort of magical talking pink girl who might be a pony or might not?

Sam has to go away and think about that for a bit.


Um... Sam... Dropped an egg...? This is really not exactly a world-shaking catastrophe that will cause people to forge the bonds of friendship over space and time or something, Jodi...

It's really not a big deal!

That's what Illy has been saying!

Seriously, accidents happen! Why is this being treated with such gravitas?! Illy means, it is not like Sam electrocuted Illy or something.

(Somewhere else, Maru sneezes...)

OH ILLY'S GODDESS! It was a dropped egg!

Illy spends the evening wandering around the north of town back home by Robin's picking blackberries! She gathers quite a crop before bed.

Well! Starfruit wine is the clear winner - worth considerably more than ancient fruit wine! Followed by melon wine.

Blueberry wine is cheap and so will probably make good possible vinegar fodder?

(Illy probably needs to plant some blueberries in the greenhouse, since they produce ridiculous amounts of crops she can use as a default.)

Illy also learns with some research that for wine, quality DOES matter.

Right then! As Illy really wants that darn teleporting staff, she is going to have to start earning some real pennies!

She is going to have to start something closer to mass production for starfruit and ancient fruit wines and, she extrapolates, jam (given that the values of jam and wine are in proportion to the fruit).

Autumn Day 9, Year Two

Mayor Linkara has sent Illy a recipe for "eggplant parm." Nice.

Emily has sent Illy some cloth (aside from the mill, is there something Illy can do with cloth...?)

Oh, the fair is in a week, Illy must save some quality items...!

It's going to be a seeding day today anyway! The wheat, bok choy and artichokes are done. Illy makes two new iridium sprinklers for the greenhouse (starfruit for the planting of...) and four more kegs. She will have to go get some coal at some point as well, to make more preserve jars (which have a faster turn-over than the wine).

Hoorah, her greenhouse pomegranate has bourn its first fruit, so that's a community centre trip as well today!

Wheat does produce beer, and rather quickly too. Illy has heard honey makes mead, so she will try that in her first four kegs next.

Desert next. Illy buys two loads of starfruit for her sprinklers (96, which is nearly 40000g, ouch!) Ancient fruit, Illy suspects, are likely to actually be better in the long run, on account of them being continuous and not replaced. (Also, they drop fruit every seven days, which is about as long as it takes to make wine...)

Illy completes the enchanter’s bundle and thus finishes the noticeboard! Just the darned fish tank left to go!

Neat! Right, now home to plant like crazy!

Illy is almost to bed on time, but then she sees that the mead has finished. She doesn’t load the kegs again yet, though.

Autumn Day 10, Year Two

Juminos post!

Illy spies a bit of forage near the silos, so she goes to collect it and...

Okay, the frack is that?

A huge thing filled with stone iridium ore and geodes!

Illy will take a quick trip to the farm quarry (quick because she wants to go see Krobus again today.)

She grabs the iridium nodes and a load of geodes and then heads into town.

Hello, what's going on here...?

Uh oh, there are those taxes again! Illy would really like someone to explain this to her, since she's a good girl that really doesn't want to get into trouble through tax evasion...

Oh dear, Andy might give himself an apoplexy...

Well, Andy, Illy thinks that you might get some more sympathy if you weren't a lackey of the evil corporation that wants to exploit everyone.

Andy, Mayor Linkara has a starship and a magic gun. Illy would tone it down a notch, if Illy was Andy.

Andy, does Illy have to Smite you? Because Illy is going to Smite you in a minute. You are making a scene, being unreasonable and now you're being childish, like a toddler throwing a tantrum because you can't do it all by yourself. Don't be male genitalia, Andy, lest Illy kick you in yours.

Yes, you are.

Illy is pretty sure Divine Azurella heard that, as her Divine Realm is several star systems away.

Aha, ah, yes, Mayor Linkara, about those taxes...?

Illy is sure whatever solution Mayor Linkara and Kendra can come up with will be accepted.

(If not, Illy totally doesn't see Comicron I, if Mayor Linkara knows what Illy means, nudge, nudge wink, wink.)

Yeah, Illy can do.

You too, Mayor Linkara!

Darn, chub again; Illy was hoping Krobus might have something new! Ah well, Illy will take that stardrop while she's here this time...

Ta-ta-tat-ta-tata! Illy power!

(What, Scrappy was always the best and awesome, yes even in the movie when he was the bad one. So sue Illy.)

Sewer also provides a nice short-cut to Andy's...!

Andy isn't home, but WOW, his place is a mess!

He's off by the ruined house where Hat Mouse has his shop...

Maybe you could have listened to him then...?

Drinking yourself stupid is not work, Andy.


Illy wonders is maybe making win her cash crop is going to be feeding all these alcoholics or those like them elsewhere... (Probably not, at those prices...!)

(Wow, that bundle REALLY boosted Illy's popularity, with only Shane and Alex-short-for-Alexander not liking Illy a little bit now...)

Illy heads home via the forest and gathers an absolutely obscene amount of iridium blackberries from bushes(92!)

She spends the rest of the evening cooking and then heads to bed!

And that will do for this session!

Next time, Jodi and Abby's birthday. And perhaps it is time for Illy to get some bouquets and give out some diamonds...!

Comments ( 1 )

Scootachicken never made sense; most chicken breeds can in fact fly. How do you think that rooster gets onto the roof at the crack of dawn? (As of Surf And/or Turf, she's clearly a penguin. Second-stupidest bird, can only fly underwater?)

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