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Human. Still human. ["with sentences [...] reads like they were written by a drunk, stoned, and autistic disorganized schizophrenic", as one said]

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Apparently, transforming into non-human was around for quite some time (late XX- early XXI century) · 4:54am Aug 26th, 2019

Actually, I even feel motivated to quote myself (via Facebook's 'memories'):

Andrew Randrianasulu
August 26, 2012 at 3:23 AM ·

question for this night (MSK timezone): is there any way to implement animal-friendly laws WITHOUT loopholes? Animal-friendly in sense ... if i put some lawyers into bodies of those animals {in such a way none from outside will recognize them as humans} - they will find those laws ... good enough.

This resonate with story I was reading this morning

Picture is amazing, but story sounds like ...pessimistic? I at least focused way too much on all those 'losings' constantly mentioned - hands, food... Yes, at very end author recalling this 'yes/no' thing, but considering it was around for ...70+ years? it hardly can be called new. Compared to some stuff local pony authors wrote this story sounds ... underdeveloped? Even if a lot of 'human-like' activities in equestrian ponies done with huge help of magic of one sort or another - I feel everyday life as (mostly) pony/horse got much deeper attention here.

Also, a bit personal bit - if you are freaking vet - why not continue this path?! If you have horse senses, memory, and all your professional memory... at least this is something I wished I was able to do.. not vet thing strictly speaking, but more like ability to help some non-humans, while sensing world and their state 'for real' and not just via long chain of (ill)logical conclusions ... I become quite angry each time this damned 'humanity' was mentioned ...may be this is morning-only feeling .. or too much time spend on another side of human-set divide. Guess for me a lot of those human/animal stories sounds, a bit too much _human_? Like, they only on surface about non-humans, compared to what should be possible.... A lot of thinking remained strictly stereotypical, and not kind of thinking I welcome .....

Other story from another author sounded acutely realistic, paradoxically I enjoyed (?!) it much more ....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDLOFrCGGXk - also, it hard to tell from picture (because cinema is magic, transformative magic, even.. even if for a short while), but I played a bit in this film as episodic actor (1h:3m:00s).

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