• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 24th

Aotrs Commander

Magical Space Lich

More Blog Posts90

  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part I (37-40; Finale)

    Part Thirty-Seven

    Day Three-Hundred and Seventy-Six.

    Right, then let's actually look at Lightcaller.


    So, what does it... Do...?

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    0 comments · 147 views
  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part H (32-36)

    Part Thirty-Two

    Day Three-Hundred and Thirty-Four.

    Bionic leg for Hallie.

    Oh. It was a techprof persona core, not a regular persona core. You used it for research, not starship control. Oh well. Use to learn FTL drive then, Stab, arriving back at base, guessed.

    More Lenere tribe visitors.

    Stab ordered the wall where the ship would go to be thickened up.

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    0 comments · 174 views
  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part G (27-31) ·

    Part Twenty-Seven

    Day Two-Hundred and Ninety-Eight.


    Stab would try this quest now.

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    0 comments · 140 views
  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part F (22-26)

    Part Twenty-Two

    ((Added "faster bio-sculpting" mod, since the 25 days thing is ridonculous. Vanilla values used, except bioregen time set to 10 days (as it was before the change) instead of 25.))

    Day Two-Hundred and Fifty-One.

    Two bionic eyes done. Navarro - your turn!

    Stab authorised four more sleep accelerators for Trocur, Worm, Oscura and Reille plus Barracuda.

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    0 comments · 166 views
  • 139 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part E (18-21)

    Part Eighteen

    Day Two-Hundred and Twenty-Four, several times...

    ((No clue as to the temperature thing. After much reloading experimentation, the only thing that worked was moving the new heaters to the outer corridor. No idea why rooms near the other larger corridors weren't affected.

    Also, the over-wall cooler in the dining room was backwards. Dammit.))

    Restructuring happened.

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    0 comments · 166 views

Bleakbane... Farms...? 23B [Stardew Valley] · 1:52pm Sep 2nd, 2019

Part 23B: Finale

The final finale...!

Winter Day 26, Year Two

Shoulder!Alluria whoops and waves two flags, one with each of Illy and Abby's faces. Illy and all the girls laugh. Everyone else is nonplussed and Mayor Linkara just assumes he'd said something really funny.

Back home!

They were so eager, they got married before six in the morning!

DAMN, Abby works fast!

Okay, Abby gets an amethyst.

No, Abby is! No, Illy is! No, Abby is! This goes on for several minutes and ends in a giggle-filled snowball fight.

Illy heads off for her chores.

The goat's cheese in the cellar is done, so Illy replaces it with regular cheese (she's storing up goat's cheese, so when the next lot is done, that should be able to go in.)

Well, Illy knows what Robin's wedding present was!

The next round of win is done, so that goes off for sale.

Right, next job, get Illy's hoe back!

Illy always manages to pick such good times...

Oh, thanks Mayor Linkara, dump Illy right in the middle of this.

Well, honestly, though Sam, skateboarding up Haley and Emily's trough is kind of... Not good?

Now, don't be childish, Sam. Emily's flower box is not your personal skate park, is it? Seriously, Sam, you are old enough to be getting married, you ought to know better, seriously. You aren't like, twelve.

Illy means, it's not exactly hard.

Illy sighs. BOYS. Why are vast majority of them so icky...

Illy spends the rest of the day pottering about, using the secret notes to try and get a present for everyone - she's going to try and give them all a gift tomorrow. (Anyone she doesn't have an exact gift for will get a diamond.) Actually, might be a little tight to catch everyone in one day (especially if she has to do the greenhouse), so she'll go to the bar and maybe Rassy's and maybe Linus's tonight.


Roasted hazelnuts for Kent.

Truffle for Leah.

Diamond for Andy, but that was a mistake (probably should have gone with joja cola...) Well, Illy tried...

Marnie, Gus, Willy and Clint all like their diamonds though!

Beer for Shane.

Ruby for Emily!

Illy will just see if Robin is around and then maybe catch Linus (she might not get to Rassy, given how far off he is, unfortunately...)

Maru is out in the garden, at least!

Oh, cool!

It's not the only thing...

Oooooh, preeeeeetty!

Gone... Where... Oh, right, to the farm! Maru giggles.

Maru-who-made-an-FTL-engine-in-her-basement is being very silly!

Yes, humans are very silly indeed!

Illy gives Maru a knowing glance. Illy will miss Maru too. Look at it this way - Maru will be able to see the star where Illy will be and she'll only be a comm-call away!

Oh, darn, Illy let Maru go without the presents!

Oh well, Linus is still up!

Aw, Linus, Illy will miss you!

Back home, at least some of the work done!

Night, night, Abby! (Abby is going to have to get used to the fact Illy snuggles. Like, a lot. Plus side - with the feathered wings, Abby won't really need a duvet!)

Heh, plenty of money in the bank now!

Winter Day 28, Year Two

Illy gives Abby her going-away gift.

Oh, and an amethyst too...

They both watch Queen of sauce and learn how to make stir-fry.

Willy has sent Illy a recipe for escargot as well, that's nice.

Bye bye, animals! Illy loves you!

Bye, bye, Kittymancer!

Illy quickly harvests the ancient fruit crops and drops thirty six into the kegs - Abby will not be struggling for money! There's even three left. Illy holds onto them (one she needs to sell), rather than turning them into seeds, she has a lot of people to see today! Illy forgets to harvest her coffee beans, but nevermind, he's a bit laden with presents anyway!

Parsnip for Pam (since she'd already had two gifts last week and couldn't be given hers last night!)

Coffee for Harvey!

Diamond for Pierre!

Fish taco for Caroline!

Leek for George! (See, Illy can even get a smile out of him!)

Sure, why not hedge your bets! There's plenty of divinities out there!

Pancakes for Jodi!

Diamonds for Olivia and Victor!

Tulip for Evelyn!

Autumn's bounty for Mayor Linkara!

Strawberry for Maru!

Cactus for Sam!

Fairy rose for Jas!

Cranberry candy for Vincent!

Crab cakes for Elliot!

Iridium sunflower for Haley!

Nothing at all for Alex-short-for-Alexander, because screw you!

Frozen tear for Sebby!

Diamond for Robin!

Bean hot pot for Demetrius! Or a diamond, because Illy clicked the wrong thing!


Penny, you're killing Illy you, hear, why did Penny sneak off to the trailer! Illy was SO CLOSE, if Penny hadn't hidden, Illy could have gotten everyone! Now she feels guilty!

(Well, except Krobus (whom Illy completely forgot, oops, Sandy, who was too far away, and Marlon, Gil and Gunther who don't accept gifts anyway.))

Oh well, Illy will just have to give Penny something special next time.

Illy has one last ride on Celestia, down to Rassy's.

A diamond for Rassy!

Illy rides home for the last time for a food while, enjoying the wind and the snow.

Illy settles into her bed, besides her sleeping wife, and drifts off to sleep dreaming of all the adventures that lie ahead of her... And something else...

It must have been so long ago... Illy barely does.

Illy sniffs a bit.

Ooh, ghost grandpa!

Ghost-grandpa has no idea, after all she's done, all she became, how much that means to Illy.

Illy waves farewell as the spirit departs.

Monday, Spring Day 1, Year Three

Shrine's lit up!

Today, Illy must depart! But she has a little time to do the chores first, the transport is not coming to pick her up until nine pm.

Well, that's a nice thing to end on!

With her iridium hoe, Illy manages to get the primary crop zones cleared and planted (though she didn't try to put fertiliser down this time). She even manages to prepare the beehive plot (and she does fertilise that!)

Everything is nicely set for Abby now.

Illy takes one last look around the place that has become a new home, perhaps the first true home she's ever known. A place she will come back to. But for now, Illy must head out, for she has many sins to atone for, and her work as a magical paladin is just about to start.

The quiet of the valley is interrupted by the hum of an approaching shuttle. It hovers on grav engines which do not even disturb Illy's freshly-tilled soil, and drops a landing ramp. Alluria stands in the entrance.

Abby comes out, followed by Haley, Emily, Penny, Maru and Leah and each of them and gives Illy one last kiss. (Penny is given her parting gift of an emerald as well!) Robin, Illy's best friend here, gives her a good slap on the back and tells her not to do anything she wouldn't do.

Alluria floats down to meet them all, and they have but a few minutes to say hello and goodbye. There are a few tears all round, but then it is time. Illy and Alluria extend their wings and a single beat carries them both (and Illy's bags) onto the shuttle's gantry.

As she turns, Illy calls out she loves them all, and that she will keep in touch. The girls wave. Then the door slides shut, and the shuttle ascends into the night. The girls watch for a while, and then head back inside, closing the door behind them.

Concluding thoughts

I choose to end it here as a natural break-point. At this point, I have now logged as many hours on Stardew Valley as I have on Pillars of Eternity 2 (and that includes the 20 hours of the first playthrough I aborted!) Now, granted, some of that includes the write-up time as well! It also has the most screenshots of any I've ever done, over 2200.

Carrying on with the let's play through year three would have probably been another 70 or so hours and I felt it might be good to call it here, rather than have it peter out because my notorious computer-game ADD kicked in. We're also about out of story stuff (bar the heart events for some of the characters Illy hasn't maxed out) - there are no outstanding quests at the moment - and, as you've noticed the last couple of instalments got a bit dry in places. So this was a good place to leave off.

Can't really complain for a game I bought for, like £4 and wasn't sure I'd play for more than a couple of hours!

This is not necessarily the very last will we see of Erinyes Farm, as I might pop back to it (quite likely, actually, with Stuff Still To Do...!) at some point down the line. (I will probably also update Stardew Valley Expanded to a newer version (once came out part-way through), but I couldn’t be arsed to do that while I was playing this.)

(Though, given the the thread necromancy rules here, it might have to just be on the fimfic blog if by the time I come back to it, the limit has expired.)

So, how has Illy done?

Illy ended with 112360g, which is not too terrible for a mostly-blind playthrough and given she did blow so much on those stacks of stone. That said, the money will start to roll in now, as the wine kicks into high gear. A new game and I would probably do a lot better. (I didn't look at the wiki for values and stuff until I'd experimented, and only went looking for things in the end when I was stuck.)

Illy has ten in farming, mining and foraging, with nine is fishing and combat.

Illy is at 11/12 hearts with Abby, and ten hearts with Robin, Pam, Maru, Jodi, Linus, Haley, Leah, Rasmodius, Emily, Caroline, Mayor Linkara, Jas, Penny, Evelyn, Marnie and Demetrius. Below that is Pierre (9), Gus (8), Elliot, Sam, Vincent and Kent (6), Sandy, Olivia and Willy (5), Clint, George and Harvey (4), Krobus and Andy (3), Sebastian (2), Victor (1) and Shane and Alex-short-for-Alexander (0, but with the latter at the bottom of the list!)

She's completed the minerals (and almost the crops, if she'd not forgotten to ship an ancient fruit then!), and all but one secret note (albeit with a few still unsolved); she's only got about half the artefacts, and maybe three-quarters of the fish and food.

Out of the 28 in-game achievements, she's got twenty-two (and the rest pertain to completing the above collections, plus crafting everything and shipping everything (and shipping 15 of each crop).

I am, in the end, very glad that I didn't do this as game!Bleakbane. Illy made for a much better protagonist in this instance, where self-insert-me would not have been anywhere near as suitable in the way of narrative. It was also rather fun to be so... Uncharacteristically racy in places.

I was not terribly sold on the animals. While they did provide a steady flow of eggs and milk, having to pet them every day uses a lot of time. On a subsequent playthrough, I might be tempted to not bother with ducks, rabbits or sheep and just have more chickens or void chickens. I was also slightly miffed that the barn animals never had any babies, but the chance is apparently extremely low (like a quarter of a percent per night).

One trick I'd missed was to have put a shed in the crafting zone and dumped all the crafting machinery stuff in there, with the shipping bin right next to it, which might have saved some space and been more efficient. Something to try for another time.

Fishing... Still not a fan, but I think eventually, the people on the net are right, you do start to get some sort of feel for it. But the difficulty curve is well backwards, which makes it so damn hard to get started. That was probably the worst part of the game (aside from the arcade mini-games in the pub.)

The crab-pots were useful-ish, providing a steady flow of fish at minimum effort for crafting, but again, one wonders if the time might be better spent in some other ways.

Panning seemed like it was entirely a waste of an inventory slot to carry the dish around, especially late as it was. I saw spots only three or four times and that was it.

On another playthrough, I think I would set up a line of trees on one or maybe both sides of the lane between the farm and the village for tapping (and a slight bias towards pine tar (rain totems) and oak resin (kegs)), the earlier the better.

The outside fruit trees feel a bit pointless at this stage, and even having more than one of each type in the greenhouse feels excessive; the fruit bats may be a better option for just getting them for completing the community centre bundles (given the excess of mushrooms I had).

So, overall, Stardew Valley can pat itself on its back. I can see this filling the role that War for the Overworld and Dungeons 3 fills, where I will go back between other games for a few hours for a break and something not too taxing.

I hope you have enjoyed this playthrough and thanks for reading!

Now I suppose I had better get back and finish off PoE 2, since I have a kazillion other games yet to play!

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