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  • 145 weeks
    State of the Author

    Hello everyone, it’s been some time since I’ve posted anything. So I figured now was as good a time as any to blog about what I’m currently up to.

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  • 235 weeks
    What to name Puzzle’s organization?

    So as many of you have no doubt noted in Freeport Venture: Tears in the Rain, there’s going to be some restructuring within Puzzle’s organization. Among those changes will be Puzzle giving his organization an actual name. Though as of this moment I haven’t found a name that I’m satisfied with yet, so I thought I would turn to my many wonderful readers and see if they could come up with

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  • 247 weeks
    Winningverse/Freeport Venture/ Lunar Rebellion Timeline

    Below is a general timeline of significant events in the main continuity to give an idea of how everything is ordered, even if this is by no means a comprehensive list of events. Things are also subject to change as new stories are written, and we come up with new ideas with which to expand on.

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  • 247 weeks
    Winningverse/Freeport/Rising Fire and Other AU's Explained

    With the publishing of Rising Fire I couldn’t help but notice that there was a bit of confusion of what is and isn’t canon in the Winningverse, and how everything is interrelated with one another. So I decided to write up this blog post in the hopes of clearing some stuff up. In truth, I’ve been thinking about making a few posts for the Winningverse group forum for a FAQ and an updated

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  • 253 weeks
    BronyCon 2019: The End of an Era

    There is something inherently sad about something coming to an end. Something unique and wonderful is now over, and I found myself writing this at the airport and on the airplane, waiting, leaving Baltimore, perhaps for the last time. It’s as I do so that I contemplate the past, present, and future both for myself and the fandom. 

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Winningverse/Freeport Venture/ Lunar Rebellion Timeline · 12:34am Sep 15th, 2019

Below is a general timeline of significant events in the main continuity to give an idea of how everything is ordered, even if this is by no means a comprehensive list of events. Things are also subject to change as new stories are written, and we come up with new ideas with which to expand on.

For the sake of simplicity, dates will be listed under Celestia’s Reign (CR) and Before Celestia’s Reign (BCR), which started immediately after Nightmare Moon’s banishment. Really, just about every nation has its own calendar, and Equestria had three at one point. With Pegasopolis’ starting date going all the way back to Lyequigus founding Pegasopolis back during the Old Kingdoms Era (even if the date for when he did so it up for debate). The Earth Pony Government starting date is when they re-founded their government in the New World, and unlike the other Equestrian nations, have their months go off lunar cycles instead of an arbitrary number of days. Though both of these calendars were discontinued after the Lunar Rebellion and the full unification of Equestria.

Then Unicornia restarts its years when a new monarch comes to rule. For example, Queen Platinum’s first year of rule when refounding Unicornia in the New World would have been Platinum’s Reign 1 (PR 1). Really, for the current era, we should be on Celestia’s Second Reign (CSR) due to there being a period of time when she made Luna her co-queen (Celestia & Luna’s Reign- CLR) before Nightmare Moon was banished. Though unless asked to be more technically accurate, I’ll be using the more simple to understand CR.


The Old Kingdoms
Pre-800 BCR
Before the founding of Equestria, there existed multiple thriving nations in the Old World. Nations consisting of a variety of different sapient species and governments competed, traded, and allied with one another. Nations rose and fell over the centuries, and conflicts were a regular occurrence.

The Great Migration
~800 BCR

Disaster strikes the Old Kingdoms with the coming of the Windegoes and the biting eternal winter they bring. Faced the onslaught of the Windegoes that made their homes increasingly inhospitable, many chose to migrate to new lands. Those that didn’t perished, and the Old Kingdoms became little more than a frozen wasteland.

Finding a new land, many new realms were founded, including Pegasopolis, the Earth Pony Government, Unicornia, Yakyakistan, the feudal kingdoms that would one day consolidate into Gryphonia, the Crystal Empire, zebrican kingdoms, and Selerika.

The Founding of Equestria
~800 BCR

Pegasopolis, the Earth Pony Government, and Unicornia come together to write the Equestrian Accords, creating the Confederacy of Equestria. While each still independent nations in their own rights, they agree to cooperate in defense and the sharing of resources and skills. Pegasopolis offered its military might and weather control, Unicornia with crafts and unicorn magic, and the Earth Pony Government with its own crafts and crops. 

Founding of Freeport
~770 BCR

The founding of Freeport is disputed topic, but the most popular story is that pirates looking to make a haven for their ships discovered the Freeport Harbor within the Freeport Archipelagoes. Seeing an ideal place to build a port of call, they made their new base there. Over the centuries Freeport became an infamous pirate stronghold, being ruled over by a variety of pirate kings, archons, pirate councils, and anyone with the strength, intelligence, and strength of will to pull power from the previous holder.

The Fall of Manehattan
~600 BCR

Reivers from the Kingdom of Gryphonia attack Equestria and its neighbors in increasing numbers, and with every year penetrate further and further into their borders. The menace becomes an outright crisis as whole reiver armies start to organize to invade, loot, and plunder all in their paths. When a reiver general is slain by Pegasopolian soldiers, his sons decide to take revenge, and strike for Manehattan. The capital of the Earth Pony Government fell to the reivers, and the reivers gained an important base with which to strike into the very heart of Equestria. This is the start of a century of crisis for Equestria. 

The Pillars of Equestria
~500 BCR

With gryphon reivers and a growing number of monster attacks across Equestria, Starswirl the Bearded organized the Pillars of Equestria to try and push back the mounting threats against Equestria. They succeeded for a time, managing to pull Equestria from the brink by defeating several monsters and other threats. But then the Pillars mysteriously disappeared, and Equestria started sliding back into perpetual crisis.

The Age of Discord

The spirit of chaos known as Discord suddenly appeared in Equestria to cause chaos throughout the land. His efforts created such anarchy in the land that it’s impossible to even date when this period began or how long it lasted. 

Rise of the Royal Alicorn Sisters
~500 BCR

Celestia and Luna are born to the Royal House of Platinum in Unicornia. The birth of two alicorns to the royal house made the other two nations of Equestria nervous about Unicornia’s designs, and thus Luna was given as a hostage to Pegasopolis to raise and train in their ways. In time Celestia inherited her mother’s crown to become Queen of Unicornia, and Luna became the Commander of Pegasopolis. In time they discovered the Elements of Harmony, and used them to seal Discord into stone.

The Liberation of Manehattan
~470 BCR

Running on the platform of a united Equestria liberating Manehattan, Celestia won the Earth Pony Government elections to become chancellor. All three Equestrian governments now under their rule, the Royal Sisters organized a campaign to retake Manehattan from the gryphon reivers. They succeeded in taking the city after a siege. Following up on their success, the Royal Sisters launched an invasion into Gryphonia itself. There they won a major battle and Luna killed the Gryphonian High King. The war was brought to an end, and the reiver threat never proved as menacing to Equestria ever again.

Equestrian Expansion
~470 BCR-0 CR

With the successful defeat of Gryphonia, the Royal Sisters begin the long process of stabilizing their rule and expanding Equestria’s power. Through war and diplomacy, Equestria comes to absorb many of its neighbors. Eventually Equestria’s borders come to dominate much of the continent.

The Crystal Empire War
~100 BCR

Sombra overthrew the royal house of the Crystal Empire and crowned himself king. He then launched a war of conquest against his neighbors with the intention of taking over the world. Seeing that Sombra had no end to his ambitions and his use of black magic, an alliance was formed between Equestria, Yakyakistan, and the caribou tribes lead by the dragon Argentium the Runescaled. The alliance drove back Sombra’s armies, but when Sombra was defeated in personal combat by the Royal Sisters he cursed the Crystal Empire’s capital to disappear. With Sombra and the Crystal Empire defeated, the alliance partitioned the Empire’s lands between themselves.

The Golden Path
~100 BCR

Having long endured the corrupt rule of pirate lords over the course of its existence, the religion known as the Golden Path became extremely popular among the many citizens of Freeport. Preaching about justice and fair rule, the Golden Path called on the people to rise up and overthrow the Pirate King. The following revolt succeeded, and the Golden Path installed several spirits of justice as the rulers of Freeport. Unfortunately, what followed was arguably the most dogmatic and repressive government in Freeport’s history.

Nightmare Moon’s Banishment
1 CR

Growing jealous of her sister’s popularity with the people of Equestria, Luna fell to madness, and attempted to bring about an eternal night over the world. Having little choice in the face of Luna’s growing madness, Celestia banish her sister to the moon with the Elements of Harmony. She was then elected as new Commander of Pegasopolis, making her the sole ruler of Equestria.

The Gryphonian Civil Wars
110-140 CR

The period known as the Gryphonia Civil Wars started when a Pegasopolian reprisal raid against Gryphonian reivers resulted in the Westmarch archduke to be slain. Westmarch’s neighboring lords attempted to take advantage of the duchy being leaderless and invaded, starting a civil war that soon spiraling out of control. The entire country fell into civil war when the high king was slain in battle while attempting to stabilize Westmarch, and left behind no heir. The first stage of the civil wars did not end until High King Severus won the conflict. 

The Lunar Rebellion
110 CR

Feeling neglected by Queen Celestia, the clan heads of Pegasopolis removed Celestia as commander. Then following a controversial election for the EPG chancellor election, the earth ponies erupted into civil war over who should be the chancellor. Pegasopolis declared war on Celestia and Unicornia in support of those that fought against Celestia with the intention of removing the Queen as a ruler in Equestria. After a bloody and destructive civil war, the rebels were defeated, Pegasopolis conquered, and the EPG disbanded. Equestria was reorganized into the Principality of Equestria under its ruler, Princess Celestia, with all three tribes now unified.

Story: The Lunar Rebellion by Chengar Qordath

The Start of the Morning Wars
121 CR

A series of wars break out that badly upsets the balance of the world. Multiple nations go to war in a multitude of different conflicts that range the globe. 

Story: Midnight’s Shadow: The Morning Wars (To Be Published.)

The Westmarch Seizure
122 CR

Tired of the continual threat posed by gryphon reivers and Gryphonia, Equestria invades Gryphonia and carved out a chunk of territory that would become known as Westmarch to serve as a buffer between Equestria and Gryphonia. This would eventually result in the creation of the independent nation of Westmarch.

Zebrican Conquest of Freeport
122 CR

With Golden Path’s rule becoming unstable, Equestria tied down in Westmarch, and Gryphonia falling into the second stage of the Gryphonia Civil Wars, the Zebrican Empire saw a golden opportunity to seize the strategically and economically valuable Freeport Isles. The Sultan sent an invasion force that swiftly defeated the Golden Path and conquered the islands.

Ushabti’s Rebellion, Rise of the Necrocrats
125 CR

Ushabti leads a rebellion against Freeport’s new Zebrican overlords, and with Equestrian support, forces Zebrican forces out of the Freeport islands. He then sets up a new government under the Necrocrats, and this government allows for greater freedom in the magical arts than anywhere else in the world.

The Changeling Civil War
~400-450 CR

Queen Chrysalis experiments with creating more intelligent changelings, resulting in the creation of the Infiltrators. Her new changelings stifle under being treated as no better than slaves by their queen, and the Infiltrators end up revolting again Chrysalis. What results is a decades-long conflict that alternated between all out battles and periods of cloak and dagger intrigue. Thanks in no small part to the Infiltrators being divided into different factions with their own, sometimes opposed, goals, Chrysalis was able to nearly wipe out the Infiltrators as a species. Only a small group of Infiltrators known as the Free Minds survived this conflict.

The Battle of Two Magnuses
540 CR

Necrocrat Magnus Charger launches an invasion of Equestria with Freeport clanponies with the intention of bringing back Pegasopolis. But Magnus’ fellow Necrocrats inform the Equestrians where and when he would be landing, and Magnus Kicker lead a force to intercept him. There Magnus Kicker all but annihilated the clanpony army in battle. Weakened by the disaster, the other Necrocrats took advantage of the situation to wipe out the Charger Clan. 

Torch’s Rebellion
550 CR

Torch Charger leads a slave rebellion against the Necrocrats, leading to their overthrow. In the aftermath the mysterious Council becomes the predominant power and rulers of Freeport. 

Story: The Last Charger by Chengar Qordath

Sunset Shimmer’s Exile
985 CR

After an argument with Princess Celestia, Sunset Shimmer goes into exile. In time she ends up in the disreputable island nation of Freeport. 

Stories: A Moment in the Sun by Chengar Qordath
The Freeport Venture by Chengar Qordath

The First Rising Fire Incident
987 CR

A lich by the name of Rising Fire attacks Starlight Glimmer, claiming that she’s responsible for the destruction of her dimension. Rising fails to accomplish her goals.

Story: Freeport Venture: Blood and Iron by Chengar Qordath

Twilight Sparkle Becomes Celestia’s Student
990 CR

Blackfyre’s Return
989-990 CR

The elder dragon Blackfyre attacks Northmarch and terrorizes the region. He is eventually killed, and his Blightspawn minions hunted down and destroyed.

Story: Northern Venture by Chengar Qordath

Zebrican Civil War
1000 CR

Archon Sunset Shimmer 
1000 CR

Sunset Shimmer becomes Archon of Freeport. 

The Return and Defeat of Nightmare Moon
1000 CR

The Life and Times of a Winning Pony
1001 CR

Report Ponibius · 1,380 views ·
Comments ( 21 )


My brain hurts from all that changed from the Prime Universe (the show itself), and I love history. All seems a stretch.

But this is an Alternate Universe. So that helps.

Twilight Sparkle Becomes Celestia’s Student
993 CR

Personally, I have Twilight as Cakebutt's student for longer than that before Queen Snooty's return. About sixteen years instead of only seven.

The birth of two alicorns to the royal house

Definitely not following canon here, but that is okay. Better to deviate from canon when the story tells it better than canon does.

Hasbro wishes they could write this well. :rainbowwild:

This really helps clear up some things ( and gives us some hints of things to come...). Really glad to have this, great work!


My brain hurts from all that changed from the Prime Universe (the show itself)


Definitely not following canon here, but that is okay. Better to deviate from canon when the story tells it better than canon does.

Honestly, I'm not terribly concerned with perfectly lining up with the show's canon here. The people making the show are clearly making things up as they go with a "whatever gets through the next episode" mentality. There's never been a show bible, and anymore the writers don't even sit down with one another to hammer things out, and are instead given dictates from Hasbro executives. The show isn't even very good at keeping with its own canon and history. One episode we're told Ponyville was founded 700 years ago, and in another we found out that Granny Smith was there with the founding of the town. And that's just one inconsistency of many that I can point out. Not to mention we started writing the Winningverse during season 2 of the show, so little surprise that's going to lead to deviations alone.

What we're going for here is a consistent and interesting history that we feel makes for the best stories. If that means we break with the show's established canon here and there, I can live with that.

Shouldn't Twilight becoming Celestia's student be after Blackfyre due to in the epilogue it mentioning Twilight didn't have her cutiemark yet?

Always nice to get some concrete data like this. I suspect that the timing of Sunset's coup and Nightmare Moon's return isn't just a coincidence.


Honestly, I'm not terribly concerned with perfectly lining up with the show's canon here. The people making the show are clearly making things up as they go with a "whatever gets through the next episode" mentality. There's never been a show bible, and anymore the writers don't even sit down with one another to hammer things out, and are instead given dictates from Hasbro executives. The show isn't even very good at keeping with its own canon and history. One episode we're told Ponyville was founded 700 years ago, and in another we found out that Granny Smith was there with the founding of the town. And that's just one inconsistency of many that I can point out. Not to mention we started writing the Winningverse during season 2 of the show, so little surprise that's going to lead to deviations alone.

You pretty much summed up my thoughts on show canon, and how Hasbro has consistently dictated things that made ABSOLUTELY ZERO SENSE! Seriously... The Pillars as a team gathered to fight the forces of evil... and they eventually created the Elements of Harmony... HASBRO! STAHP!!!

What we're going for here is a consistent and interesting history that we feel makes for the best stories. If that means we break with the show's established canon here and there, I can live with that.

You guys have done even better than that. You have created a consistant world that Hasbro could only dream about. And it is the largest fandom made universe in the fandom. (Kkat and Georg are tied for 2nd place behind you guys) You guys have also created a fandom WITHIN a fandom; the Winningverse fandom only exceeded by the Fo:E fandom.

You guys have done something incredible.


Ah, thank you for this!

Ooh, really nice to see a detailed timeline, thank you. Is this the first time we have a date for Sunset becoming Archon? Well, obviously between the Freeport stories and then her visit to Ponyville but having an exact year is informative (and boy what an eventful year that is). Or maybe it was mentioned in that other story and I missed it (probably).

I like how Celestia's reign in the Winningverse actually has a lot going on in it. To hear the show talk of it, you'd think Equestria was an interesting place for a while, then Luna was banished, and then nothing notable happened for a thousand years straight.

Interesting to see that the founding of Equestria and the Pillars' exploits were hundreds of years apart. So is the Winningverse Star Swirl the Bearded really hundreds of years old, or was that detail in the Hearth's Warming Play about him being Clover the Clever's mentor just historical embellishment?


Yeah, that's the best way to go about it. I tried to nail down a consistent theory of canon for my own universe, incorporating show and comics, reconciling as many contradictions and inconsistencies in the lore as possible, and working out a coherent chronological timeline and magic system. And it worked for a little while, but after season six, the contradictions become so extreme that it's simply impossible. Better to do it as you do and just write good stories, because trying to stick to canon is a fool's errand when canon doesn't even stick to itself.

Talking it with Chengar, we've decided to have Twilight become Celestia's student ten years before the show.

Yeah, one of my complaints about MLP's canon is that apparently almost happens during Celestia's sole rule. Which is just a missed opportunity and boring in my opinion, and just makes it seem like Celestia doesn't really need her sister at all to rule.

We're going with the Hearth's Warming Play being pretty historically inaccurate. Kinda like how Shakespeare's plays tend to grade C+ for historical accuracy.


So what else is inaccurate? Were the windigoes real? Were the founders? What was the real reason they were fighting?

In-universe, it's unknown if the windigoes are wholly responsible for the Great Migration, only played a part in a greater disaster, or are wholly an allegory. Even legends for what fought off the windigoes can vary depending on the nation and people in question. For instance, the Crystal Empire claims the discovery of the Crystal Heart let them keep them at bay with the power of love, where the Equestrians claim they fought them away with friendship. Where the truth lies is subject to debate.

The founders were real, even if the play is fictionalized "based on real historical events" versions of themselves. Their reasons for wanting to fight one another are the typical reasons you often seen nations fight: land, resources, trade, old hatred and scores to settle, stuff like that. Pegasopolis was a pretty militaristic power that by its nature wasn't big into farming or crafts. So they depended on either extracting the resources they needed to survive from their neighbors, or develop a slave-like population of helots to make the food and weapons they need. As a primarily agrarian society, the Earth Pony Government wanted to snatch up as much land as it could to turn into farmland and make many a magnate rich through land speculation. Unicornia wanted to seize resources important to itself (like gem mines), in addition to making itself a hegemony. These were problems going right back to the Old Kingdoms, so it was just about inevitable the three tribes and other nations would clash sooner or later.


Cool. Good to know. Thank you.

sunsets 36 in the timeline

Which is a big part of why I don't like SunLight. If they were the same age or close to it, it would be fine, but the at least ten year age gap between them is gross and uncomfortable.

It’s such a crushing feeling to arrive at a party late, to get really wrapped up in the incredible storytelling and intricate lore of a world so clearly loved, and then only to find out the party is going to end in a few minutes.
I read Life and Times of a Winning Pony for the first time in 2020 during the pandemic, and I became absolutely enthralled with this world and the way these characters are written and portrayed. I especially fell in love with the Lunar Rebellion years, and was ecstatic upon finishing it and seeing MORE stories in that same timeline… only to be absolutely destroyed by the fact that Midnight’s Shadow: Morning Wars is likely never going to be published.
I loved this series, and I’ll likely read all of it again in a couple years just to try and recreate the feeling of reading it again for the first time. I wish the authors and creator of the Winningverse the best of luck in their future projects and goals, truly and absolutely. I’m sad I’ll probably never get to read the end of Midnight’s story, but I’m happy that I found this series and read it despite knowing I’ll never get that ending.
Best of luck out there Bronies. May the sun ever shine on your works of art.

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